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Subject provided sourcing


Biography sources


Icewhiz https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/משתמש:Icewhiz Some of my biographical sources are naturally in Hebrew. Here is an online source mentioning my father as a survivor of the Holocaust http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/190068 Eli Elisomer (talk) 11:56, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Icewhiz http://www.jer-gym.co.il/gallery.asp?PageNum=3&gallery_parent=131178

"He graduated high school at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem in 1969." My blurred photo on the 1969 graduation photo of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem (Machzor Men Tet) appears here: http://www.jer-gym.co.il/gallery.asp?PageNum=3&gallery_parent=131178 Eli Elisomer (talk) 12:10, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Elisomer: - The first one doesn't mention you - it would be SYNTH on my part to connect Moshe Somer to you - there could be someone else named that. The high-school yearbook is a bit too PRIMARY for my tastes for inclusion.Icewhiz (talk) 05:37, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz the original writers thought that this prestigious high school is a relevant item for a biography. Of course there is no online proof that Moshe Somer is my father. He just is :-) At any rate this is important only as context for my career as trauma scholar. Eli Elisomer (talk) 05:43, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
If I were writing a newspaper article - I probably would include all this after a few checks (phone or otherwise) that the info is legit - and place it in the lead of the newspaper article. However - this is not something we do on Wikipedia. This is why I keep on asking if you have a newspaper interview or similar source - the background info from there (e.g. Somer was born to X, who were Y, served in Yom Kipur, etc etc) - I can use here.Icewhiz (talk) 06:29, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Combat military service

  1. Icewhiz https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/משתמש:Icewhiz

"He served at the IDF in the War of Attrition as a tank crewman, and in the Yom Kippur War as a tank Commander." I was tank-commander of one of the first tanks to cross the Suez Canal of amphibious tank carriers. My war diary and photos are online. See here: http://www.421.co.il/?CategoryID=608 Eli Elisomer (talk) 12:14, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Elisomer: - this is a PRIMARY self-published source. It would be difficult to use. If you gave an interview at some point and this was published as background info - it would be easier to include.Icewhiz (talk) 05:38, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
OK, so you are telling me that the fact that the official battalion website requested the materials and uploaded them, still is not valid proof for Wikipeedia that I fought in the Yom Kippur war...Eli Elisomer (talk) 05:48, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
(try to indents your comments with ":"s please). No - this would not be a valid source. This is a self-published site by alumni of the brigade. And the title is "Eli Somer's photo album" - which doesn't even support you were in the Brigade. FWIW - I believe you were in the brigade, but I need a better source for that. Same for your father - there is no reason for me to not believe this - but I need a source. Wikipedia is built from reliable (preferably secondary) sources.Icewhiz (talk) 06:25, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sample of advocacy activity on behalf of survivors of childhood abuse

  1. Icewhiz https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/משתמש:Icewhiz

The State of Israel VS. Beni Shmuel involved the complaint of a young women against her sexual offender father. Her testimony was based in part on recovery memories. The court's ruling against the father created a harsh backlash claiming recovered memories are inadmissible. Somer served as an advocate for the admissibility of recovered memories as evidence in court in many lectures, and interviews. See here: http://www.teachtrauma.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/The-Dreamer.pdf; and here: http://www.tdil.org/traumatic_memory/הדים-וסיקור Elisomer (talk) 12:29, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

That's written by yourself / presentation by yourself - which establishes you work in the field. However I'm not sure this establishes you as an activist - I would prefer to see an external source referring to you as such.Icewhiz (talk) 06:47, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Doctoral studies under Prof. Carolyn Tucker

"He received his PhD at the University of Florida in 1984. Somer’s doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Carolyn M. Tucker was on Spouse Marital Adjustment and Patient Life Engagement as Factors in Dietary Compliance of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients."

The following two papers are on the subject of my dissertation and based on it. This paper is partially based on my doctoral work. The lead author is Carolyn Tucker and I am one of the co-authors. Our stated affiliation is the University of Florida See here: http://www.somer.co.il/articles/1987adj.hem.dial.pdf This paper is written with my Prof. Tucker, my doctoral supervisor and is based on my doctoral dissertation: http://www.somer.co.il/articles/1988diet.compl.dial.pdf Elisomer (talk) 12:49, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Elisomer: This two references corroborate you worked with Tucker - but not much else.Icewhiz (talk) 05:43, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz I found a copy of my dissertation online. Look at the acknowledgements. https://archive.org/stream/spousemaritaladj00some/spousemaritaladj00some_djvu.txt. Eli Elisomer (talk) 05:57, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ok - that can support this.Icewhiz (talk) 06:50, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Maytal - Israel Institute for Treatment and Study and Stress

  1. Icewhiz "Between 1987 and 2007 he was a Clinical Director of Maytal - Israel Institute for Treatment and Study of Stress."

