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Talk:Francesco Fausto Nitti

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Right: This is a bigger task than I thought so I'm moving the auto-translated text here cause it's a rather bigger job that I expected:

Born 2 September 1899 in Pisa, Died 1 May, 1974, in Brescia.



His father Vincenzo (1871-1957) was evangelical preacher of the Italian Methodist Church : “[...] my father carried and displayed the light of its faith every day of his life; it lives in reality that he is in if same: for he love of the next one, protection of the weak people, goodness and spirit of sacrifice for all, were not never words go some, to proferirsi from the pulpit, during the domenicali cults. They were true actions of faith realizes to you daily. Gliene comes a such serenity of mind and a such force also in the periods denser than worries and more turbinosi of its life, than who it observes it remains admired and affected”. His mother, Paola Ciari (1870-1932): “Always he has been the angel of our house, prefer companion of my father, the most loving mother and tender, she has dedicated to all its life to the job: precious collaborator of my father, educatrice of we sons, has always sacrificed if same during every year of its youth and its maturity "

From the nacquero wedding five sons: Paul Raffaele (1896-1965), Francisco the Faustus, Raffaele Giuseppe (1903-1951), Anna Garibaldina (1904-2002) and Lelio Aonio (1911-1958). The relationship with the parents was being involved; from their religious faith (also the mother came from one of the first families protestants of the Tuscany) he will recognize derivargli that moral rigor that will characterize it for all the life. From the protestantesimo she above all learned the respect and the love for the freedom of the individual, like first foundation of human progress and civilization and the aversion for every shape of violence. The diffidenza of the external atmosphere came always wise leaked from the parents who gave to the sons a perhaps rigid education, but always permeated from authentic evangelico spirit. Francisco the Faustus will remember “that if for case someone of we sons proferiva word that played more sour against someone felt endured on himself the sweetly strict look of the mother or that full load of reproach and pain of the father”. The family followed the father in the transfers in the several cities where it was called to carry out its pastorale mission, before to Turin, therefore to Livorno and at last to Rome, where Francisco the Faustus attended the Grammar school classic. The adolescence and the youth passed at the same time in this strict and serene atmosphere, but Europe lived tumultuous moments: when compì fifteen years, the first world war burst. From always its family it had been tied to the destinies of Italy, understanding like United Nation, free and independent. Its bisavolo, of which it carried the name, insigne doctor and surgeon of Melfi, had been perseguitato from the Borboni for its ideas. All and the four its sons had participated to the Italian wars of independence and two of they had been person under sentence of death. In 1861, during the revolt peasant in the Meridione, so-called “brigandage”, supported from the borbonico legittimismo and the clergy, the bisavolo it was slaughtered, the made body to pieces and its burnt house.

First World War


Faithful to the memory of its grandfathers and sure who Italy fought for the ideals in which it believed, 12 March 1917, to seventeen years, was enlisted like ordinary volunteer without visit for the duration of firm in 13o the regiment the field artillery. 18 August, name corporal, caught up the unit, schierato to defense of goes them of the Cadore. It at first participated to actions times to contain the advanced south wind-German after the route of Caporetto, and at last to the victorious counter-offensive of November 1918. For its exemplary behavior it was promoted to the degree of insignito petty officer first class and of the Cross to the merit of war. Returned civil, it achieved the diploma of classic maturity and, after it are enrolled to the Faculty of Jurisprudence to the University of Rome, s'impiegò near the Commercial bank them triestine in the branch (office) of via of the Course.

Rise of Fascism


The burrascoso period of the post-war period saw simple witness, until the irruption of squadraccia fascist in the room of prozio the Francisco Saverio Nitti, former a first minister, induced to take it position. It constituted with other antifascists a secret society, the Young Italy, that it printed and it distributed documents of contrary propaganda to the new government presided from Mussolini. The killing of Giacomo Matteotti induced it to exit from the clandestinità and to esporsi in first person. Yields visit to the vedova of the socialist deputy and it oed, in the anniversary of its dead women, to carry a bunch of flowers to the Garbatella, the locality outside Rome where it had been found again the corpse, provoking the interest of the political police.

