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Nazis suck, i hate them, they are poofs and should have shot themselves by now.
{{Redirect|Nazi|the Sumerian deity|Nazi (god)}}
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'''Nazism''', known officially in German as '''[[National Socialism]]'''<ref>[http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9055014/National-Socialism National Socialism] Encyclopædia Britannica.</ref><ref>[http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560927/national_socialism.html National Socialism] Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007</ref><ref>[[Walter John Raymond]]. ''Dictionary of Politics''. (1992). ISBN 155618008X p.327</ref><ref>[http://www.bartleby.com/65/na/NatlSoci.html National Socialism] The [[Columbia Encyclopedia]], Sixth Edition. 2001-07.</ref> ({{lang-de|'''Na'''tionalso'''zi'''alismus}}), is the [[totalitarian]] [[ideology]] and practices of the [[Nazi Party]] or National Socialist German Workers’ Party under [[Adolf Hitler]], and the policies adopted by the dictatorial government of [[Nazi Germany]] from 1933 to 1945.<ref>Fritzsche, Peter. 1998. ''Germans into Nazis''. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.</ref><ref>Kele, Max H. (1972). Nazis and Workers: National Socialist Appeals to German Labor, 1919–1933. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.</ref><ref name="payne1995a">Payne, Stanley G. 1995. A History of Fascism, 1914–45. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.</ref><ref>Eatwell, Roger. 1996. “On Defining the ‘Fascist Minimum,’ the Centrality of Ideology”, ''Journal of Political Ideologies'' 1(3):303–19; and Eatwell, Roger. 1997. ''Fascism: A History''. New York: Allen Lane.</ref>

Nazism is often considered by scholars to be a form of [[fascism]]. While it incorporated elements from both [[Left-right politics|left and right-wing politics]], the Nazis formed most of their alliances on the [[Right-wing politics|right]].<ref>Fritzsche, Peter. 1998. Germans into Nazis. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; Eatwell, Roger, ''Fascism, A History'', Viking/Penguin, 1996, pp.xvii-xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–140, 352. [[Roger Griffin|Griffin, Roger]]. 2000. "Revolution from the Right: Fascism," chapter in David Parker (ed.) ''Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560-1991'', Routledge, London.</ref> The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party presented its program in the [[National Socialist Program|25 point National Socialist Program]] in 1920. Among the key elements of Nazism were [[anti-parliamentarism]], [[Pan-Germanism]], [[Nazism and race|racism]], [[collectivism]],<ref>Davies, Peter; Dereck Lynch (2003). ''Routledge Companion to Fascism and the Far Right''. Routledge, p.103. ISBN 0415214955.</ref><ref name="Hayek">[[Friedrich Hayek|Hayek, Friedrich]] (1944). ''The Road to Serfdom''. Routledge. ISBN 0415253896.</ref> [[Nazi eugenics|eugenics]], [[antisemitism]], [[anti-communism]], [[totalitarianism]] and opposition to [[economic liberalism]] and [[political liberalism]].<ref name="Hayek"/><ref>Hoover, Calvin B. (March 1935). “The Paths of Economic Change: Contrasting Tendencies in the Modern World”, ''The American Economic Review'', Vol. 25, No. 1, Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, pp.13–20.</ref><ref>Morgan, Philip (2003). ''Fascism in Europe, 1919–1945''. Routledge, p.168. ISBN 0415169429.</ref>

In the 1930s, Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly [[Germany|German]]) combination of various ideologies and philosophies which centered around nationalism, anti-communism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate. Groups such as [[Strasserism]] and [[Black Front]] were part of the early Nazi movement. Their motivations were triggered over anger about the [[Treaty of Versailles]], and what they considered to have been a [[Jew]]ish/[[Communism|communist]] conspiracy to humiliate Germany at the end of the [[World War I]]. Germany's post-war ills were critical to the formation of the ideology and its criticisms of the post-war [[Weimar Republic]]. The Nazi Party came to power in Germany in 1933.

In response to the instability created by the [[Great Depression]], the Nazis sought a ''[[Third position|Third Way]]'' managed economy that was neither [[capitalism]] nor [[communism]].<ref name="overy">The Nazi Economic Recovery, 1932-1938 R. J. Overy, Economic History Society</ref><ref name="Francis R. Nicosia p. 43">Francis R. Nicosia. Business and Industry in Nazi Germany, Berghan Books, p. 43</ref> Nazi rule effectively ended on May 7, 1945, [[V-E Day]], when the Nazis unconditionally surrendered to the [[Allies of World War II|Allied Powers]], who took over Germany's administration until Germany could form its own democratic government.
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The term ''Nazi'' is derived from the first two syllables of ''Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei,''<ref name="NSspeak">
The German name of the Nazi Party ("National-Socialist German Workers’ Party") is the ''Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei'', pronounced {{IPA-de|natsjoˈnaːlzotsiaːˌlistiʃə ˈdɔytʃə ˈarbaitɐparˌtai}} (''Arbeiter'' "worker").
</ref> the official [[German language]] name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (commonly known in English as the [[Nazi Party]]). Party members rarely referred to themselves as ''Nazis'', and instead used the official term, ''Nationalsozialisten'' (National Socialists). The word mirrors the term ''Sozi'',<ref name="SZspeak">
The term ''Sozi'' (/zoːtsi/) is short for the German word
''Sozialdemokrat'' (pronounced /zo'tsjaːldemoˌkraːt/), meaning ''social democrat''.
a common and slightly derogatory term for members of the [[Social Democratic Party of Germany]] (''Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands'').<ref name="Mautner">{{cite journal|author=Franz H. Mautner|title=Nazi und Sozi|year=1944|journal=Modern Language Notes|volume=59|issue=2|pages=93–100|doi=10.2307/2910599}}</ref> When Adolf Hitler took power, the use of the term ''Nazi'' almost disappeared from Germany, although it was still used by opponents in [[Austria]].<ref name="Mautner"/>

{{Self-published|date=August 2009}}
National Socialist philosophy came together during a time of crisis in Germany; the nation had lost [[World War I]] in 1918, but had also been forced to sign the [[Treaty of Versailles]], a devastating capitulation, and was in the midst of a period of great [[economic depression]] and instability. The ''[[Dolchstosslegende]]'' (or “stab in the back”),<ref name="DSLspeak">
“Lexicon: Dolchstosslegende” (definition),
www.icons-multimedia.com, 2005, webpage:
[http://www.icons-multimedia.com/ClientsArea/HoH/LIBARC/LEXICON/LexEntry/Dolchsto.html DolchSL].
described by the National Socialists, featured a claim that the war effort was sabotaged internally, in large part by Germany’s [[Jew]]s. The National Socialists suggested that a lack of patriotism had led to Germany’s defeat (for one, the front line was not on German soil at the time of the armistice). In politics, criticism was directed at the [[Social Democrats]] and the [[Weimar Republic|Weimar government]] (''[[Deutsches Reich]]'' 1919–1933), which the National Socialists accused of selling out the country. The concept of ''Dolchstosslegende'' led many to look at Jews and other so-called “non-Germans”<ref name="PostWWIAntisemitism">
“Florida Holocaust Museum - Antisemitism - Post World War 1” (history),
www.flholocaustmuseum.org, 2003, webpage:
[http://www.flholocaustmuseum.org/history_wing/antisemitism/post_ww1.cfm Post-WWI Antisemitism].
</ref> living in Germany as having extra-national loyalties, thereby raising antisemitic sentiments and the ''[[Judenfrage]]'' (German for “[[Jewish Question]]”),<ref name="JFrage">
“THHP Short Essay: Who was the Final Solution”
Holocaust-History.org, July 2004, webpage:
[http://www.holocaust-history.org/short-essays/final-solution.shtml HoloHist-Final]:
notes that [[Hermann Göering]] used the term in his order of
July 31, 1941 to [[Reinhard Heydrich]] of Reich Main Security.
at a time when the [[Völkisch movement]] and a desire to create a [[Greater Germany]] were strong.

