![]() | This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be relatively bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other Wikipedia resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing. |
![]() | This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
local p = {}
function p.main( frame )
local args
if frame:getParent().args[ 1 ] then args = frame:getParent().args else args = frame.args end
local input = ""
local divider = "|"
local o = "<table class=\"wikitable sortable\"style=\"border-style:none none none none\"><tr><th colspan=3>Short title<th style=\"min-width:200px;\">Citation<th class=unsortable>[[Royal assent]]<tr class=expand-child><th colspan=5>Long title<tr class=expand-child><th colspan=5 style=\"background:#fff;border-style:none none none none\"><div style=min-height:0.25em></div>"
local h = {}
for i = 1, 2 do
h[ i ] = mw.ustring.char( i + 57343 )
for i, _ in pairs( args ) do
input = args[ i ]
if mw.ustring.find( input, "{{|" ) and mw.ustring.find( input, "}}" ) then
input = mw.ustring.gsub( input, "%[%[(.*)|(.*)%]%]", "%[%[%1" .. h[ 1 ] .. "%2%]%]" )
input = mw.ustring.gsub( input, "style=", h[ 2 ] )
local leg = {}
local s = ""
local c = 1
local par
input = mw.ustring.sub( input, mw.ustring.find( input, "|" ) + 1)
while input ~= "" do
if mw.ustring.find( input, "|" ) then divider = "|" else divider = "}" end
s = mw.ustring.sub( input, 1, mw.ustring.find( input, divider ) - 1)
if mw.ustring.find( s, "=" ) then
par = mw.ustring.sub( s, 1, mw.ustring.find( s, "=" ) - 1)
leg[ par ] = mw.ustring.sub( s, mw.ustring.find( s, "=" ) + 1)
par = c
leg[ c ] = mw.ustring.sub( input, 1, mw.ustring.find( input, divider ) - 1)
c = c + 1
leg[ par ] = mw.ustring.gsub( leg[ par ], "%[%[(.*)" .. h[ 1 ] .. "(.*)%]%]", "%[%[%1|%2%]%]")
leg[ par ] = mw.ustring.gsub( leg[ par ], h[ 2 ], "style=")
if divider == "|" then input = mw.ustring.sub( input, mw.ustring.find( input, "|" ) + 1) else input = "" end
o = o .. p.act( leg )
o = o .. "</table>" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "notelist" }
return o
function p.act( args )
local data = mw.loadData( "Module:Legislationuk/data" )
local legShortTitle = args[ 1 ] or ""
local link = args[ "link" ] or ""
local legNote1 = args[ "note1" ] or ""
local cyShortTitle = args[ "cyshort" ] or ""
local legType = args[ 2 ] or ""
local legNumber = args[ 3 ] or ""
local legNote2 = args[ "note2" ] or ""
local legDate = args[ 4 ] or ""
local legNote3 = args[ "note3" ] or ""
local maintained = args[ "maintained" ] or ""
local archived = args[ "archived" ] or ""
local repealed = args[ "repealed" ] or ""
local legLongTitle = args[ 5 ] or ""
local legNote4 = args[ "note4" ] or ""
local cyLongTitle = args[ "cylong" ] or ""
local url = args[ "url" ] or ""
legDate = os.time {day = tonumber( mw.ustring.sub( legDate, 1, 2 ) ), month = tonumber( mw.ustring.sub( legDate, 4, 5 ) ), year = tonumber( mw.ustring.sub( legDate, 7 ) ) }
local o = "<tr><td colspan=3 style=background:#"
if repealed == "y" then o = o .. "f2cece;border-color:#bfa3a3" else o = o .. "ececec" end
o = o .. " data-sort-value=\""
if mw.ustring.find( legShortTitle, "%(No%..*%d+%)" ) then
o = o .. mw.ustring.gsub( legShortTitle, "(.*)%(No%..*(%d+)%) (.*)", "%1%3% %2" )
o = o .. legShortTitle .. " 1\""
o = o .. "><div style=display:flex;align-items:center;width:42em;max-width:51vw class=box><div style=flex-grow:9>\'\'\'[["
if link ~= "" then o = o .. link .. "|" end
o = o .. legShortTitle .. "]]\'\'\'" .. legNote1
if repealed == "y" then o = o .. " (repealed)" end
if cyShortTitle ~= "" then o = o .. "<br><span style=font-size:0.975em;font-weight:700;font-style:italic>" .. cyShortTitle .. "</span>" end
o = o .. "</div><div style=float:right;min-width:"
if maintained == "y" and archived ~= "n" then o = o .. "4.5" else o = o .. "2.25" end
