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Talk:Diocese of Ross (Scotland)

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First Bishop of Ross is Curetan


From the talk "Pictish Kingdoms of the Moray Firth, 700-900 AD" by Fiona Campbell-Howes:

"If we look at Ross first of all it first appears in the 9th century calendar of saints days known as the martyrology of Tallaght, it was compiled at the monastery of talak in lener in Ireland probably but not certainly around 830. However we only have later copies of it the original is lost ... for the 16th of March it has a rather mangled entry listing it as the feast day of St Curetan bishop and Abbot of Ruis Mind Bairend or ... Ruis mac Bairend for a long time this place name had scholar stumped but in 2009 James Fraser showed that the entry actually conflates two different clerics one of them is Mind Bairenn Abbot of Agabo in County Leis, removing him leaves the entry as Curetan bishop and Abbot of Ros,s and this must be none other than the Curetan scot, bishop Curetan who is listed as one of the 91 guarantors of ... law of Adomnan, this was a law protecting non-combatants in battle drawn up by Adomnan the ninth abott of Iona and ratified at the synod of Birr in the year 697 as many of you will know Curetan is heavily culted around the Black Isle, Dingwall and Inverness especially at Rosemarie where there is ample evidence of an early Monastery this surely was the location of Curetan's Bishop Seat, so here is a person who we can confidently place in the first lens in the year 697 and whose death day continued to be commemorated into the 9th century and far beyond but what or where was was Ross ..."

James Fraser write in 2009: "We have a slight indication that the most powerful bishop in Pictland in the early eighth century was, however, based in Fortriu like the dominant kings. Adomnán’s Lex innocentium of 697 was endorsed by the rex Pictorum, Naiton’s brother and predecessor Bridei, and by two Pictish bishops, Curetán and Cóeti, the latter being bishop of Iona.78 These two men would appear to have been the chief bishops of the Picts in 697.79 Curetán is Curitanus sanctus episcopus et abbas Ruis Mind Bairend in the Martyrology of Tallaght, but later martyrologies show that two separate commemorations are combined here. These later texts are probably mistaken, however, in naming the second saint commemorated here as Barrfind; it is surely Menn Bairenn instead, an abbot of Aghaboe who died in 695 (quies Minn Bairenn abbatis Achaid Bo).80 Setting his commemoration aside leaves Curetán as episcopus et abbas Ruis, bishop and abbot of Ross (Ros)."

(Minor point is not *Fortriu, which given the nature of early Abbot-Bishops of Gaeldom, *Fortriu is center on Dunkeld. Woulf suggestion of Moray is based on a weak deductive argument.)