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Peking Express

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Peking Express
Created byLudo Poppe
Theme music composerBrian Tyler
Country of originBelgium
Original languageDutch
No. of seasons7
No. of episodes76
ProducerGert van Kerckhove
Production locationVarious
Running time60 minutes
Original release
NetworkNet 5 (Netherlands)
Play4, Q2 (Belgium)
Release14 March 2004 (2004-03-14) –
28 May 2017 (2017-05-28)
The Amazing Race

Peking Express is a DutchFlemish reality game show that follows a series of couples as they hitchhike to or from Beijing (only in the first three seasons; the following seasons are set elsewhere around the world). The series, first broadcast on 14 March 2004, ran for seven seasons from 2004 to 2008 and was revived in 2012 (as a sole Dutch production) and again in 2017. In the Netherlands, it was screened by Net 5 and in Belgium by VT4 during its original 2000s run before moving to Q2 in 2017. The game show concept has also been sold to a number of countries around the world since 2005.

General theme


The theme of the show is to demonstrate how various couples deal with the challenges and pitfalls of attempting a long-distance hitchhike to a strange city, together with all the difficulties presented by trying to communicate in a language they don't understand. Tension was added by including couples who had broken up "in real life", but were willing to work together for the sake of winning the race.

In somewhat similar fashion to The Amazing Race, couples that come in last at various checkpoints along the way are eliminated from further competition. In the second series, each of the couples was given €1 per person/per day as their stipend along the route.

Theme music


The music used during the opening sequence is "Summon the Worms" from Brian Tyler's soundtrack to the 2003 miniseries Frank Herbert's Children of Dune.

Winning couples in the international versions




Moroccan seasons

Dakar Fès Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2011 Hind & Abd el Hakim Dakar to Fez  Senegal
 Western Sahara
2012 Samid Ghilan & Younès Lazrak Sulawesi to Manado  Indonesia



Colombian seasons

Asia Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2016 Jairo & Eliseo Hai Duong to Bangkok  Vietnam

Mexican season

Abandonados Asia Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2016 Gabriel Hernesto Villareal & Guillermo Villareal Hai Duong to Bangkok  Vietnam
2024 Mafer García & Amor Carlin Chiang Rai to Kuala Lumpur  Thailand



Israeli Seasons

פקין אקספרס - מסלול הדרקון
Peking Express - The Dragon Track
Season Host Winning couple Route Visited countries
2024 Oz Zehavi [he] Ram Strauss & Tal Eros Siem Reap to Bangkok  Cambodia



Belgium/Netherlands seasons

Peking Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2004 Rani & Hans Moscow to Beijing  Russia
2005 Karla & Sophie Beijing to Mumbai  China
2006 Yves & Wendy Mekong Delta to Lhasa  Vietnam
Chimène van Oosterhout & Bart Veldkamp Gangotri to Kochi  India
2007 Pascal & Miranda Rio de Janeiro to Lima  Brazil
2008 Mark & Marlinde Mexico City to Caracas  Mexico
2012 Annebet & Quintin Seoul to Manila  South Korea
2017 Brecht & Cedric Hạ Long to Angkor  Vietnam

Denmark/Sweden/Norway seasons

Peking Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2007 Tyra & Stefan Moscow to Beijing  Russia

