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Talk:Isotopes of holmium/Archive 1

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Archive 1


This article is part of Wikipedia:Wikiproject Isotopes. Please keep style and phrasings consistent across the set of pages. For later reference and improved reliability, data from all considered multiple sources is collected here. References are denoted by these letters:

  • (A) G. Audi, O. Bersillon, J. Blachot, A.H. Wapstra. The Nubase2003 evaluation of nuclear and decay properties, Nuc. Phys. A 729, pp. 3-128 (2003). — Where this source indicates a speculative value, the # mark is also applied to values with weak assignment arguments from other sources, if grouped together. An asterisk after the A means that a comment of some importance may be available in the original.
  • (B) National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, information extracted from the NuDat 2.1 database. (Retrieved Sept. 2005, from the code of the popup boxes).
  • (C) David R. Lide (ed.), Norman E. Holden in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85th Edition, online version. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida (2005). Section 11, Table of the Isotopes. — The CRC uses rounded numbers with implied uncertainties, where this concurs with the range of another source it is treated as exactly equal in this comparison.
  • (D) More specific level data from reference B's Levels and Gammas database.
  • (E) Same as B but excitation energy replaced with that from D.
  Z   N refs symbol   half-life                   spin              excitation energy
 67  73 A   |Ho-140  |6(3) ms                    |8+#
 67  73 B   |Ho-140  |6(3) ms                    |(6-,0-,8+)
 67  73 C   |Ho-140  |6 ms                       |
 67  74 A   |Ho-141  |4.1(3) ms                  |(7/2-)
 67  74 B   |Ho-141  |4.1(3) ms                  |7/2-
 67  74 C   |Ho-141  |4.2 ms                     |
 67  74 A   |Ho-141m |6.4(8) µs                  |(1/2+)           |66(2) keV
 67  74 D   |Ho-141m |6.6(8) µs                  |1/2+             |66(12) keV
 67  74 C   |Ho-141m |8 µs                       |
 67  75 A   |Ho-142  |400(100) ms                |(6 to 9)
 67  75 B   |Ho-142  |~0.3 s                     |
 67  75 C   |Ho-142  |0.4 s                      |
 67  76 A   |Ho-143  |300# ms [>200 ns]          |11/2-#
 67  76 B   |Ho-143  |>200 ns                    |
 67  77 ABC |Ho-144  |0.7(1) s                   |
 67  78 A   |Ho-145  |2.4(1) s                   |(11/2-)
 67  78 BC  |Ho-145  |2.4(1) s                   |
 67  78 A   |Ho-145m |100# ms                    |5/2+#            |100(100)# keV
 67  79 AB  |Ho-146  |3.6(3) s                   |(10+)
 67  79 C   |Ho-146  |3.3 s                      |(10+)
 67  80 AB  |Ho-147  |5.8(4) s                   |(11/2-)
 67  80 C   |Ho-147  |5.8 s                      |11/2-
 67  81 ABC |Ho-148  |2.2(11) s                  |(1+)
 67  81 A   |Ho-148m1|9.49(12) s                 |(6)-             |400(100)# keV
 67  81 E   |Ho-148m1|9.59(15) s                 |(6)-             |0+X keV
 67  81 C   |Ho-148m1|9. s                       |4-
 67  81 A   |Ho-148m2|2.35(4) ms                 |(10+)            |690(100)# keV
 67  81 D   |Ho-148m2|2.35(4) ms                 |(10+)            |694.4+X keV
 67  82 AB  |Ho-149  |21.1(2) s                  |(11/2-)
 67  82 C   |Ho-149  |>30. s                     |1/2+
 67  82 AE  |Ho-149m1|56(3) s                    |(1/2+)           |48.80(20) keV
 67  82 D   |Ho-149m2|>=100 ns                   |                 |7200(350) keV
 67  82 C   |Ho-149m2|21. s                      |11/2-
 67  83 A   |Ho-150  |76.8(18) s                 |2-
