![]() | This is the module sandbox page for Module:TaxonItalics (diff). See also the companion subpage for test cases (run). |
Module:TaxonItalics (talk · · hist · links · doc · subpages · sandbox · testcases)
![]() | This Lua module is used on approximately 599,000 pages, or roughly 1% of all pages. To avoid major disruption and server load, any changes should be tested in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. The tested changes can be added to this page in a single edit. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
[edit]The module is primarily intended for use by the automated taxobox system. It supports the correct italicization of scientific names. Botanical (ICNafp) names may contain "connecting terms"; these must not be italicized. The hybrid symbol, ×, should also not be italicized. The module optionally wikilinks and abbreviates italicized names.
For non-virus taxa, italics are used at the rank of genus or below. The module does not decide whether a scientific name should be italicized. Use {{Is italic taxon}}
for this purpose.
[edit]- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME}} – italicizes a taxon name
- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME|linked=yes}} – italicizes a taxon name, wikilinking the italicized output to the unchanged input
- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME|abbreviated=yes}} – italicizes a taxon name, abbreviating all but the last part to the first letter
- {{#invoke:TaxonItalics|main|TAXON_NAME|dab=yes}} – italicizes a taxon name, treating any parenthesized part as a disambiguation term, and not italicizing it
The parameters can be combined. It can also be used via {{Taxon italics}}.
[edit]Just italicized
[edit]- Connecting terms
- Pinus subg. Pinus → Pinus subg. Pinus
- P. subgenus Pinus → P. subg. Pinus
- P. subsect. Pinaster → P. subsect. Pinaster
- Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala → Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala
- Aster ericoides var. ericoides → Aster ericoides var. ericoides
- A. ericoides varietas ericoides → A. ericoides var. ericoides
- A. e. subvar. ericoides → A. e. subvar. ericoides
Botanical names may contain only one infraspecific epithet; a string like "Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca f. semperflorens" is a classification, not a name, and is not handled by the module.
- Hybrid symbols
- Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → Elaeagnus × submacrophylla
- ×Beallara → ×Beallara
- × Beallara → × Beallara
- {{hybrid}}Beallara → ×Beallara
[edit]Using |linked=yes
- Populus sect. Aigeiros → Populus sect. Aigeiros
- Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → Elaeagnus × submacrophylla
[edit]Using |abbreviated=yes
- Populus sect. Aigeiros → P. sect. Aigeiros
- Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala → A. t. subsp. ginnala
- [also linked] × Sorbaronia fallax → × S. fallax
- [also linked] Elaeagnus × submacrophylla → E. × submacrophylla
- Elaeagnus ×submacrophylla → E. ×submacrophylla
- Elaeagnus {{hybrid}} submacrophylla → E. × submacrophylla
Disambiguation terms
[edit]By default, a parenthesized part of a taxon name is assumed to be a subgenus name, and is italicized:
- Varanus (Hapturosaurus) → Varanus (Hapturosaurus)
- Caia (plant) → Caia (plant) – wrong
To treat a parenthesized part as a disambiguation term, use |dab=yes
- Caia (plant) → Caia (plant)
- (also linked) Caia (plant) → Caia (plant)
For even more examples, see the testcases.
Italicize a taxon name appropriately by invoking italicizeTaxonName.
The algorithm used is:
* If the name has italic markup at the start or the end, do nothing.
* Else
* Remove (internal) italic markup.
* If the name is made up of four words and the third word is a
botanical connecting term, de-italicize the connecting term and add italic
markup to the outside of the name.
* Else if the name is made up of three words and the second word is a
botanical connecting term or a variant of "cf.", de-italicize the
connecting term and add italic markup to the outside of the name.
* Else just add italic markup to the outside of the name.
The module also:
* Ensures that the hybrid symbol, ×, and parentheses are not italicized, as
well as any string inside parentheses if dab is true.
* Has an option to abbreviate all parts of taxon names other than the last
to the first letter (e.g. "Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris" becomes
"P. s. var. sylvestris").
* Has an option to wikilink the italicized name to the input name.
local p = {}
local l = {} -- used to store purely local functions
--connecting terms in three part names (e.g. Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris)
local cTerms3 = {
subspecies = "subsp.",
["subsp."] = "subsp.",
subsp = "subsp.",
["ssp."] = "subsp.",
ssp = "subsp.",
varietas = "var.",
["var."] = "var.",
var = "var.",
subvarietas = "subvar.",
["subvar."] = "subvar.",
subvar = "subvar.",
forma = "f.",
["f."] = "f.",
f = "f.",
subforma = "subf.",
["subf."] = "subf.",
subf = "subf."
--connecting terms in two part names (e.g. Pinus sect. Pinus)
local cTerms2 = {
subgenus = "subg.",
["subgen."] = "subg.",
["subg."] = "subg.",
subg = "subg.",
supersection = "supersect.",
["supersect."] = "supersect.",
supersect = "supersect.",
section = "sect.",
["sect."] = "sect.",
sect = "sect.",
subsection = "subsect.",
["subsect."] = "subsect.",
subsect = "subsect.",
series = "ser.",
["ser."] = "ser.",
ser = "ser.",
subseries = "subser.",
["subser."] = "subser.",
subser = "subser.",
cf = "cf.",
["cf."] = "cf.",
["c.f."] = "cf."
