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Talk:Higher Education Loan Authority of the State of Missouri

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Tagged Unreferenced


I wonder about the legitimacy of this entire article. The creator PGAAtkinson has only worked on this article and the modifications by IP belong to the company the article is about. ARIN says the IP block - (including belong to "Missouri Higher Education Loan SPRINTLINK". Thawt 19:10, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If what you are saying is true, I added the COI (Conflict of Interest) tag to this article. It seems to fit in with the community standards, as COI is not immediately a "badge of shame" but a call for cleanup. (talk) 17:13, 21 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I just did a major overhaul of this article. I've also saved an offline backup as a plaintext file of the edit of this page in case MOHELA's staff/bots reverse my actions. Since your post was in 2012, and given the amount of money involved on MOHELA's side, I think it's a good idea to protect this article from editing.
Jamutaq (talk) 01:37, 6 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

What is "Capitalized Interest"


Example: In theory I paid only about 640 dollars in interest on a parent plus loan with Nelnet, yet my tax statement listed it as 1012 dollars. I called and they said that was "Capitalized Interest". Is that what I use as a tax deduction, who is getting cheated? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:20, 16 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

This is clearly an ad


This is clearly an add. I don't have time for it now, but I'll get around to removing the blatant self-promotion and add in more neutral and negative content. Of course, I'll leave the legitimate and verifiable positive content in accordance with NPOV.

Because MOHELA is such a large and powerful entity which from DuckDuckGo searches clearly is working to suppress negative coverage of its activities, I strongly suggest this article be edit protected, maybe even extend protected, to prevent MOHELA staff/bots from removing negative information.

Jamutaq (talk) 01:10, 6 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hello fellow Wikipedians. I've just heavily edited the article, removing unsourced material, blatant propaganda, self-promotion, weasel words, adding in neutral and negative sources (quite hard to find online, MOHELA must pay to suppress them and excel at SEO.) I've also saved my plaintext version of the article in its entirety, should MOHELA's staff/bots attempt to revert the article to its prior sad state.

Conflict of interest disclosure: I am a borrower from MOHELA. I'm happy to see genuine (e.g. not self-published and from reliable sources) positive information on MOHELA in this article, but digging through search results showed the same type of writing style, so I'm dubious much really exists.

I don't think my edits are unreasonable, and are bold, and not reckless. As stated earlier, I do think this article should be protected due to, shall we say, impassioned and moneyed interests on either side.

Jamutaq (talk) 01:35, 6 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Removed two sections completely without sources


Hi again fellow Wikipedians,

I removed the sections "history and structure" and "income and finance" due to the fact they were completely unsourced. I waited a couple weeks to see if anyone could find sources because I didn't want to be reckless, but I feel it's been time enough, and these sections were frankly just more propaganda.

Jamutaq (talk) 05:17, 19 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]