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Talk:Hong Kong cuisine/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Page move/rename

This page should be moved to Cuisine of Hong Kong to bring it more in line with other Cuisine of foo? Most people looking for Hong Kong food would be searching for Cuisine of Hong Kong, and eating culture is a much less widely-used term. --Yuje 18:29, July 19, 2005 (UTC)

Is this currently nominated to Wikipedia:Requested moves? Or it's just meant to be an ordinary discussion (i.e. not subjected to the directions of WP:RM)? — Instantnood 19:59, July 19, 2005 (UTC)

I remain neutral on the move. But as the one who created this page, I guess I'd be in a better position to explain why it was titled as such. I used "eating culture" instead of "cuisine" because many different cuisines and eating cultures, in addition to the indigenious, have been incorporated into the popular eating culture of Hong Kong, and have been integral part of it. — Instantnood 17:22, July 22, 2005 (UTC)

In line with the move of this page, the Category:Hong Kong eating culture should also be moved to Category:Cuisine of Hong Kong. I understand that food in Hong Kong incorporates different culinary traditions, but if these have indeed become an integral part of its culture, that would be part of its cuisine.--Yuje 00:30, July 26, 2005 (UTC)
Indeed. Cuisine is not a fixed entity in which something has to be "indigenious" or "local" before it can be called as such. Hong Kong is not the only place on Earth in which "foreign food" is localised. Most food on earth go through the exact same process, and I do wonder how tenable it is to argue that food in any locality is "not a cuisine" because it is not "original" enough. Hence, I have no objections to this move, or to that of the corresponding category.--Huaiwei 08:54, 14 September 2005 (UTC)

shouldn't we move the contents of this page to cantonese cuisine? Weili 07:16, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

no, this is more about the culture of food in Hong Kong; cantonese cuisine can be taken as only one type of popular food in Hong Kong. Justicelilo 16:14, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

I just want to say, this is a really cool article

n/aJusticelilo 13:05, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

This article is making me hungry...The last time I was in HK was in August of 2006.--HashiriyaGDB (talk) 09:03, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

Some Comments

Great article. I do have a few suggestions for improving or expanding upon it.

In the "Western Fast Food" section, you mention that these restaurants are "Western style fast food are essentially replicas." As someone who lives in the US and recently had an extended stay in Hong Kong for several weeks, this is hardly the case from what I saw. While there are some franchises that are quite similar to their US counterparts (McD's, Burger King, Krispy Kreme), there are others that are radically different. Pizza Hut sticks out as one where it is transformed into a more upscale sit-down experience similar to California Pizza Kitchen. The menu is also adapted and includes rather interesting combinations like Deluxe Scallop Pizza (something that was recently advertised all over some MTR stations!). In other cases, the menus are heavily adapted for the HK palate. KFC is one example of this. Sure, they still serve fried chicken, but they offer rice bowls and rice plates, which comprise a better part of the menu.

The next part I'd tweak would be the Italian Cuisine section. I would mention that places like The Spaghetti House offer what I'd consider as Italian food that's adapted for the HK palate. It's clearly not American-Italian food, and it veers actually more towards "HK-Style Sai Chaan" in the style of cooking and ingredients used. For instance, many of the pasta dishes are baked in dishes, and they use ingredients such as chopped sausage, a very HK thing to do (and quite yummy!).

Under the Japanese section, it would be worth mentioning Teppanyaki in there. It's popular in HK and is definitely worth of mention.

Under "Eating habits", you mention that portions in HK are smaller, which is definitely true, but you should also mention that prices are comparatively cheaper too. If you mention the napkin habit, you might as well pop in a little something about the 10% "mandatory" service fee that most restaurants charge.

Lastly, I think that it would be worth adding in a section on supermarkets. With the emergence of higher end markets such as Taste, C!ty Super, Great, and Gourmet, it's worth bringing these great markets to light. As someone from the US who's used to high end markets like Whole Foods, I came off as extremely impressed with these modern, high end markets and think that these should be mentioned.

