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Völuspa, str. 7, describes Idavoll.

On Ida Plain met the mighty gods; Shrines and temples they timbered high, They founded forges to fashion gold, Tongs they did shape and tools they made. (Hollander, Lee; 1962)

The Aesir met on Idavoll Plain, They built altars and high temples; They set up their forges, smithed precious things, Shaped tongs and made tools. (Larrington, Carolyne; 1996)

Snorri's Prose Edda, XIV, contains a longer description.

Then said Gangleri: "What did Allfather then do when Ásgarð was made?" Hárr answered: "In the beginning he established rulers, and bade them ordain fates with him, and give counsel concerning the planning of the town; that was in the place which is called Ida-field, in the midst of the town. It was their first work to make that court in which their twelve seats stand, and another, the high-seat which Allfather himself has. That house is the best made of any on earth, and the greatest; without and within, it is all like one piece of gold; men call it Gladsheim. They made also a second hall: that was a shrine which the goddesses had, and it was a very fair house; men call it Vingólf. Next they fashioned a house, wherein they placed a forge, and made besides a hammer, tongs, and anvil, and by means of these, all other tools. After this they smithied metal and stone and wood, and wrought so abundantly that metal which is called gold, that they had all their household ware and all dishes of gold; and that time is called the Age of Gold.” (Brodeur, Arthur; 1916)