![]() | This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
![]() | This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
![]() | This Lua module is used on approximately 17,000 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
This module is a general-purpose transclusion engine, able to transclude any part of any page and with many options that normal transclusion doesn't provide.
The main entry point for modules is the get
get( 'Title' )
— Get the requested page (exact same result as normal transclusion)get( 'Title#' )
— Get the lead section of the requested pageget( 'Title#Section' )
— Get the requested section or <section> tag (includes any subsections)
<noinclude> and <onlyinclude> tags are handled the usual way and there's also an optional second parameter to exclude various elements from the result:
get( 'Title#Section', { files = 0 } )
— Exclude all filesget( 'Title#Section', { files = 1 } )
— Exclude all files except the firstget( 'Title#Section', { files = 2 } )
— Exclude all files except the secondget( 'Title#Section', { files = '1,2' } )
— Exclude all files except the first and secondget( 'Title#Section', { files = '1-3' } )
— Exclude all files except the first, second and thirdget( 'Title#Section', { files = '1,3-5' } )
— Exclude all files except the first, third, fourth and fifthget( 'Title#Section', { files = -2 } )
— Exclude the second fileget( 'Title#Section', { files = '-2,3' } )
— Exclude the second and third filesget( 'Title#Section', { files = '-1,3-5' } )
— Exclude the first, third, fourth and fifth filesget( 'Title#Section', { files = 'A.png' } )
— Exclude all files except A.pngget( 'Title#Section', { files = '-A.png' } )
— Exclude A.pngget( 'Title#Section', { files = 'A.png, B.jpg, C.gif' } )
— Exclude all files except A.png, B.jpg and C.gifget( 'Title#Section', { files = '-A.png, B.jpg, C.gif' } )
— Exclude A.png, B.jpg and C.gifget( 'Title#Section', { files = { [1] = true, [3] = true } } )
— Exclude all files except the first and thirdget( 'Title#Section', { files = { [1] = false, [3] = false } } )
— Exclude the first and third filesget( 'Title#Section', { files = { ['A.png'] = false, ['B.jpg'] = false } } )
— Exclude A.png and B.jpgget( 'Title#Section', { files = '.+%.png' } )
— Exclude all files except PNG files (see Lua patterns)get( 'Title#Section', { files = '-.+%.png' } )
— Exclude all PNG files
The very same syntax can be used to exclude many other elements:
get( 'Title#Section', { sections = 0 } )
— Exclude all subsectionsget( 'Title#Section', { sections = 'History, Causes' } )
— Exclude all subsections except 'History' and 'Causes'get( 'Title#Section', { lists = 1 } )
— Exclude all lists except the firstget( 'Title#Section', { tables = 'stats' } )
— Exclude all tables except the one with id 'stats'get( 'Title#Section', { paragraphs = '1-3' } )
— Exclude all paragraphs except the first, second and thirdget( 'Title#Section', { references = 0 } )
— Exclude all referencesget( 'Title#Section', { categories = '0' } )
— Exclude all categoriesget( 'Title#Section', { templates = '-.+infobox' } )
— Exclude infobox templatesget( 'Title#Section', { parameters = 'image' } )
— Exclude all parameters from all templates except the one named 'image'
Options can be combined at will. For example:
get( 'Title#Section', { sections = 0, files = 1, paragraphs = '1-3' } )
— Exclude all subsections, all files except the first, and all paragraphs except the first three
You can also get only some elements like so:
get( 'Title#Section', { only = 'files' } )
— Get only the filesget( 'Title#Section', { only = 'lists', lists = 1 } )
— Get only the first listget( 'Title#Section', { only = 'tables', tables = 'stats' } )
— Get only the table with id 'stats'get( 'Title#Section', { only = 'paragraphs', paragraphs = '1,3-5' } )
— Get only the first, third, fourth and fifth paragraphget( 'Title#Section', { only = 'templates', templates = 'Infobox' } )
— Get only the infoboxget( 'Title#Section', { only = 'parameters', parameters = 'abstract', references = 0 } )
— Get only the parameter called 'abstract' and remove all references from it
The output can be further modified with a few special options:
get( 'Title#Section', { noFollow = true } )
— Don't follow redirectsget( 'Title#Section', { linkBold = true } )
— Link the bold title or synonym near the start of the textget( 'Title#Section', { noBold = true } )
— Remove bold textget( 'Title#Section', { noComments = true } )
— Remove all HTML commentsget( 'Title#Section', { noLinks = true } )
— Remove all linksget( 'Title#Section', { noSelfLinks = true } )
— Remove self linksget( 'Title#Section', { noBehaviorSwitches = true } )
— Remove behavior switches such as__NOTOC__
get( 'Title#Section', { noNonFreeFiles = true } )
— Remove non-free files (identified by having the words "non-free" in their local description or in Commons)get( 'Title#Section', { fixReferences = true } )
— Prefix reference names with 'Title ' to avoid name conflicts when transcluding and rescue references defined outside the requested section to avoid undefined reference errors
Besides the get
method, the module exposes several other methods to get specific parts of the wikitext. This allows other modules to combine elements in more advanced ways.
