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Nudity or nakedness is the state of wearing no clothing. Wearing of clothing is a predominantly human characteristic arising from functional needs such as protection from the elements, from cold and heat. The amount of clothing worn depends on functional considerations, such as a need for warmth or protection from the elements, and social considerations. In some circumstances, a minimum amount of clothing or none at all may be considered socially acceptable, while in others much more clothing may be expected.

Public nudity


A society's attitude to public nudity varies depending on the culture, time, location and context of an activity. There are many exceptions and particular circumstances in which nudity is tolerated, accepted or even encouraged in public spaces. Such examples would include a nude beach, within some intentional communities (such as naturist resorts or clubs) and at special events

In general and across cultures, evidence of sexual arousal is commonly covered and those parts of the human body that can display arousal are also normally covered. Sex organs and often women's breasts are covered, even when other parts of the body may be freely uncovered. Yet the nudity taboo may have meanings deeper than the immediate possibility of sexual arousal, for example, in the cumulative weight of tradition and habit. Clothing also expresses and symbolizes authority, and more general norms and values besides those of a sexual nature.