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Module:Political party/Q

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-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {
	["Qulleq"] = "Qulleq (political party)",
	["QWP"] = "Qaumi Watan Party",

local full = {
	["Qaransoor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#39B9EB", shortname = "",},
	["Qaumi Watan Party"] = {abbrev = "QWP", color = "#b30029", shortname = "",},
	["Quami Ekta Dal"] = {abbrev = "QED", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Queensland Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#39B54A", shortname = "Greens",},
	["Queensland Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008080", shortname = "Queensland Labor",},
	["Queremos Puerto"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#99BE19", shortname = "",},
	["Quintuple Coalition"] = {abbrev = "QC", color = "white", shortname = "",},
	["Quisqueyano Christian Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "PQDC", color = "#FEDB1D", shortname = "",},
	["Qurultai-Rukh"] = {abbrev = "", color = "	#0091D5", shortname = "",},
	["Qulleq (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F7F17F", shortname = "Qulleq",},

return {
	full = full,
	alternate = alternate,