On January 5, 1919, the party that eventually became the Nazi Party was founded under the name [[German Workers' Party]] (DAP) by [[Anton Drexler]], along with six other members.<ref name=NaziEB>
“Nazi Party” (overview),
''Encyclopædia Britannica'', 2006, Britannica.com webpage:
[http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9055111/Nazi-Party Britannica-NaziParty].
</ref><ref name=NaziYV>
“February 24, 1920: Nazi Party Established” (history),
[[Yad Vashem]], The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, 2004, webpage:
[http://yad-vashem.org.il/about_holocaust/chronology/before_1933/chronology_before_1933_8.html YV-Party].
German intelligence authorities sent Hitler, a corporal at the time, to investigate the German Workers’ Party. As a result, party members invited him to join after he impressed them with the speaking ability he displayed while arguing with party members. Hitler joined the party in September 1919, and he became the [[Nazi propaganda|propaganda]] boss.<ref name=NaziYV/><ref name=NaziNSW>
“Australian Memories of the Holocaust” (history),
Glossary, definition of ''Nazi'' (party), N.S.W. Board of Jewish Education,
[[New South Wales]], [[Australia]], webpage:
[http://www.holocaust.com.au/glossary.htm HolocaustComAu-Glossary].
The party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers’ Party on February 24, 1920,<ref name=NaziYV/> against Hitler’s choice of Social Revolutionary Party.<ref name=NaziHP>
“Hitler Youth” (history),
The History Place, 1999, webpage:
[http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/hitleryouth/hj-timeline.htm HPlace-HitlerYouth].
</ref><ref name=NaziPP>
''Kriegsverbrechen der alliierten Siegermächte'' (“War Crimes of Allied Powers”),
Pit Pietersen, ISBN 3-8334-5045-2, 2006, page 151, webpage:
[http://books.google.com/books?lr=&q=%22September+1919+bei+und+war+zun%C3%A4chst%22&as_brr=0 GoogleBooks-Pietersen]:
describes Hitler as “Propagandachef”{{Citation needed|date=November 2007}} and becoming chairman on July 29, 1921.
Hitler ousted Drexler and became the party leader on July 29, 1921.<ref name=NaziYV/><ref name=NaziPP/>

Although Adolf Hitler had joined the Nazi Party in September 1919, and published ''[[Mein Kampf]]'' (“My Struggle”) in 1925 and 1926, the seminal ideas of National Socialism had their roots in groups and individuals of decades past.<ref name=NaziYV/> These include the Völkisch movement and its religious-occult counterpart, [[Ariosophy]]. Among the various Ariosophic lodge-like groups, only the [[Thule Society]] is related to the origins of the Nazi party.

The term ''Nazism'' refers to the [[ideology]] of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and its worldview which permeated German society (and to some degree European and American society) during the party’s years as the German government (1933 to 1945). Free elections in 1932 under Germany’s Weimar Republic made the NSDAP the largest [[parliament]]ary faction; no similar party in any country at that time had achieved comparable electoral success. Hitler’s January 30, 1933 appointment as [[Chancellor of Germany (German Reich)|Chancellor of Germany]] and his subsequent consolidation of [[dictator]]ial power marked the beginning of [[Nazi Germany]]. During its first year in power, the NSDAP announced the ''Tausendjähriges Reich'' (“Thousand Years’ Empire”) or ''Drittes Reich'' (“Third Reich”), a putative successor to the [[Holy Roman Empire]] and the [[German Empire]]).

===Post-1933 developments===
{{Fascism sidebar |expanded=Varieties}}

During the night of February 27, 1933, the [[Reichstag fire]] provided Hitler with a convenient excuse for suppressing his opponents. The following day, he persuaded President Paul von [[Hindenburg]] to sign an emergency decree suspending civil liberties and stripping the power of the federal German states. Opponents were imprisoned first in improvised camps (''wilde Lager'') and later in an organized system of Nazi [[concentration camp]]s. On March 23, the [[Reichstag (institution)|Reichstag]] passed an “[[Enabling Law]]” which granted Hitler dictatorial powers. Unions were abolished and political parties, other than the National Socialists, forbidden.

Having dealt with his political enemies, Hitler moved against his rivals in the party, principally those allied with [[Ernst Röhm]], leader of the [[Sturmabteilung]] (known as SA or “brownshirts”) and [[Gregor Strasser]], leader of the Nazi left wing. Between June 30 and July 2, 1934, these were purged in the so-called [[Night of the Long Knives]]. With this, Hitler assured the support of the powerful Reichswehr. After the death of [[President of Germany|President]] [[Paul von Hindenburg]] on August 2, there was no one left who could present an effective challenge to Nazi power.

The Nazi Party had been anti-Semitic from the beginning, and shortly after seizing power had attempted a boycott against the Jews (see [[Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses]]). Official measures against the Jews had been limited by the reluctance of President Hindenburg, but the [[Nuremberg Laws]], proclaimed by Hitler at the 1935 Nazi rally in Nuremberg, provided a legal basis for systematic persecution. Visible signs of anti-Semitism were removed during the [[1936 Summer Olympics]], but replaced shortly thereafter.

===Foreign reaction===
During the mid to late 1930s the British and French governments generally held a stance of [[appeasement]] for the Nazi regime and its breaching of [[Treaty of Versailles]] through [[rearmament]]. Though some figures in Britain and France they had begun to criticize this and Germany's embrace of [[totalitarianism]] and in Britain especially, Nazi Germany’s policies towards the Jews. Important reasons behind this appeasement included the erroneous assumption that Hitler had no desire to precipitate another world war, even though in ''Mein Kampf'' he had outlined the party’s program in detail, overtly and explicitly committing himself to another European-wide war. Later, when the rebirth of the German military could no longer be ignored, appeasement continued through the concern that neither Britain nor France was yet ready to fight an all-out war against Germany.

The latter line of argument, that the West was not ready for war with Germany, was, as Churchill pointed out, unsatisfactory, as the appeasement program in fact worsened the problem; for example by removing Czechoslovakia’s resources from the anti-Nazi side, and adding them to the Nazi side. As Churchill said of appeasement:
|You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war. If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds are against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.

In 1936, Nazi Germany and [[Japan]] entered into the [[Anti-Comintern Pact]], aimed directly at countering Soviet foreign policy. This alliance later became the basis for the [[Tripartite Pact]] with Italy, the foundation of the [[Axis Powers]]. The three nations united in their opposition to communism, as well as their militaristic, racist regimes, however they failed to coordinate their military efforts effectively.

==World War II==
{{Main|World War II}}
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[[Image:War Ensign of Germany 1938-1945.svg|thumb|left|[[Kriegsmarine]] flag of Nazi Germany (1938-1945)]]

The Nazis were determined to retrieve the territories that Germany had lost after the [[Versailles Treaty]] and create a powerful, German realm. They wanted this realm to include [[Free City of Danzig|Danzig]], towards which the state of Poland had had limited rights since the Versailles Treaty. When diplomacy failed to secure Danzig's return to Germany, the Nazis got lucky. The communist Soviet Union, an unlikely ally, wanted a non-aggression pact and promised to assist Germany if there was war with Poland. In 1939, Germany attacked Poland and France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. Then, the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the east. Poland was defeated but the war continued.

In 1940, Germany attacked and defeated the French and British continental forces in France. France became an occupied country. The [[Battle of Britain]] followed, but Germany soon turned its attention to the East. Hitler believed that if the Soviet Union fell, the United Kingdom would come to terms with Germany.

In 1941, Germany and its allies launched [[Operation Barbarossa]] against the [[Soviet Union]]. In spite of its initial success, the Soviets were able to turn the tide. After [[the Battle of Stalingrad]], the Soviets launched a powerful offensive and quickly advanced towards Germany from the East. In 1944, the United States and the United Kingdom landed in France as part of a major offensive against the Germans from the West. Within a year, Germany was occupied and defeated and World War II in Europe was over. The victors declared the Nazi Party (NSDAP) a criminal organization and the Nazi regime came to an end.

Today, in the [[Federal Republic of Germany]], Nazism is outlawed as a political ideology, as are forms of iconography and propaganda from the Nazi era. Nevertheless, [[Neo-Nazism|neo-Nazis]] continue to operate there and abroad. Following World War II and [[the Holocaust]], the term ''Nazi'' and symbols associated with Nazism (such as the [[Swastika]]) have acquired overwhelmingly negative connotations in [[Europe]] and [[North America]].

{{Mergefrom|National Socialism|date=May 2009}}
[[Image:Bundesarchiv Bild 102-15750, Ausstellung "Deutsches Volk-Deutsche Arbeit".jpg|thumb|The [[alliance]] of [[work]] and [[people]] as displayed in a 1934 Nazi exhibition]]
[[Image:Adolf Hitler.png|thumb|right|[[Adolf Hitler]]]]
Nazism has come to stand for a belief in the superiority of an [[Aryan race]], an abstraction of the Germanic peoples. During Hitler’s time, the Nazis advocated a strong, centralized government under the [[Führer]] and claimed to defend Germany and the [[German people]] (including those of German [[ethnicity]] abroad) against Communism and so-called Jewish subversion. Ultimately, the Nazis sought to create a largely homogeneous and [[Autarky|autarkic]] ethnic state, absorbing the ideas of [[Pan-Germanism]].

Historians often disagree on the principal interests of the Nazi Party and whether Nazism can be considered a coherent ideology. The original National Socialists claimed that there would be no program that would bind them, and that they wanted to reject any established world view. Still, as Hitler played a major role in the development of the Nazi Party from its early stages and rose to become the movement’s indisputable iconographic figurehead, much of what is thought to be “Nazism” is in line with [[Hitler's political beliefs|Hitler’s own political beliefs]]{{ndash}} the ideology and the man remain largely interchangeable in the public eye. Some dispute whether Hitler’s views relate directly to those surrounding the movement; the problem is exacerbated by the inability of various self-proclaimed Nazis and Nazi groups to decide on a universal ideology. But if Nazism is the world view promulgated in ''Mein Kampf'', that world view is consistent and coherent, being characterized essentially by a conception of history as a race struggle; the [[Führerprinzip]]; [[anti-Semitism]]; and the need to acquire ''[[Lebensraum]]'' (living space) at the expense of the [[Soviet Union]].<ref name=Kershaw> [[Ian Kershaw]], ''Hitler: A Profile in Power'', (London, 1991, rev. 2001), first chapter </ref> The core concept of Nazism is that the German [[Volk]] is under attack from a [[Judeo-Bolshevism|judeo-bolshevist]] conspiracy,<ref name=Kershaw> [[Ian Kershaw]], ''Hitler: A Profile in Power'', first chapter “The power of the idea” (London, 1991, rev. 2001)</ref> and must become united, disciplined and self-sacrificing (''id est'' must submit to Nazi leadership) in order to win.