French seasons

Pékin Express Season Season's


Host Winning couple Route Visited countries
2006 La Route du Transsibérien
The Transsiberian Route
Stéphane Rotenberg Fathi & Médi Paris to Beijing  France
2007 La Route de l'Himalaya
The Himalayan Route
Nadine & Sylvie Beijing to Mumbai  China
 Hong Kong
2008 La Route des Incas
The Incas' Route
Gérard & Cédric Rio de Janeiro to Lima  Brazil
2009 La Route des Dragons
The Dragons' Route
Albert & Laurence Ha Long bay to Bali  Vietnam
2010 La Route du bout du monde
The Edge of the World's Route
Cécilia & Mathieu Equator/Amazon rainforest to Ushuaia  Ecuador
Duos de choc
Shock duos
Taïg Khris & Chloé (season 5) Bhatwari to Pondichery  India
2011 La Route des grands fauves
The Big Cats' Route
Jean-Pierre & François Cairo to Cape Town  Egypt
 South Africa
Le Passager mystère
The Mystery Passenger
Ludovic & Samuel (season 7) Seoul to Sydney  South Korea
2013 Le Coffre maudit
The Cursed Chest
Linda & Salim Habana to Miami  Cuba
 United States
À la découverte des mondes inconnus
Discovering the Unknown Worlds
Caroline (season 4) & Sabrina Man Lawae to Colombo  Myanmar
 Sri Lanka
2018 La Course infernale
The Infernal Race
Christina & Didier Kuching to Tokyo  Malaysia
2019 La Route des 50 volcans
The 50 Volcanoes' Route
Laeticia & Aurélie lake Atitlan to Bogotá  Guatemala
 Costa Rica
Retour sur la Route Mythique
Return on the Mythical Route
Julie & Denis (season 9) Moscow to Beijing  Russia
2021 Sur les pistes de la Terre Rouge (episodes 1-3)
On the Red Soil's Tracks

La route des 3 continents (episodes 4-10)
The 3 Continents' Route

Christophe & Claire Entebbe to Istanbul[1]  Uganda
2022 Sur les terres de l'Aigle Royal
On the Royal Eagle's Lands
Lucas & Nicolas Son-Kul to Dubai  Kyrgyzstan
 United Arab Emirates
Duos de choc
Shock duos
Inès Reg & Anaïs Negombo to Colombo  Sri Lanka
2023 Le choix secret
The secret choice
Xavier & Céline lake Titicaca to Rio de Janeiro  Bolivia
2024 Sur les traces du tigre d'or
In the footsteps of the golden tiger
Romain & Laura Bali to Hanoi  Indonesia
L'épopée des Maharadjas
The epic of Maharadjas
Jean-Claude & Axel Agra to New Delhi  India
2025 La route des tribus légendaires
The legendary tribes' route
TBA Arusha to Johannesburg  Tanzania
 South Africa
TBA TBA TBA Shymkent to TBA  Kazakhstan

German seasons

Peking Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2005 Anja & Marc Moscow to Beijing  Russia
Star Race 2012 Jimi & Nino Bolinao to Manila  Philippines

Greek seasons


In this version, there are only celebrity couples.

Asia Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2022 Konstantinos Vassalos & Fipster Angkor to Bangkok  Cambodia

Hungarian seasons


In this version, there are mainly Hungarian VIP couples.

Ázsia Expressz Season Season's subtitle Host Winning couple Route Visited countries
2017 A sárkány útja Ördög Nóra Ambrus Attila & Berki Krisztián Haidong to Bangkok  Vietnam
2019 Horváth Gréta & Meggyes Dávid Negombo to Chiang Mai  Sri Lanka
2022 Halastyák Fanni & Szlépka Armand Aqaba to Tashkent  Jordan
2023 Felfedezzük Amerikát! Kucsera Gábor & Tóth Dávid Queretaro City to Antigua Guatemala  Mexico
2024 Béres Anett & Sáfrány Emese Lucena to Taipei  Philippines
2025 TBD TBA to TBA  Malaysia

Italian seasons


In this version, there are mainly VIP couples.

