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National Data Repository

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A National Data Repository (NDR) is a data bank that seeks to preserve and promote a country's natural resources data, particularly data related to the petroleum exploration and production (E&P) sector.[1]

A National Data Repository is normally established by an entity that governs, controls and supports the exchange, capture, transference and distribution of E&P information, with the final target to provide the State with the tools and information to assure the growth, govern-ability, control, independence and sovereignty of the industry.

The two fundamental reasons for a country to establish an NDR are to preserve data generated inside the country by the industry, and to promote investments in the country by utilizing data to reduce the exploration, production, and transportation business risks.

Countries take different approaches towards preserving and promoting their natural resources data. The approach varies according to a country's natural resources policies, level of openness, and its attitude towards foreign investment.

Data types


NDRs store a vast array of data related to a country's natural resources. This includes wells, well log data, well reports, core samples, seismic surveys, post-stack seismic, field data/tapes, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, geological maps and reports, license data and geological models.

Funding models


Some NDRs are financed entirely by a country's government. Others are industry-funded. Still some are hybrid systems, funded in part by industry and government. NDRs typically charge fees for data requests and for data loading. The cost differs significantly between countries. In some cases an annual membership is charged to oil companies to store and access the data in the NDR.

Standards body


Energistics is the global energy standards resource center for the upstream oil and gas industry.

Energistics National Data Repository Work Group: The standards body is Energistics.[2]



Global regulators of upstream oil and natural gas information, including seismic, drilling, production and reservoir data, formed the National Data Repository (NDR) Work Group in 2008 to collaborate on the development of data management standards and to assist emerging nations with hydrocarbon reserves to better collect, maintain and deliver oil and gas data to the public and to the industry.

Ten countries, led by the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom, formed NDR to share best practices and to formalize the development and deployment of data management standards for regulatory agencies. The other countries involved in the NDR Work Group's formation are Australia, Canada, India, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.

Annual NDR Conference: Approximately every 18 months Energistics organizes a National Data Repository Conference. The purpose is to provide government and regulatory agencies from around the world an opportunity to attend a series of workshops dedicated to developing data exchange standards, improving communications with the oil and gas industry and learning data management techniques for natural resources information.[3]

Society of Exploration Geophysicists and The International Oil and Gas Producers Association


The SEG is the custodian of the SEG standards which are used for the exchange, retention and release of seismic data. They are commonly used by National Data Repositories with the SEGD and SEGY being the field and processed exchange standards respectively.

NDRs around the world


Click here to see a map of the NDRs around the world

Country Name Agency Scope Status Purposes Data types/volumes Standards used Funding Website
 Algeria Banque de Données Nationale "BDN" Agence Nationale pour la Valorisation des Ressources en Hydrocarbures (ALNAFT) Onshore and Offshore Algeria Ongoing project - agency created by new law in 2005 Custodian of all E&P data of the country Cultural, Seismic 2D & 3D, Wells, Data Wells, Wells report, Production, Facilities, Economical and Fiscality, Interpretation, Physical assets index, Data drilling, Transcription, Vectorisation, digitalization ASCII, SEGY, UKOOA, LAS, DLIS, LIS, PDS, BIT, RODE, PDF, TIF....etc. Government funding/Agency revenue http://www.alnaft.gov.dz/
 Colombia EPIS Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH) Onshore and offshore Colombia Created originally for Ecopetrol and transferred to ANH when it was established in 2003. New system launched December 2009 Promote and preserve all the technical E&P information assets of the country wells, surveys, licenses, seismic sections, well reports, maps REST Web services Government funding http://www.anh.gov.co/
 Canada CNSOPB Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board – Geoscience Research Centre- Digital Data Management Centre (DMC) Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada Operational since 2007 To provide an effective & efficient system for the management of digital petroleum data, assist explorers in easily obtaining access to large volumes of data via the web, Data Preservation and Data Distribution Wells, well log curves, well reports, cores and samples, field data/tapes, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, interpretative maps and reports LAS, DLIS, SEGY Funded 50/50 by the Federal and Provincial Governments with some funds from industry through cost recovery http://www.cnsopb.ns.ca/
 Australia NOPDCR NOPTA, Geoscience Australia, WA DMIRS Commonwealth offshore


Active The NOPDCR is a collaboration between NOPTA, GA and WA DMIRS. Petroleum data is managed through agreed processes and authorised for public release on expiry of confidentiality periods.