Hitler's political beliefs were formulated in ''[[Mein Kampf]]''. His ideology had three main thoughts: a conception of history as a race struggle influenced by [[Social Darwinism]]; antisemitism; and the idea that Germany needed to acquire land from [[Russia]]. His antisemitism, coupled with his [[anti-Communism]], gave the grounds of his [[conspiracy theory]] of “[[judeo-bolshevism]]”.<ref name=Kershaw/> Hitler first began to develop his views through observations he made while living in [[Vienna]] from 1907 to 1913. He concluded that a racial, religious, and cultural hierarchy existed, and he placed “Aryans” at the top as the ultimate superior race, while Jews and “[[Romani people|Gypsies]]” were people at the bottom. He vaguely examined and questioned the policies of the [[Austria-Hungary|Austro-Hungarian Empire]], where, as a citizen by birth, he had lived during the Empire’s last throes. He believed that its [[ethnic]] and [[linguistics|linguistic]] diversity had weakened the Empire and helped to create dissent. Furthermore, he saw [[democracy]] as a destabilizing force because it placed power in the hands of, amongst others, [[ethnic minorities]] who he claimed, “weakened and destabilized” the Empire by dividing it against itself. Hitler’s political beliefs were affected by World War I and the 1917 [[October Revolution]], and were further modified between 1920 and 1923. He formulated them definitively in ''Mein Kampf''.<ref> Ian Kershaw, 1991, chapter I </ref>

{{See|Fascism and ideology}}
In both popular thought and academic scholarship, Nazism is generally considered a form of [[fascism]]{{ndash}} a term whose definition is contentious. Both fascism and Nazism reject ideologies like [[democracy]], [[liberalism]] and [[Marxism]],<ref>[[Ernst Nolte]], Der Faschismus in seiner Epoche, München 1963, ISBN 3-492-02448-3 </ref> but it is difficult to indentify a perfect definition of the two terms. According to most scholars of fascism, there are both left and right influences on the ideology; it has historically attacked [[communism]], [[conservatism]] and parliamentary liberalism, attracting support primarily from the [[far right]].<ref>Laqueuer, 1996 p. 223; Eatwell, 1996, p. 39; Griffin, 1991, 2000, pp. 185-201; Weber, [1964] 1982, p. 8; Payne (1995), Fritzsche (1990), Laclau (1977), and Reich (1970).</ref>

Italian Fascists tended to believe that all elements in society should be unified through [[corporatism]] to form an “Organic State”, and Italian fascists often had no strong opinion on [[Race (classification of human beings)|race]], since it was the [[State (polity)|state]] and [[nation]] that mattered. German Nazism, however, emphasized the [[Aryan race]] or “[[Volk]]” principle to the point where the state seemed to be simply a means to an end. Aryanism was not an attractive idea for Italians, who were not considered a Nordic population, but there was still strong racism and [[genocide]] in [[concentration camps]] in Italy, long before either was in place in Germany.<ref>Enzo Collotti, Race Law in Italy, in: Christoph Dipper et al., Faschismus und Faschismen im Vergleich, Vierow 1998. ISBN 3-89498-045-1</ref>

Some historians, such as [[Zeev Sternhell]], see each movement as unique, however many historians argue that there is a stronger family resemblance between the Italian and the German fascist movements than there is between democracies in Europe or the [[communist state]]s of the [[Cold War]].<ref>cf. Roger Griffin, The Blackwell Dictionary of Social Thought, in Griffin, International Fascism, 35f., and Anthony Paxton, Anatomy of Fascism, London 2004, p.218, and Stanley Payne, A History of Fascism 1914–1945, University of Wisconsin Press 1995, p. 14</ref> Additionally, the crimes of the fascist movement can be compared, not only in numbers of casualties, but also in common developments, such as [[Benito Mussolini]]'s [[March on Rome]] and [[Adolf Hitler]]’s attempted [[coup d'etat]] in [[Munich]].

Hitler founded the Nazi state upon a racially defined “German people” and principally rejected the idea of being bound by the limits of nationalism.<ref>called “transnational” Michael Mann, see references</ref> That was only a means for attempting unlimited supremacy. In that sense, its hyper-nationalism was tolerated to reach a world-dominating Germanic-Aryan ''Volksgemeinschaft''. This idea is a central concept of ''Mein Kampf'', symbolized by the motto ''Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer'' (one people, one empire, one leader). The Nazi relationship between the Volk and the state was called the ''[[Volksgemeinschaft]]'' (people’s community), a late nineteenth or early twentieth century [[neologism]] that defined a communal duty of citizens in service to the Reich (as opposed to a simple [[society]]). The term “National Socialism” derives from this citizen-nation relationship, whereby the term ''[[socialism]]'' is invoked and is meant to be realized through the common duty of the individuals to the German people; all actions are to be in service of the Reich. The Nazis stated that their goal was to bring forth a nation-state as the locus and embodiment of the people’s collective will, bound by the ''Volksgemeinschaft'', as both an ideal and an operating instrument. In comparison, traditional socialist ideologies oppose the idea of nations.

Nazi rationale invested heavily in the [[Militarism|militarist]] belief that great nations grow from military power and maintained order, which in turn grow “naturally” from “rational, civilized cultures”. The Nazi Party appealed to German nationalists and national pride, capitalizing on [[irredentism|irredentist]] and [[revanchism|revanchist]] sentiments as well as aversions to various aspects of [[modernism|modernist]] thinking (although at the same time embracing other modernist ideas, such as admiration for engine power). Many ethnic Germans felt deeply committed to the goal of creating the [[Greater Germany]] (the old dream to include German-speaking Austria), which some believe required the use of military force to achieve.

===Racism and discrimination===
{{further|[[Nazism and race]]|[[Racial policy of Nazi Germany]]}}

The Nazi racial philosophy was influenced by the works of [[Arthur de Gobineau]], [[Houston Stewart Chamberlain]], and [[Madison Grant]], and was elaborated by [[Alfred Rosenberg]] in [[the Myth of the Twentieth Century]].

Hitler also claimed that a nation was the highest creation of a “race”, and “great nations” (literally ''large'' nations) were the creation of homogeneous populations of “great races” working together. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from “races” with “natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits”. The “weakest nations”, Hitler said, were those of “impure” or “mongrel races”, because they had divided, quarreling, and therefore weak cultures. Worst of all were seen to be the parasitic “[[Untermensch]]” (“subhumans”), mainly Jews, but also Gypsies and [[Jehovah's Witnesses]], homosexuals, the disabled and so-called anti-socials, all of whom were considered “[[lebensunwertes Leben]]” (“life-unworthy life”) owing to their perceived deficiency and inferiority, as well as their wandering, nationless invasions (“the International Jew”). The [[History of Gays during the Holocaust|persecution of homosexuals]] as part of [[the Holocaust]] (with the ''[[pink triangle]]'') has seen increasing scholarly attention since the 1990s, even though many homosexuals served in the Sturmabteilungen.

According to Nazism, it is an obvious mistake to permit or encourage plurality within a nation. Fundamental to the Nazi goal was the unification of all [[Germanic tribe|German-speaking peoples]], “unjustly” divided into different [[Nation State]]s. The Nazis tried to recruit [[Dutch people|Dutch]] and [[Scandinavia]]n men into the [[SS]], considering them of superior “Germanic” stock, with only limited success.

Hitler claimed that nations that could not defend their territory did not deserve it. He thought “slave races”, like the [[Slavic peoples]], to be less worthy to exist than “[[Master race|leader races]]”. In particular, if a master race should require room to live (“[[Lebensraum]]”), he thought such a race should have the right to displace the inferior [[Indigenous peoples|indigenous races]].<ref name="Lebensraum">
“BBC - History - Hitler and 'Lebensraum' in the East” (history),
www.bbc.co.uk, 2004, webpage:
[http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/hitler_lebensraum_01.shtml Lebensraum].

“Races without homelands”, Hitler proclaimed, were “parasitic races”, and the richer the members of a parasitic race were, the more virulent the parasitism was said to be. A master race could therefore, according to the Nazi doctrine, easily strengthen itself by eliminating parasitic races from its homeland. This idea was the given rationalization for the Nazis’ later oppression and elimination of Jews, [[Romani (people)|Gypsies]], [[Czechs]], [[Poles]], the mentally and physically handicapped, homosexuals and others not belonging to these groups or categories that were part of the Holocaust. The [[Waffen-SS]] and other German soldiers (including parts of the [[Wehrmacht]]), as well as civilian paramilitary groups in occupied territories, were responsible for the deaths of an estimated eleven million men, women, and children in concentration camps, [[prisoner-of-war]] camps, [[labor camp]]s, and death camps such as [[Auschwitz concentration camp|Auschwitz]] and [[Treblinka extermination camp|Treblinka]].

