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Portal:Anglo-Saxon England/Quotes/1

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Et Hengistus omni familiae suae jussit et unusquisque artavum suum sub pede in medio ficonis sui poneret: "Et quando clamavero ad vos et dixero Eu, nimet saxas!, cultellos vestros ex ficonibus vestris educite, et in illos irruite, et fortiter contra illos resistite…" Et conventum adduxerunt, et in unum convenerunt, et Saxones, amicialiter locuti, in mente interim vulpicino more agebant, et vir juxta virum socialiter sederunt. Hengistus, sicut dixerat, vociferatus est, et omnes seniores trecenti Guorthigirni regis jugulati sunt.

(But Hengest told all his followers to hide their daggers under their feet in their shoes, saying "When I call out to you and say 'English, draw your knives', take your daggers from your shoes and fall upon them, and stand firm against them…" So the conference assembled, and the English, friendly in their words, but wolfish in heart and deed, sat down, like allies, man beside man. Hengest cried out as he had said, and all the three hundred Seniors of king Vortigern were murdered.)

Nennius, Historia Brittonum (an early 9th century collection of historical materials)