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Talk:Attributes of God in Christianity

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Subject, Neutrality, Purpose of this article?


What is the subject matter of this article? "Attributes of God" is vague at best. There are over 35000 Christian denominations that assign differing attributes to God, and there are even more non-Christian religions and denominations that assign differing attributes to God. "God" is not particular to Christianity, and the list only represents one perspective of one vagely defined subsection of Protestantism. This article is not informative and not encyclopedic. ♆ CUSH ♆ 14:31, 24 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Well, the lead explains that it only covers Christian theology - perhaps the article name could be changed to Attributes of God in Christian theology. I would have thought most of the attributes are held by all branches of Christianity. The references are mainly Protestant, but feel free to add other references from other sources. StAnselm (talk) 22:15, 24 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The entire article strikes me as being OR and SYNTH. Neither the list nor the items in it are sourced to any secondary reliable sources. Bible references are insufficient. ♆ CUSH ♆ 10:17, 25 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, most standard systematic theology textbooks have an enumeration of the attributes. You saw, didn't you, the Westminster Shorter Catechism's list? But I agree we should have more than just Bible references. The goal is that every entry would have a citation from a reliable source. StAnselm (talk) 12:29, 25 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hello,sir.The excellencies,ladies & gentlemen. Please allow me to introduce myself properly & show my opinions,sir.

"My God's name is "God",sir." "My name's Mr."Surakij" Vuthikornpant,sir." "I can be all I can be, uncertainty is very very certain,with my modesty,humility,good manners,courtesy with highly respect to my "God",my father,my God's name's "God",if “God” said so,so be it,if "God" wills,so be it,zero to infinite,be myself….my nature." "I can be all I can be, uncertainty is very very certain,zero to infinite,be myself…my nature." To be honest,today I just a normal humble humble civilian in Bangkok,Thailand,sir.

With humility & respect to another people's opinions,sir. Please allow me to show my diffent points of views about this issue,"Arrtibute of God",sir.

I can assure everybody,gurantee with everything I have about my "God" never has "Attribute of Jealousy",sir. I can assure you,and gurantee you, I granted. And if possible,if somebody can remove "Attribute of Jealousy" from wiki,sir.

http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Attributes_of_God http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Attributes_of_God#Jealousy

Because sound some kinds of insulted,because "jealousy" is integral part of "Envy",1 of 7 deadly sin. And as everybody know,sir. God is omnibenevolence,"all goodness".

According to my very very limited life's experiences & very very limited knowledges,sir.

In Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami,sir.


"God" definition "Merited grace", "Merited grace" is a word with complex meaning. "Merited grace" (from the word "merit" + "grace" (refered to divine grace of graciousness,attribute of graciousness,attribute of grace,attribute of beauty)

"Merited grace" definition is complex meaning.

1.) "High worth supreme being" (synonym "deity") 2.) "Grace" refered to "divine grace",refered to attribute of my "God",attribute of "grace",attribute of "beauty",refered to divine grace of forgiveness,graciousness,mercy,compassion & sympathy with to know "standard of right & wrong with feeling responsibility of wrongdoing"". 3.) Omnibenevolence (word from Lain omni+benevolent "All goodness"),only God is "perfection & flawless". Including "Attribute of love" (attribute of majesty) + "Attribute of Graciousness"(Attribute of beauty,attribute of grace). Selflessness,egolessness,humility,modesty(good manners & courtesy) with "Love & graciousness" + "Patience" (Peace).


4.) "Attribute of Love" (attribute of Majesty) refered to Unconditional "love",to "love" unconditionally,Love as noun & verb in same time. And unconditional "love",to "love" unconditionally is greatest of greatest of all kinds of all love,as well as greatest of greatest of all kinds of all "virtues", Love of God is perfect love,pure goodness. Must not have all kinds of all "hate",including "hate of sins,and hate anybody". Must not have all kinds of all "fear",including "fear of punishment await. Must not have all kinds of all "envy",including "envy when see another people have peace with glorious & joy and not happy with them and want them to lose their peace,glorious & joy,(with or without taking it from them.)"

When see another have peace with gloriousness & joy, Be happy with them,conglatulate them,applause them. When see another did,doing or will do Noble things ,Examples to guided,guides or will guide another people to live in "ways of peace",and people they guided,guides & will guide achieve their gloriousness & joy. With humility,bow down to them,salute them all,thanks them all,appreciate them all.

5.) Attribute of Graciousness (attribute of beauty,attribute of grace) see above 3.) Omnibenevolence.

Please allow me to show my opinions (addition derive from definition),sir.

Love of "God" the greatest ever,"most Epicnessess ever", "Omniamorous infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely". Examples for easyunderstanding.

Omniamorous (Adj.) (Omniamorously Adv.)(slang with complex meaning) (From Latin,Omni,Omnia = all + amorous,From Latin phase,"Omnia vincit Amor","Love conquere everything." + "Vincit omnia veritas","Truth conquere everything". Definition "Beautiful,grace,care & tenderness with all kinds of "utmost love" unconditionally".

