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Talk:Censorship in the Russian Empire

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Censorship during the 19th Century?


There is no mention of censorship during the reigns of Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III, the period of the flowering of Russian literature. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky and others all suffered at the hand of the censor. This, surely, is a major omission, requiring urgent rectification? (talk) 19:37, 24 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bad ISBN / Verify source


Because it is causing a Checkwiki error #70: "ISBN with wrong length", I removed the ISBN from the entry:

Engel'gardt, Nikolai. Ocherk istorii russkoi tsenzury v tsarkoi Rossii. Translated by M. Galushkina. Rudomino, 2002. ISBN 50738001788

Part of the problem here is probably inaccuracy in translating the Russian version of this Wiki article to English.

The Russian version has these two consecutive entries:

Энгельгардт, Николай. Очерк истории русской цензуры в связи с развитием печати (1703-1903). — СПб.: Издание А.С.Суворина, 1904. — 388 с.
Тэкс Чолдин, Марианна. Империя за забором. История цензуры в царской России / пер. с англ. М. Галушкиной. — Рудомино, 2002. — 309 с. — ISBN 50738001788.

As you can see:

1. Engel'gardt, Nikolai (Энгельгардт, Николай) did not write the book "Ocherk istorii russkoi tsenzury v tsarkoi Rossii"; it was written by Тэкс Чолдин, Марианна.

2. Империя за забором. История цензуры в царской России is associated with the same invalid ISBN.

3. If Империя за забором. История цензуры в царской России was translated from the English version, why don't we provide bibliographical information for that version for the sake of the majority of English Wiki's readers?

Ultimately, before we can find a valid ISBN for any entry, we need to get the bibliographical information straight first. Knife-in-the-drawer (talk) 04:47, 17 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]