o = o .. "em;max-width:"
if maintained == "y" and archived ~= "n" then o = o .. "4.5" else o = o .. "2.25" end
o = o .. "em>"
if maintained == "y" then
local lt = { [ "public" ] = "ukpga", [ "local" ] = "ukla", [ "private" ] = "ukppa", [ "asp" ] = "asp", [ "asc" ] = "asc", [ "anaw" ] = "anaw", [ "nawm" ] = "mwa", [ "ania" ] = "nia", ["apni"] = "apni", [ "mnia" ] = "mnia", [ "church" ] = "ukcm" }
if lt[ legType ] and legDate and legNumber then
local url = "" .. lt[ legType ] .. "/" .. "%Y", legDate ) .. "/" .. legNumber .. "/contents"
o = o .. "[[ External.svg|29x14px|link=" .. url .. "|Act text]]"
local s
if maintained == "y" and archived ~= "n" then o = o .. "<wbr>" end
if archived ~= "n" then
if legType == "nawm" or legType == "anaw" or legType == "asc" then
o = o .. "[[File:Library External.svg|26x17px|link=" .. url .. "|Act text]]"
local lt = { [ "public" ] = "PU", [ "local" ] = "PB", [ "personal" ] = "PB", [ "private" ] = "PB", [ "apni" ] = "APNI"}
if legDate < os.time {day=1, month=1, year=1963} or (legType == "apni" and legDate < os.time {day=1, month=1, year=1943} ) then
for _, t in ipairs( data ) do
if legDate >= and legDate <= then
s = t.archive
local lt2 = { [ "public" ] = legNumber, [ "local" ] = p.roman { legNumber }, [ "personal" ] = legNumber, [ "private" ] = legNumber, [ "asp" ] = legNumber, [ "asc" ] = legNumber, [ "anaw" ] = legNumber, [ "nawm" ] = legNumber, [ "ania" ] = legNumber, [ "apni" ] = legNumber, [ "mnia" ] = legNumber, [ "church" ] = legNumber }
url = "" .. lt[ legType ] .. "_1_" .. "%Y", legDate ) .. "_" .. (s or "") .. "c" .. lt2[ legType ]
o = o .. "[[File:Parliamentary Archives External.svg|27x19px|link=" .. url .. "|Information in the Parliamentary Archives]]"
o = o .. "</div></div><td "
if repealed == "y" then o = o .. "style=background:#fff5f5;border-color:#bfa3a3 " end
o = o .. "data-sort-value="
if legType == "apni" and legDate >= os.time{ day = 1, month = 1, year = 1947 } then
o = o .. os.time{ day = 1, month = 1, year = tonumber ( "%Y", legDate ) ) } + legNumber
elseif legDate >= os.time{ day = 1, month = 1, year = 1963 } then
o = o .. os.time{ day = 1, month = 1, year = tonumber ( "%Y", legDate ) ) } + legNumber
for _, t in ipairs( data ) do
if tonumber( legDate ) >= tonumber( ) and tonumber( legDate ) <= tonumber( ) then
o = o .. tonumber( ) + legNumber
o = o .. "><div style=width:10em;max-width:18vw><span class=nowrap>"
if legDate < os.time {day=1, month=1, year=1963} or (legType == "apni" and legDate < os.time{ day = 1, month = 1, year = 1947 }) then
for _, t in ipairs( data ) do
if tonumber( legDate ) >= tonumber( ) and tonumber( legDate ) <= tonumber( ) then
o = o .. t.citation
o = o .. "%Y", legDate )
local lt = { [ "public" ] = "c. " .. legNumber, [ "local" ] = "c. " .. p.roman { legNumber }, [ "personal" ] = "c. \'\'" .. legNumber .. "\'\'", [ "private" ] = "c. \'\'" .. legNumber .. "\'\' <small>Pr.</small>", [ "asp" ] = "asp " .. legNumber, [ "asc" ] = "asc " .. legNumber .. "<br>\'\'" .. "%Y", legDate ) .. " dsc " .. legNumber .. "\'\'", [ "anaw" ] = "anaw " .. legNumber .. "<br>\'\'" .. "%Y", legDate ) .. " dccc " .. legNumber .. "\'\'", [ "nawm" ] = "nawm " .. legNumber .. "<br>\'\'" .. "%Y", legDate ) .. " mccc " .. legNumber .. "\'\'", [ "ania" ] = "c. " .. legNumber .. " (N.I.)", [ "apni" ] = "c. " .. legNumber .." (N.I.)", [ "mnia" ] = "c. " .. legNumber .. " (N.I.)", [ "church" ] = "No. " .. legNumber }
o = o .. " " .. lt[ legType ] .. legNote2 .. "</span></div><td"
if repealed == "y" then o = o .. " style=background:#fff5f5;border-color:#bfa3a3" end
o = o .. "><div style=width:9em;max-width:18vw>" .."*t", legDate).day .. " " .."%B %Y", legDate ) .. legNote3 .. "</div><tr class=expand-child><td colspan=5"
if repealed == "y" then o = o .. " style=background:#fff5f5;border-color:#bfa3a3" end
o = o .. "><div style=max-width:fit-content"
