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Talk:Henry Boernstein

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Current state


This article most needs information about his career after he left for Bremen, and many aspects of his activities before that time need to be developed as well. Bob Burkhardt (talk) 00:42, 18 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Planned revisions


I'm not an expert on this guy, but one of my colleagues is pretty fluent regarding the subject and has raised in conversation the need to create a more robust article. The main problem is that this biography is deficient in the specifics beyond what Wittke wrote.

Here's some of the information that might be considered and potentially used:

  • The complete edition of the Marx-Engels works should be consulted because he worked with the two in 1844 in Paris.
  • Boernstein published an autobiography in the 1880's (2 volumes memoir) in two different editions. The English partial translation is Memoirs of a nobody: the Missouri years of an Austrian radical, 1849-1866 (OCLC 36942531). Original is in the Internet Archive here but appears to be only Volume 1 which deals with Europe to about 1849. The English translation is a translation of Volume 2.
  • He's the author of a novel, The Mysteries of St. Louis (Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis) which was published in St. Louis in English, Czech, French, and German. See OCLC 45827446.
  • He has descendants in New York who have material about him (paintings).
  • The St. Louis Mercantile Library has a collection newspapers and pamphlets from the 1848 revolution in Paris - given to the Mercantile in 1850.
  • Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Six volumes. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1888-1889. [ApCAB]
  • Drake's Dictionary of American Biography. Including men of the time, containing nearly 10,000 notices of persons of both sexes, of native and foreign birth, who have been remarkable, or prominently connected with the arts, sciences, literature, politics, or history, of the American continent. By Francis S. Drake. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1872. [Drake]

--Quartermaster (talk) 15:50, 5 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I think McGreevy was not informed


"In 1852 he published the "anti-Catholic" novel The Mysteries of St. Louis, in many ways an imitation of a bestselling anti-Catholic French novel of the era, Eugène Sue's Le Juif errant, which, despite its title, is about a priest.(McGreevy) In Mysteries Boernstein describes "decadent" priests teaching at the Catholic sponsored St. Louis University.(McGreevy)"

  • 1 reason Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. 2 Vol. Hotop, Cassel 1851
  • 2 reason Börnstein translated: Eugene Sue: Die Geheimnisse von Paris. 8 Bde. und 4 Supplement-Bde. Mit Illustrationen von Theodor Hosemann. Deutsch von A. Diezmann und Heinrich Börnstein. Meyer & Hofmann, Berlin 1843
  • 3 reason Sue Mysteries of Paris correspondent with H.B.s novel Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis
  • 4 The books has been publishes 1851 not 1852.
  • McGrevy perhaps did not no that Sue has written Le Juif errant and Les Mystères de Paris. Two different books. The Geheimnisse fit better, what Börnstein did. Below you can read the second edition of Börnstein book.
  • Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. Vol. 1. Verlags-Bureau, Hamburg 1868 MDZ Reader
  • Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. Vol. 2. Verlags-Bureau, Hamburg 1868 MDZ reader
  • Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. Vol. 3. Verlags-Bureau, Hamburg 1868 MDZ reader
  • Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. Vol. 4. Verlags-Bureau, Hamburg 1868 MDZ reader
  • --Whoiswohme (talk) 15:10, 23 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]