The main entry point for templates is the main
method. It's essentially a wrapper of the get
method to make it usable for templates. See the documentation of the get
method for more details and options.
— Transclude the requested page{{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title#}}
— Transclude the lead section of the requested page{{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title#Section}}
— Get the requested section or <section> tag (includes any subsections){{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title#Section|sections=0}}
— Transclude the requested section, excluding subsections{{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title|only=files|files=1}}
— Transclude only the first file of the page{{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title#Section|only=tables|tables=2}}
— Transclude only the second table of the requested section{{#invoke:Transcluder|main|Title#|only=paragraphs|linkBold=yes}}
— Transclude only the paragraphs of the lead section and link the bold text
See also
-- Module:Transcluder is a general-purpose transclusion engine
-- Documentation and master version:
-- Authors: User:Sophivorus, User:Certes & others
-- License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
local p = {}
-- Helper function to test for truthy and falsy values
-- @todo Somehow internationalize it
local function truthy(value)
if not value or value == '' or value == 0 or value == '0' or value == 'false' or value == 'no' or value == 'non' then
return false
return true
-- Helper function to match from a list of regular expressions
-- Like so: match pre..list[1] or pre..list[2] or ...
local function matchAny(text, pre, list, post, init)
local match = {}
for i = 1, #list do
match = { mw.ustring.match(text, pre .. list[i] .. post, init) }
if match[1] then return unpack(match) end
return nil
-- Like matchAny but for Category/File links with less overhead
local function matchAnyLink(text, list)
local match
for _, v in ipairs(list) do
match = string.match(text, '%[%[%s*' .. v .. '%s*:.*%]%]')
if match then break end
return match
-- Helper function to escape a string for use in regexes
local function escapeString(str)
return string.gsub(str, '[%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%%]', '%%%0')
-- Helper function to remove a string from a text
local function removeString(text, str)
local pattern = escapeString(str)
if #pattern > 9999 then -- strings longer than 10000 bytes can't be put into regexes
pattern = escapeString(mw.ustring.sub(str, 1, 999)) .. '.-' .. escapeString(mw.ustring.sub(str, -999))
return string.gsub(text, pattern, '')
-- Helper function to convert a comma-separated list of numbers or min-max ranges into a list of booleans
-- @param flags Comma-separated list of numbers or min-max ranges, for example '1,3-5'
-- @return Map from integers to booleans, for example {1=true,2=false,3=true,4=true,5=true}
-- @return Boolean indicating whether the flags should be treated as a blacklist or not
local function parseFlags(value)
local flags = {}
local blacklist = false
if not value then return nil, false end
if type(value) == 'number' then
if value < 0 then
value = -value
blacklist = true
flags = { [value] = true }
elseif type(value) == 'string' then
if string.sub(value, 1, 1) == '-' then
blacklist = true
value = string.sub(value, 2)
local ranges = mw.text.split(value, ',') -- split ranges: '1,3-5' to {'1','3-5'}
for _, range in pairs(ranges) do
range = mw.text.trim(range)
local min, max = mw.ustring.match(range, '^(%d+)%s*[-–—]%s*(%d+)$') -- '3-5' to min=3 max=5
if not max then min, max = string.match(range, '^((%d+))$') end -- '1' to min=1 max=1
if max then
for i = min, max do flags[i] = true end
flags[range] = true -- if we reach this point, the string had the form 'a,b,c' rather than '1,2,3'
-- List has the form { [1] = false, [2] = true, ['c'] = false }
-- Convert it to { [1] = true, [2] = true, ['c'] = true }
-- But if ANY value is set to false, treat the list as a blacklist
elseif type(value) == 'table' then
for i, v in pairs(value) do
if v == false then blacklist = true end
flags[i] = true
return flags, blacklist
-- Helper function to see if a value matches any of the given flags
local function matchFlag(value, flags)
if not value then return false end
value = tostring(value)
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local lcvalue = lang:lcfirst(value)
local ucvalue = lang:ucfirst(value)
for flag in pairs(flags) do
if value == tostring(flag)
or lcvalue == flag
or ucvalue == flag
or ( not tonumber(flag) and mw.ustring.match(value, flag) ) then
return true
-- Helper function to convert template arguments into an array of options fit for get()
local function parseArgs(frame)
local args = {}
for key, value in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do args[key] = value end
for key, value in pairs(frame.args) do args[key] = value end -- args from Lua calls have priority over parent args from template