NOPIMS is an online discovery and delivery system to provide access to metadata and open-file well and survey information. Larger datasets are available directly through GA. .

Well and survey metadata, well completion reports, well logs and curves, cores and samples, thin sections and slides, seismic (acquisition/processing/reprocessing) reports, navigation and field data, interpretative maps and reports. NOPTA provides funding for data management during the period of confidentiality through a cost recovery arrangement with industry. The Australian Government funds Geoscience Australia directly for management of the open-file collection. http://nopta.gov.au



 Western Australia WAPIMS Government of Western Australia Active WAPIMS is a petroleum, geothermal and minerals exploration database Contains data on titles, wells, geophysical surveys and other petroleum exploration and production data submitted to DMP by the petroleum industry. http://dmp.wa.gov.au
 New South Wales Government of New South Wales Active Various online geoscience databases to assist New South Wales including DIGS

http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/minerals http://digsopen.minerals.nsw.gov.au/

 Northern Territory Government of Northern Territory Active Various online geoscience databases to assist Northern Territories Wells, well log curves, well reports, cores and samples, field data/tapes, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, interpretative maps and reports


 Queensland Government of Queensland Active Various online geoscience databases to assist Queensland including Q-DEX Wells, well log curves, well reports, cores and samples, field data/tapes, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, interpretative maps and reports


 South Australia SARIG Government of South Australia Active Various online geoscience databases to assist South Australia such as PEP-SA Wells, well log curves, well reports, cores and samples, field data/tapes, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, interpretative maps and reports

https://peps.sa.gov.au/home/ https://sarig.pir.sa.gov.au/

 Tasmania Various online geoscience databases to assist Tasmania Active


 China CNPC Chinese National Petroleum Corporation Various oil companies in China with CNPC the largest and parent of Petrochina

http://www.cnpc.com.cn/en/ http://www.petrochina.com.cn/ptr/ http://www.cnooc.com.cn/ http://english.sinopec.com/index.shtml

 Russia Sakhalin, DIGC RDC Various oil companies in Russia the largest being Rosneft which is state owned

http://www.rosneft.com http://www.lukoil.com http://www.tnk-bp.com/en/ http://www.surgutneftegas.ru/ http://www.gazprom-neft.com/ http://www.tatneft.ru/wps/wcm/connect/tatneft/portal_rus/homepage/