if cyLongTitle ~= "" then
o = o .. " class=box><div style=display:inline-block;padding-right:1%;max-width:49%;vertical-align:top"
o = o .. ";max-height:9em;overflow:auto>"
if legLongTitle ~= "" then o = o .. legLongTitle .. legNote4 else o = o .. " " end
o = o .. "</div>"
if cyLongTitle ~= "" then
o = o .. "<div style=display:inline-block;float:right;padding-left:1%;max-width:49%;vertical-align:top;max-height:9em;overflow:auto;font-style:italic>" .. cyLongTitle .. "</div></div>"
local c = 1
local n = 0
local po = args[ "po1" ]
while po do
local poIsShortTitle = args[ "po" .. c .. "short" ]
local poNote1 = args[ "po" .. c .. "note1" ] or ""
local poYearOffset = args[ "po" .. c .. "year" ] or ""
local poIsLongTitle = args[ "po" .. c .. "long" ]
local poLongTitle
if poIsLongTitle == "n" then
poLongTitle = ""
n = n + 1
poLongTitle = args[ c + 5 - n ]
local poNote2 = args[ "po" .. c .. "note2" ] or ""
o = o .. p.po{po, poIsShortTitle, poNote1, poLongTitle, poNote2, poYearOffset, legDate }
c = c + 1
po = args[ "po" .. c ]
o = o .. "<tr class=expand-child><td colspan=5 style=\"border-style:none none none none;background:#fff\"><div style=min-height:.25em></div>"
return o
function p.po( args )
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local o = "<tr class=expand-child><td style=\"background:#fff;width:1em;border-style:none solid none none\"> <td style=background:#f5fdff;max-width:61em colspan=4><div"
if args[ 2 ] ~= "n" then
o = o .. ">\'\'\'[[" .. args[ 1 ] .. "]]\'\'\'" .. (args[ 3 ] or '')
if args[ 6 ] == "y" then
o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "Although passed in " .."%Y", args[ 7 ]) .. ", the short title is specified as the " .. args[ 1 ] .. ".", { name = mw.hash.hashValue( "crc32b", args[ 1 ] ), group = "lower-alpha" } )
if args[ 4 ] and args[ 4 ] ~= "" then
return o .. "<div style=max-height:7em;overflow:auto>" .. args[ 4 ] .. (args[ 5 ] or '')
return o
o = o .. " style=max-height:8.25em;overflow:auto>" .. (args[ 1 ] or '') .. (args[ 3 ] or '')
return o
function p.ordinal( args )
local ordinal, digit = {"st", "nd", "rd"}, mw.ustring.sub( args, -1 )
if tonumber( digit ) > 0 and tonumber( digit ) <= 3 and mw.ustring.sub( args, -2 ) ~= 11 and mw.ustring.sub( args, -2 ) ~= 12 and mw.ustring.sub( args, -2 ) ~= 13 then
return args .. ordinal[ tonumber( digit ) ]
return args .. "th"
function p.roman( args )
local inputRoman = tonumber( args[ 1 ] )
if inputRoman < 400 then
inputRoman = tostring( inputRoman )
return mw.ustring.lower( require("Module:Roman").main{ inputRoman } )
elseif inputRoman == 400 then
return "cccc"
elseif inputRoman < 500 then
inputRoman = inputRoman - 400
inputRoman = tostring( inputRoman )
return "cccc" .. mw.ustring.lower( require("Module:Roman").main{ inputRoman } )
return ""
function p.header( frame )
local data = mw.loadData( "Module:Legislationuk/data" )
local pargs = frame:getParent().args
local args = frame.args
local inputType = pargs[ 1 ] or args[ 1 ] or ""
local inputState = pargs[ "state" ] or args[ "state" ] or ""
local inputNumber = tonumber( pargs[ 2 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 2 ] ) or ""
local inputSession = pargs[ "session" ] or args[ "session" ] or ""
local actsPublic = tonumber( pargs[ 3 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 3 ] ) or 0
local actsLocal = tonumber( pargs[ 4 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 4 ] ) or 0
local actsPrivate = tonumber( pargs[ 5 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 5 ] ) or 0
local currentSession = ""
local o = ""
if inputState == "scotland" or inputState == "wales" or inputState == "northern ireland" then
inputType = "year"
inputNumber = tonumber( pargs[ 1 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 1 ] ) or 0
actsPublic = tonumber( pargs[ 2 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 2 ] ) or 0