See here: http://www.somer.co.il/אודותינו/מ-י-ט-ל; and here: http://www.zugot-zugot.co.il/Supplier-275992/מיטל-המכון-הישראלי-לטיפול-ומחקר-בלחץ-פסיכולוגי See also affiliation listed in this paper: http://www.somer.co.il/articles/1999.tcs.pdf Elisomer (talk) 13:55, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Icewhiz

"Somer's service at the University of Haifa begun in 1987, when he joined the R.D. Wolfe Centre for the Study of Stress" See sample author affiliation in these papers: http://www.somer.co.il/articles/1993.salivary.stress.pdf; and here: http://www.somer.co.il/articles/1992mmpi&anxiety.pdf Elisomer (talk) 13:59, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This seems to support the text - returned.Icewhiz (talk) 05:52, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

University of Haifa School of Social Work

  1. Icewhiz

"He has been a faculty member of the University of Haifa School of Social Work since 1990" See here: http://lecturers.haifa.ac.il/he/hw/esomer/Pages/default.aspx Elisomer (talk) 14:04, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

That's actually not useful for the 1990 claim, the CV linked there (which says 1992) - on the university web page probably is. Adding based on the CV.Icewhiz (talk) 05:54, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

President of International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation


See list of presidents here: https://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/International_Society_for_the_Study_of_Trauma_and_Dissociation Elisomer (talk) 14:07, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Elisomer: Wikipedia is not a source. In fact the list there appears un-sourced.Icewhiz (talk) 05:57, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz, is a news report a source the Wikipedia trusts better? If so, see here: http://www.news1.co.il/Archive/0020-D-56975-00.html Eli Elisomer (talk) 06:13, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
In general - yes. In this particular instance - no - as this is not coverage by news1 - but a copy of the PR stmt by yourself and Haifa university - and it is attributed to you and not the newspaper. If someone else published this with their byline (and this quite possibly happend) - we could use it, even if it were based on the PR release. But the PR release itself - no.Icewhiz (talk) 06:53, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

President of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation

  1. Icewhiz See list of past presidents here: https://www.estd.org/board Elisomer (talk) 14:11, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Elisomer: This supports you were president 2009-11 - and not 2005 as was in the text previously. It also doesn't support you were a founding father.Icewhiz (talk) 06:00, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Scientific advisor, Trauma and Dissociation Israel

  1. Icewhiz

See listing of organizational officers here: http://www.tdil.org/2009-06-08-10-55-14/officers Elisomer (talk) 14:14, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Supports you are involved as scientific adviser - but nothing else.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Israel Ministry of Health certified supervisor clinical psychology

  1. Icewhiz

"Somer is a Ministry of Health (Israel) certified supervisor in both clinical psychology... " I am a Israel Ministry of Health certified expert in clinical psychology and supervisor of psychotherapy and psychodiagnosis. Click on the link provided here to see licenses: https://www.old.health.gov.il/oskimbbriut/psiholog/DoctorSearch.asp?p=1 Elisomer (talk) 14:19, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Too PRIMARY for my blood. It would be better to use an interview in a newspaper (in which one would assume this bio info would be in the lead). if you have one.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Israel Ministry of Health certified hypnotist

  1. Icewhiz

"Somer is a Ministry of Health (Israel) certified supervisor in both clinical psychology and hypnosis" Click to see Somer's hypnosis licenses through the link provided in this page: https://www.old.health.gov.il/Oskimbbriut/Hipnoza/DoctorSearch.asp?p=1 As seen in the hyperlink on the provided webpage, Somer is certified to conduct not only assessment and treatment in hypnosis but also he also retains a special Ministry of Health license to conduct research in hypnosis Elisomer (talk) 14:25, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Too PRIMARY for my blood. It would be better to use an interview in a newspaper (in which one would assume this bio info would be in the lead). if you have one.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz, I do not understand. Are you saying that the actual Ministry of Health online licensure index is NOT sufficient evidence that I was granted these licenses? You need a news report to echo that? I must be missing something here, because no source is more valid regarding medical licensing than the Ministry of Health. Eli Elisomer (talk) 06:40, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz פסיכולוג קליני מומחה-מדריך is mentioned here. This means I am licensed to supervise in clinical psychology (and clinical psychology involves as you saw in the licenses both psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy).http://itacbt.co.il/10010/