Edit - I'm a little irked at all of typos/grammar errors. If nobody else takes this on, I'll be glad to go through and fix these up. -- Jon914 07:36, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

I agree with much of your take. When I was back in HK in March I took photos of Pizza Hut and KFC and showed them to friends when I returned to New Zealand. The Kiwis remarked how up-market Pizza Hut outlets are and the KFC being "Asianized".
In addition I think some HK Wikipedians seem intent on concealing that Hong Kong is Cantonese in culture and our cuisine originated from Cantonese-speaking regions, in particular Canton/Guangzhou. I made some edits but I think anyone with more info should orient the article to reflect that Hong Kong's default culture is Cantonese and nowhere is this more apparent than our cuisine. --JNZ 11:19, 10 September 2007 (UTC)
You guys are welcome to make more edits. It probably covers 5% of the cuisine right now, and by no means complete.
About the pizza huts and KFC, please expand on what you feel is pacificized/asianized. I know it has a higher class presentation, but I would find it difficult to deny it as fastfood just because it is "deluxe scallop pizza". US too have 21 toppings pizza. Please expand italian cuisines too.
Cantonese cuisines will likely get a mini section here. We really haven't come around full circle once yet. There is alot missing such as "custom dishes" marketed like popstars in tabloid magazines, HK desserts. That should be added too. Japanese teppenyaki should be mentioned yes. Benjwong 20:20, 11 September 2007 (UTC)
Alright, I've signed up now on WikiPedia and will work on the grammar part for now. I hope that we can expand upon this article and eventually get it moved up the list from Start-Grade. :)
To expand a little bit more on what I said about Italian cuisine, the ingredients used and the taste is entirely different and may come as a surprise to tourists who expect one thing but get another. As I said above, a large number of pasta dishes are baked, au gratin style, in a clay pot, and this alone imparts an earthy flavor that is akin to what you get when you cook normal stuff in a claypot such as a rice dish. Where it's more obvious is the ingredient usage. Things like sausage, ham and luncheon meat are not used at all in international or American Italian cuisine. That's something only found in HK. The tomato sauce used is the same sauce used in the HK-style cafes, which is a creamy sauce that has no acidity, no sourness, and no chunks of tomato. I don't think we can actually encode all of this into the article, but it's definitely worth mentioning that popular chains like the Spaghetti House have localized the cuisine to adapt it to the HK palate.
To drag another cuisine in, the same could be said of Indian cuisine, at least from what I saw. There's a little chain of fast food "Indian" restaurants called Curry in a Hurry, and you tend to find them in C!tySuper food courts. I would call that another case of HK-adapted cuisine. While they hired an Indian cook who was flipping freshly made roti, the dishes themselves were very un-Indian, and tended to feature stuff like curry pork chop over rice. Pork is not used in Indian cuisine at all. :)
Now, about KFC, in the US and Western countries, it's strictly Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and the basics. In HK, I saw things such as rice bowls (Chicken a la King), Chicken Cutlet over Rice, Baked Chicken in Tomato Sauce over Rice (like what the HK-style cafes would serve) Portuguese egg tarts, and more. That's definitely a case where the KFC concept got adapted for HK.
In the case of Pizza Hut, I saw actual table service (waiters taking orders). There were cloth napkins, real plates, real silverware. The menu is also different and features pasta dishes, something not offered here in the US to my knowledge. In fact, now that I look at their site, they have an entire pasta and rice menu with the pasta stuff looking like the Spaghetti House offerings (and in HK fashion, they are baked in a pot, not put on a plate in many cases), and the rice stuff being your typical baked [meat here] over rice or curry over rice. Making me hungry. :) Anyways, that's a wrap on that. See the Pizza Hut HK site for more details: http://www.pizzahut.com.hk/en/menu/dine_in/rice.html -- Jon914 07:36, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Jon, I think you have probably addressed pretty much what I saw in HK in March. I also saw something like Japanese teriyaki chicken bento being sold when I was there. Pizza Hut is definitely more upmarket in HK when compared with New Zealand: over there you have dishes like shrimp cocktail, roasted rack of lamb, salmon pancake rolls, mussels in white wine, which are simply not available in Pizza Hut outlets in NZ. The most expensive food item at Pizza Hut in NZ is perhaps pizza or hot wings. Have a look at https://pizzahut.rbnzsecure.co.nz and http://www.pizzahut.com.hk/en/home.html you will find a very good comparison between the two franchises. --JNZ 08:24, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Yah, I actually just visited 2 weeks ago for a span of 2 weeks (yes, that means a lot of HK meals!), so a lot of this is fresh in my mind. Overall, a lot of the chains here are just greatly expanded in scope in HK, but as we both notice, Pizza Hut probably represents the starkest difference. It's interesting that you mention that HK has Rack of Lamb while NZ doesn't. Doesn't a lot of lamb come over from NZ? Jon914 08:28, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Indeed it is. I think this shows that Pizza Hut in NZ is a cheap food outlet while the same franchised chain in HK is a restaurant chain. It is probably rated only a little better than McDonald's in terms of class - if you need to have rack of lamb the cheapest one you will go to would be Monteith's or Cobb and Co which are proper diner restaurants. --JNZ 09:35, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
If you have a picture (with a usable license) of the toppings and pizza. You practically have enough info for a full HK pizza article all by itself. There are plenty of varieties at the pizza page, you can see others for example. Benjwong 06:39, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
Unfortunately, I don't since I did not eat pizza on the trip. I only ate pasta dishes at The Spaghetti House and have a few photos of those that I can share if an HK Pasta or HK Italian Food article is ever made. On a humorous note though, I did notice that many of the pizza dishes involved thousand island dressing. What was the reason behind that? Jon914 07:42, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
Yeah you can replace the generic italian food pic on this page with the HK-italian pic. I think the HK tomato sauce taste different, that's the only comparison I have. Thousand island dressing must be a new trend? Benjwong 21:30, 15 September 2007 (UTC)

