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Talk:First Montreal biker war

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Howard Doyle Berry


Yo, I've been libeled! Seriously, like I've libeled, had my name dragged through the mud! It accusses me of like a murder! This so-called 'article' like sayys 'Howard "Pigpen" Berry, a notorious Hitman of the Satan's Choice opened fire on the clubhouse of the Popeyes Motorcycle Club with a sawed-off Lee–Enfield .303 bolt action rifle with a ten-round clip, killing one member of the Popeyes motorcycle club and injuring two more'. Like yo, I like never killed anybody like ever! Like never like any like once in a while! Yeah, this is a lie about Pigpen! It doesn't even sayy who I like was supposed to have liked killled. Like if I like killled anybody, shouldn't it like name the guy I like killled? Just go to page 73 of Peter's book. He tells the truth. He's the real deal. And he certainly does not say that I killed anybody, like what this so-called 'article' like says about me! Like this article lies about me and it like makes Peter sound like a liar because it is like quotes Peter's book and makes it sound like Peter sayys I killed somebody. Just go here [23] What Peter actually says if you like go to his book is 'Kirby said he was in Montreal when Pigpen opened fire on the Popeyes clubhouse with a sawed-off .303 with a ten-round clip "It was like a cannon going on" Kirby said'. Like Peter does NOT sayy I likke killed or wounded anybody! Like I'm going to contact my lawyer about like suing you if you know what I mean!!! — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:36, 17 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]

A while ago, another editor and I responded to this by removing the content unsupported by the source. For anyone reading, please refrain from making legal threats. Without the threats, unsourced controversial info about living people tends to be removed quickly once brought to our attention. Firefangledfeathers (talk / contribs) 18:12, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Should this article be retitled?


This article gives one a very misleading impression of what happened, namely it describes a conflict between Satan's Choice vs the Popeyes biker gangs as the main conflict. Actually, this was basically a conflict between the Devil's Disciples vs the Popeyes gangs with the Montreal chapter of Satan's Choice playing only a supporting role as an ally of the Devil's Disciples. There doesn't really seem to be a precise name for this conflict, but the current one is rather misleading. Popeyes-Devil's Disciples war might be acceptable, through I do feel that Satan's Choice-Devil's Disciples-Popyeyes war is excessively awkward. Montreal biker conflict or first Montreal biker conflict might work? Does anyone have any other suggestions? --A.S. Brown (talk) 08:28, 19 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"First Montreal Biker War" or "Montreal Biker War (1974–76)" could possibly be a fitting title I suppose. -- Shaolin Punk (talk) 18:07, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I think First Montreal Biker War works the best. It sums up what happened, is concise, and does not do any violations to the historical facts. The bulk of the people killed in this conflict (15 dead) came from the Devil's Disciples, which is why I think the current title is misleading. If no-one has any objections, I will move this article to First Montreal Biker War later this week. Best wishes and thank you Shaolin Punk for all for your help and time! --A.S. Brown (talk) 04:27, 24 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Yes that seems like a logical title. Thank you and no problem A.S. Brown, you have consistently been a very productive contributor to Canadian organized crime articles and its only my pleasure to help out whenever I can. Shaolin Punk (talk) 14:02, 24 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much! While I'm here, I also my appreciation for all your hard work on organized crime articles, which have very outstanding! Best wishes and thank you for your time! --A.S. Brown (talk) 06:25, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

The "Kirby McEwen" hoax


Also, I don't like to criticize other editors, but the late editor CanadianHistorian had a most peculiar way of operating, namely that he would routinely make claims backed up by a RS which upon examination would not support his claim. A classic example of this is the reference to "Kirby McEwen", the supposed younger brother of Garnet McEwen. If you one actually looks at the source cited, it says the man who went with McEwen to Florida was Cecil Kirby, and I know that because I wrote that on the Kirby article back in 2020. What CanadianHistorian did was cut and pasted my work, but only changed Kirby into this supposed brother of McEwen's who never existed. This may sound trivial, but it is not. Creating an imaginary person and then having an article pass off that person as real is profoundly damaging. What is the point of volunteering if nobody who reads one's work will take it seriously? Having an article talk about an purely imaginary person which some editor created as a real person discredits the entire encyclopedia because one day somebody will notice that, and then will start to think that maybe everything else around here is also nonsense. For the life of me, I cannot fathom the reasons for this. Nobody really cares about who went with McEwen to Fort Lauderdale in 1974. If one someone is going to cut and paste something I wrote, at least they can be faithful, instead of altering it to say something that the source does not. The only reason I think of for this hoax is to hide the fact that CanadianHistorian did a cut-and-paste job. CanadianHistorian did quite a bit of damage in this manner. I would advise having every claim in this article (which CanadianHistorian created) carefully checked because there is probably more nonsense in this article. --A.S. Brown (talk) 08:38, 19 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]