actsLocal = tonumber( pargs[ 3 ] ) or tonumber( args[ 3 ] ) or 0
local acts = actsPublic + actsLocal + actsPrivate
if inputState == "scotland" then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the Scottish Parliament, " .. inputNumber .."}}" )
elseif inputState == "wales" then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the Welsh Parliament, " .. inputNumber .."}}" )
elseif inputState == "northern ireland" then
if inputNumber >= 2000 then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, " .. inputNumber .."}}" )
elseif inputNumber <= 1972 then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, " .. inputNumber .."}}" )
elseif inputType == "year" then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, " .. inputNumber .."}}" )
elseif inputSession == "only" then
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the " .. p.ordinal( inputNumber ) .. " Parliament of the United Kingdom}}" )
o = o .. frame:preprocess( "{{DEFAULTSORT:List of acts of the " .. p.ordinal( inputNumber ) .. " Parliament of the United Kingdom, " .. p.ordinal( inputSession ) .. " Session}}" )
o = o .. "" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Use British English", args = { date = "July 2021" } } .. "" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Use dmy dates", args = { date = "July 2021" } } .. "" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Short description", args = { "None" } } .. " "
if inputState == "UK" or inputState == "" then
o = o .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "UK acts of Parliament lists", args = { "years" } }
o = o .. "This is a '''list of "
if inputState == "scotland" then
o = o .. "acts of the Scottish Parliament "
elseif inputState == "wales" then
if inputNumber >= 2021 then
o = o .. "acts of Senedd Cymru "
elseif inputNumber == 2020 then
o = o .. "acts of the National Assembly for Wales and acts of Senedd Cymru"
elseif inputNumber <= 2020 and inputNumber >= 2012 then
o = o .. "acts of the National Assembly for Wales "
o = o .. "measures of the National Assembly for Wales "
elseif inputState == "northern ireland" then
if inputNumber >= 2000 then
o = o .. "acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly "
elseif inputNumber <= 1972 then
o = o .. "acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland "
o = o .. "acts of the "
if inputType == "parliament" and inputSession == "only" then o = o .. p.ordinal( inputNumber ) .. " " elseif inputType == "parliament" then o = o .. p.ordinal( inputSession ) .. " [[Legislative session|session]] of the " .. p.ordinal( inputNumber ) .. " " end
o = o .. "Parliament of the United Kingdom"
if inputType == "year" then
o = o .. " passed in " .. inputNumber .. "'''."
o = o .. "''', which "
for _, t in ipairs( data ) do
if t.session
and tonumber( inputNumber ) == tonumber( t.session.parliament )
and ( tonumber( inputSession ) == tonumber( t.session.number )
or ( inputSession == "only" and tonumber( t.session.number ) == 1 ) )
if t.eDate == "current" then
if inputSession == "only" then o = o .. "has so far consisted of a single session that " end
o = o .. "began on " .. "*t", ).day .. " " .."%B %Y", )
if ~= "LG" then o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.sDate.citation ) .. "." ) else o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.sDate.citation ) ) end
o = o .. " and has not yet concluded."
currentSession = "y"
if inputSession == "only" then o = o .. "consisted of a single session that " end
o = o .. "ran from " .. "*t", ).day .. " " .."%B %Y", )
if ~= "LG" then o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.sDate.citation ) .. "." ) else o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.sDate.citation ) ) end
o = o .. " until " .. "*t", ).day .. " " .."%B %Y", ) .. "."