Japanese Cuisine

OK, I'm starting a new section in this discussion to keep things tidy.

I added a little mention of Teppanyaki and fixed up the wording a little bit. Do you think it's worth mentioning that Causeway Bay has the highest concentration of Japanese restaurants? I can't remember the source, but I did read it while on the trip, and it's certainly true if you observe. Jon914 09:19, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

Indian Cuisine

Edited the wording here, but I have a few comments and questions about a few of the items.

Curry Beef as a sample dish is a little iffy given that the cow is a sacred animal in India and is not served there at all. Replace it with Roti, which is actually not an Indian invention at all (it's a Malaysian invention) but is served and featured at all of the Indian restaurants I saw.

Curry Chicken with Biryani is a little inaccurate. It should read as either Curry Chicken with Basmati Rice or Chicken Biryani.

The photo needs a more accurate caption. What exactly is it? It doesn't look at all like curry to me and looks instead like noodles in a chili-based soup with a fried porkchop on the top. There are bean sprouts too, further leading me to believe that this is a noodle soup, not curry at all. Jon914 09:40, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

I am pretty certain chicken and beef are served in HK indian restaurants. So maybe they are breaking the sacred India tradition? I know US definitely would be. The photo is quite temporary and may even be replaced in the future. I think the license was fine back when flickr licenses wasn't fully integrated with wiki. Benjwong 06:52, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
In the US, I have yet to come across a single Indian restaurant that serves beef or pork (chicken, lamb and seafood are always fine), and this is in the San Francisco Bay Area, which has the highest number of Indo-Americans in the nation. Jon914 07:39, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
In Indian food, dishes with meat are often from the north (where Hindus are not a majority) or Muslim parts if from the South - most Hindus are vegetarians so a lot of the meat dishes are in fact non-Hindu dishes. It is not unusual to see beef-based Indian dishes as a result, such as Beef Madras or dum goscht. Having said this, I think you are correct that these are not Beef Madras or some more authentic Indian dishes, but rather, Sinicized versions of 19th century British stews with curry flavours.
Roti is in fact a Malaysian/Singapore variation of parathas, except white flour is used in place of ata, and condensed milk is added in the process. This dish was developed by Indian Tamil migrants to the then British Malaya in the 19th century. --JNZ 11:36, 13 September 2007 (UTC)


Gotta add this to the "cuisine types." These are very popular and differ quite a bit from the American ones.

There are two kinds of buffets that I tried during the trip. There's the international type of buffet such as the ones situated in hotels. While it is international, the variety of food is biased/leaned towards Chinese cuisine as a whole (the "carving station" was replaced my a siu mei station). I tried the rather popular one at the Island Shangri-La. The other type of buffet was the Chinese buffet which served primarily Cantonese cuisine in buffet format, complete with a made-to-order jook station and wonton noodle station.