 Indonesia Indonesia's National Data Centre (NDC) for petroleum, energy and minerals data Agency for Research and Development in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Onshore & Offshore In 1997 Indonesia established Migas Data Management (MDM) operated by PT. Patra Nusa Data (PND) PND manages and promotes petroleum investment opportunities by compiling and value adding available petroleum data and information. http://www.patranusa.com/
 New Zealand New Zealand Online Exploration Database New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals, Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment New Zealand onshore and offshore out to the outer continental shelf. Opened to public in April 2007. Data preservation, Investment facilitation, aid in monitoring regulatory compliance, maximise the return to the nation by informing public policy and business strategy. Wells, well log curves, petroleum reports (includes wells and surveys), mineral reports, coal reports, cores and samples, seismic surveys, post-stack seismic, field data/tapes, seismic acquisition/processing reports, geophysical and geochemical data acquired in mineral and coal exploration (incorporated as enclosures to reports), VSP (incorporated as enclosures to reports), Seismic survey observer logs. GIS data and projects (minerals and coal). Estimated total NDR Size: 44 TB loaded, 3.0 TB staged for loading, 2.4 PB field data offline. Closely follow Australian digital reporting standards. No naming standards for wells and surveys. 50% Government funding, 50% third party permit (license) fees paid by exploration companies. https://data.nzpam.govt.nz
 Jordan NRA Jordan Natural Resources Authority (NRA) Onshore Active Online data room allows users to browse and select large data set quickly in a controlled and secure environment Reserves land records, field data, maps, engineering, seismic data, geological studies and well files. https://web.archive.org/web/20090307064657/http://www.jordan.gov.jo/
 Angola Sonangol Offshore Angola Active Promotion, Organisation & Management of all Exploration & Production (E&P) Data of Angola Wells, surveys, licenses, seismic sections, well reports, maps Norad/OfD and NPD assistance https://web.archive.org/web/20061117165438/http://www.sonangol.co.ao/
 France BEPH French Territory Interactive maps of French territory of oil data are available to Internet users which includes: Permits for petroleum exploration, seismic exploration, oil drilling (data, documents available) Wells, Surveys, Licenses, Seismic Sections, Well Reports, Maps
 São Tomé and Príncipe ANP-STP National Petroleum Agency of São Tomé and Príncipe (ANP-STP) Offshore Norad/OfD and NPD assistance http://www.anp-stp.gov.st
 Tanzania TPDC Tanzania Petroleum Development Corp Began in the early 1990s with Norwegian assistance An E & P data archive centre Geophysical survey data, Geological studies, Well drilling and completion reports, Cores and drill steam data Norad/OfD and NPD assistance http://www.tpdc-tz.com
 Oman OGDR Department of Petroleum Concession, Ministry of Oil and Gas Onshore & Offshore Operational, tendering OGDR as a managed service (fully outsourced) June 2015 Preservation of E&P data, support concession promotion. Well-related Data: Header, deviation, tops, field and processed logs, well documents. Seismic-related Data: Field and processed 2D/3D, Gravimag, VSP. OGDR Data Submission Standard that uses industry standards where possible i.e. DLIS, SEG, UKOOA. Government & concession holders. http://www.mog.gov.om/english/tabid/309/Default.aspx
 Netherlands DINO The Geological Survey of the Netherlands, a division of TNO The Netherlands including offshore waters Started in 2004. Currently BRO is being planned to succeed DINO. To archive subsurface data of the Netherlands in one repository and provide easy access to the data to encourage multiple use of data. WMS web services. DINO uses own naming conventions 100% Government funding https://web.archive.org/web/20121102034234/http://www.nlog.nl/en/home/NLOGPortal.html
 India INDR Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) Active - scheduled operation from April 2015 Establishing national data archival, improving data quality and access for quality exploration and providing basis for long term energy policy formulation as well as support to OALP Seismic, Wells, Well Logs, Cores, Scanned core images, Reports, production, Technical Reports Government of India http://www.ndrdgh.gov.in
 Sri Lanka PRDS Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development Active since 2009 The PRDS developed a website to disseminate petroleum data and information to public and to investors to assist promotion of offshore areas to attract investors for petroleum exploration Wells, surveys, licenses, seismic sections, well reports, maps. Data historic and current, archived on different media (paper, mylar, magnetic tape) http://www.prds-srilanka.com/data/onlineData.faces
 Argentina BDIH Ministerio de Energía y Minería On-Shore & Off-Shore Active Wells, surveys, seismic sections, well reports, maps, navigations. Data historic and current, archived on different media (paper, magnetic tape) POSC, SGY, RODE, TIF, PDF 100% Government funding http://www.bdih.com.ar
 Peru PeruPetro Active http://www.perupetro.com.pe
 Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MEMR) Active http://www.petrodata.kz
 Pakistan PPEPDR Directorate General Petroleum Concessions (DGPC) Active since 2001 Repository contains more than 10 terabytes of secure petrotechnical data http://www.ppepdr.net/
 Nigeria Department of Petroleum Resources Active since December 2003. Preserve, maintain the integrity and promote the National E&P data assets with improved quality, efficiency and accessibility in the most rapid, secure and reliable manner International and PetroBank data management standards Funded by Establishment Costs - one-off funding by Government and Running Costs - Subscription & Transaction Fees by Operators
 Turkey PetroBank MDS Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO). It is NOC of Turkey. 36˚-42˚ northern parallel and the 26-45˚ eastern meridian. Operational since 2007 Data assets preservation, easy access to assets, assets access controlling and auditing, consolidation of assets, national archive, central management of all assets, standardization of assets according to international standards and naming conventions, working with the most convenient assets. Wells, Well log curves, well reports, cores and samples, seismic surveys, post-stack seismic, field data/tapes and seismic acquisition/processing reports. International and PetroBank data management standards Funded fully by the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. Service usage is free of charge. http://www.tpao.gov.tr
 Norway DISKOS- Norwegian National Data Repository Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and DISKOS Group of oil companies Norwegian continental shelf Started in 1995 To ensure compliance with NPD reporting regulations for digital E&P data. To reduce data redundancy. To ensure that data is made generally available to the oil and gas industry and to society as a whole Long term preservation of data. Wells, Well Log Curves, Seismic Surveys, field, pre-stack & post-stack seismic, seismic reports, production data (monthly allocated).Size of NDR estimated at more than 3 Petabytes. SEG-D for seismic field data, SEG-Y for pre-stack and post-stack seismic data (currently only limited amounts of field and pre-stack data) All relevant well data standards such as LIS, DLIS, LAS, SPLA, SCAL etc. PDF and TIF are also used. Costs are shared equally between all participating oil companies (around 50) in the Diskos consortium, including the NPD. In addition reporting companies pay to submit and download data. All Norwegian universities have free access to public data in Diskos. Non-oil companies can apply for Associated Membership, there are currently around 25 such members. http://www.diskos.no/ http://www.npd.no
 United Kingdom UK National Data Repository North Sea Transition Authority UK Offshore Petroleum Licences and Infrastructure Operational since Q1 2019 and relaunched in Q3 2021 Repository for current and historic reported information and samples

