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Talk:Gonzalo Sánchez of Aragon

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@Agricolae: You said execution scenario which seems to have occurred before Gonzalo's last appearance. Ubieto says the execution took place "posiblemente el año 997" and that "el tío podría ser Gonzalo, que se cita últimamente ese año 997". Are you saying that the most likely date of the exectuion is earlier than 997? Srnec (talk) 03:09, 27 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Alberto Cañada Juste (2017), "Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad, Sanchuelo, hijo de Almanzor y nieto de los reyes de Pamplona", Príncipe de Viana, 78(269):745-777, reports the execution taking place about 995 (or at least places it their in his chronological narrative - I don't remember), involving prisoners taken 'some time earlier', and as I understood what he was saying, this was definitely before 997 when Gonzalo made his last appearance. I don't know exactly what is going on here. Was it enough earlier that this could be Ramiro? Was there another brother otherwise overlooked? Does 'uncle' here reflect the problematic translation of some vaguer Latin relationship term, such as nepos, which was often 'nephew' but could also be 'grandson', 'first cousin', or just 'younger male kinsman'? Is the dating somehow confused? (The early renderings of the Arabic chroniclers into French and Spanish seem to have been rife with errors, such that material reported in the '60s and '70s does not match what is found in later editions, so could this underlie the difference in dates?) I didn't want to write a he-said/he-said WP:OR synthesis of the contraditiction, so I just deleted it since it was only presented as a suggestion to begin with and not a firm conclusion. Agricolae (talk) 04:52, 27 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]