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Seal of Madagascar

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Seal of Madagascar
ArmigerRepublic of Madagascar
MottoFitiavana, Tanindrazana, Fandrosoana
"Love, Homeland, Development"
"Amour, Patrie, Progrés"

The seal of Madagascar (French: Sceau de Madagascar) includes an outline map of the island at the center (together with two smaller islands nearby: the Glorioso Islands and Tromelin Island), and below it the head of a zebu. Colors used are red, green, yellow, black, and white. Green and red rays emanate from the map, making it look like the sun and also the Ravenala, a plant typical of Madagascar.

The seal is surrounded by Malagasy. The upper part of the emblem written the official name of the country: REPOBLIKAN'I MADAGASIKARA ("Republic of Madagascar" in English or "République du Madagascar" in French) and at the base bears the national motto: FITIAVANA - TANINDRAZANA – FANDROSOANA ("Love - Fatherland - Progress in English or "Amour - Patrie - Progrés" in French). Various versions of the Constitution Article 4 have used other mottos.