Enables relevant persons to discharge their regulatory obligations to report petroleum related information and samples to the NSTA Enables the NSTA to disclose information to promote interest and investment in the UKCS and to promote reuse of petroleum licence information in support of the UK government's commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050

Well log curves, deviation survey, test data and well reports; Field, Pre-stack and Post-stack seismic, Seismic reports, VSP; Licence Reports, Field Reports and studies. The re-launched service, in Q3 2021, included approximately 112 TB of licence data, including 97 TB pertaining to government funded regional 2D surveys (2015 and 2016), 10 TB of licensee reported post stack seismic and 5 TB of licensee reported wellbore information. A further approx 350 TB of licensee reported seismic field and pre-stack data was held offline on physical media. The NSTA intends to migrate the offline content to its cloud based NDR system and has projected the potential for holdings to increase to 4 Petabytes during the 5 years to 2026 NSTA's naming standards for wells (PON12) and surveys The NSTA, including the NDR, is largely funded through a levy on offshore licensees

https://ndr.nstauthority.co.uk/ Information on the UK NDR: https://www.nstauthority.co.uk/data-centre/national-data-repository-ndr/

 United Kingdom UKOGL UK Onshore Geophysical Library UK onshore In operation since 1994. Managed and operated by Lynx Information Systems Ltd on behalf of UKOGL. Custodian of all UK onshore seismic data Seismic, well tops, logs, cultural. Current archive size approx 6TB SEGY, UKOOA, LAS, DLIS Self-funded through data sales

http://www.ukogl.org.uk https://web.archive.org/web/20121005001335/http://maps.lynxinfo.co.uk/UKOGL_LIVE/map.html

 Brazil ANP Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) BDEP formed in May 2000 Stores seismic, well log, post stack and pre-stack seismic data and potential field data(Grav/Mag) ANP standards in place Companies pay for accessing data and can pay yearly for a membership, with better prices for bigger amounts of data. Brazilian Universities can access data for free. http://geo.anp.gov.br
 Mexico Ditep Pemex Established in 2002 Promotes and preserve all the technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.pep.pemex.com/index.html
 Israel The Ministry of National Infrastructures Exploratory https://web.archive.org/web/20110925120857/http://www.mni.gov.il/mni/en-US/NaturalResources/OilandgasExploration/OilMaps
 Cyprus MCIT Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism-Energy Service Offshore Promotional Responsible for granting licences for prospecting, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons http://www.mcit.gov.cy/mcit/mcit.nsf/dmlhexploration_en/dmlhexploration_en?OpenDocument
 South Africa Petroleum Agency of South Africa Active Seismic data, Well data, Samples, reports and diagrams Standards: Formats – SEGD, SEGY, LIS, LAS, PDF and TIFF, Media – 3480, 3590, DLT, 8mm Exabyte, DAT From 2010 funded by Government http://www.petroleumagencysa.com
 Kenya National Data Center (NDC) National Oil Corporation of Kenya Offshore and Onshore Began in 2007, system implemented in 2010. Digital data preservation, National archive, to implement integrated data management systems, provide easy access to quality-controlled data for internal and external customers, attract oil and gas exploration investment and to reduce data management costs. Wells, well log curves, well reports, post-stack seismic, field data/tapes, seismic acquisition/processing reports, interpretive maps and reports. Seismic data- SEGY. 3590 or 3592 data cartridges. 100% Government Funded http://www.nockenya.co.ke/
 United States BOEMRE Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Gulf of Mexico Has replaced the former Minerals Management Service (MMS) http://www.gomr.boemre.gov/homepg/data_center.html
 United States NGRDS National Geoscience Data Repository System (NGDRS) NGRDS is a system of geoscience data repositories, providing information about their respective holdings accessible through a web-based supercatalog. geologic, geophysical, and engineering data, maps, well logs, and samples DOE has provided funds for the NGDRS since 1993

http://www.agiweb.org/ngdrs/index.html http://www.energy.gov/ http://www.agiweb.org/index.html

List of Repositories in US listed also as directory http://www.agiweb.org/ngdrs/overview/datadirectory.html

 Cambodia CNPA Cambodia National Petroleum Authority Onshore & Offshore Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country Norad/OfD and NPD assistance http://www.cnpa-cambodia.com/
 Afghanistan MOM Ministry of Mines of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (MoM) Onshore Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country Norad/OfD and NPD assistance http://mom.gov.af/en/news/1637
 Bangladesh MOEMR Hydrocarbon Unit, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MOEMR) Onshore & Offshore Active and ongoing via HCU unit since 2005 A mini-data bank has established in the HCU to handle Production data, Resource data by using Database & GIS Software 2005 and promotion of technical E&P information assets of the country Funded assistance Norad/OfD and NPD assistance

http://www.hcu.org.bd/ http://www.petrobangla.org.bd http://www.bapex.com.bd

 Ethiopia MOME Ministry of Mines and Energy Ethiopia Active and ongoing Promotion of technical E&P information assets of the country


 Cameroon SNH SNH Cameroon Active & Ongoing Preservation and promotion of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.snh.cm
 Malaysia PIRI Petronas Yet to establish full NDR Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.petronas.com.my
 Spain ATH Online GIS databases to geophyscial information SIGEOF and ATH (Archivo de Hydrocarbures)

http://www.mityc.es/energia/petroleo/Exploracion/Paginas/Estadisticas.aspx http://hidrocarburos.mityc.es/ath/ http://www.igme.es/internet/sigeof/INICIOsiGEOF.htm

 Morocco ONHYM Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.onhym.com
 Madagascar OMNIS Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country Norad OfD and NPD assistance
 Sudan PIC (Petroleum Information Center) Ministry of Oil and Gas Active since 2000 Preserve and promote E&P data, managing Oil Museum Wells, well log, well reports, cores and samples, seismic (acquisition/processing) reports, production data, GIS


