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Lithuanian intelligence agency
State Security Department VSD headquarters (Pilaitė , Vilnius )Formed 27 October 1918 (restored 26 March 1990) Jurisdiction Government of Lithuania Headquarters Pilaitės pr. 19, LT-06264 Vilnius , Lithuania Motto Patria et veritas ("Homeland and Truth")Employees Classified Annual budget Classified Website
VSD headquarters (inside)
The State Security Department or VSD (Lithuanian : Valstybės saugumo departamentas ) is a Lithuanian intelligence agency which collects information on threats to national security and works to eliminate those threats. The VSD also conducts counterintelligence , protects state secrets and classified information , and vets certain applicants for residence permits or entry to Lithuania.
VSD Coat of Arms
The origins of the institution are in the Intelligence Unit established within the Lithuanian Armed Forces on 27 October 1918.[ 1] The first head of the intelligence service was Jonas Žilinskas. In 1923, many intelligence activities were transferred to the Ministry of the Interior and the institution changed its name over time. In 1933 it was re-organized into the State Security Department with the objective to suppress espionage activities.[ 1] The last director of the service in the interwar period was Augustinas Povilaitis . In the aftermath of the Soviet invasion and occupation in 1940, he was arrested and executed by the Soviets.
The department was reestablished on 26 March 1990.[ 2] At that time, the department was also responsible for certain aspects of law enforcement: providing protection to state officials and strategic objects, ensuring integrity of state communications network, investigating political corruption . Other agencies took over these extra duties and, during 2010, the mission of VSD was clarified to mainly focus on intelligence and counterintelligence .[ 2]
Foreign intelligence Domestic intelligence
Algeria: CSS
Angola: SINSE
Argentina: SIDE
Armenia: NSS
Australia: ASIO
Austria: DSN
Azerbaijan: DTX
Bangladesh: SB
Belarus: KGB RB
Belgium: VS/SE
Bosnia and Herzegovina: SIPA
Botswana: DIS
Brazil: PF
Brunei: IRD
Bulgaria: DANS
Burundi: SNR
Canada: CSIS
Chile: ANI
China: MSS
Colombia: DNI
Congo (Democratic Republic of): ANR
Croatia: SOA
Czech Republic: BIS
Denmark: PET
Egypt: EHS
Estonia: KAPO
Finland: SUPO
France: DGSI
Georgia: SSSG
Germany: BfV , LfV
Ghana: GPS , CID
Greece: EYP
Hong Kong: NSD , CPGNSO
Hungary: AH
India: IB
Indonesia: Baintelkam Polri (id ), BIN
Ireland: CSB , SDU , NSU
Israel: Shin Bet
Italy: AISI
Kazakhstan: NSC
Kenya: NIS
Kosovo: AKI
Latvia: VDD
Lithuania: STT
Lebanon: ISF IB , LSS
Luxembourg: SREL
Macau: DS
Malaysia: SB
Moldova: SIS
Morocco: DGST
Netherlands: NCTV
New Zealand: NZSIS
Nigeria: SSS
North Korea: SSD
Republic of North Macedonia: IA
Norway: PST
Oman: ISS
Pakistan: IB , FIA
Palestine: PPS
Paraguay: SNI
Peru: DINI
Philippines: NBI , NICA
Poland: ABW , SOP , SM
Portugal: SIS
Romania: SRI
Russia: FSB
Saudi Arabia: Mabahith
Serbia: BIA
Singapore: ISD
Somalia: NISA
South Africa: SSA
South Korea: Intelligence Bureau, KNPA
Spain: CITCO
Sri Lanka: SIS
