Portal:San Francisco Bay Area/Selected picture/Archive
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This page displays all the images which appear in the "selected image" section of the San Francisco Bay Area portal. Instructions on how to add new images to this list are here.

image credit: Urban

Albino American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco
image credit: Mbz1
Art car festival, San Francisco
image credit: Mbz1

Sailboat seen from the Golden Gate Bridge
image credit: Guillaume Paumier
Bay area from the Berkeley Hills
image credit: Joe Parks

Mission Santa Clara de Asís, on the campus of Santa Clara University
image credit: JaGa

East Bay hills, looking inland
image credit: ShakataGaNai

Aerial view of San Francisco Bay salt ponds
image credit: Doc Searls

Point Reyes National Seashore headlands from Chimney Rock
image credit: Miguel.v

image credit: PeteBobb

image credit: Zzyzx11

San Francisco International Airport at night
image credit: Riana

2010 Mavericks surfing competition
image credit: Mbz1

Lichen, Point Reyes National Seashore
image credit: Jef Poskanzer
Plaque commemorating William Randolph Hearst's taking over the San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco (unknown location, placed 1958)
image credit: Another Believer

Reflections of the Golden Gate Bridge in raindrops
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Chmehl

A juvenile Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis eating its prey (California Meadow Vole Microtus californicus); seaside bluffs, Half Moon Bay
image credit: Sandstein

image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Frank Schulenburg
image credit: Aquarianbydesign

Cypress trees at entrance to historic radio station KPH, Point Reyes
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Bluegrass fiddler Annie Staninec (2004)
image credit: Jordan Klein

Seal Rocks, Point Bonita Lighthouse in background
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in fog
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Seal Rock from Cliff House, San Francisco
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Fisherman at Lake Merced
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Back-scattering crepuscular rays, through Eucalyptus grove (non-native species), Golden Gate National Recreation Area
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Hot air balloons, Windsor, Sonoma County
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: David Gubler

image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Baker Beach, San Francisco
image credit: Daniel Schwen

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Bride and groom at the ruins of the Sutro Baths, San Francisco
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Sunset at Land's End, San Francisco
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

San Francisco ocean shoreline
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Solar corona above statue of El Cid, by Anna Hyatt Huntington, at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Smoke from a wildfire on Angel Island blankets San Francisco
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco
image credit: TheWB

image credit: JaGa

image credit: Harvey Abernathey

Lyford House, Tiburon
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Goat Rock Beach, Sonoma County
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Almonroth

image credit: Daniel Schwen

Pigeons, Golden Gate Park
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Golden Gate Bridge in fog
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Mercurywoodrose

Arched rock at Goat Rock Beach, Sonoma County
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Church of the Nativity, 210 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park
image credit: Historic American Buildings Survey
image credit: Mercurywoodrose

Memorial gravesite for the unclaimed bodies (and all the names) of the 1978 Jonestown dead. Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland
image credit: Mercurywoodrose

HP Pavilion at San Jose, home of the San Jose Sharks
image credit: JaGa

image credit: King of Hearts

image credit: Mbz1

Cascade Canyon area, Mill Valley
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Franco Folini

Port of Redwood City, San Mateo County
image credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Point Reyes Lighthouse, showing the Fresnel Lens
image credit:Eric Chan

image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Castello di Amorosa winery, Napa Valley
image credit: DimiTalen

Interior of Mission San José, Fremont
image credit: King of Hearts

Transamerica Pyramid, downtown San Francisco
image credit: Dschwen

image credit: Eric Fischer

Bay Area Rapid Transit train arriving at Lafayette BART station
image credit: Franco Folini

image credit: King of Hearts

Artemia, salt evaporation ponds, Redwood City
image credit: Doc Searls

image credit: Aemilianius

image credit: Doc Searls
Aulon Island, Arch Rock, Sugarloaf, off the Farallon Islands
image credit: Sabine's Sunbird

Detail, front door of the Greene and Greene American Craftsman style Thorsen House in Berkeley, California (Berkeley Landmark #4
image credit: Eekiv

