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Talk:Auxarthron californiense

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Chenyang's Peer Review


Your outline introduces Auxarthron californiense in four aspects, and make the content abundent. It may be better if you adjust the heading of Growth and morphology to Growth, since you introduced the growth and reproduction of the fungus in detailed under this section. You also setted an Apperance part to describe the morphology, so this adjustment may make your structure more organized. In addition, it would be great, if you add more information about the distrubution and ecology role of Auxarthron californiense to enrich the section of Habitat and ecology.

The content's position is neutral and there is no bias within the article. However, since you used the first reference seven times, many content may come from the same perspective and thus make your article imbalanced.

There are 7 references used to support the content in total, which is a little bit less than expected. You should add more reference to enrich the diverstiy of your article. Also, it would be better if you add the link for each reference you found and then the readers could access them more convenient to get the information they need. There exits some coding problem and thus the reference part is not well-organized.

It may be difficult to find available photo. But images could help you to illustrate your idea effciently and enhance audience's understanding of the concepts, so it would be best you could add some images into your article.

The content is supported by serval reliable journal articles, the list of sources is very exhaustive, but more aspects of the fungi could be introduced, such as the physiology and pathogenicity etc.

Overall speaking, this outline did very well to give readers a gerneral understanding of Auxarthron californiense from servel aspects. It provided a Lead part that give a brief idea about the topic but also could be improved to cover the key points you illustrate later in ther article. The specific content is divided into four parts which are History and taxonomy, Growth and morphology, Appearance and Habitat and ecology. The section of morphology and appearance could be adjusted to let the structure become more well-organized. More information may should be added to enrich the section habitat and ecology . The references used to support above content are reliable, yet more references could be used to enhance the diversity of the article.

Here are some additional reference that may be helpful

·These websites involved some information of the pathogenic potential of Auxarthron californiense https://www.uamh.ca/details.php?id=1591 https://health.canada.ca/en/epathogen

JacquelineYY22 (talk)