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Talk:Cesarewitch Handicap

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The following red links have been excluded from this article and are placed here for reference. Zafonic (talk) 20:42, 1 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]



Aahsaylad Aaim to Prosper Above Board Air Raid Alcove Arcanus Arctic Star Artless Assured Audrey Aventuriere Avon's Pride Bajan Sunshine Balsarroch Big Easy Black Sand Boismoss Bracket Burnaby Cantatrice Captain's Guest Caracciola Cardinal York Caurouch Cecil Centurion Chaleureux Chantry Charley's Mount Cherie Childwick Chippendale Cider with Rosie Clarehaven Clarion Come to Daddy Contact Dancer Contrevent Corisande Corranna Corrie Roy Cruiskeen Curry Cypria Darley Sun Demure Distant Prospect Don Juan Double Dutch Duke of Parma Dulcibella Eagle's Pride Enfield Fet Filator Fiz Yama Flash Imp Floridian Flush Royal Forseti French Design Furore Germanicus Glauca Go South Golden Fire Grey of Falloden Grey Tick Grumeti Haco Halsbury Hammerkop Hartington Heros Fatal Hilarious Humewood Hunter's Moon Iliona Inchcailloch Ivanhoe Jester John Cherry Julius Kayudee Kerry Piper King Lud Lecturer Leg Spinner Legerdemain Light Dragoon Lioness Major Rose Mintagon Mintmaster Miss Fara Monsieur l'Amiral Morecambe Mr Sykes Mrs Taft Muscovite Myra Gray Near Relation Never Can Tell Nitsichin Noble Star Ocean King Old Red Orange Hill Orosio Persian Lancer Popsi's Joy Prelone Primrose Day Prioress Private Audition Punch Ragimunde Red Eyes Rockdove Rocket Rose Prince Rosebery Salpinctes Salvanos Sanctum Sandiacre Scatter Dice Scintillant Scoria Seminole Shantallah Sheen Sir Michael Spirit of Love St Bris Stone Clink Strathspey Stratum Submit Tenebreuse Thalestris The Cur Three Cheers Tom Sharp Top Cees Trainglot Troubadour Turnpole Ut Majeur Utrillo Vengeance Verney Wargrave Warlingham Weathergage West Wicklow Whiteway Willonyx Wit's End Woodburn Yentoi Yutoi

Jockeys and trainers


Adam Beschizza Louis Beuzelin Nicky Carlisle Gary Carter Tommy Carter Tony Clark Steve Dawson Jimmy FitzGerald Michael Haynes Geoff Huffer John Jenkins Jeff King Tony Martin John Matthias Rod Millman Arthur Pitt Mark Rimmer Brian Rouse Brooke Sanders David Simcock Rod Simpson Philip Waldron Walter Wharton John White John Williams

I changed the title as I found many places where it is called the Cesarewitch Handicap such as at the BBC [1] [2] but also the Newmarket Racecourses official website

Handicapper 14:22, 26 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Race AKA Cesarewitch Stakes, Czarewitch, Czarewich etc. Mid importance for historical reasons. Major Autumn championship in Victorian England. Tigerboy1966 (talk) 19:56, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]