return args
-- Error handling function
-- Throws a Lua error or returns an empty string if error reporting is disabled
local function throwError(key, value)
local TNT = require('Module:TNT')
local ok, message = pcall(TNT.format, 'I18n/', 'error-' .. key, value)
if not ok then message = key end
error(message, 2)
-- Error handling function
-- Returns a wiki friendly error or an empty string if error reporting is disabled
local function getError(key, value)
local TNT = require('Module:TNT')
local ok, message = pcall(TNT.format, 'I18n/', 'error-' .. key, value)
if not ok then message = key end
message = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('error'):wikitext(message)
return message
-- Helper function to get the local name of a namespace and all its aliases
-- @param name Canonical name of the namespace, for example 'File'
-- @return Local name of the namespace and all aliases, for example {'File','Image','Archivo','Imagen'}
local function getNamespaces(name)
local namespaces = mw.clone([name].aliases) -- Clone because
return namespaces
-- Get the page wikitext, following redirects
-- Also returns the page name, or the target page name if a redirect was followed, or false if no page was found
-- For file pages, returns the content of the file description page
local function getText(page, noFollow)
page = mw.text.decode(page)
local title =
if not title then return false, false end
local target = title.redirectTarget
if target and not noFollow then title = target end
local text = title:getContent()
if not text then return false, title.prefixedText end
-- Remove <noinclude> tags
text = string.gsub(text, '<[Nn][Oo][Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee]>.-</[Nn][Oo][Ii][Nn][Cc][Ll][Uu][Dd][Ee]>', '') -- remove noinclude bits
-- Keep <onlyinclude> tags
if string.find(text, 'onlyinclude') then -- avoid expensive search if possible
text = text
:gsub('</onlyinclude>.-<onlyinclude>', '') -- remove text between onlyinclude sections
:gsub('^.-<onlyinclude>', '') -- remove text before first onlyinclude section
:gsub('</onlyinclude>.*', '') -- remove text after last onlyinclude section
return text, title.prefixedText
-- Get the requested files from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of files to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all files.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested files.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested files.
local function getFiles(text, flags)
local files = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local fileNamespaces = getNamespaces('File')
local name
local count = 0
for file in string.gmatch(text, '%b[]') do
if matchAnyLink(file, fileNamespaces) then
name = string.match(file, '%[%[[^:]-:([^]|]+)')
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or matchFlag(name, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not matchFlag(name, flags) then
table.insert(files, file)
text = removeString(text, file)
return files, text
-- Get the requested tables from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of tables to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all tables.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested tables.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested tables.
local function getTables(text, flags)
local tables = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local id
local count = 0
for t in string.gmatch('\n' .. text, '\n%b{}') do
if string.sub(t, 1, 3) == '\n{|' then
id = string.match(t, '\n{|[^\n]-id%s*=%s*["\']?([^"\'\n]+)["\']?[^\n]*\n')
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or flags[id] )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not flags[id] then
table.insert(tables, t)
text = removeString(text, t)
return tables, text
-- Get the requested templates from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of templates to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all templates.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested templates.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested templates.
local function getTemplates(text, flags)
local templates = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local name
local count = 0
for template in string.gmatch(text, '{%b{}}') do
if string.sub(template, 1, 3) ~= '{{#' then -- skip parser functions like #if
name = mw.text.trim( string.match(template, '{{([^}|\n]+)') or "" ) -- get the template name
if name ~= "" then
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or matchFlag(name, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not matchFlag(name, flags) then
table.insert(templates, template)
text = removeString(text, template)
return templates, text
-- Get the requested template parameters from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of parameters to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all parameters.
