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Talk:Dissolved air flotation

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Created a new article entitled Dissolved gas flotation


The two sections of this article about "Dissolved gas flotation" have been moved to a stand-alone new article entitled Dissolved gas flotation. The subject of gas flotation deserves a stand-alone article just as is the case with Froth flotation and Induced gas flotation ... both of which are also stand-alone articles.

This article is about dissolved air flotation and it should not be diluted by doing anything more than wiki-linking to Dissolved gas flotation .... just as is the case with wiki links to the Froth flotation and Induced gas flotation stand-alone articles.  mbeychok (talk) 16:19, 1 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

"The feed water to the DAF float tank is often (but not always) dosed with a coagulant (such as ferric chloride or aluminum sulfate) to flocculate the suspended matter." -Coagulants coagulate, flocculants create flocs. I think this is an error. It's possible that they are dosing with flocculant _and_ coagulant (the two are often used together), but we shouldn't be stating that a coagulant does the flocculating. Does anyone know which is used? (or are they both used in these applications)?Tara Zieminek (talk) 17:16, 2 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The process in which bubbles are introduced through mechanical methods like spargers or diffusers is commonly known as dispersed air flotation, as opposed to dissolved air flotation. It's important to rectify this distinction <Edzwald, J. K. (Ed.). (2011). Water quality & treatment: A handbook on drinking water (6th ed). McGraw-Hill.>. A comprehensive revision is necessary for this article as it lacks clarity and cohesiveness. Despite the existence of well-established theories and consensus on this subject, the current presentation is deficient in terms of both writing quality and content development. NathChemEng (talk) 06:44, 29 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]