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Robert L. Flurry

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Robert Luther Flurry Jr. (November 15, 1933 – September 3, 2008) was a chemistry professor and researcher who authored three chemistry textbooks. After serving in the U.S. Navy as a musician, he received his B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. from Emory University, became a post-doctoral researcher at Illinois Institute of Technology, and in 1962 joined the faculty of the University of New Orleans, where he stayed until his retirement. Flurry died of complications from Parkinson's disease.[citation needed]



Flurry was the author of:

  • Flurry, Robert L. (1968). Molecular Orbital Theories of Bonding in Organic Molecules. M. Dekker. LCCN: 68-13563[1]
  • Flurry, Robert L. (1980). Symmetry Groups : Theory and Chemical Applications. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-880013-8, ISBN 978-0-13-880013-0 LCCN: 79-18729[2]
  • Flurry, Robert L. (1983). Quantum Chemistry : An Introduction. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-747832-1, ISBN 978-0-13-747832-3 LCCN: 82-7715


  1. ^ Reviews of Molecular Orbital Theories of Bonding in Organic Molecules:
  2. ^ Reviews of Symmetry Groups : Theory and Chemical Applications: