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Talk:Albert I, Count of Namur

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Problem with dates


Article says 950-998-1011; birth and death categories are 950 and 1011; how does 998 fit? Is it a mistake?--FeanorStar7 11:00, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Discrepancies between the different languages (French, English, German)


I honestly didn't know which language to post these problems, so I chose English...

He married Ermengarde, daughter of Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and had three children:

   Liutgard of Namur
   Albert II, Count of Namur was father of Hedwige of Namur, who married Gerard, Duke of Lorraine. They were the great-great-grandparents of Beatrice, who married Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.

Il avait épousé Ermengarde2, fille de Charles, duc de Basse-Lotharingie, et avait eu :

   Robert II, comte de Namur.
   Albert II († 1063), comte de Namur
   Hedwige (Hadewide) de Namur, épouse de Gérard Ier de Lorraine
   Luitgarde, mariée à Otton, premier comte de Looz.
   Oda ou Goda
   Ermengarde, que des auteurs ont voulu identifier, à tort, à l’épouse d’Otton Ier de Chiny.

Er heiratete 990 die Karolingerin Adelheid († nach 1012), eine Tochter des Herzoges Karls von Niederlothringen, der seit 987 französischer Thronprätendent war und 991 von Hugo Capet gefangengesetzt und bis zu seinem Tod in Orléans eingekerkert wurde.

Albert und Adelheid hatten mindestens zwei Kinder:

   Robert II., 1013–1018 bezeugt, † vor 1031, Graf von Namur
   Albert II., 1031–1062 bezeugt, † 1063/64, Vogt von Andenne, 1047 Stifter des Klosters Saint-Aubin in Namur; ∞ Reginlindis von Lothringen, 1067 bezeugt, Tochter des Herzogs Gotzelo I..

All languages have this gentleman passing away shortly before 1011.

He marries Ermengarde (Adelhaid), daughter of Charles (Karl), Duke of Lower Lorraine. So far so good.

BUT, the issues didn't tranlate so well: In English he is Hedwiga of Namur's grandfather. In French he is her father. And no mention of her in German. The only common denominator between the three languages as far as issues is Albert II, but Albert is once Hedwiga's brother, and once her father, and once no mention of his decendants. What is correct?

Thank you! (talk) 14:09, 8 February 2013 (UTC) Rhonda[reply]

Same analyze.. I don't which one is the truth. But actually, regarding birth and death date, it seems Hedwige (born near 1025) was the daugther of Albert II (997-1037), who was the son of Albert I (950-1011) and Ermengarde (970-1013). It seems impossible Hedwige was directly the daughter of Albert I (she born around 44 years after his death...). But it's my own analyse, so... Laszlo (talk) 12:13, 3 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]