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Module:Transclusion count/data/D

Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
return {
["D&D_to-do"] = 6400,
["D-da"] = 2500,
["DANFS"] = 8300,
["DC-Comics-trademark-copyright"] = 2100,
["DCS_Sri_Lanka"] = 2000,
["DDR"] = 2900,
["DEC"] = 9200,
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["DEN"] = 7100,
["DEU"] = 18000,
["DMC"] = 59000,
["DMCA"] = 2670000,
["DNB"] = 9400,
["DNB-Portal"] = 2200,
["DNB_portal"] = 3600,
["DNK"] = 8200,
["DNZB"] = 3600,
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["DYK_files"] = 2100,
["DYK_header"] = 44000,
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["DYK_talk/date"] = 106000,
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["DYK_tools/styles.css"] = 57000,
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["DZA"] = 2900,
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["Dagger"] = 20000,
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["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_assignment"] = 24000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_bibliography/bibliography"] = 4800,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_bibliography/guide"] = 12000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_bibliography/outline"] = 5300,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_course_header"] = 7200,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_course_header/edit-note"] = 7200,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_draft_template/about_this_sandbox"] = 16000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_evaluate_article/guide"] = 13000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_peer_review/guide"] = 19000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_sandbox"] = 111000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_student_editor"] = 98000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_student_program_sandbox"] = 110000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_talk_course_link"] = 100000,
["Dashboard.wikiedu.org_user_talk"] = 2200,
["Date"] = 49000,
["Date-mf"] = 42000,
["Date_table_sorting"] = 40000,
["Dated_maintenance_category"] = 2730000,
["Dated_maintenance_category_(articles)"] = 2670000,
["Dated_maintenance_category_by_type_(articles)"] = 22000,
["Davis_Cup_player"] = 2500,
["Day+1"] = 6900,
["Day-1"] = 8400,
["Dbox"] = 3000,
["Dda"] = 4600,
["Dead_YouTube_link"] = 2500,
["Dead_link"] = 325000,
["Deadlink"] = 2900,
["Deadweight_tonnage"] = 2400,
["Death-date"] = 11000,
["Death-date_and_age"] = 11000,
["Death_date"] = 9700,
["Death_date_and_age"] = 433000,
["Death_date_and_given_age"] = 3500,
["Death_date_text"] = 12000,
["Death_year_and_age"] = 17000,
["Death_year_category_header"] = 2000,
["Decade_in_country_category"] = 2000,
["Decade_in_country_category/core"] = 2000,
["Decade_link"] = 35000,
["Decimals"] = 3200,
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["Decline"] = 2600,
["Declined"] = 3400,
["Decrease"] = 41000,
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["Deg2DMS"] = 3400,
["Deleted_on_Commons"] = 2400,
["Deletion_review_log_header"] = 6100,
["Deletion_review_log_header/Core"] = 6100,
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["Delink_question_hyphen-minus"] = 310000,
["Delrevxfd"] = 3700,
["Democratic_Party_(US)/meta/shading"] = 17000,
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["Designation/abbreviation"] = 8800,
["Designation/color"] = 77000,
["Designation/colour"] = 80000,
["Designation/colour2"] = 20000,
["Designation/divbox"] = 33000,
["Designation/text"] = 45000,
["Designation_list"] = 6200,
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["Detect_singular"] = 224000,
["Deutsche_Bahn_station_codes"] = 2200,
["DfE_performance_tables"] = 4500,
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["Diff"] = 31000,
["Diff2"] = 14000,
["Diffusing_occupation_by_nationality_and_century_category_header"] = 3600,
["Diffusing_occupation_by_nationality_and_century_category_header/core"] = 6000,
["Digits"] = 23000,
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["Disestablishment_category_in_country"] = 9900,
["Disestablishment_category_in_country/core"] = 9900,
["Disestablishment_category_in_country_by_decade"] = 2600,
["Disestablishment_category_in_country_by_decade/core"] = 2600,
["DisestcatCountry"] = 9900,
["DisestcatCountry/core"] = 9900,
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["DisestcatUSstate/core"] = 5100,
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["Don't_edit_this_line_extinct"] = 549000,
["Don't_edit_this_line_link_target"] = 549000,
["Don't_edit_this_line_link_text"] = 549000,
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["Don't_edit_this_line_rank"] = 549000,
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["Module:DYK_checklist"] = 18000,
["Module:DYK_checklist/data"] = 18000,
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["Module:Delink"] = 3290000,
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["Module:Disambiguation"] = 214000,
["Module:Disambiguation/templates"] = 12400000,
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["Module:Documentation"] = 179000,
["Module:Documentation/config"] = 179000,
["Module:Documentation/styles.css"] = 179000,
["Module:Draft_topics"] = 25000,
["Module:Dts"] = 3400,
["Module:Duration"] = 244000,