 Morocco ONHYM Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.onhym.com
 Nicaragua MEM Active & ongoing Norad OfD and NPD assistance

http://www.ine.gob.ni http://www.mem.gob.ni

 Iraq MoO Ministry of Oil Republic of Iraq Active and Ongoing since 2005 MoO establishing a centralized data base and NDR for Iraqi petroleum data and to ensure that data & information from petroleum activities is made available and attract more investors by promoting the petroleum activities Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information Norad/OfD and NPD assistance https://web.archive.org/web/20170802182657/http://www.oil.gov.iq/
 Latvia LEGMC Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre Offshore & Onshore An E & P data archive centre which provides data available for purchase Geological (well and seismic data, maps, reports etc.) http://mapx.map.vgd.gov.lv/geo3/VGD_OIL_PAGE/index.htm
 Albania AKBN National Agency of Natural Resources Generates and promotes exploration opportunities in Albania, maintains archive of E & P data. http://www.akbn.gov.al/index.php?ak=details&cid=5&lng=en
 Uganda PEPD Petroleum Exploration & Production Dept (PEPD) Onshore Technical E & P data archive and information Norad/Ofd assistance http://www.statehouse.go.ug/government.php?catId=10 http://www.energyandminerals.go.ug
 Zambia Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Geological Survey Department (GSD) Onshore Active and ongoing Technical E & P data archive and information - Technical Records Unit Norad/Ofd & NPD assistance


 Ivory Coast MME Ministry of Mines & Energy Onshore & Offshore Norad/Ofd and NPD assistance

https://web.archive.org/web/20110324075757/http://www.cotedivoirepr.ci/ http://www.petroci.ci/index.php?numlien=31

 Romania National Agency for Mineral Resources Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.namr.ro/main_en.htm
 Fiji SOPAC Mineral Resources Dept Fiji Created as SOPAC Petroleum Data Bank a cooperative effort with Geoscience Australia SOPAC acts as custodian and primary point for E & P data & information preserved on behalf of Pacific Island member nations Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information In part externally managed

http://www.mrd.gov.fj/gfiji/ https://www.webcitation.org/6173sXdls?url=http://www.mrd.gov.fj/gfiji/petroleum/petroleum.html http://www.ga.gov.au/energy/projects/pacific-islands-applied-geoscience-commission.html http://www.sopac.org/index.php/member-countries/fiji-islands

 Papua New Guinea SOPAC Department of Petroleum and Energy Created as SOPAC Petroleum Data Bank a cooperative effort with Geoscience Australia SOPAC acts as custodian and primary point for E & P data & information preserved on behalf of Pacific Island member nations Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information Externally managed

http://www.petroleum.gov.pg http://www.petrominpng.com.pg/about.html http://www.ga.gov.au/energy/projects/pacific-islands-applied-geoscience-commission.html http://www.sopac.org/index.php/member-countries/papua-new-guinea

 Solomon Islands SOPAC Created as SOPAC Petroleum Data Bank a cooperative effort with Geoscience Australia SOPAC acts as custodian and primary point for E & P data & information preserved on behalf of Pacific Island member nations Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information Externally managed

http://www.ga.gov.au/energy/projects/pacific-islands-applied-geoscience-commission.html http://www.sopac.org/index.php/member-countries/solomon-islands

 Tonga SOPAC Created as SOPAC Petroleum Data Bank a cooperative effort with Geoscience Australia SOPAC acts as custodian and primary point for E & P data & information preserved on behalf of Pacific Island member nations Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information Externally managed

http://www.ga.gov.au/energy/projects/pacific-islands-applied-geoscience-commission.html http://www.sopac.org/index.php/member-countries/tonga

 Vanuatu SOPAC Created as SOPAC Petroleum Data Bank a cooperative effort with Geoscience Australia SOPAC acts as custodian and primary point for E & P data & information preserved on behalf of Pacific Island member nations Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information Externally managed

http://www.ga.gov.au/energy/projects/pacific-islands-applied-geoscience-commission.html http://www.sopac.org/index.php/member-countries/vanuatu