Conclusion to reach is again that the buffets are localized/adapted to satisfy local HK'ers while remaining international enough to appeal to tourists an businessmen. Jon914 09:31, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

IMHO I think it depends on which hotels you went to. Buffets in HK usually gear towards Western cuisine and my impression is most would have a mix of Western, Japanese, and Southeast Asian dishes like sukiyaki, sashimi, roast beef, oysters, Alaskan crab which are all pricey delicacies if ordered a la carte. I have never seen a lot of places where Chinese dishes are prominent. In fact I can dish out last year (2006)'s local Eat and Travel Weekly (in Chinese) issues to point out the Western food focus of the popular buffets in HK. --JNZ 11:26, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
I can't speak for all hotels, but the Shangri-La was predominantly Chinese/Japanese food, the Intercontinental appeared to be similar with slightly more Western Influence. The all-Chinese one I went to was called The China Club. I know that in the past, the buffets were all strictly Western (in fact, my mom raved about it). The one at the Peninsula is still like this, but I see a trend towards a mix of East and West rather than primarily West from before.Jon914 04:27, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Eating Habits/ Etiquette

I think that these should be merged into one section labeled "Eating Customs" or something like that. This is also where you can mention the 10% "service charge" as well as other HK customs such as the server standing at your table until you pay. ;) Jon914 09:49, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

I think we should cover three things: the etiquettes of eating Chinese food, "Western cuisine", and perhaps a bit of how the rules are adhered to in practice. I think one thing little covered in English-speaking world is that HK Chinese are intimidated by using cutlery in the proper manners, as they are taught by Western etiquettes book authors to adhere to haute cuisine restaurant-grade manner codes when using them. The Chinese Wikipedia has covered briefly about Western etiquettes in some of their articles on Western cuisine and cutlery. --JNZ 19:40, 12 September 2007 (UTC)


I think we should combine all of the fragemented mentions of supermarkets into one section on this. Mention the main chains, both the value and high end stores and link to their pages. Jon914 09:49, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

I used to live in Hong Kong many many moons ago as a child. (It is considered the vintage years of HK - those in the loop will know which years I'm talking about) Back then supermarkets are useful for getting dry goods, rice, instant noodles, and not much else. You wouldn't dream of buying most your daily groceries items like fruit, milk, meat, fish, vegetables from supermarkets. (Those who do will be considered Westernized upper middle class). I know the scene has changed beyond recognition now, so I will let those who know the situation now to update this section. --JNZ 19:41, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
This is actually quite interesting. Back in the day, what you say is absolutely true, and nowadays, a lot of people shop for everything in supermarkets, and the slightly richer folk will shop in the nicer ones to grab their sushi, Japanese beef and imported California fruit (which ironically tasted better than what we have in CA - don't ask...). That all said, some people will still frequent street shops, both rich and old. My relatives do this because the food you get from the streets can often be better than the stuff than the sterile, plastic wrapped stuff you get in the supermarkets, particularly if it's live seafood and meat. Nothing beats tiger prawns when you buy them by the caddy rather than in an aquarium tank.
However, my relatives are wealthy and don't want to mingle with the common folk, so they have the maid do the dirty work, but the point is that both ways still have their place, and both serve all classes of society. That said, it's absolutely right that HK is moving towards the Western way of shopping all under one roof as opposed to going to the butcher, etc.
I do have to say though that the high end supermarkets in HK really offer an unparalleled variety of goods and fresh products that I just cannot find in the US, and they do it in a sleek, modern setting that reminds me more of a Whole Foods. It's really unlike the supermarkets you find here, which are characterized as crowded, narrow aisles, smelly, and unsightly. When I finally visited HK last month, I was floored to see these modern supermarkets. They really are amazing, and it's something that should be better documented because folks overseas simply don't know that there's better out there in the world than plain old 99 Ranch. Jon914 04:33, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

The cuisine pages are usually about food items unless you keep it relatively short. Shopping in Hong Kong is where you can really expand with a food shopping section. Then just link it here. Alittle reference would also help. Benjwong 19:40, 14 September 2007 (UTC)


This part I can't help as much on since my knowledge is limited in this area, but I think that there should be much more on how British culture and customs shaped the cuisine. This is too big an element to miss, but unfortunately, I know little of it. Jon914 09:49, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

This is very tricky. I don't know if the British culture shaped the cuisine as there are clearly other European food more dominant in the territory, namely French and Italian. Benjwong 19:33, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Just to throw out some ideas, how about the whole custom of afternoon tea? Or the incorporation of British ingredients such as beef tongue into the sai chaan restaurants? Jon914 20:54, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Well noon tea is already mentioned at the Chinese tea section. British drinks are also mentioned. If you can add a section and genuinely name a couple of british cuisine dishes that are integrated into the culture, I think it's worth doing. I am not sure beef tongue is really sai chaan? That's more lou mei right? Benjwong 21:22, 15 September 2007 (UTC)