Another way to describe an Israeli פסיכולוג קליני מומחה-מדריך is the term פסיכולוג קליני בכיר . There are several mentions of me as such. For example see last speaker on this event: http://www.israelbar.org.il/article_inner.asp?pgId=36776&catId=149 Or this news report: https://news.walla.co.il/item/2516426 Eli Elisomer (talk) 06:48, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Added. I suppose we could use Ministry of health licensing lists + your mention as a clinical psychologist in a news item.Icewhiz (talk) 07:03, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Advocacy and legislation

  1. Icewhiz

"He is involved in advocacy for victims of sexual and child abuse, and has had a pivotal role in extending the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse crimes in his country" Somer's name mentioned as source and reference in Knesset (The israeli parliament) documents deliberating child sexual abuse legislation Knesset. Examples are here: https://www.google.co.il/urlsa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0ahUKEwiuw8XgzMrWAhVqDsAKHbk0A94QFgg1MAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.knesset.gov.il%2Fprivatelaw%2Fdata%2F20%2F425.rtf&usg=AFQjCNG3wR1rD9aMvdC3rK6yBbrTSw809A and also here: www.knesset.gov.il/.../heb/.../H14-02-2007_13-57-15_lishka1.doc Also quoted in this regard in Haaretz daily: https://www.haaretz.co.il/misc/1.954675 Elisomer (talk) 14:37, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This supports you being cited as an expert in this regard, and also that you appears in Knesset - but it does not support that you played a pivotal role.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Initiator of law against therapist-client sex

  1. Icewhiz: "...and also in criminalising therapist-client sex."

Here are sources documenting Somer's involvement in the criminalization of therapist-client sex, following the publication of his book on this subject. See here minutes of the Knesset Judiciary committee meeting where Somer is mentioned by parliament member Nehama Ronen as initiator of the bill: http://knesset.gov.il/tql/knesset_new/knesset15/HTML_28_03_2012_09-20-03-AM/20020722@333-02JUL22@033.html See also here: https://www.google.co.il/urlsa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0ahUKEwjj16DHz8rWAhVEJ8AKHcNwDkwQFghYMAc&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.knesset.gov.il%2Fprotocols%2Fdata%2Frtf%2Fhuka%2F2002-02-24.rtf&usg=AFQjCNHj9-U8OaDUZT7Tyqw5sEHC52RzDA and here: https://www.google.co.il/urlsa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjj16DHz8rWAhVEJ8AKHcNwDkwQFghUMAY&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nevo.co.il%2Flaw_html%2Flaw103%2Fhuka2002-02-24.htm&usg=AFQjCNHD2rThat1H4mg7gYXkONyWECG-Zw Elisomer (talk) 14:45, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Some of these links aren't working - but what I see is a MK (Ronen) giving you kudos for the bill in a protocol. Coverage of the passing of the law (mentioning you as an initiator) in an Israeli newspaper would be greatly preferred.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Clinical director of Somer Counseling and Psychotherapy


This clinic is where most of Somer's clinical research is conducted http://www.somer.co.il/אודותינו/אלי-זומר Elisomer (talk) 14:48, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This is not a great ref - and organization name doesn't match the name that was in the text - but it is sufficient I believe (an org is RS for who is in the employment of that org).Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Maladaptive daydreaming

  1. Icewhiz: "Eli Somer has coined the term "Maladaptive Daydreaming" and is conducting research on this psychological phenomenon."


Wikipedia is not a source - and there are issues with that article as well. Specifically, I can not tell from the sources there that you coined the term - just that you worked on it. I need someone else acknowledging you as coining the term. I will re-insert that you worked on the subject.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Icewhiz, there are countless media sources reporting about my discovery of maladaptive daydreaming. Here is a small sample: BBC World TV story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU8oozZKn04 CBS New York http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/2016.CBSNY.pdf Well Street Journal http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/2016_WSJ_MD.pdf and there are many many more. Eli Elisomer (talk) 06:31, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The WSJ reference is actually quite useful in this regard - much more than your paper. Adding.Icewhiz (talk) 07:04, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Cornelia Wilbor Award

