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Talk:Aureoumbra lagunensis

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Tina's Peer Review


Overall Engaging article about Aureoumbra lagunensis. Good organization of the sections. Phrasing of the sections is clear and easy to read. What is the geographical distribution of this organism? Worldwide or just Texas? Introduction Concise and engaging introduction to Aureoumbra lagunensis with a good summary of the rest of the article. The Texas Brown Tide Interesting history tidbit. What was the significance of this event? Competitive Advantages of A. lagunensis Clearly written. How would the traits of the vegetative state help its survival. How does EPS layer help it tolerate hypersaline conditions? Could you mention the salinity it tolerates in this section? How does the salinity tolerance compare with some grazers?

Loss of biodiversity Clear with good reasoning.

Nitrogen Uptake At the very beginning, what is the significance of Aureoumbra lagunensis's inability to use nitrate? Perhaps this section should start off with information about Aureoumbra lagunensis's need for and organic nitrogen and why it is important.

Raaghul' peer review


Intro Interesting introduction to Aureoumbra lagunensis, well written and structured. Could add a few other locations they are found in (if they do).

Texas brown tide An interesting section, but it seems out of place. Maybe merging it with the intro, as a subsection could work??

Competitive advantages Very clear and concise. Possible additions to the section (not really necessary): how to its competitors and grazers respond to these conditions. And what other organisms can live in this environment.

Nitrogen uptake The first sentence of this section needs to be rewritten being more elaborate. Also include the environmental impacts, the nitrogen cycle, and how they contribute to it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Raaghul16 (talkcontribs) 02:56, 24 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review: Beth McCaffrey


This section is well written and concise. Links added to key words are helpful, and reliable sources are cited throughout. One thing to add might be the global distribution of the organism, as it is unclear what their range is. Another reference at the end of the 3rd paragraph is needed.

The Texas Brown Tide:
This section is easy to understand and is well cited and it is relevant to the topic. This seems like a very specific example and seems less important than the sections that follow it; it might be better to put this at the end of the Wikipedia Page. The significance of this biological event isn’t mentioned, but the placement on the page makes it seem quite important. The sentence: “Also, in December of 1990 there was a loss of fish upon severe freezing which served to release nutrients to further support the phytoplankton population.” seems unnecessarily unclear (what do you mean by lost fish?).

Competitive Advantages of A. laguensis:
This section is well summarized and divided into subsections that make it easier to read and understand. This section is also well cited. It could use some more links added to specific vocabulary, such as “zooplankton”, “chlorophyll”, “polysaccharide”, etc… You could state some of the specific advantages the organism gains by traits it has in the resting cell form.

Loss of Biodiversity:
This section is interesting and on topic. The paragraphs are clear and easy to understand. Links need to be added to help readers understand scientific vocabulary.

Nitrogen Uptake:
This section was concise and well written, I couldn’t identify any major changes required. Referencing the brown tide example is a great idea to mesh the various topics on this page!

As a Whole:
This page is very well written and provides a comprehensive summary of Aureoumbra lagunensis. Only a few minor changes seem necessary before publication. Beth Mcc (talk) 06:45, 24 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review by Shirley Chen



  • Good amount of linking to other pages and showing missing pages
  • Having a picture would enhance the article
  • Organized and reasonable structure
  • Keep the appropriate tenses consistent
  • Don’t need to write out “Aureoumbra lagunensis” for every section. Since you already used the abbreviated form before, just keep using it

Aureoumbra lagunensis

  • “Generally, A. lagunensis density is in the order of 106 cells mL-1 , while being higher in the summer months with lower abundance during the winter.” - needs citation
  • “revert from vegetative and resting cell forms” - should make it clearer what they revert back to
  • Can link positive feedback to its Wikipedia page so those who don’t know what it is can refer to it
  • Nicely written and summarizes all the following topics

The Texas Brown Tide

  • Most of the information here is from one source. Try and find some more papers for support

Competitive Advantages of A. lagunensis

  • “encapsulating mucus layer of exopolymer secretions (EPS) and its ability to revert from vegetative and resting cell forms” - exact same phrase as in the lead, could change it up a bit
  • First paragraph seems too detailed; there is overlapping information in the lead, here, and later subheadings, which could be redundant The EPS Layer
  • “It has been hypothesized that with the hypersaline conditions of Laguna Madre during the bloom, A. lagunensis was able to out compete other organisms, due to a reduction in grazing pressure, which allowed it to thrive and further contribute to the Texas Brown Tide.” - seems very out of place; could take this out and the paragraph will flow better

Vegetative and Resting Cell Forms

  • Is everything before the last sentence based on one source? If so, need more sources
  • Diagram of the vegetative and resting forms would be helpful and interesting