Front door of the Greene and Greene American Craftsman style Thorsen House in Berkeley, California (Berkeley Landmark #4
image credit: Eekiv

Greene and Greene American Craftsman style Thorsen House in Berkeley, California (Berkeley Landmark #4
image credit: Eekiv

NOVA laser, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1984)
image credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Power house, San Francisco Cable Cars
image credit: Chmehl

image credit: Calibas

Preamplifier at the National Ignition Facility
image credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

image credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Target chamber, National Ignition Facility, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
image credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Enrico's, Broadway, San Francisco
image credit: Christopher Michel

Caffe Trieste customer
image credit: Christopher Michel

Golden Gate Bridge detail
image credit: Calibas

image credit: Almonroth

Emperor Norton plaque at the Transbay Terminal (installed 1939)
image credit: Nagle
Public sculpture near the University of California Botanical Garden and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley Hills
image credit: Bocardodarapti

San Francisco Police Department officers, San Francisco Pride, 2013
image credit: Quinn Dombrowski

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem plaque near the City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco Chinatown's Jack Kerouac Alley.
image credit: Goodshoped35110s

image credit: Franco Folini


Sather Tower, with views of Berkeley, the San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge
image credit: Joe Parks

Barrel and tasting room, Merryvale Vineyards, St. Helena, Napa Valley
image credit: John
Schramsberg Vineyards cellars, storage for sparkling wine, Calistoga
image credit: 5th Avenue & 72nd Street

image credit: Gear$Head

image credit: myyorgda

UNIVAC 1232 computer interface for the UNIVAC 490, as used at U.S. Air Force Satellite Control Facility, Sunnyvale, California (1967 - 1990)
image credit: Babbage

Korean tacos from Seoul on Wheels truck in the San Francisco Bay Area
image credit: Arnold Gatilao

image credit: Ingrid Taylar

San Francisco, Calif. (Oct. 9, 2005) - The Navy's Flight Demonstration team, the Blue Angels lead solo, performs the sneak pass, a maneuver that demonstrates the F/A-18 Hornet's ability to sneak into a target area undetected at speeds approaching 700 mph. The Blue Angels perform more than 70 shows at 34 different locations throughout the country each year.
image credit: U.S. Navy photo by PhotographerUs Mate 2nd Class Ryan Courtade

image credit: Edward

Jungle gym built in Berkeley at the People's Park Annex (ca. late 1960s)
image credit: Mercurywoodrose

St. Pat Cheese, Cowgirl Creamery, Point Reyes Station
image credit: Jon Sullivan

Stirring hops into the wort during the production of Anchor Steam Beer, Anchor Brewing Company, San Francisco
image credit: WolfmanSF

image credit: Derangedtaco
Ceiling, Mission Dolores, San Francisco
image credit: Mary Ann Daly

porcelain cranes, Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park
image credit: PeteBobb
image credit: BrokenSphere

God Is Love Festival, Golden Gate Park, Memorial Day 2010
image credit: Frank Kovalchek

View of the San Francisco Bay Area, Space Shuttle Columbia, mission STS-058, October 20, 1993
image credit: NASA

Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Yair Haklai

image credit: Almonroth

Chandelier, War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco
image credit: Andreas Praefcke

Lemondrop, an albino reticulated python, at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
image credit: Mlvisvan
"Living Roof", California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
image credit: BrokenSphere
image credit: Another Believer

Holocaust Memorial at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, refracted in a water droplet
image credit: Brocken Inaglory

image credit: Ludovic Bertron

image credit: randychiu
Queen Anne Hotel 1890 Victorian, at Sutter Street, San Francisco
image credit: Username

Ampex recorder, on display at San Francisco International Airport
image credit: Gregory F. Maxwell

image credit: Gregory F. Maxwell
image credit: Jmblanco74
image credit: Asamudra

image credit: Miia Ranta

AT&T Park, San Francisco
image credit: Tom Walsh

Willie McCovey at the 2012 World Series Champion Parade, San Francisco
image credit: Holly Hickman

Palace Hotel restaurant, San Francisco
image credit: Larry D. Moore

City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco
image credit: Caroline Culler
Skylight, Westfield San Francisco Centre
image credit: BrokenSphere

