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Order of battle at the Battle of the Sakarya

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On August 23, 1921, during the Battle of the Sakarya, the opposing armies were deployed as follows:

Greek order of battle


In late July 1921, Greek Army of Asia Minor (Greek: Στρατιά Μικράς Ασίας), under Lt. Gen. Anastasios Papoulas (chief of staff Col. Konstantinos Pallis), comprised:

Turkish order of Battle


Commander in chief: Mirliva Mustafa Kemal Pasha

Chief of the General Staff: Birinci Ferik Mustafa Fevzi Pasha

Minister of National Defence: Mirliva Refet Pasha

  • Western Front (Mirliva Ismet Pasha)
    • Cavalry Brigade
      • 21st Cavalry Regiment
      • Adatepe Cavalry
      • Militia Infantry
    • 2nd Cavalry Division (Kaymakam Edhem Servet Bey)
      • 2nd Cavalry Regiment
      • 4th Cavalry Regiment
      • 13th Cavalry Regiment
    • 3rd Cavalry Division (Kaymakam Ibrahim Bey)
      • 27th Cavalry Regiment
      • 28th Cavalry Regiment
    • Provisional Division (Kaymakam Ahmed Zeki Bey)
      • 35th Infantry Regiment
      • 52nd Infantry Regiment
      • 1st Militia Regiment
      • 2nd Militia Regiment
    • 3rd Caucasian Division (Kaymakam "Dadayli" Halid Bey)
      • 7th Infantry Regiment
      • 8th Infantry Regiment
      • 11th Infantry Regiment
    • 6th Division (Kaymakam Hussein Nazmi Bey)
      • 34th Infantry Regiment
      • 50th Infantry Regiment
      • 51st Infantry Regiment
      • 17th Stormtrooper Branch
      • 18th Stormtrooper Branch
      • 19th Stormtrooper Branch
      • 20th Stormtrooper Branch
    • 57th Division (Kaymakam Hasan Mumtaz Bey)
      • 37th Infantry Regiment
      • 39th Infantry Regiment
      • 176th Infantry Regiment
    • 29th Infantry Regiment
    • 47th Infantry Regiment
    • 48th Infantry Regiment
    • 49th Infantry Regiment
    • Artillery Regiment
    • Pioneer Battalion
    • Provisional Group (Miralay Kâzım "Köprülü" Bey)
      • 1st Cavalry Division (Kaymakam Osman Zati Bey)
        • 10 Cavalry Regiment
        • 11 Cavalry Regiment
        • 14 Cavalry Regiment
      • 1st Division (Kaymakam Abdul Rahman Nafiz Bey)
        • 3rd Infantry Regiment
        • 4th Infantry Regiment
        • 5th Infantry Regiment
      • 17th Division (Miralay Hussein Nureddin Bey)
        • 61st Infantry Regiment
        • 62nd Infantry Regiment
        • 63rd Infantry Regiment
      • 41st Division (Kaymakam Sherif Bey)
        • 12th Infantry Regiment
        • 16th Infantry Regiment
        • 19th Infantry Regiment
    • XII Group (Miralay "Deli" Halid Bey)
      • 11th Division (Miralay Abdul Rezzak Bey[citation needed])
        • 170th Infantry Regiment
        • 126th Infantry Regiment
        • 127th Infantry Regiment
    • IV Group (Miralay Kemaleddin Sami Bey)
      • 5th Caucasian Division (Kaymakam Djemil Djahid Bey)
        • 9th Infantry Regiment
        • 10th Infantry Regiment
        • 13th Infantry Regiment
      • 61st Division (Miralay Mehmed Rushdi Bey)
        • 159th Infantry Regiment
        • 174th Infantry Regiment
        • 190th Infantry Regiment
    • III Group (Mirliva Yusuf Izzet Pasha)
      • 7th Division (Kaymakam Ahmed Dervish Bey)
        • 2nd Infantry Regiment
        • 23rd Infantry Regiment
        • 41st Infantry Regiment
      • 8th Division (Miralay Kiazim Bey)
        • 131st Infantry Regiment
        • 135th Infantry Regiment
        • 189th Infantry Regiment
      • 15th Division (Miralay Shukri Naili Bey)
        • 38th Infantry Regiment
        • 48th Infantry Regiment
        • 56th Infantry Regiment
    • II Group (Miralay Selâhaddin Âdil Bey)
      • 4th Division (Miralay Mehmed Sabri Bey)
        • 40th Infantry Regiment
        • 42nd Infantry Regiment
        • 58th Infantry Regiment
      • 5th Division (Kaymakam Kenan Bey)
        • 14th Infantry Regiment
        • 15th Infantry Regiment
        • 24th Infantry Regiment
      • 9th Division (Miralay Sidqi Bey)
        • 25th Infantry Regiment
        • 26th Infantry Regiment
        • 27th Infantry Regiment
    • I Group (Miralay Izzeddin Bey)
      • 23rd Division (Kaymakam Bıyıklıoğlu Omer Halis Bey)
        • 31st Infantry Regiment
        • 68th Infantry Regiment
        • 69th Infantry Regiment
      • 24th Division (Kaymakam Ahmed Fuad Bey)
        • 30th Infantry Regiment
        • 31st Infantry Regiment
        • 32nd Infantry Regiment
    • V Group (Cavalry) (Miralay Fahreddin Bey)
      • 14th Cavalry Division (Kaymakam Mehmed Subhi Bey)
        • 3rd Cavalry Regiment
        • 54th Cavalry Regiment
        • 55th Cavalry Regiment
      • 4th Cavalry Division (Kaymakam Arif Bey)
        • 5th Cavalry Regiment
        • 20th Cavalry Regiment

See also





  • Celal Erikan, Komutan Atatürk, Cilt I-II, Üçüncü Basım, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001, ISBN 975-458-288-2, pp. 520–522. (in Turkish)
  • Türk İstiklâl Harbi: Sakarya Meydan Muharebesi ve Sonraki Harekât, II nci cilt, 5 nci kısım, 2 nci kitap, Genelkurmay Baskanlığı Harbi Tarihi Dairesi Resmî Yayınları, 1973, pp. 516–517. (in Turkish)