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Talk:Fay D. Flourite

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Speculation in the "Character" Section


Under the 'spoilers' marking in the character section, where recent events in the manga are discussed, there seems to be a lot of fan speculation as opposed to fact. Statements like "This is most likely why Fai does not want Kurogane to love him and is not letting himself fall in love with Kurogane" need to be pruned out for being fan theory rather than canonical information at this point in time. If all of this is canon information, the section should still be edited for clarity, and to get rid of the very obvious shipper bias. (Note, I'm not against the ship, but Wikipedia is supposed to be a neutral source of info.) I would do this myself, but as I'm following the Del Ray release (unfortunately, as I've heard the translation is awful), I'm afraid of pulling out actual valuable info while trying to prune out the fan theory and speculation. Thanks. megumi 12:44, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Page Move


According to the TRC article, which uses CLAMP's official guide as a source, his name is Fay D. Flourite with a 'y'. This page needs to be moved/renamed. I notice that the article itself uses Fay everywhere to begin with. Comments, anyone? --Remy Suen



I moved this page from Fai D. Flourite to Fye D. Flourite, I also changed most of the name spellings to Fye, if anyone doesn't like it, leave a little note on my talk page so we can work things out before we move this page again. ~VNinja~ 18:58, 23 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Before anyone makes and changes to the spelling of Fye's name CONTACT ME! Why, so we can work things out, because Fye is the offical spelling, used in the orignal Manga, Fay is basicly for mexicans because they pronounce (I think) the "ay" like the ye in Fye and eye, and the offical pronouciantion is rhyming with eye, so it would be Fye! ~VNinja~ 20:28, 3 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This article needs to be moved.


"Fay", not "Fye", is the official spelling of his name, because that is clearly how it was spelled out--in roman characters--in the character guide, that CLAMP wrote, and on various merchandise from Japan. The original manga never spelled it "Fye", because the original manga does not use roman characters. His name is spelled out there as "FAI" in katakana. Since katakana is more a pronunciation guide for foreign words than anything else, more often than not it is not meant to be translated exactly. "Fye" is what the first TRC Internet translators used to make his name look more Western. I don't recall CLAMP ever spelling it "Fye". I would like to see an example of that. As I have seen them spell it "Fay", and as that is the only spelling I have seen them use, I believe it is spelled that way, and I believe Wikipedia should comply. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Cherry Espresso (talkcontribs) .

Misinformation on a Moved Page


The user who keeps moving this page to "Fye D. Flourite" is doing so incorrectly and needs to be stopped. Not even the American edition of the TRC manga, which spell Fay's name wrong, renders it as "Fye." The rationale for the misinformed user's continued movement, as stated above, has something to do with "Mexicans!" What? Could someone in charge please stop this page's pointless and eternal movement? The confusion about this character reads thusly: The spelling for Fay's name is rendered in katakana in the original manga source, which means "phonetically" to English-speakers, and therefore the definitive, official spelling must be made by the character's creators, CLAMP. They have done this, if belatedly, in the form of literally hundreds of pieces of fan merchandise. As the TRC series Wiki - which references original source material, such as the character guide and the CLAMP no Kiseki magazine series - can confirm, there is only one spelling here, and it's "Fay D. Flourite." The "Fye" thing has never been sanctioned by any publisher or manga author, and is, I believe, a very early fan mistake. Katakana does not necessarily line up exactly with romanized spellings, especially when it represents English or European words or names. Rhyming words and whatnot are not a factor, as in the case of any proper name. The longer this page sits under an incorrect title, the more fans it confuses. It's "Fay D. Flourite." Please! Oryssein 08:30, 4 August 2006 (UTC) Oryssein[reply]

