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Armas Launis

Armas Launis (1884 Hämenlinna-1959 Nice) was a Finnish composer but also an ethnomusicologist,a professor,a writer and a journalist.


-The composer -The ethnomusicologist -The Professor -The journalist -His work -External links and references

The composer:
 Armas Launis is mainly an opera composer.He wrote 10   operas (both libretto and music).Several were performed:
  -in Finland: The seven brothers (1913), the first Finnish opera comique, and Kullervo (1917), both in full stage performance, and a concert performance of Aslak Hetta in 2004 at Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, directed by Sakari Oramo.
  -In France: stage performance of Kullervo (1940, Nice, Palais de la Méditerranée)with radio broadcasts on Paris-Inter and Radio Monte-Carlo (1938-1940).Ashort version of Jehudith was also broadcast in 1954 (Paris-Inter).
 Armas Launis also wrote chamber music pieces, cantatas, choruses, suites for orchestra and the music of the first Finnish ethnographic film "A wedding in Carelia, the land of poetry(1921).
The ethno-musicologist:
 Launis was one of the first scholars to collect and do research on folk music..