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Talk:Discharge Monitoring Report

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DMR and NPDES Program Descriptions


The early versions of this article combined a description of the U.S. DMR system with a very brief, and incomplete, description of the NPDES permit program. The NPDES program by itself is a major topic—which may explain why no one has yet created a separate article for it—and currently is described in the Clean Water Act article. Eventually a separate NPDES article should be created (I may do it myself, if I get a chance), but for now a discussion in this DMR article is OK, if we can provide an accurate summary. Based on this principle, I have separated some of the text on the DMR process from the NPDES process descriptions, and expanded each topic separately. I’ve also added links and more specific and authoritative references.

Some of the previous text describing the NPDES permit process applied only to a subset of permitees, but was not described as such. I have replaced that text with a broader discussion which applies to the entire permit program. The deleted text may still be useful in some contexts, if more detailed sections are created for this article or other articles, and thus the deleted text is preserved below. However, I recommend that more current and authoritative references be provided than the ones that are supplied below.

When NPDES permits are issued, limits based on the conditions of local watersheds are set for the pertinent pollution. /ref/ http://www.epa.gov/reg3wapd/pretreatment/pdf/limits.pdf /ref/ Major municipal dischargers include all facilities with design flows of greater than one million gallons per day and facilities with EPA/State approved industrial pretreatment programs. /ref/ http://www.assurecontrols.com/info-glossary-npdes.htm /ref/

Moreau1 (talk) 06:42, 26 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]