 67  83 B   |Ho-150  |72(4) s                    |2-
 67  83 C   |Ho-150  |1.3 min                    |
 67  83 A   |Ho-150m1|23.3(3) s                  |(9)+             |-10(50) keV
 67  83 E   |Ho-150m1|23.3(3) s                  |(9)+             |800(110) keV
 67  83 C   |Ho-150m1|25. s                      |(9+)
 67  83 A   |Ho-150m2|751 ns                     |                 |~8000 keV
 67  84 A   |Ho-151  |35.2(1) s                  |11/2(-)
 67  84 B   |Ho-151  |35.2(1) s                  |(11/2-)
 67  84 C   |Ho-151  |35.2 s                     |
 67  84 AE  |Ho-151m |47.2(10) s                 |1/2(+)           |41.0(2) keV
 67  84 C   |Ho-151m |47. s                      |
 67  85 AB  |Ho-152  |161.8(3) s                 |2-
 67  85 C   |Ho-152  |2.4 min                    |(3+)
 67  85 AE  |Ho-152m1|50.0(4) s                  |9+               |160(1) keV
 67  85 C   |Ho-152m1|50. s                      |(9+)
 67  85 AD  |Ho-152m2|8.4(3) µs                  |19-              |3019.59(19) keV
 67  86 ABC |Ho-153  |2.01(3) min                |11/2-
 67  86 AE  |Ho-153m1|9.3(5) min                 |1/2+             |68.7(3) keV
 67  86 C   |Ho-153m1|9.3 min                    |5/2
 67  86 D   |Ho-153m2|229(2) ns                  |(31/2+)          |2772 keV
 67  87 AB  |Ho-154  |11.76(19) min              |2-
 67  87 C   |Ho-154  |12. min                    |1-
 67  87 A   |Ho-154m |3.10(14) min               |8+               |238(30) keV
 67  87 E   |Ho-154m |3.10(14) min               |8+               |0+X keV
 67  87 C   |Ho-154m |3.3 min                    |(8+)
 67  88 AB  |Ho-155  |48(1) min                  |5/2+
 67  88 C   |Ho-155  |48. min                    |(5/2+)
 67  88 AD  |Ho-155m |880(80) µs                 |11/2-            |141.97(11) keV
 67  89 AB  |Ho-156  |56(1) min                  |4-
 67  89 C   |Ho-156  |56. min                    |(5+)
 67  89 A   |Ho-156m1|7.8(3) min                 |(9+)             |100(50)# keV
 67  89 E   |Ho-156m1|7.8(3) min                 |9+               |52.4+X keV
 67  89 C   |Ho-156m1|5.8 min                    |
 67  89 A   |Ho-156m2|9.5(15) s                  |1-               |52.4(5) keV
 67  89 E   |Ho-156m2|9.5(15) s                  |1-               |52.4 keV
 67  90 ABC |Ho-157  |12.6(2) min                |7/2-
 67  91 ABC |Ho-158  |11.3(4) min                |5+
 67  91 A   |Ho-158m1|28(2) min                  |2-               |67.200(10) keV
 67  91 E   |Ho-158m1|28(2) min                  |2-               |67.199(10) keV
 67  91 C   |Ho-158m1|28. min                    |2-
 67  91 A   |Ho-158m2|21.3(23) min               |(9+)             |180(70)# keV
 67  91 E   |Ho-158m2|21.3(23) min               |(9+)             |180# keV
 67  91 C   |Ho-158m2|21. min                    |(9+)
 67  92 ABC |Ho-159  |33.05(11) min              |7/2-
 67  92 AE  |Ho-159m |8.30(8) s                  |1/2+             |205.91(5) keV
 67  92 C   |Ho-159m |8.3 s                      |1/2+
 67  93 ABC |Ho-160  |25.6(3) min                |5+
 67  93 AE  |Ho-160m1|5.02(5) h                  |2-               |59.98(3) keV
 67  93 C   |Ho-160m1|5.0 h                      |2-
 67  93 A   |Ho-160m2|3 s                        |(9+)             |197(16) keV
 67  93 E   |Ho-160m2|3 s                        |(9+)             |169.6+X keV
 67  93 C   |Ho-160m2|3. s                       |1+
 67  94 ABC |Ho-161  |2.48(5) h                  |7/2-
 67  94 AE  |Ho-161m |6.76(7) s                  |1/2+             |211.16(3) keV
 67  94 C   |Ho-161m |6.8 s                      |
 67  95 ABC |Ho-162  |15.0(10) min               |1+
 67  95 A   |Ho-162m |67.0(7) min                |6-               |106(7) keV