Beautiful refered to positive artistic emotional beautiful,similar when listen to music) Grace refered to divine grace of fogiveness,mercy,graciousness,compassion & sympathy. Care refered to "to care" (definition disquited state of uncertainty,apprehension & responsibility) Tenderness refered "to tender" (definition )

All refered to "Everything","omni","omnia" from Latin phase, Utmost love refered to "unconditional love","love unconditionally").

Examples for easyunderstanding.

"With ....."omniamorous"..... infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely,for all humanity of all nations unconditionally infinitely,for all living unconditionally infinitely,to all of "his creations" unconditionally infinitely,for whoever,what ever unconditionally infinitely"

Definition (Verse by verse translation)

"With ....."Beautiful,grace,care & tenderness with all kinds of "utmost love" unconditionally"..... infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely,for all humanity of all nations unconditionally infinitely,for all living unconditionally infinitely,to all of "his creations" unconditionally infinitely,for whoever,what ever unconditionally infinitely"

And scientific facts to know for benefits of everybody who visit www.wikipedia.org ,sir.

Torah,1st copy inspired by "God" was "Biblical Aramaic",same with Dead Sea Scroll,Not old Hebrew or modern Hebrew. And Al-Qur'an,Holy book of I-salami,1st copy was "traditional Qur'anic grammar "iʿrāb (إعراب)",Not old Arabic or modern Arabic grammar.

Evidences of Epicnessess of original & 1st copy of both Holy books,both Holy Books can reveal past,present,future for several milleniums because inspired by "God".

(Torah by encrytion ,like in National Geographic & Discovery. And Al-Qur'an by to know which pages to read next.)

Key of proper translation of both Holy books is "old Aramaic" but very very rare people capable to translate that,

Try "S-L-M","Shin-Lamedh-Mem","triconsonantal route".


According Torah Bereshit 15:18:21 also well-known as Torah Genesis 15:18:21,Abrahamic covenant, “In that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates; the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Rephaim, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.” “Abraham” whose birth name was Abram” The Father Love”, is the eponym of the Abrahamic religions, among which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to both Torah and the Qur'an, through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, Abraham is the forefather of many tribes, including the Ishmaelites, Israelites, Midianites and Edomites Abraham was a descendant of Noah's son, Shem. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a descendant of Abraham through Issaac, and Muslims believe that Prophet of Islam Muhammad was also descendant of Abraham through Ishmael. God gave Abraham's descendants all the land from the river (or wadi) of Egypt to the Euphrates. Wadi means seasonal river in reference to the Nile Delta which flooded seasonally during those days. Later, this land came to be referred to as “the Promised Land” .the Land of Israel, however the land specified by the Abrahamic Covenant also includes the modern nations of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, and several other nations within the Middle East Region. Hebrew and Arab peoples are generally classified as Semitic, a concept derived from Biblical accounts of the origins of the cultures known to the ancient Hebrews. Those closest to them in culture and language were generally deemed to be descended from their forefather Shem, one of the sons of Noah. Modern historians confirm the affinity of ancient Hebrews and Arabs based on characteristics that are usually transmitted from parent to child, such as genes and habits, with the most well-studied criterion being language. Similarities between Semitic languages “Triconsonantal route” “S-L-M Shin-Lamedh-Mem” (including Aramaic Hebrew Arabic & Maltese ) and their differences with those spoken by other adjacent people confirm the common origin of Hebrews and Arabs among other Semitic nations.

Please allow me to translate from Al-Qur'an Holy book of I-salami,sir.

According to Al-Qur'an,Holy book of I-salami,Chapter (7) sūrat l-a'rāf (The Heights) verse 7:7:37 to 7:37:37 Modification against verses in Holy book including deny the verses in Al-Qur'an is "forbidden in I-salami religion",sir.

And according to Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:44:1 to 5:44:41. 5:44:1 to 5:44:8 Indeed,we revealed "l-tawrāta"(Torah,Taurat) in it guidance the light,judge by it.

And according to Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) Verse 5:15:1 to 5:16:18. Subula l-salāmi ways peace ṣirāṭin mus'taqīmin ways straight 5:16:8 "I-salami" definition "Peace",Not "submission" that ussually misunderstanding because of misunderstanding about original Al-Qur'an was Arabic but actually ,sir..

"People in ways of Peace",(refered to whoever,who live in ways of peace,including another religions as well as including Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami),people who bring Peace to people in "ways of Peace"("subula I-salami" Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami),they are not infidel.

"People in ways of Peace",people who bring Peace to people in "ways of Peace"(Subula I-salami),they are not infidel."

Acceptance in ways of Peace = acceptance in ways God guides(guided).

By the way,sir.the word "Muslim" or "Muslim people" from the word "mus'limīna" verse by verse translation "in submission". And translation of "in submission" definition "Acceptance in "ways of "Peace"" = "Acceptance in "ways "God" guides,guided".

"Acceptance in "ways of "Peace"" = "Acceptance in "ways "God" guides,guided" equal to "to worship & honour my "God",as "piety","duty","religiosity","religious behavior,","loyalty,","devotion".)

Piety definition variously as "duty","religiosity","religious behavior,","loyalty,","devotion". (English "piety" derives from the Latin Pietas.)