Arrest and Exile


1 December 1926 was drawn in arrest and condemned - without process - to five years of I confine, at first to the island of Lampedusa and as a result of that one of Lipari. The difficult life lived of confines to you, always subordinates to the impositions of the guardiani, in a context that did not offer many alternatives. Its situation improved when they arrived in the island, to the end of 1927, Carl Rosselli and Emilio Lussu, with which tightened one deep friendship. Insofferenti of the carcerazione the important three, thanks contacts in Italy and abroad, planned the escape from confine. After a first failed attempt, the enterprise succeeded the 27 July 1929. A coming from motorboat from Tunisia, guided from Nino Oxilia, that it had already participated to the successful expatriation of Filippo Turati, s'avvicinò nottetempo to Lipari and, taken to edge the three fuggiaschi, flew towards Africa. From here the three caught up Paris, where they were to the center of the attention of world-wide the public opinion, for being resolutions it makes pranks of Mussolini and its police apparatus. Everyone of they wrote a story of the adventurous escape: Nitti published an autobiography that, printed publication in English, French, German and Swede, happening of sales obtained a good ones. Thanks also to its adhesion to the masonry were received in the atmosphere of the liberomuratori and held numerous conferences in logge of oltralpe. It was between the founders of the movement Justice and Liberty, becoming some also one of the responsibles. Meantime had married Ameriga D' Angelo, an elementary master who had known in Italy and that, after its escape, had succeeded to leave the country clandestinely. The hard existence of the esiliato one had beginning, in which it at last conjugated the political engagement with diuturne the difficulties of the daily life - nacquero meantime two sons - changing various jobs and leaving Paris for an employment to Périgueux.



In March 1937 it caught up republican Spain, than from six months it was in fight against generates them rebellious, and here it came assigned the commando to it of a battalion of anarchists who in the previous actions had endured heavy backs. Reorganized the unit with much difficulty, it participated to the failed attempt of the conquest of Huesca in june 1937, in the field of Alerre and Chimillas, to flank to XII the international brigade “Garibaldi”. Its battalion constituted the tip centers them of the republican attack, while to sides two battalions operated garibaldini command from Italian Battistelli and Marvin to you. All and the three commanders were hit (to died Battistelli, the Nitti leg and the head Marvin) and also for this the attack failed with serious losses. When the wound was recovered, after approximately three months, it returned to its unit. Taken part to the offensive new in Aragon in August 1937, participating before to the conquest of the city of Codo and then to that one of Belchite, one of the hardest and bloody battles of the war of Spain. Transferred 140a the mixed brigade, it was been involved in the Large one withdrawn (March-june 1938), that it carried to the division between the province centers them and the Catalogna. It fought at first in the field of Caspe, then protesse the withdrawal of the republican troops through the bridge of Fraga. Transferred to an unit of artillery, taken part, in the July, to the battle of the Ebro, commanding one battery of guns dislocated of forehead to Gandesa. In september 1938, for effect of the withdrawal of the volunteers from the republican units, it was transferred to the field of collection of Car de Deu2.

France and the Resistance


Been involved in the Retirada3, it entered in France, but it could not gather to its family, since had interned to the field of Argelés-sur-Mer, where it had the commando of the field of the veterans of the international brigades. In order to have protested with the French authorities for the cruel classified treatment the combatants of Spain, extrémiste emprisoned ET dangereux and for punishment in the castle of Collioure were classified homme. In prison it was promotore of a hunger strike of the prisoners, but for the pressure of the public opinion it was freed and it could gather to the family. In 1941, while he was planning to go in Mexico, it joined to a movement of dissidence the filonazista government of Pétain. Delivered up to Tolosa, cities in which from last it had been moved, a net of clandestine information tied to the Bureau Central de Renseignements ET of Action of free France, taken part, which in charge of the service Material and destructions, to the operations of reception of the launch with parachute. The arrest in December 1941 of one of the members of reseau the Bertaux carried to the detention of the entire group. Tried with the others in July 1942 it came condemned to a jail year, that it discounted in the prisons of Lodéve, Mauzac and Saint-Suplice-la-Pointe. To the end of the pain it was not freed but, which étranger dangereux, it was sended to the field of internamento of Vernet d' Ariège. June 1944 when the Germans captured all intern to you remained, in great part unskillful to every job remained in the field until the 30, in order to deport them in Germany on what it will pass to the history like the train fantôme. The train, left from Tolosa the 2 July, employed cinquantotto days in order to catch up the extermination camp of Dachau. In the course of the travel lost but a hundred of approximately seven hundred deports to you; a ten died as a result of mitragliamenti from part of airplane ally to you; the rest succeeded in various ways to escape. Nitti scappò with other companions of travel, after to have removed some tables from the pavement of the vagone, decreasing itself on the tracks while the convoy travelled in the Haute Marne4. Caught up the Resistance, it was enlisted in the maquis of Varenne-sur-Amance until when was demobilized 29 August. For its contribution to the cause of the Liberation of France the Résistance was insignito of the Médaille de.

Return to Italy


Caught up the family to Tolosa, in 1946 it re-entered in Italy. It covered various charges in anti-fascist associations, was director of the review of the Anpi “Independent Native land” and communal councilman of Rome. The May 1974, day of the fascist massacre of Brescia died 28.


  • Translation of Itlaian Wikipedia entry
  • Francesco Fausto Nitti, Escape: The personal narrative of a political prisoner who was rescued from Lipari, the fascist "Devil's Island". Putnam(1930) ASIN: B0006AKUZY

Know this is a mess: auto translation from italian wikipedia. Will clean up Monday T L Miles 23:26, 22 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]