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Talk:Gorica, Puconci

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Članek je delni povzetek slovenskega članka Gorica, Puconci. Prevod mi je pomagal narediti prijatelj.LP --Feri (talk) 12:07, 8 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Nice attempt at expanding article Feri, I tried to just correct the English, but not all was clear or referenced so I ended up deleting a lot. Added stub tag. (Lepo, da si napisal tale članek Feri. Imel sem ti namen malo pomagati z popravki angleščine, ampak nekatere stvari res niso bile jasne in primerne, poleg tega pa nisi omenil virov, tako, da sem kar veliko zbrisal.) Kaktus999 (talk) 18:05, 8 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Feri, I have corrected and made the article more readable, now it is up to you to find the references to the information given. Please also consider that I think the image in the Slovene version is a better image for the skyline of the village and you can include that at the top since you already have the composite image that you included in the top in the gallery section. I would actually remove the gallery alltogehter since it does not really show very much. Perhaps some of the imaged could be included in the texts (where appropriate). Feri, kot boš videl sem popravil angleščino in se mi zdi, da je članek zdaj le bolj razumljiv. Zdaj moraš pa ti najti primerne vire za dane informacije. Zdi se mi tudi, da je slika na Slovenski Wikipediji bolj primerna za vrh članka, ker lepše pokaže kašna vas je Gorica in imaš itak razglednico Gorice tudi v galeriji spodaj. Z galerijo je pa tako, da bi jo jaz brisal iz članka in rajše dal kakšno sliko v tekst (tam kjer je primerna).Kaktus999 (talk) 13:36, 12 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]