-- @return Map from parameter name to value, NOT IN THE ORIGINAL ORDER
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested parameters.
-- @return Order in which the parameters were parsed.
local function getParameters(text, flags)
local parameters, parameterOrder = {}, {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local params, count, parts, key, value
for template in string.gmatch(text, '{%b{}}') do
params = string.match(template, '{{[^|}]-|(.*)}}')
if params then
count = 0
-- Temporarily replace pipes in subtemplates and links to avoid chaos
for subtemplate in string.gmatch(params, '{%b{}}') do
params = string.gsub(params, escapeString(subtemplate), string.gsub(subtemplate, ".", {["%"]="%%", ["|"]="@@:@@", ["="]="@@_@@"}) )
for link in string.gmatch(params, '%b[]') do
params = string.gsub(params, escapeString(link), string.gsub(link, ".", {["%"]="%%", ["|"]="@@:@@", ["="]="@@_@@"}) )
for parameter in mw.text.gsplit(params, '|') do
parts = mw.text.split(parameter, '=')
key = mw.text.trim(parts[1])
if #parts == 1 then
value = key
count = count + 1
key = count
value = mw.text.trim(table.concat(parts, '=', 2))
value = string.gsub(string.gsub(value, '@@:@@', '|'), '@@_@@', '=')
if not blacklist and ( not flags or matchFlag(key, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not matchFlag(key, flags) then
table.insert(parameterOrder, key)
parameters[key] = value
text = removeString(text, parameter)
return parameters, text, parameterOrder
-- Get the requested lists from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of lists to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all lists.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested lists.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested lists.
local function getLists(text, flags)
local lists = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local count = 0
for list in string.gmatch('\n' .. text .. '\n\n', '\n([*#].-)\n[^*#]') do
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] then
table.insert(lists, list)
text = removeString(text, list)
return lists, text
-- Get the requested paragraphs from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of paragraphs to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all paragraphs.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested paragraphs.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested paragraphs.
local function getParagraphs(text, flags)
local paragraphs = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
-- Remove non-paragraphs
local elements
local temp = '\n' .. text .. '\n'
elements, temp = getLists(temp, 0) -- remove lists
elements, temp = getFiles(temp, 0) -- remove files
temp = mw.text.trim((temp
:gsub('\n%b{} *\n', '\n%0\n') -- add spacing between tables and block templates
:gsub('\n%b{} *\n', '\n') -- remove tables and block templates
:gsub('\n==+[^=]+==+ *\n', '\n') -- remove section titles
-- Assume that anything remaining is a paragraph
local count = 0
for paragraph in mw.text.gsplit(temp, '\n\n+') do
if mw.text.trim(paragraph) ~= '' then
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] then
table.insert(paragraphs, paragraph)
text = removeString(text, paragraph)
return paragraphs, text
-- Get the requested categories from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of categories to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all categories.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested categories.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested categories.
local function getCategories(text, flags)
local categories = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local categoryNamespaces = getNamespaces('Category')
local name
local count = 0
for category in string.gmatch(text, '%b[]') do
if matchAnyLink(category, categoryNamespaces) then
name = string.match(category, '%[%[[^:]-:([^]|]+)')
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or matchFlag(name, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not matchFlag(name, flags) then
table.insert(categories, category)
text = removeString(text, category)
return categories, text
-- Get the requested references from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of references to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all references.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested references.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested references.
local function getReferences(text, flags)
local references = {}
-- Remove all references, including citations, when 0 references are requested
-- This is kind of hacky but currently necessary because the rest of the code
-- doesn't remove citations like <ref name="Foo" /> if Foo is defined elsewhere
if flags and not truthy(flags) then
text = string.gsub(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>/]*>.-<%s*/%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*>', '')
text = string.gsub(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>/]*/%s*>', '')
return references, text
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local name
local count = 0
for reference in string.gmatch(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>/]*>.-<%s*/%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*>') do
name = string.match(reference, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?([^"\'>/]+)["\']?[^>]*%s*>')
count = count + 1
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or matchFlag(name, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not matchFlag(name, flags) then
table.insert(references, reference)
text = removeString(text, reference)
if name then
for citation in string.gmatch(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?' .. escapeString(name) .. '["\']?[^/>]*/%s*>') do
text = removeString(text, citation)
return references, text
-- Get the lead section from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @return Wikitext of the lead section.
local function getLead(text)
text = string.gsub('\n' .. text, '\n==.*', '')
text = mw.text.trim(text)
if not text then return throwError('lead-empty') end
return text
-- Get the requested sections from the given wikitext.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param flags Range of sections to return, for example 2 or '1,3-5'. Omit to return all sections.