Main function to italicize a taxon name appropriately. For the purpose of the
parameters, see p.italicizeTaxonName().
function p.main(frame)
local name = frame.args[1] or ''
local linked = frame.args['linked'] == 'yes'
local abbreviated = frame.args['abbreviated'] == 'yes'
local dab = frame.args['dab'] == 'yes'
return p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked, abbreviated, dab)
Utility local function to abbreviate an input string to its first character
followed by ".".
Both "×" and an HTML entity at the start of the string are skipped over in
determining first character, as is an opening parenthesis and an opening ",
which cause a matching closing character to be included.
function l.abbreviate(str)
local result = ""
local hasParentheses = false
local isQuoted = false
if mw.ustring.len(str) < 2 then
--single character strings are left unchanged
result = str
--skip over an opening parenthesis that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "(" then
hasParentheses = true
result = "("
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,2,mw.ustring.len(str))
elseif mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == '"' then
isQuoted = true
result = '"'
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,2,mw.ustring.len(str))
--skip over a hybrid symbol that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "×" then
result = "×"
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,2,mw.ustring.len(str))
--skip over an HTML entity that could be present at the start of the string
if mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) == "&" then
local i,dummy = mw.ustring.find(str,";",2,plain)
result = result .. mw.ustring.sub(str,1,i)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str,i+1,mw.ustring.len(str))
--if there's anything left, reduce it to its first character plus ".",
--adding the closing parenthesis or quote if required
if str ~= "" then
result = result .. mw.ustring.sub(str,1,1) .. "."
if hasParentheses then result = result .. ")"
elseif isQuoted then result = result .. '"'
return result
The function which does the italicization. Parameters:
name (string) – the taxon name to be processed
linked (boolean) – should a wikilink be generated?
abbreviated (boolean) – should the first parts of the taxon name be
reduced to capital letters?
dab (boolean) – should any parenthesized part be treated as a disambiguation
term and left unitalicized?
function p.italicizeTaxonName(name, linked, abbreviated, dab)
name = mw.text.trim(name)
-- if the name begins with '[', then assume formatting is present
if mw.ustring.sub(name,1,1) == '[' then return name end
-- otherwise begin by replacing any use of the HTML italic tags
-- by Wikimedia markup; replace any entity alternatives to the hybrid symbol
-- by the symbol itself; prevent the hybrid symbol being treated as
-- a 'word' by converting a following space to the HTML entity
local italMarker = "''"
name = string.gsub(mw.text.trim(name), "</?i>", italMarker)
name = string.gsub(string.gsub(name, "×", "×"), "×", "×")
name = string.gsub(name, "</?span.->", "") -- remove any span markup
name = string.gsub(name, "× ", "× ")
-- now italicize and abbreviate if required
local result = name
if name ~= '' then
if string.sub(name,1,2) == italMarker or string.sub(name,-2) == italMarker then
-- do nothing if the name already has italic markers at the start or end
name = string.gsub(name, italMarker, "") -- first remove any internal italics
local words = mw.text.split(name, " ", true)
if #words == 4 and cTerms3[words[3]] then
-- the third word of a four word name is a connecting term
-- ensure the connecting term isn't italicized
words[3] = '<span style="font-style:normal;">' .. cTerms3[words[3]] .. '</span>'
if abbreviated then
words[1] = l.abbreviate(words[1])
words[2] = l.abbreviate(words[2])
result = words[1] .. " " .. words[2] .. " " .. words[3] .. " " .. words[4]
elseif #words == 3 and cTerms2[words[2]] then
-- the second word of a three word name is a connecting term
-- ensure the connecting term isn't italicized
words[2] = '<span style="font-style:normal;">' .. cTerms2[words[2]] .. '</span>'
if abbreviated then
words[1] = l.abbreviate(words[1])
result = words[1] .. " " .. words[2] .. " " .. words[3]
elseif abbreviated then -- not a name as above; only deal with abbreviation
if #words > 1 then
result = l.abbreviate(words[1])
for i = 2, #words-1, 1 do
result = result .. " " .. l.abbreviate(words[i])
result = result .. " " .. words[#words]
result = name
-- deal with any hybrid symbol as it should not be italicized
result = string.gsub(result, "×", '<span style="font-style:normal;">×</span>')
-- deal with any parentheses as they should not be italicized
if dab then
result = string.gsub(string.gsub(result,"%(",'<span style="font-style:normal;">('),"%)",')</span>')
result = string.gsub(string.gsub(result,"%(",'<span style="font-style:normal;">(</span>'),"%)",'<span style="font-style:normal;">)</span>')
-- any question marks surrounded by spans can have the spans joined
result = string.gsub(result,'</span>%?<span style="font%-style:normal;">','?')
-- add outside markup
if linked then
if result ~= name then
result = "[[" .. name .. "|" .. italMarker .. result .. italMarker .. "]]"
result = italMarker .. "[[" .. name .. "]]" .. italMarker
result = italMarker .. result .. italMarker
return result
Utility function used by other modules to check if a connecting term is
present in a name. The value of name is assumed to be plain text.
function p.hasCT(frame)
return p.hasConnectingTerm(frame.args[1] or '')
function p.hasConnectingTerm(name)
local words = mw.text.split(name, " ", true)
return (#words == 4 and cTerms3[words[3]])
or (#words == 3 and cTerms2[words[2]])
return p