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November 12 in the Roman Martyrology

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In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, the Roman Martyrology is a directory of liturgical commemorations for each day of the year. There are two editions of the Martyrology currently authorized for use: the 2004 edition (the most recent) and the 1960 revision of the 1956 edition (as permitted under Summorum Pontificum). The following commemorations are listed for November 12 in each respective edition:

Ordinary form (2004 edition)

General calendar

Martyrology only

Extraordinary form (1960 edition)

General calendar

Martyrology only

See also


  1. ^ a b This could be Kaźmierz or Kazimierz Biskupi; the exact location is unknown.[1]
  2. ^ The 1960 edition also commemorates Pope St. Martin I on September 16. In the 2004 edition, his memorial is on April 13.
  3. ^ His feast is celebrated two days later, on November 14, in the General Roman Calendar of the Extraordinary Form.
  4. ^ His feast is celebrated the next day, November 13, in the General Roman Calendar of the Extraordinary Form.

== References ==

  1. ^ Świątek, Jędrzej (2001). "W poszukiwaniu historycznej prawdy o Pięciu Braciach". Tygodnik katolicki „Niedziela” (in Polish). O najnowszych badaniach nad problemem lokalizacji pustelni mówili także dr Danuta Zydorek i prof. Tomasz Jasiński z UAM. Według nich większość historyków opowiada się dzisiaj za przekonaniem, iż pierwsi w Polsce pustelnicy założyli klasztor nieopodal Międzyrzecza, uznając jednocześnie, iż próby sytuowania tego klasztoru w Kazimierzu pod Szamotułami bądź w Kazimierzu Biskupim są mniej prawdopodobne.
  2. ^ "Preghiera d'intercessione all'eremita francescano Giovanni Cini della Pace". San Francesco (in Italian). Il beato Della Pace (Pisa, 1270 - Pisa 1340) divenne padre spirituale di molte persone, che riuscì a convertire e ad avvicinare a Dio. Fu così che aderirono alla regola del Terz'Ordine Regolare francescano.


2004 edition

1960 edition

  • Martyrologium Romanum (in Latin) (revised post-typical 4th ed.). Justitias Books. 2017 [1956 with 1960 revisions]. p. 278.
  • The Roman Martyrology. Translated by O'Connell, Canon J.B. (revised post-typical 4th ed.). Westminster: Newman Press. 1962. pp. 246–247.