{{Main|Nazi eugenics}}

The belief in the need to purify the German race led them to [[eugenics]]; this effort culminated in the [[Euthanasia#Euthanasia by consent|involuntary euthanasia]] of disabled people and the [[compulsory sterilization]] of people with mental deficiencies or illnesses perceived as hereditary. [[Adolf Hitler]] considered [[Sparta]] to be the first “[[Völkisch]] State”, and praised its early [[eugenics]] treatment of deformed children.<ref>{{cite book
|author=[[Adolf Hitler|Hitler, Adolf]]
|title=[[Hitler's Secret Book]]
|publisher=Grove Press
|location=New York
|oclc = 9830111
|pages=8–9, 17–18
|quote=Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological subject. }}</ref><ref>{{cite book
|author=Mike Hawkins
|title=Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860–1945: nature as model and nature as threat
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
|oclc = 34705047

According to Nazi propaganda, the Jews thrived on fomenting division amongst Germans and amongst states. Nazi antisemitism was primarily racial: “The Jew is the enemy and destroyer of the purity of blood, the conscious destroyer of our race;” however, the Jews were also described as plutocrats exploiting the worker: “As socialists we are opponents of the Jews because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.”<ref name="thosedamnednazis">Goebbels, Joseph; Mjölnir (1932). ''Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken''. Munich: Franz Eher Nachfolger. English translation: ''[http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/haken32.htm Those Damned Nazis]''.</ref> In addition, the Nazis articulated opposition to [[finance capitalism]] with an emphasis on antisemitic claims that this was manipulated by a conspiracy of Jewish bankers.<ref>Bealey, Frank; et al. (1999). ''Elements of Political Science''. Edinburgh University Press, p.202.</ref>

{{Main|History of homosexual people in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust}}

An estimated 100,000 homosexuals were arrested after Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_/ai_n14142669|title=Holocaust: Gay activists press for German apology|last=Bennetto|first=Jason|date=1997-11-01|work=[[The Independent]]|accessdate=2008-12-26}}</ref> Of those, 50,000 were suspected to be incarcerated in concentration camps, making for 5,000 to 15,000 deaths. According to Harry Oosterhuis, the Nazis’ original view toward homosexuality was at least ambiguous if not openly tolerant or even approving, with homosexuality common in the [[Sturmabteilung]] (SA) which was critical to Hitler as the paramilitary arm of the [[NSDAP]].<ref>Joachim C. Fest. Hitler, Harvest Books, Book 5 Chapter 3</ref> Thus, the eventual arrests of homosexuals should not be viewed in the context of “race hygiene” or eugenics. Völkisch-nationalist youth movements attracted homosexuals because of the preaching of ''Männerbund'' (male bonding); in practice, Oosterhuis says, this meant that the persecution of homosexuals was more politically motivated or opportunistic than anything else.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Harry Oosterhuis|title=Medicine, Male Bonding and Homosexuality in Nazi Germany|year=1997|journal=Journal of Contemporary History|volume=32|issue=2|pages=187–205}}. Homosexual behavior had been illegal in Germany since the adoption of [[Paragraph 175]] of the [[German Criminal Code]] in 1871, but enforcement was capricious, even under the early years of the Nazi regime.</ref> For example, the homosexuality of [[Ernst Röhm]] and other leaders of the Sturmabteilung was well known for years and became the basis for satire and jokes, including in the Army, which was highly suspicious and resentful of the SA’s power and size.<ref>William L. Shirer, in ''The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany'' (Touchstone Edition) (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), p. 214, quotes Field Marshal [[Walther von Brauchitsch]] that “rearmament was too serious and difficult a business to permit the participation of peculators, drunkards and homosexuals.”</ref> The execution of Röhm (on June 30, 1934, the [[Night of the Long Knives|"Night of the Long Knives"]]) was ordered by Hitler chiefly because Röhm was perceived as a political threat, not because of his homosexuality. Indeed, it was only ''after'' these murders that the Nazis publicly expressed concern about the depraved morals of Röhm and the other S.A. leaders: addressing the surviving storm troop leaders in Munich at noon on June 30, just after the first executions, Hitler declared that for their corrupt morals alone these men deserved to die.<ref>Shirer, ''Rise and Fall'', pp. 224–225. For Shirer’s overall discussion of “The Blood Purge of June 30, 1934,” including the trumped-up allegations of a planned [[coup d'êtat]] by Roehm and the simultaneous negative shift in Nazi policy toward homosexuals, see Shirer’s pp. 213–226.</ref>

Eventually, Nazism declared itself incompatible with homosexuality, because gays did not reproduce and perpetuate the master race. In 1936, Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the SS, created the "Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion." Homosexuality was declared contrary to "wholesome popular sentiment,"<ref>''The Holocaust Chronicle'', Publications International Ltd., p. 108.</ref> and gay men were regarded as "defilers of German blood." Homosexuals were persecuted for their sexuality. When they were prisoners in a concentration camp, they were forced to wear a [[pink triangle]].<ref>Plant, Richard, ''The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals'', Owl Books, 1988, ISBN 0-8050-0600-1.</ref>

{{See|Religious aspects of Nazism|Religion in Nazi Germany|Positive Christianity}}

Hitler extended his rationalizations into a [[religious]] doctrine, underpinned by his criticism of traditional [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholicism]]. In particular, and closely related to [[Positive Christianity]], Hitler objected to Catholicism’s ungrounded and international character{{ndash}} that is, it did not pertain to an exclusive race and national culture. At the same time, and somewhat contradictorily, the Nazis combined elements of Germany’s [[Lutheranism|Lutheran]] community tradition with its northern European, [[Organic (model)|organic]] [[paganism|pagan]] past. Elements of militarism found their way into Hitler’s own theology; he preached that his was a “true” or “master” religion, because it would “create mastery” and avoid comforting lies. Those who preached [[love]] and tolerance, “in contravention to the facts”, were said to be “slave” or “false” religions. The man who recognized these “truths”, Hitler continued, was said to be a “natural leader”, and those who denied it were said to be “natural slaves”. “Slaves”{{ndash}} especially intelligent ones, he claimed{{ndash}} were always attempting to hinder their masters by promoting false religious and political doctrines.

Though the "National Socialist leaders and dogmas were basically uncompromisingly antireligious",<ref>[http://press.umsystem.edu/spring2004/davidson.htm Davidson, Eugene]. ''The Trial of the Germans'' Originally published: New York : Macmillan, 1966. Republished by University of Missouri Press, 1997. page 527 <googlebooks.com></ref> the Nazi State primarily (but with exceptions) did not act officially in a directly anti-clerical manner except to those who refused to accommodate the new regime and yield to its power.{{Citation needed|date=October 2008}} As [[Martin Bormann]] put it, "Priests will be paid by us and, as a result, they will preach what we want. If we find a priest acting otherwise short work is to be made of him. The task of the priest consists in keeping the Poles quiet, stupid, and dull-witted."<ref>"Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 7" (Feb 8, 1946) ''The Avalon Project Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy'' Accessed: 10/25/08. <http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/02-08-46.asp></ref> As a result almost 16% of the Catholic clergy in Poland were killed and many more including 13 out of the original 38 Bishops were sent to concentration camps <ref>[[Tadeusz Piotrowski|Piotrowski, Tadeusz(sociologist)]]. ''Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918-1947'' McFarland, 1998. NC. page 28. <googlebooks.com></ref> in an attempt to demoralize the Polish population.<ref>[http://cjs.utoronto.ca/faculty/bergen-doris Bergen, Doris L.] ''War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust'' page 105. Published by Rowman & Littlefield, 2003 <googlebooks.com></ref> These actions, combined with their closings of various religious instruction institutions and semininaries was successful in causing some great clergy shortages given Poland's highly Catholic populace.<ref>"The Trial of German Major War Criminals, Sitting at Nuremberg, Germany" (January 8, 1946) The Nizkor Project <http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-04/tgmwc-04-29-02.shtml>: For example, "Entire 'Kreise' (districts) remained thus completely deprived of clergy. In the city of Poznan itself the spiritual care of some 200,000 Catholics remained in the hands of not more than four priests."</ref> Within more loyal nations of the Reich, anti-clericism typically occurred in a more unofficial sense which took the form of arresting disliked clergy for non-religious offences such as immorality,<ref>''Holy War'' "TIME" May 31, 1937 <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,847866,00.html>>: '[Hitler] had long been lining up "evidence" to prove that German Catholic monasteries were hotbeds of immorality. In a climactic, triumphant effort to squelch Catholicism on Aryan soil he threw all the immorality trials into the courts at the same time. He hoped that wholesale convictions would destroy the prestige of the Catholic Church for good, that the Reich's 2,000,000 or so Catholic children would be transformed without a hitch into little Brown Shirts.'</ref><ref>''Trial of German Major War Criminals (Volume 3)'' Dec. 17, 1945. The Nizkor Project <http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-03/tgmwc-03-21-16.html>"The struggle against the Church did, in fact, become ever more bitter, there was the dissolution of Catholic organisations; ...the systematic defamation, by means of a clever, closely organised propaganda, of the Church, the clergy... [. . . .]in the summer of 1942, 480 German-speaking ministers of religion were known to be gathered there; of these, 45 were Protestants, all the others Catholic priests. In spite of the continuous inflow of new internees, especially from dioceses of Bavaria, Rhenania and Westphalia, their number, as a result of the high rate of mortality, at the beginning of this year did not surpass 350. Nor should we pass over in silence those belonging to occupied territories, Holland, Belgium, France (among whom the Bishop of Clermont), Luxembourg, Slovenia, Italy. Many of those priests and laymen endured indescribable sufferings for their faith and for their vocation"</ref> as well as secret harassment by Nazi instigators <ref>''The Trial of German Major War Criminals (Volume 1)'' Nov. 21, 1945 The Nizkor Project <http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-01/tgmwc-01-02-04.html> >: "A most intense drive was directed against the Roman Catholic Church. After a strategic Concordat with the Holy See, signed in July, 1933, in Rome, which never was observed by the Nazi Party, a long and persistent persecution of the Catholic Church, its priesthood and its members, was carried out...Priests and bishops were laid upon, riots were stimulated to harass them, and many were sent to concentration camps."</ref> and agents, especially those of the Gestapo and the SD.<ref>Nizkor ''Nazi Conspiracy & Aggression Volume II, Criminality of Groups and Organizations, The Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) & Sicherheitsdienst'' The Nizkor Project <http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/nca/nca-02/nca-02-15-criminality-06-07.html>: '(2) The GESTAPO and the SD were primary agencies for the persecution of the churches. The fight against the churches was never brought out into the open by the GESTAPO and the SD as in the case of the persecution of the Jews. The struggle was designed to weaken the churches and to lay a foundation for the ultimate destruction of the confessional churches after the end of the war. (1815-PS) [. . . .] The notes on the speeches delivered at this conference indicate that the GESTAPO considered the church as an enemy to be attacked with determination and "true fanaticism."...'</ref> A particularly poignant example is seen in the life of [[Dietrich Bonhoeffer]]. However, the Nazis often used the church to justify their stance and included many Christian symbols in the Third Reich<ref name=StG>Steigmann-Gall 2003</ref> while in other cases, they replaced Christian symbols with those of the Third Reich. <ref>[http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/history/faculty/johnson.htm Johnson, Eric A.] ''Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans'' Basic Books, 2000. NY page 234-235 <googlebooks.com></ref>