By the way,translation never forbidden,open for anybody who capable to do it,sir.

http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=1&verse=1 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=7&verse=37 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=15 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=44 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=54 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=3&verse=30

In translation, not adding in the book, The real key words of translation properly, "Old Aramaic transcripts". Biblical Aramaic 'I-laha "God". אלהי I-lahi definition "My god". I-lah definition "god". The "i" after I-lah in "I-lahi" ..."i" after "I-lah" in "I-lahi" "i" definition "my".

Chapter (1) sūrat l-fātiḥah (The Opening) Verse 1:1:1 to 1:6:3 In name of my “God”, the most gracious, the most merciful, all praise and thanks to my “God”, the Lord of universe, the most gracious, the most merciful, Master (of the) day, the judgement, You alone we worship and you alone we ask for help, Guide us, the path, the straight.

Chapter (7) sūrat l-a'rāf (The Heights) Verse 7:37:1 to 7:37:37 7:37:1 to 7:37:15 Then who (is) more unjust than (one) who invented against my “God” , a lie or denies his verses? Those will reach them their portion from the book. 7:37:16 to 7:37:21 Until when they come to the our messengers to take them in death. (To take their souls), they say. 7:37:22 to 7:37:29 "Where are those (whom) you used to invoke from besides my “God”” they say. 7:37:30 to 7:37:37 "They strayed from us," and they (will) testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) Verse 5:15:1 to 5:16:18 5:15:1 to 5:15:5... O People of the book surely has come to you "our messenger". 5:15:6 to 5:15:13 Making clear to you much of what you used from something that had been concealed in the book, (the scriptures) 5:15:14 to 5:15:18 And overlooking of much surely has come to you. 5:15:19 to 5:15:22 From my "God","a light" & "a book". 5:15:23 to 5:16:2 Clear guides with it. 5:16:3 to 5:16:8 “God" those who seek his pleasure, (to the) ways "(of) I-salami, "peace". 5:16:7 subula to (through) the way. 5:16:8 l-salāmi (of) the peace 5:16:9 to 5:16:11 And brings them out from the darkness. 5:16:12 to 5:16:14 To "the light", by "his permission". 5:16:13 "I-nuri" the light. 5:16:14 bi-idh'nihi by his permission. 5:16:15 to 5:16:18 And guides them to the way the straight.

Subula l-salāmi ways peace ṣirāṭin mus'taqīmin ways straight 5:16:8 I-salami Peace

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:44:1 to 5:44:41 5:44:1 to 5:44:8 Indeed,we revealed "l-tawrāta"(Torah,Taurat) in it guidance the light,judge by it. 5:44:9 to 5:44:15 The prophets those who had submitted to peace for those who were Jews and the rabbis and the scholars. 5:14:16 to 5:44:20 With what those were entrusted of book (of) my God, 5:44:21 to 5:44:23 And they were to it witnesess. 5:44:24 to 5:44:27 So (do) not fear the people but fear me 5:44:28 to 5:44:31 And (do) not sell my (God) verses (for) a price,little (for a little price). 5:44:33 to 5:44:38 And whoever (does) not judge by what has revealed,God. 5:44:39 to 5:44:41 Then those they,the disbelievers.

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:54:1 to 5:55:13 5:54:1 to 5:54:8 O you who believe, whoever turn back among you from his religions. 5:54:9 to 5:54:14 Then soon will be brought by God, the people whom he loves and they love him. 5:54:15 to 5:54:20 Humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers. 5:54:21 to 5:54:28 Striving in way of my God and not fearing the blame, the critic. 5:54:29 to 5:54:32 That's the grace of my God, he grants whom he wills. 5:54:35 to 5:55:13 And God, all compassiate (all guiding), all knowing, only your ally, God and his messengers and those who believe, and those who establish the prayer and give the purification works (I-zakata), and they those who bow down.

Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān) verse 3:30:1 to 3:31:14 3:30:1 to 3:30:9 (On the) day will find every soul what it did of good presented. 3:30:10 to 3:30:13 And what it did of evil. 3:30:14 to 3:30:20 It will wish that (if) between itself & between it (evil),a distance great. 3:30:21 to 3:30:26 And warn you,God himself and God most kind to his believers. 3:31:1 to 3:31:8 Say "if you love God,then follow me,will love you God". 3:31:9 to 3:31:14 And he will forgive for you,your sins and God is oft forgiving most merciful.

If have any technical questions about texts,historical,anthropological,literacy or something,if I can help,please let me know,sir. ^^ . — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:53, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hello,sir.The excellencies,ladies & gentlemen. Please allow me to introduce myself properly & show my opinions,sir.

"My God's name is "God",sir." "My name's Mr."Surakij" Vuthikornpant,sir." "I can be all I can be, uncertainty is very very certain,with my modesty,humility,good manners,courtesy with highly respect to my "God",my father,my God's name's "God",if “God” said so,so be it,if "God" wills,so be it,zero to infinite,be myself….my nature." "I can be all I can be, uncertainty is very very certain,zero to infinite,be myself…my nature." To be honest,today I just a normal humble humble civilian in Bangkok,Thailand,sir.

