Talk:Eliyahu Baal Shem Ben Yosef Yutzpa
3 eliyahu baal shems
[edit]This page was created because there is confusion between eliyahu baal Shem of worms/Loans and this one. They were clearly not the same person. 3 proofs of this, is that this baal Shem was the son of yosef yutzpa from Spain. The other was from Germany. Another proof, is that this baal Shem was forced to leave Germany by Rabbi Pinchas Zelig of Speyer for learning kabbalah and spreading the teachings of the zohar. After being expelled from Worms, he settled first in Chelm in Poland with his yeshivah, then moved to Prague. Another proof he was not loanz is that he was 108/18 when he attended the funeral of a grandson of the maharal in Prague. Loanz is buried in Worms. This one remained in Bohemia in Prague. Yosefkorn (talk) 14:24, 26 November 2024 (UTC)