Pechino Express Season Season's subtitle Host Winning couple Route Visited countries
2012 Avventura in Oriente
(Adventure in the East)
Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia Alessandro Sampaoli & Debora Villa (Gli attori) Haridwar to Beijing  India
2013 Obiettivo Bangkok
(Goal: Bangkok)
Costantino della Gherardesca Massimiliano Rosolino & Marco Maddaloni (Gli sportivi)[2] Hanoi to Bangkok  Vietnam
2014 Ai confini dell'Asia
(At the boundaries of Asia)
Stefano Corti & Alessandro Onnis (I coinquilini) Mandalay to Bali  Myanmar
2015 Il nuovo mondo
(The new world)
Antonio Andrea Pinna & Roberto Bertolini (Gli antipodi) Quito to Rio de Janeiro  Ecuador
2016 Le civiltà perdute
(The lost civilizations)
Alessio Stigliano & Alessandro Tenace (I socialisti) Bogotá to Mexico City  Colombia
2017 Verso il Sol Levante
(Towards the Rising Sun)
Ema Stokholma & Valentina Pegorer (Le clubber) Pagbilao to Tokyo  Philippines
2018 Avventura in Africa
(Adventure in Africa)
Patrizia Rossetti & Maria Teresa Ruta (Le signore della TV) Tangier to Cape Town  Morocco
 South Africa
2020 Le stagioni dell'Oriente
(The seasons of the East)
Nicole Rossi & Jennifer Poni (Le collegiali) Ko Phra Thong to Seoul  Thailand
 South Korea
2022 La rotta dei Sultani
(The sultans route)
Costantino della Gherardesca & Enzo Miccio Victoria Cabello & Paride Vitale (I pazzeschi) Uçhisar to Dubai  Turkey
 United Arab Emirates
2023 La via delle Indie
(The Indies route)
Joe Bastianich & Andrea Belfiore (Gli italoamericani) Mumbai to Angkor  India
2024 La rotta del Dragone
(The route of the Dragon)
Costantino della Gherardesca & The Jackal Damiano Carrara & Massimiliano Carrara (I pasticceri) Tam Cốc to Sigiriya  Vietnam
 Sri Lanka
2025 Fino al tetto del mondo
(To the roof of the world)
TBD TBA to TBA  Philippines

Polish seasons


In this version, there are only celebrity couples.

Azja Express Season Winning couple Route Visited countries
2016 Michał Żurawski & Ludwik Borkowski Hai Duong to Bangkok  Vietnam
2017 Antoni Pawlicki & Paweł Ławrynowicz Sigiriya to Mumbai  Sri Lanka
Ameryka Express 2018 Aleksandra Domańska & Dawid Domański San Antonio de Ibarra to Cusco  Ecuador
2020 Karolina Pisarek & Marta Gajewska-Komorowska Antigua Guatemala to Cartagena  Guatemala
Azja Express 2023 Angelika Trochonowicz & Luka Trochonowicz Istanbul to Tashkent  Turkey
2024 TBD TBA  Philippines

Romanian seasons


In this version, there are only celebrity couples.

Asia Express Season Season's subtitle Host Winning couple Route Visited countries
2018 Drumul Dragonului (The Dragon Road) Gina Pistol and Marius Damian Raluca Nistor & Ana Baniciu Hạ Long to Bangkok  Vietnam
2019 Drumul Elefantului (The Elephant Road) Gina Pistol, Liviu Vârciu and Andrei Ștefănescu Eduard Mihail Andreianu & Ionuț Dongo Negombo to Mumbai  Sri Lanka
2020 Drumul Comorilor (The Treasure Road) Gina Pistol, Ionuț Dongo and Marius Damian Sorin Bontea & Răzvan Fodor Lucena to Taipei  Philippines
2021 Drumul Împăraților (The Emperors Road) Irina Fodor, Ionuț Dongo and Marius Damian Mihai Petre & Elwira Duda Edirne to Jerusalem  Turkey
America Express 2023 Drumul Aurului (The Gold Road) Cătălin Bordea și Nelu Cortea Querétaro City to Cartagena  Mexico
2023 Drumul Soarelui (The Sun Road) Irina Fodor and Marius Damian Laura Giurcanu & Sânziana Negru Medellin to Buenos Aires  Colombia
Asia Express 2024 Drumul Zeilor (The Gods Road) Irina Fodor and Marius Damian Nicolai Tand & Sorin Brotnei Chiang Rai to Bali  Thailand
2025 Drumul Eroilor (The Heroes Road) TBA TBA Legazpi to Seoul  Philippines
 South Korea