 Guyana GGMC Guyana Geology and Mines Commission Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.ggmc.gov.gy
 Syria SPC Syrian Petroleum Company http://www.spc-sy.com/en/aboutus/aboutus1_en.php
 Liberia NOCAL National Oil Company of Liberia Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.nocal-lr.com/
 Chile ENAP National Oil Company of Chile Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.enap.cl
 Thailand PTTEP PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Ltd Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.pttep.com/


 Venezuela PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela Onshore & Offshore Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.pdvsa.com/
 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy_industry.php?mid=31


 Mozambique NAPD Established in 1999 under NORAD support To ensure that data & information from petroleum activities is made available and attract more investors by promoting the petroleum activities Well logs, Maps, Magnetic tapes, Core & cutting samples, Other geological and geophysical information National Budget and INP funds https://web.archive.org/web/20100903183715/http://www.inp.gov.mz/
 Denmark Danish Energy Agency Online GIS service for wells and license data


 Dominican Republic Directorate of Hydrocarbons http://www.dgm.gov.do/sdhidrocarburo/index.html
 Equatorial Guinea Exploration databank for Equatorial Guinea

http://www.equatorialoil.com http://www.equatorialoil.com/database.html

 Faroe Islands Jardfeingi Jardfeingi Faorese Earth and Energy Directorate Promotion of exploration and licensing rounds http://www.jardfeingi.fo
 Philippines PNOC Philippine National Oil Company Promotion of exploration and licensing rounds

http://www.pnoc.com.ph http://www.pnoc-ec.com.ph/business.php?id=2

 Greenland GreenPetroData MMR- Ministry of Mineral Resources Web and GIS system providing access to all Released Well and Geophysical data.

https://www.greenpetrodata.gl/ http://govmin.gl/

 Iceland Iceland Continental Shelf Portal (ICSP) Orkustofnunn - National Energy Authority Offshore The Iceland Continental Shelf Portal (ICSP) Provides access to information about data pertaining to the Icelandic Continental Shelf, in particular initially to the northern Dreki Area to assist with licensing round promotion

http://www.os.is http://www.nea.is/oil-and-gas-exploration/

 Myanmar MOGE Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise


 Yemen PEPA Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA)


 Tunisia ETAP Enterprise Tunisienne D’Activities Petrolieres Promotion and preservation of technical E&P information assets of the country


 Gabon DGH Direction Generale des Hydrocarbures (DGH)


 Congo SNPC Société Nationale des pétroles du Congo
 Mali Aurep Autorite pour la Promotion de la Recherce des Petroliere au Mali Databank service managing the geological and geophysical data relative to petroleum research.

http://www.aurep.org http://www.aurep.org/htmlpages/mali.html

 Guatemala MEM Dirección General de Hidrocarbures Online maps and images of wells, seismic, licenses, protected areas, exploration and production

http://www.mem.gob.gt/Portal/home.aspx http://www.mem.gob.gt/Portal/Home.aspx?secid=25

 Iran NIOC National Oil Company of Iran


 Libya NOC NOC Libya Virtual data room in place for promotion of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons
 United Arab Emirates ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company


 Qatar Qatar Petroleum


 South Korea KNOC Korea National Petroleum Corporation


 Seychelles SNOC Seychelles National Oil Company
 Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco



http://geologiya.org/index.php?categoryid=14 http://minpriroda.by/ru/napravlenia/minsyrbaza

 Timor-Leste LAFAEK Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo Online GIS with wells and licences Norad/OfD assistance http://www.anp-tl.org/webs/anptlweb.nsf/pgMaps

See also



  1. ^ "About NDR | NDR (National Data Repository)-Directorate General of Hydrocarbons(DGH) | Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India".
  2. ^ "Energistics".
  3. ^ "NDR Conference page on the Energistics website".