Several of the founders and subsequent leadership of the Nazi Party had been associates{{ndash}} and very occasionally members{{ndash}} of the ''Thule-Gesellschaft'' (the [[Thule Society]]), which romanticized the Aryan race through theology and ritual.<ref>Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 149 and 2003: 114.</ref> The Thule Society had been an offshoot of the [[Germanenorden]]. The racist-occult notions of [[Ariosophy]] were not uncommon within these groups; [[Rudolf von Sebottendorf]] and a certain Wilde gave two lectures on occultism for the Thule Society.<ref>According to the diary of Johannes Hering; Goodrick-Clarke (2002), [[Black Sun (Goodrick-Clarke book)|Black Sun]], pp. 116-7.</ref> In general, however, its lectures and excursions were devoted to such subjects as Germanic antiquity and antisemitism, and historically it is more notable for the role it played as a paramilitary group fighting against the [[Bavarian Soviet Republic]].<ref>Goodrick-Clarke (2002), pp. 114, 117.</ref>

[[Dietrich Eckart]], a remote associate of the Thule Society (he gave a reading there once from his plays, on 30 May 1919)<ref>Goodrick-Clarke 2002: 117.</ref> coached Hitler on his [[public speaking]] skills, and Hitler later dedicated ''Mein Kampf'' to him. However, Hitler himself has not been shown to have been a member of the Thule Society or even to have attended its meetings. The DAP initially received support from the group, but the Thulists were quickly sidelined because Hitler favoured a mass movement and denigrated the occult-conspiratorial approach.<ref>Goodrick-Clarke (1985), pp. 150–51.</ref>

[[Himmler|Heinrich Himmler]], by contrast, showed a strong interest in such matters, although as Steigmann-Gall points out, Hitler and many of his key associates attended Christian services.<ref name=StG/>

Himmler's activities at the [[Wewelsburg]], the Thule Society and several other remote connections of Nazism with the [[occult]] are commonly brought up in the modern mythology of [[Nazi occultism]]. This image of Nazism only vaguely corresponds to its historic reality.

One common scholarly view<ref>
Scholarship for [[Martin Luther|Martin Luther’s]] 1543 treatise, ''[[On the Jews and their Lies]]'', exercising influence on Germany’s attitude:
*Wallmann, Johannes. “The Reception of Luther’s Writings on the Jews from the Reformation to the End of the 19th Century”, ''Lutheran Quarterly'', n.s. 1 (Spring 1987) 1:72–97. Wallmann writes: “The assertion that Luther’s expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have been of major and persistent influence in the centuries after the Reformation, and that there exists a continuity between Protestant anti-Judaism and modern racially oriented anti-Semitism, is at present wide-spread in the literature; since the Second World War it has understandably become the prevailing opinion.”
*[[Robert Michael|Michael, Robert]]. ''Holy Hatred: Christianity, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust''. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006; see chapter 4 “The Germanies from Luther to Hitler,” pp. 105–151.
*Hillerbrand, Hans J. “Martin Luther,” ''Encyclopaedia Britannica'', 2007. Hillerbrand writes: “[H]is strident pronouncements against the Jews, especially toward the end of his life, have raised the question of whether Luther significantly encouraged the development of German anti-Semitism. Although many scholars have taken this view, this perspective puts far too much emphasis on Luther and not enough on the larger peculiarities of German history.”</ref>
since the [[Second World War]] is that [[Martin Luther|Martin Luther’s]] 1543 treatise, ''[[On the Jews and their Lies]]'', exercised a major and persistent influence on Germany’s attitude toward its Jewish citizens in the centuries between the [[Protestant Reformation|Reformation]] and the [[Holocaust]]. The [[National Socialist]]s displayed ''On the Jews and their Lies'' during [[Nuremberg rallies]], and the city of Nuremberg presented a first edition to [[Julius Streicher]], editor of the Nazi newspaper ''[[Der Stürmer]]'', the newspaper describing it as the most radically antisemitic tract ever published.<ref>[[Marc H. Ellis|Ellis, Marc H]]. [http://www3.baylor.edu/American_Jewish/everythingthatusedtobehere/resources/PowerPoints/Christian%20Anti-Semitism%20(part%202).ppt “Hitler and the Holocaust, Christian Anti-Semitism”], Baylor University Center for American and Jewish Studies, Spring 2004, slide 14. Also see [http://elsinore.cis.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/imt/proc/04-29-46.htm#herrwerth Nuremberg Trial Proceedings], Vol. 12, p. 318, Avalon Project, Yale Law School, April 19, 1946.</ref> Against this common view, theologian Johannes Wallmann writes that the treatise had no continuity of influence in Germany, and was in fact largely ignored during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.<ref name=Wallmann1987>Wallmann, Johannes. “The Reception of Luther’s Writings on the Jews from the Reformation to the End of the 19th Century”, ''Lutheran Quarterly'', n.s. 1, Spring 1987, 1:72-97.</ref>

According to [[Daniel Goldhagen]], Bishop Martin Sasse, a leading [[Protestantism|Protestant]] churchman, published a compendium of [[Martin Luther|Martin Luther’s]] writings shortly after the [[Kristallnacht]]; Sasse applauded the burning of the synagogues and the coincidence of the day, writing in the introduction, “On November 10, 1938, on Luther’s birthday, the synagogues are burning in Germany.” The German people, he urged, ought to heed these words “of the greatest antisemite of his time, the warner of his people against the Jews.”<ref>Bernd Nellessen, “Die schweigende Kirche: Katholiken und Judenverfolgung,” in Büttner (ed), <cite>Die Deutchschen und die Jugendverfolg im Dritten Reich</cite>, p. 265, cited in Daniel Goldhagen, <cite>Hitler’s Willing Executioners</cite> (Vintage, 1997).</ref> [[Diarmaid MacCulloch]] argued that ''On the Jews and Their Lies'' was a “blueprint” for the Kristallnacht.<ref>[[Diarmaid MacCulloch]], ''[[The Reformation: A History|Reformation: Europe's House Divided, 1490–1700]]''. New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 2004, pp. 666–667.</ref>

There was a [[Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany]] as well as of members of some other small Christian communities. Those groups were forced to wear a [[purple triangle]] in [[Nazi concentration camps]].