Under the Western Pastry section, it mentions "Maxim's is one of the most popular franchise found in nearly every MTR subway stations." How exactly does Maxim's fit here since it serves primarily the Chinese-style baked goods? Jon914 10:09, 12 September 2007 (UTC)

I think this is written from the local Chinese perspective. For the local HK Chinese the very traditional Chinese bakeries sell food like steamed cake or sweetheart cake and anything that is coming right out of ovens is considered "Western". Maxim's does sell selected items of Western pastries like fruit tart, swiss rolls, some fruit-based gateaux although I think they look more French-inspired than Anglo . But having immigrated to the West for many years I can understand from the POV of Westerners and expats, these pastries do look Chinese or Japanese by flavourings and styles. For example, the loaves of bread are moister, oilier, and sweeter. I also once read that the preparation of cakes at Maxim's tend to take shortcuts when compared with more "authentic Western" pastries found in 4- or 5-starred hotels' patisseries, such as the beating of eggs into cake batter, etc. --JNZ 19:29, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
Ah, I see what you mean, though my line of thinking is much akin to what is presented in the chinese bakery article in that they sell standard non-Western goods like gai pai and pineapple buns in addition to the more Western cakes. Jon914 20:41, 12 September 2007 (UTC)
In the days when I was still living in HK Maxim's didn't sell pineapple buns or other "indigenous Hong Kong bakery foods". They only sell white and wholemeal bread and some gateaux. I did not visit any of their outlets when I was there in March, so has they changed the lineup? --JNZ 06:43, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
The last, last time I visited was many years ago, so it's too long ago for me to recall. It looks like this is a switch which occurred in the last 10-15 years. Jon914 04:29, 14 September 2007 (UTC)


Another major one to add. I haven't looked around all too carefully, but it'll probably be good to add a whole article devoted to HK-style desserts. I had enough [insert fruit here] pudding and mango/sago/pomelo dessert to make my sides split. Jon914 08:54, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

As someone born HK native, is mango pudding a pelicularly Hong Kong dessert? I understand there are cream starch type cold puddings like chocolate pudding in the US, but I remember mango pudding was considered a Western import in the 1980s as a child, while here in NZ (or Australia or Britain) there is no such thing as mango pudding unless you are near a HK-influenced Chinese restaurant. --JNZ 09:12, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
Mango pudding isn't native to HK, but in the spirit of the other sections which reference cuisines from around the world, I suppose it would fall under there. The mango-sago-pomelo combination is definitely something that I only see in HK and *maybe* in Chinatowns. I haven't seen it elsewhere and certainly not in the way it was one in HK where the whole bowl consisted of a whole mango sliced up, pulp from Thai pomelo and then a little bit of sago in the typical sugary syrup.
When I talk about "dessert", I am referring to places such as Honeymoon Dessert, which I saw many times during my trip. These places offer much of the common desserts from HK, all under one roof. Jon914 09:20, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
The mango-sago-pomelo is considered "New styled Chinese/Cantonese cuisine" and I read that it was invented by HK's Lei Garden Restaurant ( http://www.leigarden.com.hk/ ) in 1987. It was definitely a proprietary dessert when I still lived in HK at that time, and even by 1997 it was still something of "you must go to Lee Garden to try" type signature dish. But when I had a trip in March, it was everywhere and very easy to find now. --JNZ 11:21, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

There are a number of classic HK desserts that have articles coming. I don't know about a whole article on desserts, that seems quite a bit. But definitely a section on this page eventually. Benjwong 18:27, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

HK Fast Food

I made some changes to this section. I did some rewording and also made the sample dishes more specific. Porkchop Cutlet was changed to Pork Cutlet and routes to the Tonkatsu article, which is what I think you meant. If not, please route it to the appropriate place. I also changed "Vegetable with oyster sauce" to Chinese Broccoli with Oyster Sauce and routed the chinese broccoli to Gai lan since I think that that's what you meant there.