Container cranes, Port of Oakland, often misidentified as the local inspiration for George Lucas' Walkers in the Star Wars films
image credit: Ingrid Taylar

Chaparral landscape, with oaks, Sunol Regional Wilderness
image credit: Bryce Edwards

Coast live oak Quercus agrifolia, Los Gatos
image credit: Eugene Zelenko

image credit: John Morgan

image credit: Eric Chan

Statue, Jacuzzi Family Vineyards, Los Carneros AVA
image credit: Jim G

image credit: Kevin Collins

image credit: K. Scott Jackson, United States Geological Survey

Conservatory of Flowers, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
image credit: PeteBobb

Golden Gate Park, Memorial Day, 2010
image credit: Frank Kovalchek

Golden Gate Park windmill, San Francisco
image credit: SarahStierch

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
image credit: Mike Lehmann

Caldecott Tunnel entrance, Berkeley
image credit: Joe Parks

Bondage knotting,Folsom Street Fair
image credit: Diana Blackwell

Folsom Street Fair, 2012
image credit: Franco Folini

View of San Jose International Airport from airplane
image credit: Wing-Chi Poon

Palms, Downtown San Jose
image credit: Michael

image credit: Steve Frazier

Lower deck, San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
image credit: Leandro Neumann Ciuffo
Western span, San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, from Yerba Buena Island
image credit: Jmblanco74

Western span, San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, from Yerba Buena Island
image credit: Gabe Torney

Tugboat engaging water cannons, San Francisco Bay near the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
image credit: NeitherFanboy

Western span, San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge from Yerba Buena Island
image credit: Almonroth

Western span, San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge
image credit: Caroline Culler

SAN FRANCISCO (July 23, 2008) -- The Coast Guard Cutter Eagle sails under the Golden Gate Bridge during the Festival of Sail on San Francisco Bay. The Eagle is a three-masted barque that carries square-rigged sails on the fore and main masts. The 295-foot long sailing vessel has served the Coast Guard since 1946 and is used as a training platform for cadets and officer candidates to learn leadership, teamwork, seamanship and navigation skills.
image credit: Coast Guard News

The Sea Ranch Chapel, a non-denominational chapel designed by James T. Hubbell, Sea Ranch
image credit: Ingrid Taylar

Dancer, Carnaval San Francisco (2010)
image credit: Chris Willis

image credit: Gary gary gary

Carnaval Parade, Mission District, San Francisco, May 2008
image credit: Frank Kovalchek

Carnaval San Francisco, 2009
image credit: Matthias Klappenbach

image credit: Benson Kua

San Francisco, from pedestrian pier
image credit: the_tahoe_guy
San Francisco Police Department officer, with boyfriend, San Francisco Pride 2005
image credit: Odedee

San Francisco Fire Department officer, with partner, San Francisco Pride 2006
image credit: Franco Folini

Armistead Maupin (left), author of Tales of the City, with husband, at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival
image credit: atp_tyreseus Jere Keys

"Large Four Piece Reclining Figure" by Henry Moore, 1973. Bronze. Currently located outside the Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco
image credit: J. Ash Bowie

Building, SRI International
image credit: Disavian

Neptune Society Columbarium ceiling in San Francisco
image credit: Chrissypan

Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco (1992)
image credit: sidewalkphotographer
The Hotel Majestic on Gough Street, San Francisco
image credit: Smallbones

Aerial view of Golden Gate Park (long rectangular park, center) in San Francisco
image credit: Hispalois

Samba dancers at Carnaval San Francisco, 2005
image credit: Tu Foto

Building reflection, downtown San Francisco
image credit: Reinhard Dietrich
Hearst Building, redesign by Julia Morgan, San Francisco
image credit: Another Believer
Columbus Tower, San Francisco
image credit: Another Believer
City of Paris Dry Goods Co. rotunda dome, San Francisco
image credit: Sanfranman59

V.C. Morris Gift Shop, design by Frank Lloyd Wright, San Francisco
image credit: Šarūnas Burdulis
image credit: Miskatonic