{{POV-section|date=September 2009}}
===Anti-capitalist rhetoric===
Nazi publications and speeches included [[Anti-capitalism|anti-capitalist]] (especially anti-[[Finance capitalism|finance capitalist]]) rhetoric.<ref name="Francis R. Nicosia p. 43"/>
Hitler attacked what he called “pluto-democracy,” which he claimed to be a [[Jewish conspiracy]] to favor democratic parties in order to keep capitalism intact.<ref>Frank Bealey & others. ''Elements of Political Science'' (Edinburgh University Press, 1999), 202</ref> The “corporation” was attacked by orthodox Nazis as being the leading instrument of finance capitalism, with the role of Jews emphasized.<ref>{{citation
|author=William Kessler
|title=The German Corporation Law of 1937
|journal=The American Economic Review
|volume=Vol. 28, No. 4
|date=Dec., 1938}}</ref> The National Socialist party described itself as socialist, and, at the time, conservative opponents such as the Industrial Employers Association described it as “totalitarian, terrorist, conspiratorial, and socialist.”<ref name=Naziconservative>{{cite book |authorlink=Henry Ashby Turner |last=Turner |first=Henry Ashby |title=German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler |year=1985 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=0195034929 |pages=114}}</ref>

The Nazi Party’s 1920 “[[National Socialist Program|Twenty-Five Point Programme]]” demanded:
|…that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens… the abolition of all incomes unearned by work… the ruthless confiscation of all war profits… the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations… profit-sharing in large enterprises… extensive development of insurance for old-age… land reform suitable to our national requirements…<ref>Lee, Stephen J. (1996), Weimar and Nazi Germany, Harcourt Heinemann, page 28</ref>
[[Nazi Party]] officials made several attempts in the 1920s to change some of the program or replace it entirely. In 1924, [[Gottfried Feder]] proposed a new 39-point program that kept some of the old planks, replaced others and added many completely new ones.<ref>Henry A. Turner, “German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler”, Oxford University Press, 1985. p.62</ref> Hitler did not mention any of the planks of the programme in his book, ''Mein Kampf'', and he only mentioned it in passing as “the so-called programme of the movement”.<ref>Turner, Henry A. (1985). ''German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler'', Oxford University Press, p.77. ISBN 0195034929.</ref>

Hitler said in 1927, “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance.”<ref>Hitler’s speech on May 1, 1927. Cited in: {{cite book |last=Toland |first=John |year=1976 |title=Adolf Hitler |publisher=Doubleday |pages=306 }}</ref> However, In 1929, Hitler called socialism "an unfortunate word altogether" and said that "if people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism". According to [[Henry A. Turner]], Hitler expressed regret for having integrated the word ''socialism'' into his party's name.<ref>Henry A. Turner, ''"German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler"'', Oxford University Press, 1985. pg 77</ref>
Hitler wrote in 1930, “Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not.”<ref>Carsten, Francis Ludwig (1982).''The Rise of Fascism'', 2nd ed. University of California Press, p.137. Quoting: Hitler, A., ''Sunday Express'', September 28, 1930.</ref>

In a confidential 1931 interview, Hitler told the influential editor of a pro-business newspaper, “I want everyone to keep what he has earned subject to the principle that the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State… The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners.”<ref>Calic, Edouard (1968). ''Ohne Maske''. Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei, pp.11, 32–33. Translated by R.H. Barry as ''Unmasked. Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931.'', London: Chatto & Windus, 1971. ISBN 0701116420. Hitler’s confidential 1931 interviews were with Richard Breiting, editor of the ''Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten''. Cited in: Bel, Germà (2006). [http://www.ub.es/irea/working_papers/2006/200607.pdf Against The Mainstream: Nazi Privatization In 1930s Germany], Research Institute of Applied Economics 2006 Working Papers 2006/7, p.14. Also cited in [[Richard Pipes]], ''Property and Freedom'', 1998, p.416; which is cited in Richard Allen Epstein, ''Principles for a Free Society'', De Capo Press, p.168. ISBN 0738208299.</ref> Party spokesman [[Joseph Goebbels]] claimed in 1932 that the Nazi Party was a “workers’ party” and “on the side of labor and against finance”.<ref name="thosedamnednazis"/> According to [[Friedrich Hayek]], writing in 1944, “whatever may have been his reasons, Hitler thought it expedient to declare in one of his public speeches as late as February 1941 that ‘basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same.’ ”<ref name="Hayek2">[[Friedrich Hayek|Hayek, Friedrich]] (1944). ''The Road to Serfdom''. Routledge, p.31. ISBN 0415253896.</ref>

==Working class appeal==
Hitler attempted to ensure that the Nazis were seen as a unique movement by discredting other nationalist and racialist political parties as being out of touch with the masses, especially lower-class youth, saying in 1922:
|The racialists were not capable of drawing the practical conclusions from correct theoretical judgements, especially in the Jewish Question. In this way the German racialist movement developed a similar pattern to that of the 1880s and 1890s. As in those days, its leadership gradually fell into the hands of highly honourable but fantastically naive men of learning, professors, district counsellors, schoolmasters, and lawyers - in short a bourgeois, idealistic and refined class. It lacked the warm breath of the nation's youthful vigour.<ref>Burleigh, Michael. 2000. ''The Third Reich: A New History.'' New York, USA: Hill and Wang. Pp. 76-77.</ref>}}

Many scholars have discredited the Nazis' appeal to the working-class as neither being effective nor true in intent, and say that the Nazis were largely a movement of the middle-class.<ref name="Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77">Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77.</ref> Other scholars like [[Michael Burleigh]] have challenged this notion, claiming that there was a sizable number of working-class supporters of the Nazis.<ref name="Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77"/> Burleigh also claims that the financial situation of middle-class supporters must be considered, in that the economic situation of hyperinflation of currency in the 1920s smashed the financial situation of middle-class and caused high unemployment of middle-class people who previously held [[white-collar]] jobs.<ref name="Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77"/> Therefore, a larger percentage of declared middle-class support for the Nazis does not necessarily mean that a financially-stable middle-class supported the Nazis, but rather a financially-unstable middle-class.<ref name="Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77"/> In the early 1930s amid high unemployment and poverty in Germany, the Nazis emphasized their socialist policies by providing shelter and food to unemployed or homeless recruits to the SA.<ref name="Burleigh, 2000. Pp. 77"/>

==Ideological roots and variants==
The ideological roots that became German National Socialism were based on numerous sources in European history, drawing especially from [[Romanticism|Romantic]] nineteenth century [[idealism]], and from a biological reading of [[Friedrich Nietzsche|Friedrich Nietzsche’s]] thoughts on “breeding upwards” toward the goal of an ''[[Übermensch]]'' (“superhuman”). Hitler was an avid reader and received ideas that later influenced Nazism from traceable publications, such as those of the [[Germanenorden]] or the Thule society. He also adopted many [[Populism|populist]] ideas such as limiting profits, abolishing rents and generously increasing social benefits&mdash;but only for Germans.

The Nordic myth has been attributed to an [[inferiority complex]]. Phillip Wayne Powell claimed that the Nordic myth began to arise “in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, a powerful surge of German patriotism was stimulated by the disdain of Italians for German cultural inferiority and barbarism, which lead to a counterattempt by German humanists to laud German qualities.”<ref>{{cite book |first=Phillip Wayne |last=Powell |year=1985 |title=Tree of Hate |pages=48 |isbn=0465087507 |publisher=Ross House Books |location=Vallecito, Calif. }}</ref> M. W. Fodor claimed in ''The Nation'' in 1936,
“No race has suffered so much from an inferiority complex as has the German. National Socialism was a kind of [[Émile Coué|Coué method]] of converting the inferiority complex, at least temporarily, into a feeling of superiority”.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://newdeal.feri.org/nation/na3656.htm |title=The Spread of Hitlerism |work=[[The Nation]] |first=M.W. |last=Fodor |date=1936-02-05 |accessdate=2008-04-05 |pages=156 |publisher=New Deal Network }}</ref>

Nazism as a doctrine is far from [[wiktionary:Homogeneous|homogeneous]], and can be divided into at least two sub-ideologies. During the 1920s and 1930s, there were two dominant Nazi factions; the followers of [[Otto Strasser]] and the followers of [[Adolf Hitler]]. The [[Strasserism|Strasserite]] faction eventually fell afoul of Hitler, when Otto Strasser was expelled from the party in 1930, and his attempt to create an oppositional left-block in the form of the [[Black Front]] failed. The remainder of the faction, which was to be found mainly in the ranks of the [[Sturmabteilung|SA]], was purged in the [[Night of the Long Knives]], which included the murder of [[Gregor Strasser]], Otto’s brother. Afterwards, the Hitlerite faction became dominant. In the post-[[World War II]] era, Strasserism has enjoyed something of a revival among many [[Neo-Nazism|neo-Nazi]] groups.

==Ideological competition==
Nazism and communism emerged as two serious contenders for power in Germany after the First World War, particularly as the Weimar Republic became increasingly unstable. What became the Nazi movement arose out of resistance to the Bolshevik-inspired insurgencies that occurred in Germany in the aftermath of the First World War. The [[Russian Revolution of 1917]] caused a great deal of excitement and interest in the [[Leninist]] version of Marxism and caused many socialists to adopt [[revolutionary]] principles. The [[Spartacist uprising]] in Berlin and the [[Bavarian Soviet Republic]] in 1919 were both manifestations of this. The [[Freikorps]], a loosely organized [[paramilitary]] group (essentially a [[militia]] of former World War I soldiers) was used to crush both these uprisings and many leaders of the Freikorps, including [[Ernst Röhm]], later became leaders in the Nazi Party. After Mussolini’s fascists took power in Italy in 1922, fascism presented itself as a realistic option for opposing communism, particularly given Mussolini’s success in crushing the communist and [[anarchist]] movements that had destabilized Italy with a wave of strikes and factory occupations after the First World War. Fascist parties formed in numerous European countries.

