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Talk:Grimmjow Jeagerjaques/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Grimjow's menos class: We don't know it.

It is speculated that Grimmjow is an adjuchas-class arrancar, although there is no canonical basis for this theory. Aizen states that all the arrancar killed in the first assault on the human world are gillian-class[1] (i.e. everyone but Grimmjow), and Uryū Ishida states that there were both gillian-class and adjuchas-class arrancar accompanying Grimmjow in the assault on the human world.[2] Some have taken to believe that this implies that Grimmjow is adjuchas-class, however, Grimmjow cannot be an accompanier of himself and therefore Ishida clearly refers to the second assault on the human world (featuring Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, Yammy, Luppi and Wonderwice Margera), implying that at least one of the above is indeed an adjuchas-class arrancar.

Yeah, it seems to be people reading the lines wrong. Besides, if anyone was an adjuchas, it would certainly have to be Yammy due to him looking the least like a person. Nemu 04:58, 17 September 2006 (UTC)
Adjuchas have a GREATER chance of looking humanoid, not a lesser chance.--Oreichalcos (talk) 16:19, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

Although it's late in the conversation, the page has a comment about reading the talk page for evidence that we don't know Grimmjow's class, so I will add that in chapter 268 (I think) it says that of the Espada, only Aaroniero was a gillian, strengthening the theory that Grimmjow was adjuchas-class. However, we still don't know this for sure (he could be vasto lorde) and it is speculation! -- Ynhockey (Talk) 07:18, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

we should also keep in mind the claim is put forth by people who don't know for sure. ishida puts the idea forth because kisuke suggest it basically. its a second hand theory from an uninformed source (don't get me wrong kisuke is smart be he doesn't know thats what they are for sure...besides who would the gillian be in that group? yammy isn't one obviously as an espada. and luppi was sixth so no way was he a gillian. IMO they don't know wtf they are talking about they are just guessing). --Grimjaw 06:17, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

Well now its been 100% confirmed he is made from an adjucha-class menos. Why don't we include every espada's pre-arrancar menos class in the list of info underneath their image next to their zanupakuto's name and rank? 11:26, 21 July 2007 (UTC)

First anime picture of Grimmjow

For this week's episode 94 of the Bleach anime, the current opening sequence displayed the first image for the arrancar character Grimmjow.

It previously happened on episode 83 that the opening shot first showed also an image for the vizard character Hirako.

You can check the screenshots at futaba channel, however, I cannot give a link to that page, because the links there are rotated and put off circulation fast enough.

This is the aforementioned pic of Grimmjow for the anime. Click here.

Guido MTY 15:44, 22 August 2006 (UTC)

Worth including. But ugh, he looks retarded in that... what's with the pseudo nice-guy smile? I think we'll want to replace that shot once we have a better one of his zanpakuto or something. --tjstrf 15:56, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
took the words outta my mouth man. i finally placed what is wrong with him...the smile isn't wide enough, giving him the "pseudo nice-guy smile" instead of the sadistic bastard smile. his eyes aren't wide enough either, he should have space between his iris and his eyelid: it gives the crazy guy look he usually has. basically he's missing the psycho 'kenpachi/ikkaku in battle' look. he looks like a pretty boy queer instead of a badass...i boo this incarnation. --grimjaw 06:29, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, hopefully they'll amend that when they start showing him for real. To quote myself on a discussion forum, "why not just go all the way, have him hold a rose in his teeth and rename him Suavvelips?" --tjstrf 06:57, 27 August 2006 (UTC)


In regards to his class, it is implied that most (if not all) of the espada are vastrode, but you're right, there's no solid statement on it. It is mentioned that "if even ten vastrode were to exist, soul society would be doomed" and it is later revealed that there are ten espada, sort of an "elite group" of arrancar, so this is likely foreshadowing. So, although it is likely that Grimmjaw is a vastrode, you are correct. --Waenishikusu 21:57, 3 October 2006 (UTC)