In time, I think that an article devoted to HK-style fast food is appropriate, and it would include two main sections, one for the sit-down places like Cafe de Coral and Fairwood (summarizing the concept and linking to their respective articles) and one for the food courts, which outlines what they serve, how it differs from the actual cuisine. Jon914 05:19, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

I have started expanding the Fairwood article. It's the first article in which I'm really citing sources, so please check it out and tell me what I'm doing right and wrong. Jon914 06:08, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

HK-style Sai Chaan

I didn't realize that this style of cuisine has gone on the radar screen of Western consciousness. Lonely Planet's World Food Hong Kong and an article by AP in January 2007 reported on this cuisine from a native Western perspective. My feeling is that most real Westerners' attitude to HK-style Sai Chaan will be akin to how Chinese people treat chop suey or American Chinese cuisine ("inauthentic tricks" etc).--JNZ 05:59, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

It is an understandable perspective. Everybody thinks their food is "authentic". Ideally that word is a bit overrated. It's more like how far are you deviating away from the "original recipe". In this case chop suey has existed in American Chinese cuisine for so long, there is no reason to question it. But alot of people still do. Benjwong 20:37, 12 October 2007 (UTC)
Absolutely. Having said this, I know Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese poke fun at our restaurants that we keep on eating Sinicized Western food until very recently. Back to the topic though: are there any more hard boundaries between Cha chaan teng types and the local Western restaurants? The AP article I linked to seems to indicate it is either cha chaan teng (which has become more Chinese) or "Western" Western food in 2007 Hong Kong. Much of the HK-style Western cuisine joints "have disappeared" claimed by the article which I'm not too certain about. --JNZ 02:22, 13 October 2007 (UTC)
Is very difficult to say western cuisine joints have disappeared. Especially when stores spring up and go down every day just from the competition alone. Anyhow I always think of Cha chaan teng as the low end of western cuisine and "Western restaurants" being higher end found in hotels and some malls with high-rent. Benjwong 16:30, 13 October 2007 (UTC)
Don't the ones in hotels and high-end shopping centres such as the Pacific Place offer real Western food? For example, when I was a boy we went to a (kind-of casual) dining restaurant at the then Regent Hotel in Hong Kong, definitely more upmarket than a typical coffee shop you see in 1980s Hong Kong's starred hotels, and yet you didn't have to wear jackets and ties which was de rigeur of more formal dining places like The Gaddi's (as an aside, the restaurant at Regent was located at where the Harbourside buffet restaurant at the now Intercontinental Hotel is). I think this type of restaurants offering "real" Western fares are now everywhere in HK outside the tourist areas while those like Tai Ping Koon have been out-competed by such restaurants on the authentic end, and cha chaan tengs on the Sinicized Western food end. --JNZ 10:27, 14 October 2007 (UTC)

Seafood in Hong Kong

Seafood is pretty popular in Hong Kong. Hong Kong also has a very unique, characteristic cuisine of seafood dishes. There are quite a lot of "seafood restaurants" (read the article "Cantonese restaurant" for more details) all over Hong Kong. In Sai Kung, one can even find an area that is entired filled with seafood restaurants. In typhoon shelters, one can often enjoy "typhoon shelter-fried crab" (避風塘炒蟹). Could somebody write a section on the seafood cuisine of Hong Kong? Thank you.

-New user —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:28, 27 January 2008 (UTC)

IMHO they should be mentioned under Cantonese cuisine section because the cooking style is Cantonese. --JNZ (talk) 11:37, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

War mein

Do we need an article on war mein (窩麵)? Badagnani (talk) 02:54, 2 March 2008 (UTC)

History of Cuisine of Hong Kong

There were a few books by Wan Li Publishing in the late 1980s that outlined Hong Kong's dining history from the founding as a British colony 1841 to its peak in the 1980s, particularly for the Chinese side. Sources on expatriate Western dining tend to be scarce and so I only emphasized the dining among the local Chinese. For the updates from 1990 to today I relied on my own personal experience and Food and Travel Weekly but they are very sketchy at best. If anyone wants I can cite the primary sources for the history section after next month. --JNZ (talk) 07:08, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

Your stuff was very accurate IMHO. If you can add some references that would be great. Benjwong (talk) 05:17, 24 September 2008 (UTC)
Sorry it took me this long to source the sources. Added especially sources by the late Chan Mun-yan (Special Text Editor) (Chinese name 特級校對(陳夢因)), who is the granddaddy of Cantonese foodies and was the first guru as far as 20th century Cantonese and wider Guangdong cuisines are concerned. Even Willie Mak (唯靈) appears amateurish in front of Special Text Editor. --JNZ (talk) 07:01, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

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