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Talk:Georgi Pulevski

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Ethnic Macedonian

Requests by Georgi Pulevski to the Serbian prince Milan Obrenović, in which he defines himself as an ""Old Serb"" and asks that his books be printed in Serbian printing houses for free, as they had an educational purpose.

User:Macodudewasalreadytaken?, in many historical topics, scholarship is divided, so several scholarly positions should be relied upon. Some people masquerading as scholars actually present fringe views outside of the accepted practice, and these should not be used. Pulevski's Macedonian self-identification was ambiguous. Pulevski viewed Macedonian identity as being a regional phenomenon. He identified as a Mijak from Galičnik, then described himself as a "Serbian patriot" and later viewed him as "Bulgarian from Galičnik". Finally he viewed himself as a Macedonian, thus he changed his self-identification several times during his lifetime. For more details see: Срђан Тодоров, О народности Ђорђа Пуљевског (Srđan Todorov, About the nationality of Djordje Puljevski in Serbian). В Етно-културолошки зборник, уредник Сретен Петровић, књига XXIII (2020) Сврљиг, УДК 929.511:821.163 (09); ISBN 978-86-84919-42-9, стр. 133-144. Jingiby (talk) 17:02, 15 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]