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1. HCS clustering algorithm article shouldn't be orphan, it could be linked from:




2. There are plenty of cites of the HCS clustering algorithm which can be found by googling: a clustering algorithm based on graph connectivity.

For example, two works that builds (and cites) on HCS clustering algorithm are:

a. Mining coherent dense sub-graphs across massive biological networks for functional discovery. Haiyan Hu1, Xifeng Yan2, Yu Huang1, Jiawei Han2 and Xianghong Jasmine Zhou1,∗ Vol. 21 Suppl. 1 2005, pages i213–i221 doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti1049

They write in the article:"MODES is developed based on HCS (Mining Highly Connected Sub-graphs) (Hartuv and Shamir, 2000), with two new features: (1) MODES..."

b. MOHCS: Towards Mining Overlapping Highly Connected Subgraphs. Xiahong Lin, Lin Gao, Kefei Chen, and David K. Y. Chiu. CoRR (2008)

They write in the article:Among those that are most related to our work, [6] (HCS clustering algorithm) provides a definition of highly connected sub-graph that is valid and useful in practice. There, the HCS algorithm is one of the most well-known clustering algorithms and has been widely used in various domains such as gene expression analysis [7] and functional module discovery [5, 8-10].

Please pay attention that several heuristics are found in the original HCS paper that solves many problems that other authors tackled and solved in their versions of HCS. For example:Removing Low Degree Vertices in the early stage of HCS, and later add them to the clustering. In the wiki page its only briefly mentioned, please refer to the articles for complete description (listed also at the References section at the end of the article wiki page):

1. Hartuv, Erez, and Ron Shamir. "A clustering algorithm based on graph connectivity." Information processing letters 76, no. 4 (2000): 175-181.

2. E Hartuv, A O Schmitt, J Lange, S Meier-Ewert, H Lehrach, R Shamir. "An algorithm for clustering cDNA fingerprints." Genomics 66, no. 3 (2000): 249-256.

These two articles cite many references and sources, on both aspects algorithmic and application, which can be copied to the article wiki page:

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