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Talk:Hildegard Trabant

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Telephone Book Anomaly


The 1960 and 1963 East Berlin telephone books list no "Trabant" on Tilsiter Straße; only a "Heinz Trabant", 2 Kilometers away, on Kniprodestraße 118B (2015 photos 1,2,3) (also in Friedrichshain, also in NO18) and "Ludwig Trabant" 9 Kilometers away, on Fontanestraße 5, in Oberschöneweide. Pages from the 1963 telephone book are here:: Cover, Page 315, und Close-up.

Frau Trabant was murdered in August 1964. Probably before the 1965 telephone book was published. This is where it now gets interesting.

Under "Trabant", exactly as in 1960 und 1963, Heinz and Ludwig are still there, same Adresses. But unlike in 1960 und 1963, there is now, in 1965, a listing for "Hildegard Trabandt"! Slightly different selling, with a D; Trabandt, not Trabant. But this listing is rather far from Tilsiter Straße; 14 Kilometers, on Pilgramer Straße 180 (2015 photos 1,2,3,4), in Mahlsdorf, in the suburbs of East Berlin. And this Hildegard would remain in the phone book until 1975; with the 1979 publishing, she is gone. Pages from the 1965 telephone book are here: Cover, Page 395, and Close-up. Two questions come to mind.

1) Was this 1965 listing, shortly after the murder in the Gleimviertel in August 1964, for a legitmate person named Hildegard Trabandt, not to be confused with the Berlin Wall victim Hildegard Trabant, or, was this listing part of a Stasi lie, trying to downplay her disapperience?

2) Was there a relationship or connection with Heinz and Ludwig, and what would that relatioinship be? I know, from an E-mail with Die Linke, Treptow-Köpenick, that Ludwig's wife Helga died in 2012, 98 years old. Helga was probably widowed in the mid 80's; the 1984 listing includes Ludwig, and the 1986 listing has Helga in his place, same address and phone number. Heinz maintained his address on Kniprodestraße until at least 1969; with the 1975 publishing, he was gone altogether.Brewer Bob (talk) 17:22, 25 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Even though Hildegard Pohl was only 15/16 years old in 1943, a war was in progress, which theoretically employed everybody in one way or another.

The August 18, 1964 Report of the GDR border troops (Bericht der DDR-Grenztruppen) about the escape attempt and the shooting of Hildegard Trabant listed her as a "Secretary".

There are two listings for a Hildegard Pohl in the 1943 Berliner Adressbuch;

Page 2287 lists both, the first as a Kontorist (clerk), in Kaulsdorf, on Leopoldstrasse 26 (2015 photos 1,2,3,4,5), and the second as a Stenotypist (shorthand typist), in Berlin SO36, on Sülzhayner Strasse 28 (2015 photos 1,2,3,4). Also at Leopoldstrasse 26 is a Max Pohl, a Revisor (auditor).

Page 6463 (Sülzhayner Strasse listing starts on page 6462) is the street listing for the Hildegard Pohl on Sülzhayner Strasse, and page 6709 is the street listing for the Hildegard Pohl on Leopoldstrasse.

Is there any way to know if one of these two Hildegard Pohls is the future Hildegard Trabant? Brewer Bob (talk) 15:29, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]