Discussion is good. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this and the article will be at it's correct name. The important thing is to wait for this discussion to take place and not do cut and paste moves, which breaks the edit history. There is no need to rush this. -- Ned Scott 08:43, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
This is a pretty clear-cut case, I think; I left a message on your talk page. I copied and pasted in error, sorry about that. If source material scans would be helpful, I would be happy to provide them. They are plentiful, and illuminating. Oryssein 09:09, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No problem, I've made the mistake myself a few times.. anyways, Oryssein has provided a scan of the manga to support the spelling of Fay: Image:Fay d flourite.jpg. Seems pretty convincing to me. Unless anyone has anything else to add, we can probably get the page moved pretty soon. -- Ned Scott 09:53, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks very much. I can provide many more images, if they're necessary to convince anyone else. The user who keeps moving this page has promised to do it again (in the comment below), and is, if I may say, according to her user page, a nine-year-old girl. She is also getting her incorrect information from a fan forum, which she believes to be an organic source for official news. Can no one stop this? It's absurd, and, as I suggested before, also misinformation being passed off as authentic - which is, if I'm not mistaken, Wiki vandalism. Oryssein 18:52, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
...It looks like someone is deleting the "Fay D. Flourite" page and redirecting it to the "Fye D. Flourite" page, which we have all by now agreed is the wrong one. This is exactly the opposite of the intended outcome of this discussion. Unless, of course, someone is deleting both pages and making a new one under the proper spelling. Or something. Then the "Fye" page should be going down, too, soon, right? Thanks. Oryssein 02:55, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ooops, sorry, I guess I need another trip through the F.A.Q. Oryssein 03:03, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Rolls eyes* Look, how about instead of arguing, we just leave it like it is? I mean, I'll probly move everything again in a year or so after I forget about this, so let's just keep this like it is!

Also, I get the information of Fye's name from the Tsubasa forums, I'll get a link up later, until now, let's just leave it... ~VNinja~ 16:56, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

We are NOT leaving it like it is, for a year or a week or any other length of time. You are providing misinformation to the public through your tremendous ignorance. If you think that a fan forum has more authority over copyrighted material then does that material's creator, then you have no place editing any Wiki anywhere. If you are disinclined to believe me about the correct spelling, I have posted an image of Fay's name, as it is written in English, by CLAMP, who wrote the manga. Image:Fay d flourite.jpg Fan forums do not provide source material for any purpose besides the explication of fanwork and the discussion of random fan theories. They cannot be cited as authentic sources. Hopefully, the administration here will move the page and prevent you from continually vandalizing it. Oryssein 18:52, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Be quiet, Tsubasa forums is basicly, the only Clamp forum around, so it's information should be held highly... And second, I WAS NOT VANDALISING! I just thought that I was right and everyone else was wrong...

Well anyway, from a recent second trip to the forums, I came across a topic asking what was the offical spelling of Fay's name... And yes, you read right... I spelt it FAY! Ya, so anyway it turns out the you were right all along.... ~VNinja~ 22:29, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have to say that I'm glad you finally grasped the concept, but I also have to tell you that there are literally hundreds of CLAMP and TRC forums all over the internet, and none of them contain official information. If you are taking things you've found posted on fan forums as solid facts, then all of the Wikis to which you have contributed may be incorrect. Anybody can say anything on a forum, without formal oversight; that's why it's called a "forum," and not an "encyclopedia." The point of the Wikipedia is to post legitimate, informative, and objective information about topics of interest, not to promulgate arbitrary fan theories which have no basis in official source material. No information found at any fan forum should be "held highly," unless it's descriptive of verifiable external content, and it has no place on any Wiki. Hopefully Fay's page will be moved soon, and incorrect data like this will stop appearing here. I mentioned the vandalism problem because you promised to keep editing and moving the page, which would make the Wiki less informative, which is the Wikipedia's own definition of vandalism. If you understand the correction and leave it alone, though, I don't foresee any further problems. Oryssein 23:08, 4 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Really? Well this one was the first one I found interesting... ~VNinja~ 15:59, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

From the article: "Del Rey has yet to publish official corrections". I doubt they are going to go back and correct the name, however they did print the following at the back of volume 9 of Tsubasa which I have OCRd:

The Pronunciation of Fai's Name

Around the same time that Tsubasa Volume 9 came out in Japan, another Tsubasa publication appeared: Tsubasa CHARACTere GuiDE. It summarizes the story, introduces the characters, points out crossover characters, and gives some background information such as production art, interviews, fan contributions, etc. Also included is a romanized (put into our alphabet) version of the characters' names. Considering the wide variety of arbitrary choices in making transliterations of names, two translators will almost never romanize a list of names the same way, and it was pleasing to see that only one continuing character's name was spelled Fye (as some fans spelled it before the Del Rey edition came out), but instead, the way it is spelled in the CHARACTere GuiDE is Fay. Fay D. Flourite.

So if you've been pronouncing Fai's name as rhyming with the word "eye," then you've been pronouncing it properly. The Japanese pronunciation is pretty solid for this. Why spell it Fay? We can't say for sure, but if you use the Spanish pronunciation for "ay" it would have the same sound as the English word "eye," so that may be a clue to the answer.

--Shiroi Hane 14:43, 12 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Is chapter 148 out yet? (ReshenKusaga 18:51, 27 March 2007 (UTC))[reply]

Hi, i was slightly dissapointed when the image i put up at the Triva section of fai with Chii in episode 22 was removed. I placed that as a special interest since Its nowhere yet in the manga ( Ihavent aquired yet the japanese ones) of Chii being in any of the travled worlds. Not to mention aquiring the right screenshot for that scene was verry difficult to obtain

--User: layamin August 14, 2006
It's not in the manga because it's from a filler episode, meaning the content was made up by the show's writers. While we may as yet see an alternate Chii in the manga, that episode has no basis in canon and isn't particularly significant to the article. Starlightmusic 02:00, 3 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Info deleted


The information under character that updated current events vital and completely relevant to the character was removed. All info was properly spoiler tagged. I'm also positive that all of the info was correct. Next time, if someone feels the need to delete it again, atleast give a reason why. Added the stuff again.--

It is redundant to keep repeating the fact that the clone stole the eye ("During the same storyline", thats what the last paragraph had just been mentioning.) Moreover, information that does not directly deal with Fay's magical abilies should not be in that section. The recent developments are character and plot developments.--

Spoiler tags?


I haven't read over the majority of this article (as I'm personally trying to avoid spoilers), but judging at least from the picture of the twins in "background", I highly doubt that the article is spoiler-free. It'd be appreciated if spoiler tags would be put in somewhere or another.

Well, they discussed it at a Wiki discussion (here: Spoiler tag talk), and decided that spoiler tags in fictional character articles are redundant. So if you have complains, you'll have to talk about it over there. DarkAngel007 04:48, 14 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I cleaned up the story section. There were a lot of info tagged "in recent chapters" when they aren't so recent anymore. All the "In chapter ***'s were also making it look messy, so I rewrote those sentences. I added a bit more info too. Hope it looks okay now. Sumhtun 07:37, 28 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Second Curse and "History Edits"


I've edited the "History" section to be more accurate. Also, I've changed the "Curses" section because the second curse was incorrect. Before, it stated that the second curse was Fay having to travel with Syaoran and Sakura on their journey to retrieve their feathers, but this cannot be true because Fei has said that the second curse "can only be fulfilled in Celes". Thus, I've changed the article so it states that:

"The second curse has yet to be revealed, and was erased from Fay's memory because Fei felt that he had "no need to remember it". However, Fei has stated that this curse can only be fulfilled in Celes, implying that it will be fulfilled soon since Fay and the other Tsubasa protagonists are currently in Celes." Nights1stStar 01:29, 18 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Fay and Sakura


Is it possible to give a reason as to why is Fay still nice to Sakura and not so to Kurogane. I understand Kurogane, but why is he still nice to Sakura. It seems weird since the article states that he was actually colder and more solemn to the group but he was still nice to Sakura. Its somewhat contradictory. If it is my reading error or something, my apologies. Ahgwa 21.41, 28 July 2007 (UTC)

