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RDP shop

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An RDP shop is a website where access to hacked computers is sold to cybercriminals.

The computers may be acquired via scanning the web for open Remote Desktop Protocol connections and brute-forcing passwords.[1] High-value ransomware targets are sometimes available such as airports.[2] Access to a compromised machine retails from $3 to $19 depending on automatically gathered system and network metrics using a standardised back door.[3][4]

Many such shops exist on the dark web.

Ukrainian sites such as xDedic[3] do not sell access to machines within the former Soviet nations.[5]


  1. ^ Olenick, Doug (11 July 2018). "Dark Web shops selling RDP connections on the cheap". Retrieved 27 August 2018.
  2. ^ International Airport Review (17 July 2018). "Hackers can buy access to a major airport's security systems for just $10". Retrieved 27 August 2018.
  3. ^ a b Guerrilla, American (19 July 2016). "xDedic is Back in Business on the Dark Web". Archived from the original on 19 July 2016. Retrieved 22 December 2016.
  4. ^ THE ASIAN AGE (16 Jul 2018). "Organisations vulnerable to cheap RDP attacks: Report". Retrieved 27 August 2018.
  5. ^ SCUK (25 October 2017). "Russian underground shop selling RDP servers for £11 or less". Retrieved 27 August 2018.