With humility & respect to another people's opinions,sir. Please allow me to show my diffent points of views about this issue,"Arrtibute of God",sir.

I can assure everybody,gurantee with everything I have about my "God" never has "Attribute of Jealousy",sir. I can assure you,and gurantee you, I granted. And if possible,if somebody can remove "Attribute of Jealousy" from wiki,sir.

http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Attributes_of_God http://wiki.riteme.site/wiki/Attributes_of_God#Jealousy

Because sound some kinds of insulted,because "jealousy" is integral part of "Envy",1 of 7 deadly sin. And as everybody know,sir. God is omnibenevolence,"all goodness".

According to my very very limited life's experiences & very very limited knowledges,sir.

In Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami,sir.


"God" definition "Merited grace", "Merited grace" is a word with complex meaning. "Merited grace" (from the word "merit" + "grace" (refered to divine grace of graciousness,attribute of graciousness,attribute of grace,attribute of beauty)

"Merited grace" definition is complex meaning.

1.) "High worth supreme being" (synonym "deity") 2.) "Grace" refered to "divine grace",refered to attribute of my "God",attribute of "grace",attribute of "beauty",refered to divine grace of forgiveness,graciousness,mercy,compassion & sympathy with to know "standard of right & wrong with feeling responsibility of wrongdoing"". 3.) Omnibenevolence (word from Lain omni+benevolent "All goodness"),only God is "perfection & flawless". Including "Attribute of love" (attribute of majesty) + "Attribute of Graciousness"(Attribute of beauty,attribute of grace). Selflessness,egolessness,humility,modesty(good manners & courtesy) with "Love & graciousness" + "Patience" (Peace).


4.) "Attribute of Love" (attribute of Majesty) refered to Unconditional "love",to "love" unconditionally,Love as noun & verb in same time. And unconditional "love",to "love" unconditionally is greatest of greatest of all kinds of all love,as well as greatest of greatest of all kinds of all "virtues", Love of God is perfect love,pure goodness. Must not have all kinds of all "hate",including "hate of sins,and hate anybody". Must not have all kinds of all "fear",including "fear of punishment await. Must not have all kinds of all "envy",including "envy when see another people have peace with glorious & joy and not happy with them and want them to lose their peace,glorious & joy,(with or without taking it from them.)"

When see another have peace with gloriousness & joy, Be happy with them,conglatulate them,applause them. When see another did,doing or will do Noble things ,Examples to guided,guides or will guide another people to live in "ways of peace",and people they guided,guides & will guide achieve their gloriousness & joy. With humility,bow down to them,salute them all,thanks them all,appreciate them all.

5.) Attribute of Graciousness (attribute of beauty,attribute of grace) see above 3.) Omnibenevolence.

Please allow me to show my opinions (addition derive from definition),sir.

Love of "God" the greatest ever,"most Epicnessess ever", "Omniamorous infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely". Examples for easyunderstanding.

Omniamorous (Adj.) (Omniamorously Adv.)(slang with complex meaning) (From Latin,Omni,Omnia = all + amorous,From Latin phase,"Omnia vincit Amor","Love conquere everything." + "Vincit omnia veritas","Truth conquere everything". Definition "Beautiful,grace,care & tenderness with all kinds of "utmost love" unconditionally".

Beautiful refered to positive artistic emotional beautiful,similar when listen to music) Grace refered to divine grace of fogiveness,mercy,graciousness,compassion & sympathy. Care refered to "to care" (definition disquited state of uncertainty,apprehension & responsibility) Tenderness refered "to tender" (definition )

All refered to "Everything","omni","omnia" from Latin phase, Utmost love refered to "unconditional love","love unconditionally").

Examples for easyunderstanding.

"With ....."omniamorous"..... infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely,for all humanity of all nations unconditionally infinitely,for all living unconditionally infinitely,to all of "his creations" unconditionally infinitely,for whoever,what ever unconditionally infinitely"

Definition (Verse by verse translation)

"With ....."Beautiful,grace,care & tenderness with all kinds of "utmost love" unconditionally"..... infinite love of "God" unconditionally infinitely,for all humanity of all nations unconditionally infinitely,for all living unconditionally infinitely,to all of "his creations" unconditionally infinitely,for whoever,what ever unconditionally infinitely"

And scientific facts to know for benefits of everybody who visit www.wikipedia.org ,sir.

Torah,1st copy inspired by "God" was "Biblical Aramaic",same with Dead Sea Scroll,Not old Hebrew or modern Hebrew. And Al-Qur'an,Holy book of I-salami,1st copy was "traditional Qur'anic grammar "iʿrāb (إعراب)",Not old Arabic or modern Arabic grammar.

Evidences of Epicnessess of original & 1st copy of both Holy books,both Holy Books can reveal past,present,future for several milleniums because inspired by "God".

(Torah by encrytion ,like in National Geographic & Discovery. And Al-Qur'an by to know which pages to read next.)

Key of proper translation of both Holy books is "old Aramaic" but very very rare people capable to translate that,

Try "S-L-M","Shin-Lamedh-Mem","triconsonantal route".