Many historians, such as [[Ian Kershaw]] and [[Joachim Fest]], argue that Hitler’s Nazis were one of numerous nationalist and increasingly fascistic groups that existed in Germany and contended for leadership of the anti-communist movement and, eventually, of the German state. Further, they assert that fascism and its German variant, ''National Socialism'', became the successful challengers to communism because they were able to both appeal to the establishment as a bulwark against Bolshevism and appeal to the working class base, particularly the growing underclass of unemployed and unemployable and growingly impoverished middle class elements who were becoming declassed (denounced as the ''[[lumpenproletariat]]''). The Nazis’ use of pro-labor rhetoric appealed to those disaffected with capitalism by promoting the limiting of profits, the abolishing of rents and the increasing of social benefits (only for Germans) while simultaneously presenting a political and economic model that divested “Soviet socialism” of elements that were dangerous to capitalism, such as the concept of [[class struggle]], “the [[dictatorship of the proletariat]]” or worker control of the [[means of production]]. Thus, Nazism’s populism, anti-communism and anti-capitalism helped it become more powerful and popular than traditional [[Conservatism|conservative]] parties, like the [[DNVP]]. For the above reasons, particularly the fact that Nazis and communists fought each other (often violently) during most of their existence, nazism and communism are commonly seen as opposite extremes on the political spectrum. Nevertheless, this view is not without its challengers. Several political theorists and economists, primarily those associated with the [[Austrian school]], argue that Nazism, Soviet communism and other totalitarian ideologies share a common underpinning in socialism and [[collectivism]].

The simplicity of Nazi rhetoric, campaigns, and ideology also made its conservative allies underestimate its strength, and its ability to govern or even to last as a [[political party]]. [[Michael Mann (sociologist)|Michael Mann]] defined fascism as a “transcendent and cleansing nation statism through paramilitarism”, with “transcendent” meaning that the all classes were to be abolished in order for a new, organic and pure people: all classes are abolished by transition, all “others” (an estimated two-thirds of the German population alone<ref>Hannah Arendt, Elemente der Ursprünge totalitärer Herrschaft = The Origins of Totalitarianism, New York 1952, Bern 1955</ref>).<ref>Michael Mann, Fascists, CUP 2004, p.13.</ref>

===Support of anti-communists for fascism and Nazism===
During the late 1930s and the 1940s, the Nazis were supported by the [[Falange]] movement in [[Spain]], and by political and military figures who formed the government of [[Vichy France]]. The [[Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism]] (LVF) and other anti-[[Soviet]] fighting formations formed.

==Nazi economic policy==
{{See|Economy of Nazi Germany}}

Nazi economic practice concerned itself with immediate domestic issues and separately with ideological conceptions of [[international trade|international economics]]. Domestic economic policy was narrowly concerned with four major goals to eliminate Germany’s issues, elimination of unemployment, rapid and substantial [[German re-armament|rearmament]], protection against the resurgence of hyper-inflation, and expansion of production of consumer goods to improve middle and lower-class living standards. All of these policy goals were intended to address the perceived shortcomings of the Weimar Republic and to solidify domestic support for the party. In this, the party was successful. Between 1933 and 1936 the German Gross National Product ([[Measures of national income|GNP]]) increased by an average annual rate of 9.5%, and the rate for industry alone rose by 17.2%.

This expansion propelled the German economy out of a deep [[Depression (economics)|depression]] and into full employment in less than four years. Public consumption during the same period increased by 18.7%, while private consumption increased by 3.6% annually. According to the historian Richard Evans, prior to the outbreak of war the German “economy had recovered from the Depression faster than its counterparts in other countries. Germany’s foreign debt had been stabilized, interest rates had fallen to half their 1932 level, the stock exchange had recovered from the Depression, the gross national product had risen by 81 per cent over the same period…. Inflation and unemployment had been conquered.”<ref>Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 1933–1939, Penguin Press, 2005, p. 409)</ref>

German marriages increased from about 511,000 in 1932 to 611,000 in 1936, while births rose from 921,000 births in 1932 to 1,280,000 in 1936. Suicides committed by young people under 20 dropped by 80% between 1933 and 1939.<ref>[[John Lukacs]], Washington Post’s Book World, January 29, 2006; Page BW12)</ref>

Internationally, the Nazi Party believed that an [[international banking]] [[cabal]] was behind the global depression of the 1930s. Control of this cabal, which had grown to a position where it controlled both Europe and the United States, was identified with an elite and powerful group of Jews. Nevertheless, a number of people believed that this was part of an ongoing plot by the Jewish people, as a whole, to achieve [[New World Order (conspiracy)|global domination]]. The [[Protocols of the Elders of Zion]], which began its circulation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, were said to have confirmed this, already showing “evidence” that the Bolshevik takeover in Russia was in accordance with one of the protocols. Broadly speaking, the existence of large international [[banking]] or merchant banking organizations was well known at this time. Many of these banking organizations were able to exert influence upon nation states by extension or withholding of credit. This influence is not limited to the small states that preceded the creation of the [[German Empire]] as a [[nation state]] in the 1870s, but is noted in most major histories of all [[Europe]]an powers from the sixteenth century onward. Nevertheless, after the [[Great Depression]], this libelous and unverified manuscript took on an important role in Nazi Germany, thus providing another link in the Nazis ideological motivation for the destruction of that group in the Holocaust.

The Nazis viewed private property rights as conditional upon the mode of use.<ref name="economic573">{{citation
|author=Peter Temin
|journal=Economic History Review, New Series
|volume=44, No.4
|date=November 1991}}</ref> If the property was not being used to further Nazi goals, it could be nationalized. Government takeovers and threats of takeovers were used to encourage complance with government production plans, even if following these plans cost profits for companies. For example, the owner of the [[Junkers (aircraft)]] factory refused to follow the government’s directives, whereupon the Nazis took over the plant, placed the owner [[Hugo Junkers]] under house arrest, then compensated him for his loss. While the Nazis transferred public ownership and services in the private spector, they increased state control, regulation, and inference in economic affairs.<ref>Guillebaud, Claude W. 1939. The Economic Recovery of Germany 1933-1938. London: MacMillan and Co. Limited</ref> Under the Nazis, free competition and regulation by the market greatly decreased.<ref>Barkai, Avaraham 1990. ''Nazi Economics. Ideology, Theory and Policy.'' Oxford Berg Publisher.</ref> Nevertheless, Hitler's social Darwinist beliefs made him reluctant to disregard competition and private property.<ref>Hayes, Peter. 1987 ''Industry and Ideology IG Farben in the Nazi Era.'' Cambridge University Press</ref> Privately, Hitler stated in 1942, “I absolutely insist on protecting private property… we must encourage private initiative”.<ref>{{cite book |last=Hitler |first=A. |coauthors=transl. Norman Cameron, R. H. Stevens; intro. H. R. Trevor-Roper |title=Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941–1944: His Private Conversations |publisher=Enigma Books |year=2000 |isbn=1929631057 |pages=162–163 |chapter=March 24, 1942 }}</ref>

Central planning of agriculture was a prominent feature. In order to tie farmers to the land, the selling of agricultural land was prohibited. Farm ownership was nominally private, but ownership in the sense of having discretion over operations and claims on residual income were taken away. This was achieved by granting monopoly rights to marketing boards to control production and prices through a quota system. Quotas were also set for industrial goods, including pig iron, steel, aluminum, magnesium, gunpowder, explosives, synthetic rubber, all kinds of fuel, and electricity. A compulsory cartel law was enacted in 1936 which allowed the Minister of Economics to make existing cartels compulsory and permanent and to force industries to form cartels where none existed, though these were eventually decreed out of existence by 1943 with the objective being to replace them with more authoritarian bodies.<ref>{{citation
|author=Philip C. Newman
|title=Key German Cartels under the Nazi Regime
|journal=The Quarterly Journal of Economics
|volume=Vol. 62, No. 4
|date=August 1948}}</ref>

In place of ordinary profit incentive to guide the economy, investment was guided through regulation to accord to the needs of the State. The profit incentive for business owners was retained, though greatly modified through various profit-fixing schemes: “Fixing of profits, not their suppression, was the official policy of the Nazi party.” However the function of profit in automatically guiding allocation of investment and unconsciously directing the course of the economy was replaced with economic planning by Nazi government agencies.<ref>{{citation
|author=Arthur Scheweitzer
|title=Profits Under Nazi Planning
|journal=The Quarterly Journal of Economics
|volume=Vol. 61, No. 1
|date=Nov., 1946}}</ref> Government financing eventually came to dominate the investment process, which the proportion of private securities issued falling from over half of the total in 1933 and 1934 to approximately 10 percent in 1935–1938. Heavy taxes on business profits limited self-financing of firms. The largest firms were mostly exempt from taxes on profits, however government control of these were extensive enough to leave “only the shell of private ownership.”