Spanish seasons

Pekín Express Season Season's subtitle Winning couple Route Visited countries
2008 La Ruta del Transiberiano
The Trans-Siberian Route
Fernando & María (couple in crisis) Pskov to Beijing  Russia
2009 La Ruta del Himalaya
The Himalayan Route
Carmela & Antonio (rural friends) Beijing to Mumbai  China
 Hong Kong
2010 La Ruta del Dragón
The Route of the Dragon
Sandra & Belinda (sisters) Hanoi to Bali  Vietnam
2011 Aventura en África
Adventure in Africa
Mar & Vanesa (sisters) Great Rift Valley, Kenya to Cape Town  Kenya
 South Africa
2015 La Ruta de los Mil Templos
The Route of the Thousand Temples
Ángel & Bea (siblings-in-law) Mandalay to Singapore  Myanmar
2016 La Ruta de los Elefantes
The Route of the Elephants
Matías & Nabil (geek cousins) Anuradhapura to Mumbai  Sri Lanka
2024 Objetivo Angkor
Objective Angkor
Alba & Alex (siblings-in-law) Cát Bà Island to Angkor  Vietnam

International versions


A German version was shown in 2005. The concept has also been sold to Scandinavia where it was broadcast for the first time in the autumn of 2007. The Scandinavian version is shown on Kanal 5 in Sweden, TVNorge in Norway and Kanal 5 in Denmark.

A French version named Pékin Express is screened by M6, with twelve seasons aired so far from 2006 to 2019, and a thirteen and fourteen planned for 2020. It can be seen on TV5 outside France. In Spain, the first four seasons of local version Pekín Express aired on Cuatro from 2008 to 2011; Atresmedia acquired the rights in 2015 and has produced two seasons since.[3] An Italian version has been produced since 2012 by RAI and shown on Rai 2 successfully until 2020, when it passed on Sky Uno. In Poland, the series has been broadcast on TVN since 2016 and was known for its first two seasons, which were set in Asia, as Azja Express. From season 3 onwards, it has been known as Ameryka Express, with its production location changing to America; a fourth season premiered in spring 2020. In Romania, the series has aired successfully on Antena 1 since 2018 as Asia Express for its first four seasons, with the upcoming season being titled America Express, following the changing of its production location into Americas. In Greece, the series has started airing on Star Channel as Asia Express in fall 2022.

Country Name Channel Route Host Website
 Belgium (Dutch)
Peking Express NET 5
VT4 (2004–2008)
Q2 (2017)
2004: MoscowBeijing
2005: PekingMumbai
2006: Rach GiaLhasa
2006: GangotriKochi
2007: Rio de JaneiroLima
2008: Mexico CityCaracas
2012: SeoulManila
2017: Hạ LongAngkor
Ernst-Paul Hasselbach (2004)
Art Rooijakkers and Roos Van Acker (2005–2008)
Sol Wortelboer (2012)
Sean Dhondt and Rik van de Westelaken (2017)
Official website Netherlands
Official website Belgium
 Belgium (French) Pékin Express RTL 2012: WoriManado Michel De Maegd Official website
 Colombia Asia Express Caracol Televisión 2016: HanoiBangkok Ivan Lalinde Official website
Peking Express TVNorge
Kanal 5
2007: MoscowBeijing Thomas Mygind
Martin Björk
Synnøve Skarbø
Official website Norway
 France Pékin Express M6 2006: ParisPskovBeijing
2007: BeijingMumbai
2008: Rio de JaneiroLima
2009: Ha Long BayBali
2010: Nueva LojaUshuaia
2010: GangotriPondicherry
2011: CairoCape Town
2012: SeoulSydney
2013: HabanaMiami
2014: LashioColombo
2018: KuchingTokyo
2019: lake AtitlanBogotá
2020: MoscowBeijing
2021: EntebbeIstanbul
2022: Son-KulDubai
2022: NegomboColombo
2023: La PazRio de Janeiro
2024: BaliHanoi
2024: AgraDelhi
2025: ArushaJohannesburg
2026: TBA
Stéphane Rotenberg Official website
 Germany Peking Express
Star Race
RTL 2005: MoscowBeijing
2012: BolinaoManila
Patrice Bouédibéla
Roberta Brandao
 Greece Asia Express Star 2022: AngkorBangkok Petros Polychronidis Official website
 Hungary Ázsia Expressz TV2 2017: Hải DươngBangkok
2019: NegomboChiang Mai
2022: AqabaTashkent
2023: Mexico CityAntigua Guatemala
2024: LucenaTaipei
Nóra Ördög Official website
 Israel פקין אקספרס - מסלול הדרקון
Peking Express - The Dragon Road
Channel 13 2024: Siem ReapBangkok Oz Zehavi