According Torah Bereshit 15:18:21 also well-known as Torah Genesis 15:18:21,Abrahamic covenant, “In that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: 'Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates; the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Rephaim, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.” “Abraham” whose birth name was Abram” The Father Love”, is the eponym of the Abrahamic religions, among which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. According to both Torah and the Qur'an, through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, Abraham is the forefather of many tribes, including the Ishmaelites, Israelites, Midianites and Edomites Abraham was a descendant of Noah's son, Shem. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a descendant of Abraham through Issaac, and Muslims believe that Prophet of Islam Muhammad was also descendant of Abraham through Ishmael. God gave Abraham's descendants all the land from the river (or wadi) of Egypt to the Euphrates. Wadi means seasonal river in reference to the Nile Delta which flooded seasonally during those days. Later, this land came to be referred to as “the Promised Land” .the Land of Israel, however the land specified by the Abrahamic Covenant also includes the modern nations of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, and several other nations within the Middle East Region. Hebrew and Arab peoples are generally classified as Semitic, a concept derived from Biblical accounts of the origins of the cultures known to the ancient Hebrews. Those closest to them in culture and language were generally deemed to be descended from their forefather Shem, one of the sons of Noah. Modern historians confirm the affinity of ancient Hebrews and Arabs based on characteristics that are usually transmitted from parent to child, such as genes and habits, with the most well-studied criterion being language. Similarities between Semitic languages “Triconsonantal route” “S-L-M Shin-Lamedh-Mem” (including Aramaic Hebrew Arabic & Maltese ) and their differences with those spoken by other adjacent people confirm the common origin of Hebrews and Arabs among other Semitic nations.

Please allow me to translate from Al-Qur'an Holy book of I-salami,sir.

According to Al-Qur'an,Holy book of I-salami,Chapter (7) sūrat l-a'rāf (The Heights) verse 7:7:37 to 7:37:37 Modification against verses in Holy book including deny the verses in Al-Qur'an is "forbidden in I-salami religion",sir.

And according to Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:44:1 to 5:44:41. 5:44:1 to 5:44:8 Indeed,we revealed "l-tawrāta"(Torah,Taurat) in it guidance the light,judge by it.

And according to Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) Verse 5:15:1 to 5:16:18. Subula l-salāmi ways peace ṣirāṭin mus'taqīmin ways straight 5:16:8 "I-salami" definition "Peace",Not "submission" that ussually misunderstanding because of misunderstanding about original Al-Qur'an was Arabic but actually ,sir..

"People in ways of Peace",(refered to whoever,who live in ways of peace,including another religions as well as including Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami),people who bring Peace to people in "ways of Peace"("subula I-salami" Abrahamic tradition,Judaism,Christianity,I-salami),they are not infidel.

"People in ways of Peace",people who bring Peace to people in "ways of Peace"(Subula I-salami),they are not infidel."

Acceptance in ways of Peace = acceptance in ways God guides(guided).

By the way,sir.the word "Muslim" or "Muslim people" from the word "mus'limīna" verse by verse translation "in submission". And translation of "in submission" definition "Acceptance in "ways of "Peace"" = "Acceptance in "ways "God" guides,guided".

"Acceptance in "ways of "Peace"" = "Acceptance in "ways "God" guides,guided" equal to "to worship & honour my "God",as "piety","duty","religiosity","religious behavior,","loyalty,","devotion".)

Piety definition variously as "duty","religiosity","religious behavior,","loyalty,","devotion". (English "piety" derives from the Latin Pietas.)


By the way,translation never forbidden,open for anybody who capable to do it,sir.

http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=1&verse=1 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=7&verse=37 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=15 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=44 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=5&verse=54 http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp?chapter=3&verse=30

In translation, not adding in the book, The real key words of translation properly, "Old Aramaic transcripts". Biblical Aramaic 'I-laha "God". אלהי I-lahi definition "My god". I-lah definition "god". The "i" after I-lah in "I-lahi" ..."i" after "I-lah" in "I-lahi" "i" definition "my".

Chapter (1) sūrat l-fātiḥah (The Opening) Verse 1:1:1 to 1:6:3 In name of my “God”, the most gracious, the most merciful, all praise and thanks to my “God”, the Lord of universe, the most gracious, the most merciful, Master (of the) day, the judgement, You alone we worship and you alone we ask for help, Guide us, the path, the straight.

Chapter (7) sūrat l-a'rāf (The Heights) Verse 7:37:1 to 7:37:37 7:37:1 to 7:37:15 Then who (is) more unjust than (one) who invented against my “God” , a lie or denies his verses? Those will reach them their portion from the book. 7:37:16 to 7:37:21 Until when they come to the our messengers to take them in death. (To take their souls), they say. 7:37:22 to 7:37:29 "Where are those (whom) you used to invoke from besides my “God”” they say. 7:37:30 to 7:37:37 "They strayed from us," and they (will) testify against themselves that they were disbelievers.

