Portal talk:Tennis/Suggestions
January nominations are complete, we are now looking for selected content for February |
Suggestions for the selected article, picture, and quote are always welcome. Please see the appropriate header below for details.
Selected article
[edit]Basic criteria
[edit]- The article must be within the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Tennis.
- The article must be B-Class or above.
- Wherever possible, it should have at least one free image.
[edit]Please list your suggestions below.
Selected biography
[edit]Basic criteria
[edit]- The article must be within the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Tennis.
- The article must be B-Class or above.
- Wherever possible, it should have at least one free image.
[edit]Please list your suggestions below.
Selected picture
[edit]Basic criteria
[edit]- The picture must be about tennis in some way.
- The picture must be appropriate for display in a portal.
- It must be a free image.
- It must be used in at least one article.
[edit]Please list your suggestions below.
Did you know
[edit]Basic criteria
[edit]- The did you know must be said in reference to tennis.
- The did you know must be referenced in an article.
- The did you know mucst be appropriate for a portal.
[edit]Selected quote
[edit]Basic criteria
[edit]- The quote must be said in reference to tennis.
- The person who made the quote must have a Wikipedia article on them.
- The quote must be appropriate for a portal.