Actually it is implied that none of the Espada are vastoroode when Wonderwice Margera is born. I think Aizen says that only when he assembles the vastoroode, will they be unstoppable. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 12:00, 4 October 2006 (UTC)
that was right after he returned and got his arm cut off actually. Aizen said the five killed where gillians so they didn't matter. and then referenced that he was trying to "assemble" vastrodes. it actually indirectly indicates NONE of the current arrancar were vastrodes, not all the espada. -- 06:59, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
actually when he says hes trying assemble the vastoroode he could also means that he has some but not enough to be of use (ie 1 or 2 vastoroode) though no matter how you put it for now its still interpretaion NekrosKoma 17:27, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
if vastrode are as strong as hitsugaya claims there is no such thing as one not being of use. -- 23:19, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

when aizen says he is assembling vasto lordes, he also says he is perfecting the espada. remember, an espada is NOT a vasto lorde, EVEN IF it *was* originally a vasto lorde. it seems abundantly clear that ulquiorra, *for one*, most certainly was created out of a vasto lorde. in other words, aizen is assembling vasto lordes IN ADDITION to the former vasto lordes he turned into the most powerful of the espada. Lacking Lack 06:26, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Espada is a rank, not an actual hollow type. To be an Espada, you must apparently be stronger than the one after you and weaker than the one before you, and must also have no completely missing limbs (or something like that.) Baiseru 01:39, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Archive 1

Resemblence to Gamma Akutabi

It was stated in the article that Grimjow's resemblance to Gamma extended to Gamma's "missing arm". Since Gamma isn't really missing an arm, and I'm kind of anal, I removed that line. 00:27, 19 September 2007 (UTC)

If you ask me, he doesn't look anything like it. Gamma resembles Ichigo or Byakuya more so than Grimmjow. I say we remove that whole paragraph. It isn't even wholly relevant to the article.

Keep the arm line out, because Grimmjow wasn't technically missing an arm. Rest stays in. (talk) 14:19, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

broken sword

seriously guys...grimmjow's sword is not like kenpachi's. it was broken in the first blast from ichigo. this is the second time i've had to change it, i even put the page number in so u can look for yourselves. ch. 231 page 14 grimjaw 22:31, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

I checked that page, and you're probably right, but it doesn't matter. If his sword blade doesn't have any special characteristics, then we can simply ignore it in the description. We were only mentioning it because it was special looking. --tjstrf 22:46, 27 July 2006 (UTC)
thats fine, i put that there so other people wouldn't just go and put that stuff right back. i don't like fan speculation in articles presented as fact, especially in the grimmjow case...because i wrote the article initially and he's my favorite character. i don't like him being polluted with stupid theories like the "ichigo is a perfect hybrid" type stuff. until the manga mentions it, or we see his sword messed up pre-getting-blasted don't assume...especially when there are perfectly clear images that show otherwise.--Grimjaw 23:00, 27 July 2006 (UTC)
Good. Also, if his arm those scars are any indicator, Grimmjow's law of non-regeneration may dictate that even if his sword wasn't broken before, it will be now... (I have this image running through my head of Ichigo vs. Grimmjow battle 5, where Grimmjow is a one-eyed torso holding the handle of his sword in his mouth, ala the Black Knight (Monty Python). lol.) --tjstrf 23:04, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

"It is speculated..."

Shouldn't that be a dead give-away for not including it on the page? --tjstrf 07:36, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

I think we have a couple more similar speculations in the Bleach-related pages. Speculations by their virtue do not warrant a deletion, rather, they do in one of the following cases:
  • Speculation passed as fact (see this version)
  • Unimportant (that which does not help the reader understand the series better), fancrufty, slanderous, irrelevant, etc. speculation (e.g. It is speculated that Soifon and Yoruichi are lovers, or, It is speculated that Urahara's final release is too powerful and therefore he does not wish to show it)
I think, however, that providing a speculation that is widely considered fact, and discrediting it, is important for articles. For example, in Soifon, it is stated that she is erroneously believed to be named Soi Fong, even though technically it is just wild speculation started by scanlation groups and believed by most.
-- Ynhockey (Talk) 07:47, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
Personally, I'd suggest removing it, posting that argument on the talk page instead, including the simple statement on the main page that Grimmjow's menos class is unknown, and adding an invisible comment saying to see the talk page. --tjstrf 07:51, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
That would be fine, although I think the wording should make it final that we don't know his status, and not leave room for newbies to screw up unintentionally (simply comments don't always help). -- Ynhockey (Talk) 09:25, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
Done. If they still insist on adding it, just revert them. --tjstrf 04:53, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

How is the name written?

How is Grimm Jow's name written? I've seen it written as:

Grimm Jaw
Grim Jawl

and the last name as:


Is there an official name somewhere?

RedEyesMetal 16:29, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

Grimmjow is official. See chapter 199 page 4 (title page). Jaggerjack is simply the most logical transliteration (by far) of jagaajakku, especially because the Japanese always transliterate -er as aa. However, it is not official. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 18:35, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
Don't know if "by far". As I see, the kana perfectly fits Jaguarjack (as Jaguar is always ジャガー). Actually, I think its even more accurate than Jagger (which, I think, should be ジャッガー). —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Access Timeco (talkcontribs) 17:01, 22 January 2007 (UTC).
Actually, looking at that cover it may be Grimmjjow. The J has two crossbars, and those covers often overlap the letters for some reason. --tjstrf talk 17:17, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

Jaguarjack is possible assuming the older (now non-standard) transliteration of jaguar (similar to koohii for coffee, even though a newer version would be written with a fu and a small i) is used with the standard jakku for Jack. This is actually possible with Japanese, but not certain. Will be noted in the article accordingly. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 22:37, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

i like "Grimmjaw" because one, it looks the best in english, and two it actually *Means something*, and on top of that, what it means is extremely logical considering the character it is naming. Lacking Lack 06:27, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Even if you like it, the official spelling already exists, so it doesn't matter.--Chemicalist 10:42, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

So whats the official spellin of jaggerjack.

How direct must a visual reference be to merit inclusion?

For any Bleach fan who has also read Kubo Tite's other work, Zombie Powder, Grimmjow's appearance should have instantly reminded you of the main character of that manga, Akutabi Gamma. They are heavily similar, and have been repeatedly featured in identical poses. They even both have a skeletal jaw, though Gamma's is covered with a metal plate. The latest volume cover pretty much directly confirms the reference: Image:Zombie Powder Vol. 01 cover.jpg and Image:Bleachvolume24.jpg. However, I'm worried that this may still be original research. Comments? --tjstrf 22:19, 15 October 2006 (UTC)

You are right about the similarity. But if it's cool with everyone else, add it to the trivia section.

RedEyesMetal 17:47, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

yeah thats not too bad, it seems iffy but likely NekrosKoma 08:30, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

current picture

what chapter was the current picture of Grimmjow taken out of? Tensa Zangetsu 20:43, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

i think it was 204 NekrosKoma 08:31, 29 October 2006 (UTC)
should be Anime episode 138 now isn't it? when he was asked by Ichigo about what happened to his lost arm, he arrogantly answered that "I've thrown it away. I don't need two hands to kill a you..."Cattyluzz (talk) 03:58, 28 April 2008 (UTC)

image from 116 preview

am i the only one that despises that image...i think they drew him pretty poorly. i noticed the animation was crap in 115, and its probably not gonna be real good in 116. i do think once it gets to the ichigo fight it will improve, they tend to save the good animation for good stuff (compare 111 to yammy vs ichigo in 114 for example). if and when the animation improves anyone have an issue with me replacing that image i hate so much with a new one? --Grimjaw 06:11, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