View from Coit Tower, San Francisco (Tilt-shift miniature effect)
image credit: Dawn Endico

Houses in the Mission District, San Francisco
image credit: Hwttdz
Victorian house, Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco
image credit: Sanfranman59

Row houses, Crocker Amazon, San Francisco
image credit: Tim Adams

Steep street in San Francisco
image credit: Mark Schierbecker
Julian Waybur House, San Francisco
image credit: Sanfranman59

Four Embarcadero Center, San Francisco
image credit: Mike Linksvayer

image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Healdsburg Memorial Bridge, Healdsburg (2000)
image credit: Historic American Buildings Survey

image credit: SarahStierch

image credit: Frank Schulenburg

image credit: Timwilgibson

image credit: Stepheng3

Julia Morgan Ballroom, Merchants Exchange Building, San Francisco
image credit: SarahStierch

image credit: Clusternote

image credit: Kathryn Greenhill

Tom Luce at the Great American Music Hall, 2009
image credit: Mhtaylor

The Battle of Jericho on Ghiberti doors, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
image credit: Bernard Gagnon

Vintage Ghirardelli Chocolate tin
image credit: Victorgrigas

Hospital Ward, Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary
image credit: William Warby

Senator Barbara Boxer (2005)
image credit: United States Congress

Transgender activist Miss Major Griffin-Gracy at San Francisco Pride, 2014
image credit: Quinn Dombrowski

Bay Area Chef Alice Waters, owner of Chez Panisse
image credit: David Sifry

AT&T Park, San Francisco
image credit: Coasttocoast

The location of Microsoft's Bliss, dry season, Sonoma County
image credit: Simon Goldin

image credit: Dawn Endico

image credit: Danwri

image credit: Brocken Inaglory

Laine Grocery Store, Alviso
image credit: Eugene Zelenko

Pelicans at Año Nuevo State Reserve
image credit: Wing-Chi Poon

image credit: Frank Schulenburg
Rainbow flag pedestrian crossing, Castro District, San Francisco
image credit: Pimpinellus

Neurologist Louann Brizendine
image credit: Tom Photos

image credit: Mliu92

Red Hawk cheese made by Cowgirl Creamery, Point Reyes Station.
image credit: Frank Schulenburg

Fog over the Bay Area. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite acquired this view of fog encroaching on the city on August 16, 2012. The fog is part of the marine layer, a mass of cool, dense air from the sea that was sandwiched beneath a layer of warmer air as part of a temperature inversion. Fog is often present in the lower part of the marine layer, whereas wispy stratus clouds form in the upper part.
image credit: NASA
Sculpture by Marco Cochrane, Alameda, California
image credit: Victor Grigas

Memorial plaque for Humphrey the Whale
image credit: Orin Zebest of San Francisco
File:Humphrey the Humpback Plaque (3324540017).jpg

Water tower, Elmira, California
image credit: Robert Couse-Baker

The Homestead, a bar in the Mission District of San Francisco dating back to 1906
image credit: Jaredzimmerman (WMF)

Grace Quan, a traditional Chinese junk at China Camp State Park, San Rafael
image credit: Cullen328

Chinese fishing camp at Point San Pedro c.1889; site is now China Camp State Park
image credit: Office of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Chinese fishing village (2010) at China Camp State Park
image credit: Sanfranman59

Shakey the Robot at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View
image credit: Marshall Astor

Mosaic at Mission Dolores in San Francisco
image credit: Almonroth

Entrance gate to San Leandro High School, Fred T. Korematsu Campus
image credit: newtonapple

Abandoned grain silos in Hunters Point at Pier 90
image credit: Dllu
Plaque commemorating the site of the emigrant ship Niantic, at the intersection of Sansome and Clay in San Francisco
image credit: BrokenSphere

Sunset over the Berkeley Hills, taken near Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County
image credit: Sergey Semenov
San Francisco skyline at dusk. Prominent buildings include the Transamerica Pyramid (at right) and 555 California (at left).
image credit: Basil D Soufi

Fireworks over San Francisco Bay from Yerba Buena Island
image credit: Marcin Wichary

image credit: DocWatson42