  1. Icewhiz: "Cornelia Wilbur Award for outstanding research contributions in the field of trauma and dissociation, International Society for the Study of Dissociation (2000)"

See recipients here: http://www.isst-d.org/?contentID=42 Elisomer (talk) 14:52, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This is supported - added.Icewhiz (talk) 08:46, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

New Award: Lifetime achievement Award

  1. Icewhiz:

New information Somer received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in 2014. See list of recipients here: http://www.isst-d.org/?contentID=42 Elisomer (talk) 14:56, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This is supported - added.Icewhiz (talk) 08:46, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Fellow, International Society for the Study of Dissociation (2001)


Icewhiz: "Fellow, International Society for the Study of Dissociation (2001)" Somer is listed here at the bottom half of the right column of names: http://www.isst-d.org/default.asp?contentID=200 Elisomer (talk) 14:59, 29 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Supports you are a fellow - not the year. Added.Icewhiz (talk) 06:21, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]



@Doc James: - @Elisomer: approached me on my Hebrew wikipedia talk page for advice, the thread can be seen here: appropriate section (+below) in Icewhiz's talk in hewiki. I do not have a COI. To the best of my knowledge I never had contact with Somer (including on wiki). I intended to go through these sources and see what portions of the original article can be returned based on the sourcing provided.Icewhiz (talk) 17:30, 30 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The article was originally written by someone who was a long term undisclosed paid editor. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 21:29, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Outdated sample papers


@Icewhiz, may I update the sample scientific papers with more current ones? Another question is related to maladaptive daydreaming. This will probably be my most important contribution to science. Would it be appropriate for me to supply suggested text and evidence for that?

  1. Publication list - Yes. I wouldn't go to the most recent ones, but rather place the most important and cited ones - also old papers that were cited a lot. I think you can update this yourself - as long as you don't botch up the formatting etc. I would run down google scholar based on citation count + filter/select the more important one.
  2. Maladaptive Daydreaming - You could suggest better text, yes. It is probably best to base this off of reliable secondary sources - e.g. the WSJ source you provided is excellent in this regard. Try to stick to what others have said of you - in premier sources.Icewhiz (talk) 07:13, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Icewihiz, I appreciate your guidance. Elisomer (talk) 07:18, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Suggestions for text on Maladaptive Daydreaming


@Icewhiz Somer defined Maladaptive daydreaming as an “extensive fantasy activity that replaces human interaction and/or interferes with academic, interpersonal, or vocational functioning” http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/Atlantic_2015_Daydreaming.pdf https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/04/when-daydreaming-replaces-real-life/391319/

Somer is considered a lead researcher in this young field. Yearning to daydream characterizes this phenomenon. Because of the associated craving, MD that might be classified as a behavioral addiction. A unique characteristic of this mental behavior is kinesthesia, a tendency for movement (e.g., pacing) during daydreaming. http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/CNN_Maladaptive_daydreaming.pdf http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/30/health/maladaptive-daydreaming-feature/index.html

Somer suggested that MD can be classified as a behavioral addiction to daydreaming: http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/2016_WSJ_MD.pdf

“Many people who lose themselves in imaginary worlds also report some symptoms of obsessive thinking or ADHD. http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/Atlantic_2015_Daydreaming.pdf https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/04/when-daydreaming-replaces-real-life/391319/

Like any other psychiatric phenomena daydreaming is distributed along a spectrum of normal to abnormal. Because of its intensity, MD creates distress or dysfunction. Unlike schizophrenia patients with MD are not showing signs of psychosis or schizophrenia and do not confuse their fantasies with reality. http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/Radio_NZ_maladaptive_daydreaming.pdf http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/a-world-of-their-own

MD can also be compensatory. This innate ability can provide comfort for people who are extremely shy and introverted or socially anxious who often find solace in imagining themselves as sociable and popular. Abuse survivors often have different fantasies in which they can imagine they are superheroes, daydreaming they are swooping through the night to rescue unhappy children, or being rescued themselves. Male abuse survivors tend to have the most violent daydreams. “They wage wars, fight battles with swords, or carpet bomb the enemy.” http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/Radio_NZ_maladaptive_daydreaming.pdf http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/a-world-of-their-own

Somer and his colleagues have developed a reliable measuring scale to assess patients and differentiate between normal and maladaptive daydreamers which can be used as a research tool in future studies. https://www.wsj.com/articles/when-daydreaming-becomes-a-problem-1462818328; http://www.somer.co.il/images/MD/2016_WSJ_MD.pdf

Elisomer (talk) 12:47, 1 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I'm going to leave this aspect alone - as I truly do not know enough about the field. However, these quotes could be useful for future editors.Icewhiz (talk) 06:05, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Revised list of sample articles


@Icewhiz Here is a sample of some highly quoted papers as well as new important research papers.