take the silence as no one has a problem...i think he doesn't look stupid in this one. any complaints? --Grimjaw 19:29, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
You'll get a better image once they start fighting, but a side profile doesn't look good, either. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 00:43, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
i recall the image pre-anime apperance being side profile so i don't think it matters. but whatever floats ur boat...as long as he doesn't look retarded i'm happy. --Grimjaw 00:52, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
It was, but manga color scans are few and far between, so you have to settle. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 00:54, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
Besides, with manga colour scans the artist usually puts a lot of work into it so even if it is a profile shot it will look more like the actual character than most of the anime scenes will. --tjstrf talk 00:57, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

i change it, someguy changes it to a better one...and somebody just comes and puts the old ugly one back. people should check talk pages more often... --Grimjaw 21:21, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

Someone's going to hate whatever picture we're using and we can't really help that. Personally, I think the picture we're using now is horrible compared this one. // DecaimientoPoético 21:29, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
see i'd like to get some kind of concensus on the picture, hence why i started this. how about this one. --Grimjaw 21:35, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
I'm okay with any of the others but that garganta pic doesn't show a clear view of Grimmjow and its extremely dark. Gdo01 21:38, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

i figured as much, i'm trying to find one thats a frontal view and clear, but he doesn't look retarded in...its surprisingly hard. --Grimjaw 21:40, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

i agree - i like this bastard so much and am obsessed by his sexy voice, sadistic psycho laugh, every moves of him but I find it hard to capture some GOOD pics of him from the anime...Cattyluzz (talk) 04:04, 28 April 2008 (UTC)
this is sad, whole ep and this and this is the best i could do. hopefully they will draw him better later...anyone like one of these? --Grimjaw 21:53, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
To be honest the picture we had about two weeks ago (Manga colour scan) is the best picture that has been used in this article, it was drawn by kubo tite expressing the character how he wanted him to be depicted and was in colour. Its probably one of the better choices for the main picture of the character, or alternatively we use the picture from his cover.Tensa Zangetsu 04:18, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
How about these pictures: Grimmjow, side view and Grimmjow, frontal view
both come from episode 118.--Chemicalist 14:30, 13 March 2007 (UTC)


Yes! Yes! Sadly! The Beat Collection of Grimmjow was announced and the japanese sale-sites are pre-ordering the "Grimmjow Jaegerjaques Beat Collection"! Since I never saw this romanization before, I don't think they are using a random one (or they would go with a obvious one). Probably his full name we'll be revealed on the BC and will be this Of course, I'm not saying we change his name now, before the BC (and the confirmation) is out... I'm just saying "be prepared for doom" (what an ugly name!!!). Be looking for the confirmation (and hoping it never happens). Credits to Zangetsu from bleach.com.br for finding it (not me :( ) - Access Timeco 18:59, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Jaeger? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Jaeger german for 'hunter'? and 'Jaques' sounds french..is it? RedEyesMetal 20:08, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Jaeger (or more correctly Jäger) does mean 'hunter'. Also, wtfname Jaegerjaques. --Pentasyllabic 21:21, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Anyone have an official source for the correct spelling. Another user keeps changing it to jeager which is not a word like Jaeger is. Gdo01 22:04, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Well we have this: [1]. I've put a speedy deletion g6 move tag on Grimmjow Jeagerjaques so that we can eventually move the page there. Any admin help would be appreciated. Gdo01 22:11, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Damn, I didn't even catch that extra 'e'. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 22:15, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Okay, so we now have the official name, but the last part is still pronounced jaggajakku according to how the anime pronounces it? RedEyesMetal 06:32, 11 May 2007 (UTC)
Spelling and pronouncing won't always match up. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 06:49, 11 May 2007 (UTC)
Like Someguy says. It's like Szayel Aporro's name, that 'S' wasn't apparent at all till the RAW with the spelling came out.--Chemicalist 00:05, 12 May 2007 (UTC)
sz is actually a single blended sound in several languages, so that's really not a spelling error. --tjstrf talk 08:05, 12 May 2007 (UTC)
So, is the correct spelling Jaegerjaques, or Jeagerjaques? Dabarnes 04:51, 13 May 2007 (UTC)
Jeager. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 04:57, 13 May 2007 (UTC)
Jeagerjaques. It apparently means "hunter james" or something. --tjstrf talk 05:03, 13 May 2007 (UTC)
In that case I am assuming the official Viz translation is wrong. In Volume 22 (came out very recently) the preview for Volume 23 has Grimmjow's entire name, and it is spelled Jaegerjaques, not Jeagerjaques. Interesting.
(As a side note, I now hate Viz for translating Ulquiorra's "Trash" to "Garbage", and for using "Doom Blast" and not "Cero"). Kyouraku-taichou (talk) 02:14, 1 February 2008 (UTC)