 67  95 E   |Ho-162m |67.0(7) min                |6-               |~106 keV
 67  95 C   |Ho-162m |1.12 h                     |6-
 67  96 ABC |Ho-163  |4570(25) a                 |7/2-
 67  96 AE  |Ho-163m |1.09(3) s                  |1/2+             |297.88(7) keV
 67  96 C   |Ho-163m |1.09 s                     |(1/2+)
 67  97 ABC |Ho-164  |29(1) min                  |1+
 67  97 A   |Ho-164m |38.0(10) min               |6-               |139.77(8) keV
 67  97 E   |Ho-164m |37.5(+15-5) min            |6-               |139.77(8) keV
 67  97 C   |Ho-164m |38. min                    |(6-)
 67  98 ABC |Ho-165  |STABLE                     |7/2-
 67  99 AB  |Ho-166  |26.83(2) h                 |0-
 67  99 C   |Ho-166  |1.117 d                    |0-
 67  99 AE  |Ho-166m1|1.20(18)E+3 a              |(7)-             |5.985(18) keV
 67  99 C   |Ho-166m1|1.2E+3 a                   |7-
 67  99 D   |Ho-166m2|185(15) µs                 |3+               |190.9052(20) keV
 67 100 A   |Ho-167  |3.1(1) h                   |7/2-
 67 100 B   |Ho-167  |3.003(18) h                |7/2-
 67 100 C   |Ho-167  |3.1 h                      |(7/2-)
 67 100 AD  |Ho-167m |6.0(10) µs                 |3/2+             |259.34(11) keV
 67 101 ABC |Ho-168  |2.99(7) min                |3+
 67 101 A   |Ho-168m1|132(4) s                   |(6+)             |59(1) keV
 67 101 E   |Ho-168m1|132(4) s                   |(6+)             |~59 keV
 67 101 C   |Ho-168m1|2.2 min                    |
 67 101 D   |Ho-168m2|>4 µs                      |(1)-             |143.4(2) keV
 67 101 D   |Ho-168m3|108(11) ns                 |1+               |192.6(2) keV
 67 102 A   |Ho-169  |4.7(1) min                 |7/2-
 67 102 B   |Ho-169  |4.72(10) min               |7/2-
 67 102 C   |Ho-169  |4.7 min                    |(7/2-)
 67 103 A   |Ho-170  |2.76(5) min                |6+#
 67 103 B   |Ho-170  |2.76(5) min                |(6+)
 67 103 C   |Ho-170  |2.8 min                    |6+
 67 103 A   |Ho-170m |43(2) s                    |(1+)             |100(80) keV
 67 103 E   |Ho-170m |43(2) s                    |(1+)             |120(70) keV
 67 103 C   |Ho-170m |43. s                      |1+
 67 104 A   |Ho-171  |53(2) s                    |7/2-#
 67 104 B   |Ho-171  |53(2) s                    |(7/2-)
 67 104 C   |Ho-171  |53 s                       |
 67 105 ABC |Ho-172  |25(3) s                    |
 67 106 A   |Ho-173  |10# s                      |7/2-#
 67 106 B   |Ho-173  |~10 s                      |
 67 107 A   |Ho-174  |8# s                       |
 67 107 B   |Ho-174  |~8 s                       |
 67 108 A   |Ho-175  |5# s                       |7/2-#
 67 108 B   |Ho-175  |~5 s                       |

Femto 12:43, 15 November 2005 (UTC)


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Main Isotopes: 166m1

I edited the introduction to change 166m to 166m1. This isotope should also appear in the main isotopes table due to its long half life. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:43, 24 December 2020 (UTC)

Large Break

I notice a large break from the heading "List of isotopes" and the table, probably due to the holmium isotopes template on the right, which could be a bit too wide. This break seems unnatural to the article, so is there any way to fix this? --Ammonium121 (talk) 23:07, 1 February 2021 (UTC)

It might be a display issue on your device if you have a small screen; if the zoom is high enough or the screen width is less than the combined width of the isotopes table and isobox, there is a gap. I don't have it at my normal zoom, and there's nothing else in the wikitext causing it, so the only way to fix it would be zooming out or using a different device. ComplexRational (talk) 23:27, 1 February 2021 (UTC)