I assume you don't follow the manga. Well, no reason is given. Fay is quite cold to Kurogane, and doesn't joke around with Mokona and Syaoran anymore. We usually see him with Sakura in her room. It doesn't seem so strange if you follow the manga though. But never mind for your confusion, many people did wonder why Fay was suddenly so loyal and nice to Sakura, and not to the others, but everyone soon got used to it. Sumhtun 07:12, 30 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Fay's Age


How old his he? Does anybody know? Nights1stStar 17:11, 22 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

No, this is not told. We only know that he's older than everyone in the group due to his strong magic. Sumhtun 04:04, 23 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Flourite vs Fluorite


Yes, it is spelled "Flourite" in the character guide, which obviously is the Bible. But even Clamp can be wrong--look at their own name, they meant "Clump" as in a clump of potatoes!!--when it comes to converting katakana words into roman letters. Because the correct spelling is most definitely FLUORITE, not flourite, and the way it's written in the character guide is obviously an error resulting from a lack of English knowledge.

I would really like to see this name spelled correctly, and not have everyone insisting that because Clamp spelled it wrong, that means it's right. Maybe it is that way in the character guide, but almost definitely they MEANT 'fluorite,' and simply messed up. Imagine that. Frecklegirl 16:21, 24 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, according to the Clamp page, Clamp's name is as follows:

According to Clamp, the group's name means "a pile of potatoes". [citation needed] While this explanation may seem apocryphal, a storage clamp is indeed used for temporary storage of root crops, such as potatoes.

So they may actually mean Flourite, not Fluorite. Though, in all honesty, they probably did spell it wrong this time around as they did mean the crystal.PeRiDoTs13 17:30, 15 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In which chapter is it exactly that the double ate Fai's (I know, it's Fay but it looks better this way anyways) eye? And when he became a vampire? I know this happened but I think we need some proof. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:49, 15 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

His eye is taken and eaten in chapter 120 (volume 16) and he becomes a vampire in chapter 126 (volume 17).PeRiDoTs13 04:31, 16 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

References/Clean Up


Could someone help clean up the article (as well as other T:RC related articles) by taking out the "in chapter xxx", etc., and changing them to references, as per Sakura Kinomoto? It'd fix the no references problem with all of these articles and make them much neater. Thanks in advance. PeRiDoTs13 19:24, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There is now a "Notes and references" section, but it still needs a lot of reference points. I also removed the Trivia section since most of the trivia in there were either non-notable or simple speculation. I did, however, add one of the trivia as a Note. DarkAngel █▀▀007▄▄█ 02:58, 26 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Name Spelling Concern


People on here have noted that the Tsubasa Character Guide released Fai's name as being spelled "Fay D. Flourite", but I own the character guide (as well as the Funimation DVDs) and all references and spellings of his name are "Fai D. Flowright." Could anyone here explain where or why "Fay D. Flourite" is used if the character guide, the bible of Tsubasa as someone called it, has no note of this spelling at all?

I can provide scans of my character guide as proof, if desired...

It's because they were going by the Japanese version, and by the sound of it, you're going by the English version. They (English translators) spell Fay as Fai because of the kana used. (talk) 05:49, 26 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Fay D. Flourite is used whenever Fay's name appears in roman letters in stuff related to the manga and anime in Japan. However, when the manga was started to be translated into English, there was no official roman spelling in Japanese, so the translator guessed at the spelling "Fai D. Flowright". However, even though later an official spelling appeared, and Del Rey stated that they were wrong, for consistency they continued to use "Fai D. Flowright". Again, for consistency across the anime, FUNimation subtitled his name to "Fai D. Flowright", even though at points in the anime his name is spelt "Fay" (I believe the eyecatch of episode 3 is the first time its shown). All of the Official Fanbooks use the spelling "Fay". Akata (talk) 15:50, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

On a different but related note, Ceres is spelled at least three different ways (Celes, Selece, Seresu) in this article. Do we have an official version for it, too? --KagamiNoMiko (talk) 12:09, 6 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]