Huh? Am I missing something because both of these sources have it as Jaegerjaques [2] and [3] Which one is correct? I'm seriously confused. --Grimgoroth Ñ

Notice that most of the Espadas dont have Japanese sounding names? Hollows are generally personified by spanish names. Baiseru 01:42, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Character Theme Song

"Headup" by Deftones. Is there some proof of this in one of the manga volumes? RedEyesMetal 15:59, 12 May 2007 (UTC)

royal or great king

The last chap i read it was translated as royal cero or hollow flash but i read it here as great king can someone give me the real definition and i am going to put a citaation for the royal or great king cero it desreves it okay Evxyza92 19:25, 23 June 2007 (UTC)

The Spanish (gran rey) translates as Great King, however, the kanji reads "royal". -- Ynhockey (Talk) 20:07, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
Well,the one I read translated as "Royal Hollow Flash(cero)",so perhaps it means Royal Cero??--Hanaichi 01:56, 24 June 2007 (UTC)
It's both. We explain it pretty well on the Hollow (Bleach) ability entry, I think. The Japanese translates "Royal Hollow Flash", the Spanish translates "Grand King Zero". This leaves scanlators with the options of using either of those names, in addition to the Spanish words themselves, Gran Rey Cero, and different groups have done all three. I suggest we use the Spanish, in accordance with our existing usage of cero rather than Hollow Flash or Zero. --tjstrf talk 02:18, 24 June 2007 (UTC)


Errrr, has Bleach chapter 281 even come out yet? And where did the name pantera come from??As far as I know Bleach chapters come out every Friday.--Hanaichi 10:02, 28 June 2007 (UTC)

Actually, the manga comes out on Wednesday. It usually takes until Friday for the scans to come out. As for the name of Grimmjow's zanpakutō, it was revealed in a spoiler, and we can't dispute that. Sure, there's a lack of detail, but it is a substantiated statement. Sephiroth BCR (Converse) 17:09, 28 June 2007 (UTC)


There's a picture of his release state out so why isn't it mentioned at all in the article? http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/9035/26463aqw2.jpg

We're waiting for the scans to actually be released so we have more details on his released state. Read WP:V. Sephiroth BCR (Converse) 18:16, 28 June 2007 (UTC)
Because all we can tell from the picture is that he grows long hair, and that his skin changes to look different, but we can't tell what the difference really is. --tjstrf talk 19:18, 28 June 2007 (UTC)


Its degrading to see how anal some of you are over just a few image changes. First off, the image I provided for the release is an OFFICIAL COLORED PAGE BY THE AUTHOR, not a fan-color like some of you dicks presume. It also shows the release in greater clarity and quality, so get off my back! >.> The image is superior, get over it.

It's not from the autror, man. It's from a fan, it just came in the jojohot scans like there are always fan colourings in their scanlations. Now stop with this, okay? - Access Timeco 00:38, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

I can keep this up all day baby. Ya'll just want attention, you all just wanna look "more professional."