-- @return Sequence of strings containing the wikitext of the requested sections.
-- @return Original wikitext minus requested sections.
local function getSections(text, flags)
local sections = {}
local flags, blacklist = parseFlags(flags)
local count = 0
local prefix, section, suffix
for title in string.gmatch('\n' .. text .. '\n==', '\n==+%s*([^=]+)%s*==+') do
count = count + 1
prefix, section, suffix = string.match('\n' .. text .. '\n==', '\n()==+%s*' .. escapeString(title) .. '%s*==+(.-)()\n==')
if not blacklist and ( not flags or flags[count] or matchFlag(title, flags) )
or blacklist and flags and not flags[count] and not matchFlag(title, flags) then
sections[title] = section
text = string.sub(text, 1, prefix) .. string.sub(text, suffix)
text = string.gsub(text, '\n?==$', '') -- remove the trailing \n==
return sections, text
-- Get the requested section or <section> tag from the given wikitext (including subsections).
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to parse.
-- @param section Required. Title of the section to get (in wikitext), for example 'History' or 'History of [[Athens]]'.
-- @return Wikitext of the requested section.
local function getSection(text, section)
section = mw.text.trim(section)
local escapedSection = escapeString(section)
-- First check if the section title matches a <section> tag
if string.find(text, '<%s*[Ss]ection%s+begin%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. escapedSection .. '%s*["\']?%s*/>') then -- avoid expensive search if possible
text = mw.text.trim((text
:gsub('<%s*[Ss]ection%s+end=%s*["\']?%s*'.. escapedSection ..'%s*["\']?%s*/>.-<%s*[Ss]ection%s+begin%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. escapedSection .. '%s*["\']?%s*/>', '') -- remove text between section tags
:gsub('^.-<%s*[Ss]ection%s+begin%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. escapedSection .. '%s*["\']?%s*/>', '') -- remove text before first section tag
:gsub('<%s*[Ss]ection%s+end=%s*["\']?%s*'.. escapedSection ..'%s*["\']?%s*/>.*', '') -- remove text after last section tag
if text == '' then return throwError('section-tag-empty', section) end
return text
local level, text = string.match('\n' .. text .. '\n', '\n(==+)%s*' .. escapedSection .. '%s*==.-\n(.*)')
if not text then return throwError('section-not-found', section) end
local nextSection = '\n==' .. string.rep('=?', #level - 2) .. '[^=].*'
text = string.gsub(text, nextSection, '') -- remove later sections with headings at this level or higher
text = mw.text.trim(text)
if text == '' then return throwError('section-empty', section) end
return text
-- Replace the first call to each reference defined outside of the text for the full reference, to prevent undefined references
-- Then prefix the page title to the reference names to prevent conflicts
-- that is, replace <ref name="Foo"> for <ref name="Title of the article Foo">
-- and also <ref name="Foo" /> for <ref name="Title of the article Foo" />
-- also remove reference groups: <ref name="Foo" group="Bar"> for <ref name="Title of the article Foo">
-- and <ref group="Bar"> for <ref>
-- @todo The current regex may fail in cases with both kinds of quotes, like <ref name="Darwin's book">
local function fixReferences(text, page, full)
if not full then full = getText(page) end
local refNames = {}
local refName
local refBody
local position = 1
while position < mw.ustring.len(text) do
refName, position = mw.ustring.match(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?([^"\'>]+)["\']?[^>]*/%s*>()', position)
if refName then
refName = mw.text.trim(refName)
if not refNames[refName] then -- make sure we process each ref name only once
table.insert(refNames, refName)
refName = escapeString(refName)
refBody = mw.ustring.match(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. refName .. '%s*["\']?[^>/]*>.-<%s*/%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*>')
if not refBody then -- the ref body is not in the excerpt
refBody = mw.ustring.match(full, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. refName .. '%s*["\']?[^/>]*>.-<%s*/%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*>')
if refBody then -- the ref body was found elsewhere
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?%s*' .. refName .. '%s*["\']?[^>]*/?%s*>', mw.ustring.gsub(refBody, '%%', '%%%%'), 1)
position = mw.ustring.len(text)
page = string.gsub(page, '"', '') -- remove any quotation marks from the page title
