Oklahoma CareerTech Hall of Fame

The Oklahoma CareerTech Hall of Fame is an award given to individuals who, through their outstanding professional and personal achievements, have brought honor and distinction to career and technology education in Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma CareerTech Hall of Fame is sponsored by the Oklahoma Foundation for Career and Technology Education. The first members were inducted in 1990; beginning in 1991 the awards were presented biennially in odd-numbered years.
- Tom Friedemann, retired superintendent, Francis Tuttle Technology Center
- Randy Gilbert, long time state board member, former agriculture education instructor and trucking company owner
- Velta Reed-Johnson, retired Pioneer Technology Center superintendent, first female technology center superintendent
- Denise Morris, retired Oklahoma Family, Career and Community Leaders of America state adviser
- Joe Robinson, former teacher, administrator and retired associate state director
- Jack Staats, former teacher and retired state program administrator for agricultural education and state FFA adviser
- Kent Boggs, retired Oklahoma State FFA Secretary
- Carolyn Cotton, retired family and consumer sciences education program specialist
- Nancy Randolph Davis, former family and consumer sciences instructor
- Bob Funk, co-founder, president and vice chairman of the board of Express Employment Professionals
- Phil Waul, retired superintendent, Central Technology Center
- Dr. Greg Winters, retired superintendent, Canadian Valley Technology Center
- Dr. Belinda Cole, former associate state director for career and support services
- Dr. Fern Green-Bowling, retired equity coordinator
- Dr. James Strate, retired superintendent, Autry Technology Center
- Tom Thomas, retired superintendent, Great Plains Technology Center
- Joan Welborn, former owner, CEO and president of ADPC
- Phil Berkenbile, former state director, ODCTE
- Dean Denton, former business and information technology instructor, Broken Arrow High School
- Dale DeWitt, former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (District 38) and Agricultural Education Instructor, Braman High School
- Bea Paul, former Job Developer, Autry Technology Center and Family and Consumer Science Instructor, Chisholm High School, Enid
- Greg Pierce, former superintendent, Pontotoc Technology Center
- Harold Anglin, former superintendent and state board member
- Frank Coulter, former superintendent of Moore Norman Technology Center
- Norman Filtz, retired, ODCTE
- Dr. Kay Martin, former superintendent of Francis Tuttle Technology Center
- Dwight Stoddard, retired, ODCTE
- Henry Bellmon, former Governor of Oklahoma and U.S. senator
- Earl Cowan, former superintendent of Canadian Valley Technology Center
- Jim E. Hamilton, former state senator and representative
- Vince Orza, Ph.D., president and CEO of KSBI, Oklahoma City
2009 [1]
- Dick Anderson, Retired Executive Vice President AGC of Oklahoma
- Brenda Brixey, Retired Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher
- Dr. Gene Callahan, Retired Tulsa Technology Center Superintendent
- Raymond Cockrum, Retired agricultural education District Supervisor, ODCTE
- Clovis Weatherford, Retired Tri County Technology Center Superintendent [2]
- Charlotte Edwards, Retired Executive Director of Oklahoma ACTE
- Senator Ted V. Fisher, former Oklahoma Senate
- Mike Stephens, agricultural education teacher and FFA adviser
- Ron Wilkerson, Retired chief communications officer at ODCTE
- Elmer L. “Tex” Williamson, Retired student services specialist
2005 [3]
- RL Beaty, Retired Chief of Staff, ODCTE
- Ann Benson, Retired Director, ODCTE
- Sam Combs, co-founder the Retired Educators for Agriculture Programs (REAP)
- Chuck Hopkins, Retired assistant director, ODCTE
- Frosty Troy, Editor of The Oklahoma Observer
- Arthur Foster, former community banker
- Dr. Clyde Knight, former trade and industrial education professor at Oklahoma State
- DeAnn Pence, Retired vocational Family and Consumer Sciences instructor
- Dr. J.W. Weatherford, former professor of vocational teacher education at UCO
- Gus Friedemann, Retired Distributive Education instructor, Stillwater High School
- Ruth Killough, Retired LPN instructor, Mid-Del Technology Center
- Roy Peters, Jr, former State Director, ODCTE
- Bill Powers, Retired Superintendent, Kiamichi Technology Center
- Jean Robertson, Retired Family and Consumer Sciences Instructor, Pryor Junior High
- Wes Watkins, retired member of the United States House of Representatives, namesake of Wes Watkins Technology Center
- Vic Van Hook, Retired Deputy Director, ODCTE
- John Hopper, Retired Superintendent, Central Technology Center
- Dale Hughey, Retired, ODCTE
- Dr. Joe Lemley, Retired Superintendent, Tulsa Technology Center
- Wayne Miller , Retired Director, Oklahoma State University-Okmulgee
- Marvin Stokes, Retired Superintendent, Byng Public Schools
- Dr. Roy Ayres, former State Supervisor, Trade and Industrial Education
- Ted Best , former state adviser, DECA
- Dr Bob Brown, Retired professor, Central State University
- Dr Willa Combs, Retired professor and chair, Langston University
- Dr Coaken Jones, former National New Farmers of America Adviser
- Ernest Muncrief, Retired agricultural education instructor, Marlow, Oklahoma
- Edna Crow, retired district supervisor, Family and Consumer Sciences
- Jess Banks, retired state coordinator of the Employment and Training Division, ODCTE
- Bruce Gray, Superintendent, Francis Tuttle Technology Center
- Ralph Dressen, Retired agricultural education District Supervisor, ODCTE
- Hugh Lacy, former coordinator of Manpower Division, ODCTE
- Mary Randall, retired coordinator, Health Occupations, ODCTE
- Larry Hansen, retired assistant director, ODCTE
- Bill Harrison, retired director, Oklahoma ACTE
- Don Ramsey, owner, Blue and Gold Sausage Company
- May Rollow, retired state supervisor, Family and Consumer Sciences
- Dr. Arch Alexander, deputy director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
- MJ DE Benning, former distributive education state supervisor, assistant professor at Oklahoma State University
- Dick Fisher, chartered Cushing FFA Chapter
- Dr. Lucille Patton, dean of the Special College of Arts and Sciences, Central State University
- Dewey Bartlett, former Governor of Oklahoma, instrumental in creation of CareerTech system
- Otha Grimes, Polled Hereford industry
- Caroline Hughes, appointed to National Advisory Council on Vocational Education
- Byrle Killian, Regent, OSU and A&M Colleges, former state supervisor Agriculture Education
- George Nigh, former Governor of Oklahoma
- J.B. Perky, former director, ODCTE
- Robert Price, dean, Department of Agriculture Education, Oklahoma State University
- Roy P. Stewart, author of the Country Boy Column in The Daily Oklahoman, colonel in Oklahoma National Guard
- Lela O’Toole, former dean College of Home Economics, Oklahoma State University
- Francis Tuttle, former ODCTE State Director, namesake of Francis Tuttle Technology Center