Pretty much sad. So play alone. You surely need this more than anyone. - Access Timeco 00:47, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

There's a much better image of Grimmjaw's release in that manga. You don't even have to put the colored one just put the uncolored version because that pic you have up isn't very good at showing the true energy of his transformation. ( 06:40, 1 July 2007 (UTC)D,D.R.U.S.)


I'm the one who put the colored image of grimmjow and i think it's a million times better than the other one. It's a fanart of bleach 282 I downloaded from that page and i think people like more the colored one because in the uncolored you can't appreciate the true power of Grimmjow's resurrección. If anyone wants to tell me something please send me a message. Moreover, the image uncolored that you want to put really sucks. This message is from Lotusnoir.

The colored image might be better, but due to copyright concerns it cannot be put on Wikipedia. For more information, see Wikipedia:Copyrights, Wikipedia:Non-free content, etc. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 17:09, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
I don't agree that it's better, either. Fan colourings are notoriously inaccurate. Until we get an official colouring, then for all we know Grimmjow's new hair is canonically light purple. --tjstrf talk 17:25, 6 July 2007 (UTC)

I don't understand why you don't agree. It's obvious that colred images are better than uncolored images

It's fan-colored and thus unofficial. Until the author publishes an official colored image, an uncolored image will be used. Sephiroth BCR (Converse) 17:56, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
(edit conflict) If the colouring isn't an official one, it's utterly worthless to us. --tjstrf talk 17:57, 6 July 2007 (UTC)

I don't know why it's worthless, it's only provissional

It's worthless: period. We can't use a fan-colored image. No ifs, ands, or buts. The black-and-white one is all we're going to use. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 00:27, 7 July 2007 (UTC)
Please stop adding the picture. Its definetly fan coloured, as the original source is black and white, therefore it cannot be used. Plus we already have the black and white one, which demonstrates the overall change in Grimmjow. In addition to that, we don't even know the colors, and your image could confuse many people.--Hanaichi 01:13, 7 July 2007 (UTC)
You can't justify it's addition by claiming it's "provisonal". If you really want it on the internet, give it to some fansite or something, not on Wikipedia.--Chemicalist 16:44, 7 July 2007 (UTC)

NOw there's a new color image by the autor, could you give your opinion??? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:00, August 25, 2007 (UTC)
Since when? New chapter doesn't have it.--Hanaichi 11:05, 25 August 2007 (UTC)


In the raw, was it written in Kanji or Katakana? Because it might've be written in Kanji and have a different meaning..RedEyesMetal 08:35, 29 July 2007 (UTC)


I'm aware that Grimmjow is the official spelling, but do we have an official spelling on the last name? I only mention this because Grimmjow, in his pre-arrancar state in the flashback, is clearly based on a wild cat motif, making "Jaguarjack" or some variation of the name involving "Jaguar" seem extremely likely. And in terms of Japanese transliteration, it's definitely possible (Jaguar = ジャガー). --Egocentrism04 16:09, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

There's a whole section on this page discussing the official spelling. Btw, it's Jeagerjaques. Dabarnes

Grimmjow's "death"

I fear we may be rushing ourselves with Grimmjow's apparent death. People with far more serious injuries have come back one way or another before, and it's very possible it could happen again. I realize it may be a stretch to believe (let alone say) such a thing, but until someone in the manga says "Grimmjow's dead" or we have some great reason to believe he's never coming back, I believe we should avoid saying he's among the departed. // DecaimientoPoético 01:05, 4 August 2007 (UTC)