Loss of Biodiversity

  • “The Aureoumbra lagunensis bloom caused a substantial light attenuation, a loss in intensity of light travelling to the bottom of water” - sounds like you are talking about one specific bloom event. Also, light attenuation is mentioned before here, so the explanation should go with the first mention
  • Could use more citations throughout this section
  • A. lagunensis abundance is favored in low light environments…” - what causes them to be favored in low light? Is it because of what was said above? If it is, then there’s no need to state it again. If it’s not, should explain
  • The first half of the last paragraph seems to be summarizing what was said in above sections, which is not needed
  • “In addition, the dominant polychaete, Streblospio Benedict, an important grazer of phytoplankton, decreased by two orders of magnitude” - past tense of “decreased” indicate this is talking about a past event. If it is, mention the event, and if not, change up the wording

Nitrogen Uptake

  • A. lagunensis is found in high abundance where there is high organic to inorganic nitrogen concentrations” - is this referring to the ratio of organic to inorganic N concentration? - should make this clear
  • Last paragraph seems out of place because it is too far from the Brown Tide section

Shirley.Chen.27 (talk) 08:01, 24 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Shea Thorne's Peer Review


Aureoumbra lagunensis
This section is well written and provides a good overview of the organism. I think that the ending statements of the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs should have citations however. A comparative estimate of other organisms' cell density could also add context to the statement at the end of the 2nd paragraph. You could also link out to pages for "hypersaline".

The Texas Brown Tide
While this is an interesting section, I think it may be better off lower in the overall article as it would be better served once other facts about the organism have been established. If any other brown tides have happened, perhaps this section could be more general (not sure if this is the only one tied to the organism though).

Competitive Advantages of A. lagunensis
The first sentence is a bit clunky. "Unfavorable marine environments" should be defined clearly. You could link out to pages on zooplankton and filter-feeding mollusks.

  • The EPS Layer

I think the title should enclude the full "exopolymer secretions" as well as the acronym EPS. Hypotrichous could be defined.

  • Vegetative and Resting Cell Forms

Some of the ranges of the hardships could be directly discussed. Many terms in this section could be linked to (DNA, RNA, plastid etc.). The connection between differences in the resting form and competitive advantages are not directly tied to their benefits. This section could also benefit from more citations.

Loss of biodiversity
The phrase, "of once extensive" needs context (is it in reference to Laguna Madre?). The Laguna Madre reference could be moved into the section on the brown tide potentially. If the majority of the information on biodiversity loss (specifically the second paragraph with specific examples) is related to that section perhaps they should be meshed into one section. This section could benefit from another citation as well.

Nitrogen Uptake
This section is clear and concise!

With a bit of polishing and fleshing out this could be soon ready for publishing. One note is that the format title used to refer to A.Lagunensis is not consistent throughout the piece. The citations are good and the links work but some sections as indicated above could use more. Also the article could be enhanced by the inclusion of a figure or picture. Good job!

Several sections refer to the same brown tide in Texas. I'm unfamiliar with this organism but if it's not the only example of such a bloom perhaps more fdiverse examples of the phenomena could enhance the article. If that's not possible, potentially the section could be moved to the bottom of the page and all the references to it specifically could be concentrated there.

Sheaster t (talk) 02:20, 26 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review: Megan Fass


General: Good content, well researched, slightly subjectively presented but it's not a huge deal I think for this kind of Wiki article. There are some wordy and long sentences throughout that could be better structured for clarity. This isn't a simple English page but it should still be easy to read. Some of the wording feels redundant when you restate the titles of sections in topic sentences, try to get away from that. concise is better.

Intro: Can you describe the morphology instead of saying it looks like this other microalgae? "and was the dominant microalga in the 7 year long brown tide (1990 - 1997) that happened in Laguna Madre, Texas." You address this example in detail in the next section - leave it out here. Same with the sentences on EPS. The overview can mention this stuff but it feels like you're going into detail and then backing away last minute.

Texas brown tide:This is really cool! I'd love to see a map in this section. I think this would be a great place to tie in some articles about the effect of the brown tide on the community in Laguna Madre- are there any news reports from the time that you can access? Tying this kind of science to the real world is super important and good but I think you all can take it one step further if you connect it to the community.

competitive advantage: Consider truncating the title - Wiki section titles tend to not be so elaborate. Maybe cut the abstract sounding intro to this section - it seems redundant. The Vegetive/REsting Cells subsection was the hardest for me to parse in the article - please break it up and maybe include some pictures.

loss of biodiversity do you mean this to be a continuation of the Texas section? If so, just move it to be a subsection. I can't tell if you mean for it to be it's own concept - if you do, please get away from the texas example.

nitrogen uptake I felt this section was the most clearly written, but I don't get why it's at the bottom section. What story are you trying to tell here? I would put this earlier in the article.