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) Verse 5:15:1 to 5:16:18 5:15:1 to 5:15:5... O People of the book surely has come to you "our messenger". 5:15:6 to 5:15:13 Making clear to you much of what you used from something that had been concealed in the book, (the scriptures) 5:15:14 to 5:15:18 And overlooking of much surely has come to you. 5:15:19 to 5:15:22 From my "God","a light" & "a book". 5:15:23 to 5:16:2 Clear guides with it. 5:16:3 to 5:16:8 “God" those who seek his pleasure, (to the) ways "(of) I-salami, "peace". 5:16:7 subula to (through) the way. 5:16:8 l-salāmi (of) the peace 5:16:9 to 5:16:11 And brings them out from the darkness. 5:16:12 to 5:16:14 To "the light", by "his permission". 5:16:13 "I-nuri" the light. 5:16:14 bi-idh'nihi by his permission. 5:16:15 to 5:16:18 And guides them to the way the straight.

Subula l-salāmi ways peace ṣirāṭin mus'taqīmin ways straight 5:16:8 I-salami Peace

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:44:1 to 5:44:41 5:44:1 to 5:44:8 Indeed,we revealed "l-tawrāta"(Torah,Taurat) in it guidance the light,judge by it. 5:44:9 to 5:44:15 The prophets those who had submitted to peace for those who were Jews and the rabbis and the scholars. 5:14:16 to 5:44:20 With what those were entrusted of book (of) my God, 5:44:21 to 5:44:23 And they were to it witnesess. 5:44:24 to 5:44:27 So (do) not fear the people but fear me 5:44:28 to 5:44:31 And (do) not sell my (God) verses (for) a price,little (for a little price). 5:44:33 to 5:44:38 And whoever (does) not judge by what has revealed,God. 5:44:39 to 5:44:41 Then those they,the disbelievers.

Chapter (5) sūrat l-māidah (The Table spread with Food) verse 5:54:1 to 5:55:13 5:54:1 to 5:54:8 O you who believe, whoever turn back among you from his religions. 5:54:9 to 5:54:14 Then soon will be brought by God, the people whom he loves and they love him. 5:54:15 to 5:54:20 Humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers. 5:54:21 to 5:54:28 Striving in way of my God and not fearing the blame, the critic. 5:54:29 to 5:54:32 That's the grace of my God, he grants whom he wills. 5:54:35 to 5:55:13 And God, all compassiate (all guiding), all knowing, only your ally, God and his messengers and those who believe, and those who establish the prayer and give the purification works (I-zakata), and they those who bow down.

Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān) verse 3:30:1 to 3:31:14 3:30:1 to 3:30:9 (On the) day will find every soul what it did of good presented. 3:30:10 to 3:30:13 And what it did of evil. 3:30:14 to 3:30:20 It will wish that (if) between itself & between it (evil),a distance great. 3:30:21 to 3:30:26 And warn you,God himself and God most kind to his believers. 3:31:1 to 3:31:8 Say "if you love God,then follow me,will love you God". 3:31:9 to 3:31:14 And he will forgive for you,your sins and God is oft forgiving most merciful.

If have any technical questions about texts,historical,anthropological,literacy or something,if I can help,please let me know,sir. ^^ . — Preceding unsigned comment added by SurakijVuthikornpant (talkcontribs) 10:07, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This article is about Christian theology, and certainly no disrespect is intended to your god. StAnselm (talk) 10:20, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hello,sir, your excellency SurakijVuthikornpant, but I agree with StAnselm. The tag is unjustified, removing it. History2007 (talk) 19:06, 11 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Missing attributes


I think this list could be extended with some more attributes:

  • Beauty: many Christian theologians would agree that God is beautiful, and possesses beauty in the maximal possible degree, and that ultimate beauty is the source of all lesser beauties
  • Perfection: many Christian theologians would say that God has only one attribute - perfection - and that all other divine attributes are simply specifications of this attribute of perfection, rather than truly independent attributes. They would even say that all divine attributes represent limited human attempts to express this infinite perfection in terms comprehensible to the human mind. At least, I believe Catholic theologians in the Thomist tradition would say things like this.
  • Necessity: many Christian theologians would say that God is necessary, that God is a necessary existent (they may even say he is the only necessary existent). (To some extent this overlaps with aseity, although it is not clear to me if they are exactly the same thing.) The philosopher Richard Swinburne is an example of a Christian thinker who denies that God is a necessary existent, although I think he is very much in the minority on that.
  • Eternity: the majority of Christians hold that God is eternal, in the sense of existing outside of time, of being atemporal. Open theism rejects this, but it is a (rather controversial) minority view in Christianity
  • Personality, or Personhood Christianity holds that God is a personal being, a person, as opposed to an impersonal deity. So this is a very key divine attribute from the Christian perspective, but is not called out as a heading in the list (even though many of the other attributes mentioned inevitably presume it.)

