Portal:Biography/Selected biography military/1
Joaquim José Inácio, Viscount of Inhaúma (1 August 1808 – 8 March 1869) was a naval officer, politician, and monarchist of the Empire of Brazil. Inhaúma enlisted in the armada of Brazil following the Brazilian independence in 1822. Throughout the chaos that characterized the years when Emperor Dom Pedro II was a minor, Inhaúma remained loyal to the government, suppressing rebellions that erupted during that troubled period. He saw action in the Sabinada between 1837 and 1838, followed by the Ragamuffin War from 1840 until 1844. In 1849 Inhaúma was given command of the fleet that was instrumental in subduing the Praieira revolt, the last rebellion in imperial Brazil.
During the 1850s, Inhaúma held a series of bureaucratic positions. He entered politics in 1861 as a member of the Conservative Party. He became a cabinet member and was given the position of navy minister. Although historical works have not given much coverage to Inhaúma, some historians regard him among the greatest of the Brazilian navy officers.