Somer, E., & Braunstein, A. (1999). Are children exposed to interparental violence being psychologically maltreated? Aggression and Behavior: A Review Journal 4(4), 449-456. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Somer, E., & Saadon, M. (1999). Therapist-client sex: Clients’ retrospective reports. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 30(5), 504-509. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7977403_Constructions_of_Therapist-Client_Sex_A_Comparative_Analysis_of_Retrospective_Victim_Reports

Somer, E., & Saadon, M. (2000). Stambali: Dissociative possession and trance in a Tunisian healing dance. Transcultural Psychiatry 37(4), 579-609 http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2000Stambali.TP.pdf

Somer, E. & Szwarcberg, S. (2001). Variables in delayed disclosure of child sexual abuse. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(3), 332-341. http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2001.variab.discl.am j orthopsy.pdf

Somer, E. Dolgin, M. & Saadon, M. (2001). Validation of the Hebrew version of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (H-DES) in Israel. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 2(2), 53-66. http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2001H-DES.JTD.pdf

Somer, E., Buchbinder, E. Peled-Avram, M. & Ben-Yizhack, Y. (2004). The stress and coping of Israeli emergency room social workers following terrorist attacks. Qualitative Health Research, 14(10), 1077-1093. http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2004stress&coping.soc.workers.QHR.pdf

Somer, E., & Dell, P. F. (2005). The development and psychometric characteristics of the Hebrew version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation (H-MID): A valid and reliable measure of pathological dissociation. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(1), 31-53. http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2005H-MID.JTD.pdf

Somer, E., Ruvio, A., Soref, E. & Sever, I. (2005) Terrorism, distress and coping: High versus low impact regions and direct versus indirect civilian exposure. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 18,165-182. http://www.somer.co.il/articles/2005terrorism.distress.coping.asc.pdf

Somer, E., Tamir , E., Maguen, S., & Litz, B. (2005). Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Phone-Based Intervention Targeting Anxiety about the Threat of Attack: A Pilot Study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43,(5) , 669-679. https://www.academia.edu/3342098/Brief_cognitive-behavioral_phone-based_intervention_targeting_anxiety_about_the_threat_of_attack_a_pilot_study

Somer, E., Ginzburg, K., & Kramer, L. (2012). The role of impulsivity in the association between child maltreatment and dissociative psychopathology: mediation versus moderation. Psychiatry Research, 196, 133-137.   http://www.somer.co.il/images/docs/impulsivity%20and%20dissociation.pdf

Shorten the list - too long - and also remove recent publications - e.g. the two 2017 ones - which have a non-existent citation count. We typically include only the most significant publications (which would typically be ascertained by citations).Icewhiz (talk) 06:04, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Icewhiz, The list was shortened to a sample of 10 (although I have seen Wiki biographical entries with many more publications). I would suggest that the heading should state "Sample publications" because this definitely is not an exhaustive or even a representative list. If you feel that 10 is still too much, than I suggest to delete items from the bottom. Regards, Eli Elisomer (talk) 08:22, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Added 8. H-MID (5 citations per scholar) and the last 2012 one (11 citations per scholar) are not as widely cited.Icewhiz (talk) 08:53, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Fine, thanx. Plz note that Google Scholar is not considered an accurate resource to monitor citations with. The actual figures are higher.
Shall I suggest a narrative script for the maladaptive daydreaming text? Eli Elisomer (talk) 08:59, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Scholar isn't bad - particularly for articles in the past 2-3 decades that are cited. Regarding the maladaptive daydreaming text - I will probably not take this up per my comment above, but if you suggest a text some other editor with more experience in the field might.Icewhiz (talk) 09:02, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Maladaptive daydreaming is an embryonic field. I hope some Wikipeds will dare pick this up. I will streamline the text, however, what is an effective way to alert psychology-minded Wikipdes to this challenge? Eli Elisomer (talk) 09:08, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps a request in Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Psychology, or pinging project members (2-3 active editors with appropriate interest in the particular sub-field).Icewhiz (talk) 09:22, 3 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]