I agree, and not only because of Orihime. A classic example was when Hitsugaya 'killed' Luppi (everyone was sure that he was dead), but then it was revealed that he wasn't even really hurt. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 01:15, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
I agree also, you never know, seeing as Orihime revived whats their name....Lolly and Menoly. I really don't think we can tell by just a single page that Grimmjow was literally "sliced in half". Classic example is it? Alot of characters seem to turn up from the dead lol....wait until next chapter.--Hanaichi 01:20, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
He may not stay dead, but he's certainly missing enough of his body to remain dead for a while. People don't have giant black spots in place of a head. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 04:46, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
Maybe you have a copy of the printed manga and it's clearer there, but even from the high-quality RAW you can't really tell whether a portion of his body is really missing. Certainly you can't tell that he was sliced in half for sure. Please don't make the change in the article without attaining consensus on the talk page first. -- Ynhockey (Talk) 07:22, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
You can tell he doesn't have a head at the very least. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 10:13, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
That's another thing I have a problem with: everyone keeps getting completely different sides of the story and incorperating what they see as what truly happened into a single article, neglecting what the others say. One person says his head's missing, another says he was sliced in half, and another says he was simply slashed (where he was injured varies throughout the articles). I noticed we seem to have come to a mutual argeement on using "slashes Grimmjow" (or something close to that) on most articles, but there are still others with different explainations as to what happened (Noitora's saying Grimmjow was slashed near the shoulder, while Orihime's says he was slashed across the chest). // DecaimientoPoético 19:54, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
Now they all say the same thing. I still say it's fairly obvious he doesn't have a head, though. — Someguy0830 (T | C) 20:10, 4 August 2007 (UTC)
I can't see whether he has a head or not, all I see is that he was slashed somewhere near his head and shoulder, and the page after that is just a body with alot of blood. We can't really tell from that, and we can't assume, so we should just wait until next chapter comes out and says "Grimmjow is dead" or "He's alive, but barely". If we put something and it turns out to be wrong.....--Hanaichi 03:39, 6 August 2007 (UTC)
According to a high quality scan, half his body is missing. Take that as you will, but perhaps it would be preferable to wait until the next chapter. Sephiroth BCR (Converse) 05:11, 6 August 2007 (UTC)
And I guess you guys were wrong. See this is why we should wait. 18:33, 17 August 2007 (UTC)
Grimmjow is still alive as of Chapter 287.--Chemicalist 17:26, 18 August 2007 (UTC)

He cant be dead I mean he has his own character album and he mas intoduced in many video games I just cant see why Tite Kubo will make grimmjow die.

Just want to add that Grimmjow was not sliced into half (nor head being chopped off) - in chapter 287 page 5, it seems the bottom half of his body is missing but in fact that was only Ichigo's bankai gown (black). Grimmjow has a black belt around the waist so it was just coincidently covered by Ichigo's gown which makes him look like losing the bottom part of his body. YEY~

Grimmjow is so popular now so I think his storyline will be similar to Abarai Renji's development in the story - started off as an enemy and then become "competing friend" of Ichigo = Ichigo needs some HOLLOW friends anyway. He may have NELL & Grimmjow after this battle.Cattyluzz (talk) 04:18, 28 April 2008 (UTC)

http://groups.msn.com/-bleach-/287.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=5674 He's still alive then ichigo protects hime —Preceding unsigned comment added by Thaslugga (talkcontribs) 00:12, 25 October 2007 (UTC)

Shonen Popularity Ranking?

Did he not place or something? Zeality 00:50, 9 October 2007 (UTC)

Last Official Poll was something like 2 years ago, right before his first appearence. Expect him to be near the top in the next one, that's coming this december.. 13:58, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

Finally, Grimmjow ranked 4th (gaining 4987 votes) in the 2008 ranking.Cattyluzz (talk) 04:20, 28 April 2008 (UTC)

In Response...

Actually, that was before we ever knew of the espada, and he did indeed "assemble" them shortly after. -- 21:58, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

What discussion did you mean for this to go under? StardustDragon 22:07, 14 June 2008 (UTC)

Yes what is this new section for?If this is not relevant to anything it has to be taken down srry.Grimmjow E6 (talk) 14:59, 16 June 2008 (UTC)

  1. ^ Bleach manga; chapter 213, page 19.
  2. ^ Bleach manga; chapter 242, page 9.