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*["\']?([^"\'>/]+)["\']?[^>/]*(/?)%s*>', '<ref name="' .. page .. ' %1"%2>')
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*group%s*=%s*["\']?[^"\'>/]+["\']%s*>', '<ref>')
return text
-- Replace the bold title or synonym near the start of the page by a link to the page
local function linkBold(text, page)
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local position = mw.ustring.find(text, "'''" .. lang:ucfirst(page) .. "'''", 1, true) -- look for "'''Foo''' is..." (uc) or "A '''foo''' is..." (lc)
or mw.ustring.find(text, "'''" .. lang:lcfirst(page) .. "'''", 1, true) -- plain search: special characters in page represent themselves
if position then
local length = mw.ustring.len(page)
text = mw.ustring.sub(text, 1, position + 2) .. "[[" .. mw.ustring.sub(text, position + 3, position + length + 2) .. "]]" .. mw.ustring.sub(text, position + length + 3, -1) -- link it
else -- look for anything unlinked in bold, assumed to be a synonym of the title (e.g. a person's birth name)
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "()'''(.-'*)'''", function(a, b)
if not mw.ustring.find(b, "%[") and not mw.ustring.find(b, "%{") then -- if not wikilinked or some weird template
return "'''[[" .. page .. "|" .. b .. "]]'''" -- replace '''Foo''' by '''[[page|Foo]]'''
return nil -- instruct gsub to make no change
end, 1) -- "end" here terminates the anonymous replacement function(a, b) passed to gsub
return text
-- Remove non-free files.
-- @param text Required. Wikitext to clean.
-- @return Clean wikitext.
local function removeNonFreeFiles(text)
local fileNamespaces = getNamespaces('File')
local fileName
local fileDescription
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
for file in string.gmatch(text, '%b[]') do
if matchAnyLink(file, fileNamespaces) then
fileName = 'File:' .. string.match(file, '%[%[[^:]-:([^]|]+)')
fileDescription, fileName = getText(fileName)
if fileName then
if not fileDescription or fileDescription == '' then
fileDescription = frame:preprocess('{{' .. fileName .. '}}') -- try Commons
if fileDescription and string.match(fileDescription, '[Nn]on%-free') then
text = removeString(text, file)
return text
-- Remove any self links
local function removeSelfLinks(text)
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local page = escapeString(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText)
local ucpage = lang:ucfirst(page)
local lcpage = lang:lcfirst(page)
text = text
:gsub('%[%[(' .. ucpage .. ')%]%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[%[(' .. lcpage .. ')%]%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[%[' .. ucpage .. '|([^]]+)%]%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[%[' .. lcpage .. '|([^]]+)%]%]', '%1')
return text
-- Remove all wikilinks
local function removeLinks(text)
text = text
:gsub('%[%[[^%]|]+|([^]]+)%]%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[%[([^]]+)%]%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[[^ ]+ ([^]]+)%]', '%1')
:gsub('%[([^]]+)%]', '%1')
return text
-- Remove HTML comments
local function removeComments(text)
text = string.gsub(text, '<!%-%-.-%-%->', '')
return text
-- Remove behavior switches, such as __NOTOC__
local function removeBehaviorSwitches(text)
text = string.gsub(text, '__[A-Z]+__', '')
return text
-- Remove bold text
local function removeBold(text)
text = string.gsub(text, "'''", '')
return text
-- Main function for modules
local function get(page, options)
if not options then options = {} end
-- Make sure the page exists
if not page then return throwError('no-page') end
page = mw.text.trim(page)
page = mw.text.decode(page)
if page == '' then return throwError('no-page') end
local page, hash, section = string.match(page, '([^#]+)(#?)(.*)')
local text, temp = getText(page, options.noFollow)
if not temp then return throwError('invalid-title', page) end
page = temp
if not text then return throwError('page-not-found', page) end
local full = text -- save the full text for fixReferences below
-- Get the requested section
if truthy(section) then
text = getSection(text, section)
elseif truthy(hash) then
text = getLead(text)
-- Keep only the requested elements
local elements
if options.only then
if options.only == 'sections' then elements = getSections(text, options.sections) end
if options.only == 'lists' then elements = getLists(text, options.lists) end
if options.only == 'files' then elements = getFiles(text, options.files) end
if options.only == 'tables' then elements = getTables(text, options.tables) end