האתר הרשמי של פקין אקספרס

 Italy Pechino Express Rai 2 (2012–2020)
Sky Uno, TV8 (2022–)
2012: HaridwarBeijing
2013: HanoiBangkok
2014: MandalayBali
2015: QuitoRio de Janeiro
2016: BogotáMexico City
2017: PagbilaoTokyo
2018: TangierCape Town
2020: Ko Phra ThongSeoul
2022: UçhisarDubai
2023: MumbaiAngkor
2024: Tam CốcSigiriya
2025: El NidoKathmandu
Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia (2012)
Costantino della Gherardesca (2013–)
Enzo Miccio (2022–)
Official website
 Mexico Abandonados Asia Azteca 7
Azteca Uno
2016: HanoiBangkok
2024: Chiang RaiKuala Lumpur
Paola Nuñez
Official website
 Morocco Dakar Fès Express 2M 2011: DakarFez
2012: WoriManado
Hicham Mesrar Official website
 Poland Azja Express (1–2, 5)
Ameryka Express (3–4)
TVN 2016: HanoiBangkok
2017: SigiriyaMumbai
2018: San Antonio de IbarraCusco
2020: AntiguaCartagena
2023: IstanbulTashkent
2024: LucenaTaipei
Agnieszka Woźniak-Starak (2016–2018)
Daria Ładocha (2020, 2023)
Official website
 Portugal A Grande Aventura TVI 2012: Manado Tua – Manado Fernanda Serrano Official website
 Romania Asia Express (1–4, 7)
America Express (5–6)
Antena 1 2018: Hạ LongBangkok
2019: NegomboMumbai
2020: LucenaTaipei
2021: EdirneJerusalem
2022: Querétaro CityCartagena
2023: MedellínBuenos Aires
2024: Chiang RaiBali
2025: LegazpiSeoul
Gina Pistol (2018–2020)
Marius Damian (2018, 2020-)
Liviu Vârciu (2019)
Andrei Ștefănescu (2019)
Ionuț Dongo (2020-)
Irina Fodor (2021-)
Official website
 Spain Pekín Express Cuatro (2008–2011)
Antena 3 (2015)
laSexta (2016)
Max (2024)
2008: PskovBeijing
2009: BeijingMumbai
2010: HanoiBali
2011: Rift ValleyCape Town
2015: MandalaySingapore
2016: AnuradhapuraMumbai
2024: Cát Bà IslandAngkor
Paula Vázquez (2008)
Raquel Sánchez Silva (2009–2010)
Jesús Vázquez (2011)
Cristina Pedroche (2015–2016)
Miguel Ángel Muñoz (2024)
Official website (Cuatro)
Official website (Antena 3)
Official website (laSexta)


  1. ^ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the route was changed after 6 months of shooting put on hold. Original plans were to travel through Ethiopia and United Arab Emirates finishing in Dubai, but it was possible to shoot only the 3 first episodes in Uganda.
  2. ^ "Pechino Express".
  3. ^ Migelez, Xabier (16 January 2015). "Antena 3 arrebata a Cuatro el reality 'Pekín express'". FormulaTV.