Sweden: SÄPO
Switzerland: NDB
Syria: GIS
Taiwan: MJIB
Thailand: ISOC , SB
Togo: ANR
Turkey: MİT , İB
Uganda: ISO
Ukraine: SBU
United Kingdom: Security Service (MI5 ) , NDEDIU , NCA , NBIS
United States: I&A (DHS) , ID (HSI) , IB (FBI) , ONSI (DEA) , OSII (ATF)
Uzbekistan: SNB
Venezuela: SEBIN
Vietnam: TC5 (vi )
Zimbabwe: CIO
Military intelligence
Algeria: DCSA
Angola: SIM
Australia: DIO
Austria: HNaA
Bangladesh: DGFI
Belarus: GRU MO RB
Belgium: ADIV/SGRS
Brazil: DIE
China: CMC JSD Intelligence Bureau
Congo (Democratic Republic of): DEMIAP
Croatia: VSOA
Cuba: DCIM
Czech Republic: VZ
Denmark: FE
Egypt: DMISR
Finland: PE TIEDOS
France: DRM , DGSE
Germany: MAD
Ghana: MIU
Hungary: KNBSZ
India: DMI , DIA
Indonesia: BAIS TNI , Pusintelad
Ireland: G2
Israel: Aman
Italy: CII
Japan: DIH
Kazakhstan: NSC
Lithuania: AOTD
Malaysia: DIO
Maldives: MNDF
Morocco: DB
Myanmar: Sa Ya Pa
Netherlands: MIVD
New Zealand: DDIS
Nigeria: DIA
North Korea: RGB
Republic of North Macedonia: MSSI
Norway: E-tjenesten
Pakistan: MI , NI , AI
Palestine: MIS
Philippines: ISAFP
Poland: SKW , SWW
Portugal: CISMIL
Romania: DGIA
Russia: GRU
Saudi Arabia: AFISC
Serbia: VBA , VOA
Singapore: MIO
Slovakia: VS
Slovenia: OVS
South Africa: SANDF-ID
South Korea: DIA , DCC
Spain: CIFAS
Sri Lanka: DMI
Sweden: MUST
Switzerland: MND , LWND
Syria: MI , AFID
Taiwan: MIB
Thailand: AFSC
Turkey: GENKUR İ.D.B.
Ukraine: HUR MO
United Kingdom: DI
United States: DIA
Venezuela: DGCIM
Vietnam: TC2
Signals intelligence
Australia: ASD
Bangladesh: NTMC
Brazil: 2ª Sch/EMD
Canada: CSE
Croatia: OTC
Ethiopia: INSA
Finland: PVTIEDL
France: DGSE , DRSD
Germany: BND
Ghana: RDU
India: JCB , NTRO
Indonesia: BSSN (id )
Ireland: CIS
Israel: 8200
Japan: DIH
Kazakhstan: NSC
Netherlands: NSO , JSCU
New Zealand: GCSB
North Korea: RGB
Norway: NSM
Pakistan: JSIB
Poland: AW , ABW , SKW , SWW , NCBC , gOR 3.FO , CRiWWRE , 2.ORel , 6.ORel , JW NIL
Romania: STS
Russia: Spetssvyaz
Saudi Arabia: PSS
South Africa: SSA
Spain: CCN
Sweden: FRA
Switzerland: NDB
Syria: MI
Turkey: MİT-SİB
Ukraine: Derzhspetszviazok
United Kingdom: GCHQ
United States: NSA
Imagery intelligence Financial intelligence Criminal intelligence
Argentina: DNIC
Australia: ACIC
Bangladesh: CID
Canada: CISC
Finland: NBI
India: CBI
Indonesia: Baintelkam Polri (id )
Italy: DIA , DIGOS
Philippines: NBI , PNP-IG
Romania: DGPI
South Africa: Crime Intelligence Division
Spain: CGI , SIGC , CGPJ , UCO
United States: IB (FBI) , ONSI (DEA) , OSII (ATF) , ID (HSI)
United Kingdom: NCA
Intelligence community Intelligence alliances Defunct agencies Related topics
Foreign intelligence Domestic intelligence Military intelligence Signals intelligence
Croatia (OTC )
Finland (PVTIEDL )
France (DGSE , DRSD )
Germany (BND )
Greece (EYP )
Ireland ((CIS )
Kazakhstan (NSC )
Netherlands (JSCU )
Norway (NSM )
Poland (AW , ABW , SKW , SWW , NCBC , gOR 3.FO , CRiWWRE , 2.ORel , 6.ORel , JW NIL )
Romania (STS )
Russia (Spetssvyaz )
Spain (CCN )
Sweden (FRA )
Switzerland (SIS )
Turkey (MİT-SİB )
Ukraine (State Special Communications Service of Ukraine )
United Kingdom (GCHQ )
Imagery intelligence Financial intelligence Criminal intelligence