if options.only == 'templates' then elements = getTemplates(text, options.templates) end
if options.only == 'parameters' then elements = getParameters(text, options.parameters) end
if options.only == 'paragraphs' then elements = getParagraphs(text, options.paragraphs) end
if options.only == 'categories' then elements = getCategories(text, options.categories) end
if options.only == 'references' then elements = getReferences(text, options.references) end
text = ''
if elements then
for key, element in pairs(elements) do
text = text .. '\n' .. element .. '\n'
-- Filter the requested elements
if options.sections and options.only ~= 'sections' then elements, text = getSections(text, options.sections) end
if options.lists and options.only ~= 'lists' then elements, text = getLists(text, options.lists) end
if options.files and options.only ~= 'files' then elements, text = getFiles(text, options.files) end
if options.tables and options.only ~= 'tables' then elements, text = getTables(text, options.tables) end
if options.templates and options.only ~= 'templates' then elements, text = getTemplates(text, options.templates) end
if options.parameters and options.only ~= 'parameters' then elements, text = getParameters(text, options.parameters) end
if options.paragraphs and options.only ~= 'paragraphs' then elements, text = getParagraphs(text, options.paragraphs) end
if options.categories and options.only ~= 'categories' then elements, text = getCategories(text, options.categories) end
if options.references and options.only ~= 'references' then elements, text = getReferences(text, options.references) end
-- Misc options
if truthy(options.fixReferences) then text = fixReferences(text, page, full) end
if truthy(options.linkBold) and not truthy(section) then text = linkBold(text, page) end
if truthy(options.noBold) then text = removeBold(text) end
if truthy(options.noLinks) then text = removeLinks(text) end
if truthy(options.noSelfLinks) then text = removeSelfLinks(text) end
if truthy(options.noNonFreeFiles) then text = removeNonFreeFiles(text) end
if truthy(options.noBehaviorSwitches) then text = removeBehaviorSwitches(text) end
if truthy(options.noComments) then text = removeComments(text) end
-- Remove multiple newlines left over from removing elements
text = string.gsub(text, '\n\n\n+', '\n\n')
text = mw.text.trim(text)
return text
-- Main invocation function for templates
local function main(frame)
local args = parseArgs(frame)
local page = args[1]
local ok, text = pcall(get, page, args)
if not ok then return getError(text) end
local raw = args['raw']
if raw then return text end
return frame:preprocess(text)
-- Entry points for templates
function p.main(frame) return main(frame) end
-- Entry points for modules
function p.get(page, options) return get(page, options) end
function p.getText(page, noFollow) return getText(page, noFollow) end
function p.getLead(text) return getLead(text) end
function p.getSection(text, section) return getSection(text, section) end
function p.getSections(text, flags) return getSections(text, flags) end
function p.getParagraphs(text, flags) return getParagraphs(text, flags) end
function p.getParameters(text, flags) return getParameters(text, flags) end
function p.getCategories(text, flags) return getCategories(text, flags) end
function p.getReferences(text, flags) return getReferences(text, flags) end
function p.getTemplates(text, flags) return getTemplates(text, flags) end
function p.getTables(text, flags) return getTables(text, flags) end
function p.getLists(text, flags) return getLists(text, flags) end
function p.getFiles(text, flags) return getFiles(text, flags) end
function p.getError(message, value) return getError(message, value) end
-- Expose handy methods
function p.truthy(value) return truthy(value) end
function p.parseArgs(frame) return parseArgs(frame) end
function p.matchAny(text, pre, list, post, init) return matchAny(text, pre, list, post, init) end
function p.matchFlag(value, flags) return matchFlag(value, flags) end
function p.getNamespaces(name) return getNamespaces(name) end
function p.removeBold(text) return removeBold(text) end
function p.removeLinks(text) return removeLinks(text) end
function p.removeSelfLinks(text) return removeSelfLinks(text) end
function p.removeNonFreeFiles(text) return removeNonFreeFiles(text) end
function p.removeBehaviorSwitches(text) return removeBehaviorSwitches(text) end
function p.removeComments(text) return removeComments(text) end
return p