I would add some stuff about this, but need to find good references first. SJK (talk) 00:57, 19 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I'm not sure about necessity, but the other ones could definitely be included. "Eternity" is already mentioned under "Infinity". If "personality" means that God is one person as well as being three persons, that would be a minority view (held by Cornelius Van Til among others). StAnselm (talk) 19:09, 24 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure whether eternity can simply be slotted under infinity. If we contrast eternity (existence outside of time) to sempiternity (existence within time, but having an infinite temporal duration), it is not clear that the later is somehow less "infinite" than the former, yet the classical Christian position is God has the former not the later.
My point about personality is simply that in the mainstream Abrahamic tradition, God is personal rather than impersonal, which can be contrasted with some views about an impersonal God (e.g. Spinoza's pantheism). Now in Judaism and Islam, that personhood is understood in a singular sense, in mainstream Christianity the personhood is understood in a triune sense, but either way, God has an attribute of being personal as opposed to being impersonal. So arguments (like Van Til's) about how many persons God is, about whether he is three only or both one and three, don't impact this fundamental point. SJK (talk) 23:10, 25 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
True. As I said, very happy for eternity and personality to be distinct sections. StAnselm (talk) 19:23, 26 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I am not sure we need any of these, but if you have references we can see what you what to say about them. I like what you (SJK) said about personhood, but StAnselm's comments on personhood are opaque. tahc chat 04:32, 27 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

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About C.S Lewis


Why do you quote him about omnipotence? The page has partiality, ah various interpretations for Omnipotence, if you have a quote from it, you should have quotes from others with other interpretations, or have none and only what you have in the Bible The Omnipotente (talk) 07:41, 18 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

This page generally has one quote from a writer as well as a quote from the Bible. I'm not sure why you're questioning the inclusion of Lewis, particularly. Is it because he was not a professional theologian, or is it simply that you disagree with him? What would be an example of an other interpretation? StAnselm (talk) 20:01, 18 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Please discuss the issue here rather than reverting. In any case, your version did not make grammatical sense. StAnselm (talk) 23:27, 18 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Hello how are you? Sorry for the problem. Not being a professional theologian is one of the reasons, but as I said in the issue, the main reason is with the C.S Lewis quote, the page does not remain unbiased (which in my view is a bad thing). And if it is to put the opinions of Aquinas, it would be better; One suggestion is, or explains, that it has several interpretations for this attribute or puts different interpretations. A person can accept this as truth only because it is the opinion of someone with Relevance. About grammatical errors, your help would be welcome (and thank you very much) What do you think? — Preceding unsigned comment added by The Omnipotente (talkcontribs) 01:05, 19 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I'd be very happy to include Aquinas if you have a suitable quote or sourced summary. Are you saying he would have disagreed with Lewis? StAnselm (talk) 02:57, 19 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

For example, Thomas Aquinas and Lewis agree with the version that God can only do logical things(it would be good to put Aquinas's opinion).. But there are other versions that God can do illogical things (in this version, God transcends logic). Speaking that it would be good to put these two versions. — Preceding unsigned comment added by The Omnipotente (talkcontribs) 03:36, 19 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Here to talk about aquino, this passage explains well(I tried to send and it was not before)

"It remains therefore, that God is called omnipotent because He can do all things that are possible absolutely; which is the second way of saying a thing is possible. For a thing is said to be possible or impossible absolutely, according to the relation in which the very terms stand to one another, possible if the predicate is not incompatible with the subject, as that Socrates sits; and absolutely impossible when the predicate is altogether incompatible with the subject, as, for instance, that a man is a donkey. It must, however, be remembered that since every agent produces an effect like itself, to each active power there corresponds a thing possible as its proper object according to the nature of that act on which its active power is founded; for instance, the power of giving warmth is related as to its proper object to the being capable of being warmed. The divine existence, however, upon which the nature of power in God is founded, is infinite, and is not limited to any genus of being; but possesses within itself the perfection of all being. Whence, whatsoever has or can have the nature of being, is numbered among the absolutely possible things, in respect of which God is called omnipotent. Now nothing is opposed to the idea of being except non-being. Therefore, that which implies being and non-being at the same time is repugnant to the idea of an absolutely possible thing, within the scope of the divine omnipotence. For such cannot come under the divine omnipotence, not because of any defect in the power of God, but because it has not the nature of a feasible or possible thing. Therefore, everything that does not imply a contradiction in terms, is numbered amongst those possible things, in respect of which God is called omnipotent: whereas whatever implies contradiction does not come within the scope of divine omnipotence, because it cannot have the aspect of possibility. Hence it is better to say that such things cannot be done, than that God cannot do them. Nor is this contrary to the word of the angel, saying: "No word shall be impossible with God." For whatever implies a contradiction cannot be a word, because no intellect can possibly conceive such a thing. —The Summa Theologica I, Q. XXV: The power of God, Art. 3. Objection 4.

