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Royal Academy Dictionary definitions


We have the following definitions in the Royal Spanish Academy Dictionary, 22nd. Edition:

5. m. Antiguamente, jefe militar y político de una provincia fronteriza. (Formerly, a military and political chief of a frontier province.)

6. m. Antiguamente y en tiempos de paz, presidente o justicia mayor de reino, provincia o distrito determinados, y capitán general en tiempos de guerra. (Formerly and in peace times, president or chief justice of a given kingdom, province or district, and general captain in war times.)

adelantado de mar. (sea adelantado.)

1. m. Persona a quien se confiaba el mando de una expedición marítima, concediéndole de antemano el gobierno de las tierras que descubriese o conquistase. (Person who was entrusted with command for a maritime expedition, and to whom was conceded beforehand the government of whichever lands he came to discover or conquest.)

adelantado mayor. (adelantado major.)

1. m. Antiguamente, autoridad máxima de un territorio. (Formerly, maximum authority of a territory.)

As explained in the article, the meaning changed over time, so it would be nice if we were able to reconcile these dictionary definitions with the different definitions given throughout the text. Aldo L (talk) 03:43, 23 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]