Taxes and subsidies were also used in order to direct the economy. Underlying economic policy was the use of terror as an incentive to agree and comply. Nazi language indicated death or concentration camp for any business owner who pursued his own self interest instead of the ends of the State.<ref name="economic573"/>

It is often regarded that businesses were private property in name but not in substance. Chritoph Buchheim and Jonas Scherner dissent, saying that despite controls by the state firms still had significant freedom in planning their own production and investment activities, though they admit that the economy was state directed.<ref>{{citation
|author=Christoph Buchheim
|title=The Role of Private Property in the Nazi Economy: The Case of Industry
|journal=The Journal of Economic History

Many companies dealt with the Third Reich: [[Volkswagen]] was created by the German state and was heavily supported by the Nazis; [[Opel]] employed Jewish slave labour to run their industrial plants; Daimler-Benz used prisoners of war as slaves to run their industrial plants; [[Krupp]] made gas chambers; [[Bayer]] worked with the Nazis as a small part of the enormous [[IG Farben]] chemistry monopoly; and [[Hugo Boss]] designed the SS uniforms (and admitted to this in 1997). There has been some disagreement about whether [[IBM]] had dealt with the Nazis to create a cataloguing system, the Hollerith punch-card machines, which the Nazis used to file information on those who they killed.<ref>[http://news.com.com/Probing+IBMs+Nazi+connection/2009-1082_3-269157.html Probing IBM’s Nazi connection]</ref> Some companies that dealt with the Third Reich claim to have not known the truth of what the Nazis were doing, and some foreign companies claimed to have lost control of their German branches when Hitler was in power.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.thenation.com/doc/20000124/silverstein |title=Ford and the Führer |accessdate=2007-08-20 |work=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.theawfultruth.com/salbmw/ |title=Sal vs BMW |publisher=The Awful Truth |date=2000-06-05 |accessdate=2009-02-27}}</ref>

== '''Nazism and the Founding of Jihadi Movement''' ==
{{POV-section|date=September 2009}}
{{See also|Nazism in the Middle East: the Third Reich's Role in Founding Modern Jihadism}}

Research in Germany has continued since World War II in the archives of the Third Reich, studying the continuity of the Nazi regime and its influences beyond 1945 Europe. The work of [[Matthias Kuenztel]], Klaus-Michael Mallmann, Martin Cuppers, Fritz Grobba, Gerhard Hopp, Werner Schwipps, Klaus Gensicke, and others, uncovered new information on the work of the Third Reich in Egypt, and its permanent adoption and adaptation in the Middle East through the development of Islamic fascism, or jihadism. <ref>Jeffrey Herf, introduction, Kuentzel, 2007, p IX</ref><ref>"[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203440104574400532495168894.html]The Mufti of Berlin. Arab-Nazi collaboration is a taboo topic in the West", Wall Street Journal, September 24, 2009.</ref> Until 2007, most of this research was published only in German.<ref>Kuntzel, Matthias. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. Telos Press Publishing , 2007. ISBN-10: 0914386360</ref>

It was Germany under Hitler that changed the course of history for Egypt and the Middle East. In the crucial period of the 1930’s, the Third Reich campaigned to introduce exterminatory antisemitism into Egyptian society through an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood. <ref>Kuntzel, 2007, p. 57-60</ref>

With the Third Reich investing men, money and know how into Islamic adoption of Nazi antisemitism, ‘the identity-molding message that “the Jew is our misfortune’ came to dominate Egyptian culture. After the war, Egypt welcomed fleeing Nazi officers and ‘the local henchmen of the Nazis,” the Mufti of Jerusalem. Unlike any other Nazi leader, in Egypt the Mufti received a hero’s welcome. Nazism was respectable in Egypt after it had become the synonym for crimes against civilization and humanity in the Western world.

Egyptian presidents Nasser and Sadat were directly shaped and launched in their careers by the Nazi machine in Germany. Nasser and Sadat both encouraged the power of Islamic fascism, in order to strengthen their own power. Their embrace and dissemination of the [[Protocols of the Elders of Zion]] enshrined Nazi thinking in Egyptian culture. “Through the dissemination of the Protocols, the obsessive wish to destroy the Jewish state is awakened anew in each generation.” [[Holocaust denial]] and the simultaneous wish, ‘if Hitler had only succeeded,’ are mainstream ideas today, routinely published in the state-controlled Egyptian media. <ref>Kuntzel, 2007, pp. 98-102</ref>

Yasser Arafat spent his youth in Cairo beginning in 1942. He was a relative of the Mufti, Amin el-Husseini, “had no greater hero,” and after the Mufti fled to Cairo in 1946, Arafat spent time with him in pro-Nazi Egyptian circles. A German Nazi officer, brought to Egypt by the Mufti in 1946, trained Yassir Arafat and other Palestinians as anti-Jewish commandos.<ref>Kuntzel, 2007,p. 114</ref>

“It is unremarkable today for Hitler-style antisemitism to imbue” all of Egyptian society. “On this point, the entire Egyptian society has been Islamized. In Egypt the ostracism and demonization of Jews is not a matter of debate, but a basic assumption of everyday discourse.” <ref>Kuntzel, 2007, p. 94</ref>

==Nazism in popular culture==
{{further|[[Adolf Hitler in popular culture]] and [[Nazi chic]]}}

The term ''Nazi'' has become a generic term of abuse in popular culture, as have other Third Reich terms such as ''Führer'' (often spelled differently in English-speaking countries). Related terms (such as ''fascist'' or ''[[Gestapo]]'' or ''Hitler'') are sometimes used to describe any people or behaviours that are viewed as thuggish, authoritarian, or extremist. Phrases such as ''[[grammar Nazi]]'', ''[[feminazi]]'', and ''parking enforcement Nazi'', are sometimes used in the United States, Europe and Latin America. These uses are offensive to some, as indicated by the controversy in the mainstream media over the ''[[Seinfeld]]'' “[[Soup Nazi]]” episode. These types of terms are used frequently enough to inspire [[Godwin's Law]].

Some people strongly associate the [[blackletter]] typefaces (e.g. [[Fraktur (typeface)|Fraktur]] or [[Schwabacher]]) with Nazi propaganda (although the typeface is much older, and its usage was banned by the Nazi German government in 1941).<ref>[http://home.arcor.de/lutz.schweizer/schrifterlass.html NAZI and Fraktur]</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spd-schwabach.de/content/service/schrift/ |title=Schwabach SPD |publisher=Spd-schwabach.de |date= |accessdate=2009-02-27}}</ref>
In films such as the ''[[Indiana Jones]]'' series, Nazis are often portrayed as villains, whom the heroes battle without mercy. Video game website [[IGN]] declared Nazis to be the most memorable video game villains ever.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://cube.ign.com/articles/694/694410p1.html |title=IGN: Top 10 Tuesday: Most Memorable Villains |publisher=Cube.ign.com |date=2006-03-07 |accessdate=2009-02-27}}</ref>

==See also==
{{div col}}
*[[Brown House, Munich, Germany]]
*[[Consequences of German Nazism]]
*[[Fascism and ideology]]
*[[Final Solution]]
*[[Glossary of the Third Reich]]
*[[Adolf Hitler]]
*[[The Holocaust]]
*[[List of Adolf Hitler books]]
*[[Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen]]
*[[Nazi occultism]]
*[[Nazi propaganda]]
*[[Nazi war criminals]]
*[[Nazi Germany]]
*[[Pursuit of Nazi collaborators]]
*[[Reichstag fire]]
*[[Songs of the Third Reich]]
*[[Weimar Republic]]
*[[World War II]]
*[[Special:PrefixIndex/Nazi|List of pages whose names start with "Nazi"]]
{{div col end}}

*{{cite book|title=The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town 1922–1945|author=W.S. Allen|year=1965|publisher=Penguin|isbn=0-14-023968-5}}
*{{cite book|author=[[Peter Fritzsche]]|year=1990|title=Rehearsals for Fascism: Populism and Political Mobilization in Weimar Germany|location=New York |publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=0-19-505780-5}}
*[[Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke]] (1985). ''[[The Occult Roots of Nazism]]: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, 1890–1935''. Wellingborough, England: The Aquarian Press. ISBN 0-85030-402-4. (Several reprints. Expanded with a new Preface, 2004, I.B. Tauris & Co. ISBN 1-86064-973-4.)
*&mdash;&mdash;&mdash; (2002). ''[[Black Sun (Goodrick-Clarke book)|Black Sun]]: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity''. New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-3124-4. (Paperback, 2003. ISBN 0-8147-3155-4.)
*[[Victor Klemperer]] (1947). [[LTI - Lingua Tertii Imperii]].
*{{cite book|author=[[Ludwig von Mises]]|title=[[Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War]]|publisher=Libertarian Press|year=1985 [1944]|isbn=0-91-088415-3}}
*{{cite book|author=[[Robert O. Paxton]]|title=The Anatomy of Fascism|publisher=London: Penguin Books Ltd|year=2005|isbn=0-14-101432-6}}
*David Redles (2005). ''Hitler’s Millennial Reich: Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation''. New York: University Press. ISBN 0-8147-7524-1.
*Wolfgang Sauer “National Socialism: Totalitarianism or Fascism?” pages 404–424 from ''The American Historical Review'', Volume 73, Issue #2, December 1967
*{{cite book|author=[[Alfred Sohn-Rethel]]|title=Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism|publisher=London: CSE Bks|year=1978|isbn=0-906336-00-7}}
*Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). ''The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


==External links==
{{Commons category|National Socialism}}
*[http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/nca_v4menu.asp Hitler’s National Socialist Party platform]
*[http://www.ns-archiv.de/index.php NS-Archiv], a large collection of scanned original Nazi documents.
* [http://www.life.com/image/first/in-gallery/23127/wwii-nazi-thugs-and-thinkers WWII: Nazi Thugs and Thinkers] - slideshow by ''[[Life magazine]]''

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Revision as of 13:29, 16 October 2009

Nazis suck, i hate them, they are poofs and should have shot themselves by now.