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Portal:Current events/January 2006/Sidebar

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Recent Deaths

31: Coretta Scott King
30: Wendy Wasserstein
29: Paik Nam-june
27: Johannes Rau
26: Henry McGee
24: Fayard Nicholas
24: Chris Penn
21: Ibrahim Rugova
20: Dave Lepard
19: Tony Franciosa
19: Wilson Pickett
18: Anton Rupert
15: Sheikh Jaber of Kuwait
14: Jim Gary
14: Christopher Penley
14: Mark Philo
14: Shelley Winters
10: Sidney Frank
8: Tony Banks
8: Elson Becerra
7: Heinrich Harrer
6: Lou Rawls
5: Merlyn Rees
4: Irving Layton
4: Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum
2: Steve Rogers
1: Charles Steen edit sidebar


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Wars and conflicts

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29: Finland, President second round
25: Palestinian Nat'l Auth., Legislature
23: Canada, Federal
22: Portugal, President
20: Iraq, Legislative
15: Chile, President runoff
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Chile: Alberto Fujimori
Chile: Augusto Pinochet
Indonesia: Bali Nine
Iraq: Iraqi Special Tribunal
Saddam Hussein, among others
Netherlands: ICTY
Slobodan Milošević trial
Russia: Nur-Pashi Kulayev
UK: Leo O'Connor and David Keogh
U.S.: Tom DeLay
U.S.: Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling
U.S.: Zacarias Moussaoui
U.S.: Brian Nichols
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