Sorry for the long review. In the version that transcends logic, there is not much to be said about speech. But I can logically talk about why God can do illogical things. In the first congress of logic and religion, it has been said that God can make logical contradictions if he is a paraconsistent being (and was defined as a paraconsistent fact). Here he explains the logic and reason God is Paraconsistent

the Nicolaus of Cusa once had an argument about God being contradictory I am going to put it here "Since I am going to discuss the maximum learning of ignorance, I must deal with the nature of Maximality. Now, I give the name “Maximum” to that than which there cannot be anything greater. But fullness befits what is one. Thus, oneness—which is also being—coincides with Maximality. But if such oneness is altogether free from all relation and contraction, obviously nothing is opposed to it, since it is Absolute Maximality. Thus, the Maximum is the Absolute One which is all things. And all things are in the Maximum (for it is the Maximum); and since nothing is opposed to it, the Minimum likewise coincides with it, and hence the Maximum is also in all things. And because it is absolute, it is, actually, every possible being; it contracts nothing from things, all of which [derive] from it. In the first book I shall strive to investigate incomprehensibly above human reason-this Maximum, which the faith of all nations indubitably believes to be God. [I shall investigate] with the guidance of Him “who alone dwells in inaccessible light. De douta ignorantia, 1440" Too bad the book is paid but here's the link(CUSA, Nicholas. De douta ignorantia, 1440. G. Heron (trans.), London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1954) — Preceding unsigned comment added by The Omnipotente (talkcontribs) 04:05, 19 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

No I'm very familiar with English (which was a big mistake of mine when editing) Sorry for any error and the problem I caused

C. S. Lewis on Omnipotence


I had spoken before that C. S. Lewis's phrase also makes the page tedious. What he says is not an absolute truth but only an interpretation

To cut the craps: in theology there are no absolute truths, but only interpretations made by theologians. The attributes of God are not based upon "the Bible says so", but only on interpretations provided by later theologians. I made this problem crystal clear at #Original research.
Just because you can cite stuff from the Bible, it does not mean that you know absolute truths. tgeorgescu (talk) 08:54, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]



This article does not discuss how different denominations of Christianity ascribe different attributes, and seems to rely on an Anglican interpretation. There are some major disagreements; for example, Nontrinitarian denominations would reject the current contents of the "Trinity" section. The article should attribute attributes to Christianity or some particular source, but currently it's mostly describing attributes of God in its own voice. To be neutral, the article would also need to include criticism or commentary from Christian and non-Christian sources; for example, there are arguments that certain attributes are incompatible or impossible. -- Beland (talk) 06:46, 31 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Original research


Citing Bible verses at Attributes of God in Christianity is stupid, since other Bible verses can be found to contradict those. And you don't even need to search very hard for such verses. E.g. [1] and [2]. If you don't want stuff like "God is powerless against iron chariots" appearing in the article, then don't WP:CITE Bible verses for WP:V the claim that he is omnipotent. Same applies to citing Bible verses for verifying any other attribute: I will reply in kind. Christians are not the only people able to cite the Bible in order to push a POV. Cite WP:SCHOLARSHIP for verifying the attributes of God, don't cite the Bible.

If the standard of verification is Sola Scriptura I can insert Sola Scriptura in the article till Christian believers no longer want Sola Scriptura in this article.

Of course, a much simpler argument is WP:RSPSCRIPTURE. And that, my friends, is binding for your edits, too. tgeorgescu (talk) 10:33, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Fair enough. Of course, most, if not all, of these Bible verses will also be found as proof texts in secondary sources. (But you would be hard-pressed to find a reference to Judges 1:19 in any discussion of God's omnipotence.) And no, WP:RSPSCRIPTURE is not binding - it's an essay, following a noticeboard. WP:RS is the binding guideline. StAnselm (talk) 20:30, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]
I did not want to be mean, but throwing some Bible verses with little or no explanation won't do. tgeorgescu (talk) 07:34, 27 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Houston we have a problem


Some of these aren't 'capital-A' "Attributes" of God (God's essence/nature). Instead they describe God's relation to the world and himself. Big difference, if you don't want to be a heretic and accidentally endorse things like tri-theism and pantheism. It looks like the article mentions a distinction but only briefly.

In other words, just listing all of these things as attributes is confusing, and that's why theologians (in my readings) don't list things like Trinity and Providence as 'attributes' of God. 2601:840:8681:9690:0:0:0:B103 (talk) 19:51, 5 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Well, here at Wikipedia we're merely descriptive, and we include things labeled attributes, even if they are heretical. Personally, I've always had my doubts about "mission" as an attribute. StAnselm (talk) 20:46, 5 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That's interesting, @StAnselm; are there any reliable sources which describe "Trinity" as an "attribute" of God? What about "Mission" other than Bosch? Does Wright's book state this explicitly? When I checked "Providence" I found only Alfred J. Freddoso's unpublished course materials. I would say that in order for us to be descriptive, we'd need to demonstrate a consensus of sources that specifically and explicitly describe each item in our list as an "Attribute" of God as defined by the scope in the "Classification" section.
Our own article admits that "Christians are not monolithic" in their understanding, but I think that citing one lone theologian is insufficient to qualify something for this list. I believe that we should set the bar of our inclusion criteria sufficiently that excludes claims of fringe views and outliers. Elizium23 (talk) 14:02, 7 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I googled "is trinity an attribute of god" and the top result was Jen Wilkin (not exactly a reliable source, but I was surprised she didn't have a WP article): [3] I will keep on looking. StAnselm (talk) 14:28, 7 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Christian religious studies.


Attributes of God (talk) 15:37, 8 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

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false (talk) 15:29, 12 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]



hardware and software (talk) 15:28, 12 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wha is attribute of God (talk) 20:14, 18 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]