if ~= "LG" then o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.eDate.citation ) .. "." ) else o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", p.citation( t.eDate.citation ) ) end
if inputState == "scotland" then
o = o .. " [[Act of the Scottish Parliament|Acts of the Scottish Parliament]] are enacted by the [[Scottish Parliament]], which has legislative authority over [[Devolution in the United Kingdom|devolved]] matters in relation to [[Scotland]] under the authority of the [[Scotland Act 1998]]." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Scotland Act 1998|page=1998 c. 46, s. 28 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
elseif inputState == "wales" then
if inputNumber >= 2020 then
o = o .. " [[Act of Senedd Cymru|Acts of Senedd Cymru]] are enacted by [[Senedd Cymru]] (the Welsh Parliament; or simply the Senedd), which has"
elseif inputNumber >= 2012 then
o = o .. " [[Act of the National Assembly for Wales|Acts of the National Assembly for Wales]] are [[Act of Senedd Cymru|acts of Senedd Cymru]] enacted by [[Senedd Cymru]] (the Welsh Parliament; or simply the Senedd) under its former name of the National Assembly for Wales." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020|page=2020 anaw 1, s. 2 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " It has"
o = o .. " [[Measure of the National Assembly for Wales|Measures of the National Assembly for Wales]] were enacted by [[Senedd Cymru]] (the Welsh Parliament; or simply the Senedd) under its former name of the National Assembly for Wales," .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020|page=2020 anaw 1, s. 2 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " as part of its"
o = o .. " legislative authority over [[Devolution in the United Kingdom|devolved]] matters in relation to [[Wales]] under the authority of the [[Government of Wales Act 2006]]."
if inputNumber >= 2012 then
o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, s. 107 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
if inputNumber == 2020 then
o = o .. " Before 6 May 2020, the Senedd was known as the National Assembly for Wales," .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020|page=2020 anaw 1, s. 2 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " and acts passed before that date are accordingly known as [[Act of the National Assembly for Wales|acts of the National Assembly for Wales]]."
o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, s. 93 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " It has no longer been possible for the Senedd to pass measures since 5 May 2011, when it was conferred with the power to pass [[acts of Senedd Cymru]] (then known as acts of the National Assembly for Wales) following [[2011 Welsh devolution referendum|a referendum]]"
if inputNumber == 2011 then o = o .. "," else o = o .. "." end
o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, ss. 106 & 107 |no-pp=yes|url=}}; {{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006 (Commencement of Assembly Act Provisions, Transitional and Saving Provisions and Modifications) Order 2011|page=S.I. 2011/1011 (W. 150) (C. 42), arts. 2 & 3 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
if inputNumber == 2011 then
o = o .. " although a minor exemption was granted to any proposed measures which had been passed by the National Assembly but not yet given [[royal assent]] at that date." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, s. 106A |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
elseif inputState == "northern ireland" then
if inputNumber >= 2000 then
o = o .. " [[Act of the Northern Ireland Assembly|Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly]] are enacted by the [[Northern Ireland Assembly]], which has legislative authority over [[Devolution in the United Kingdom|devolved]] matters in relation to [[Northern Ireland]] under the authority of the [[Northern Ireland Act 1998]]." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Northern Ireland Act 1998|page=1998 c. 47, s. 5 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
elseif inputNumber <= 1972 then
o = o .. " [[Act of the Parliament of Northern Ireland|Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland]] are enacted by the [[Parliament of Northern Ireland]], which has legislative authority over [[Devolution in the United Kingdom|devolved]] matters in relation to [[Northern Ireland]] under the authority of the [[Government of Ireland Act 1920]]." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Ireland Act 1920|page=10 & 11 Geo. 5. c. 67, s. 1 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
if inputType == "year" then inputNumber = tonumber( inputNumber ) end
o = o .. "\n__TOC__\n"
if inputState == "wales" then
o = o .. "All legislation passed by the Senedd is [[Multilingualism|bilingual]], with the [[English language|English]] and [[Welsh language|Welsh]] texts being equally authoritative."
if inputNumber <= 2020 then o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, s. 156(1) |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) end
if inputNumber >= 2020 then o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Legislation (Wales) Act 2019|page=2019 anaw 4, s. 5 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) end
o = o .. "\n"
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber <= 2011 then
o = o .. "Measures "
o = o .. "[[Act of Parliament (UK)|Acts]] "
if inputState == "scotland" or inputState == "wales" or ( inputState == "northern ireland" and inputNumber >= 1943) then
o = o .. "are [[Citation of United Kingdom legislation|cited]] by calendar year, in the same fashion as [[Act of Parliament (UK)|acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom]]."
if ( inputType == "year" and inputNumber >= 1963 ) or ( inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) >= 43 ) or ( inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) == 42 and tonumber( inputSession ) >= 4 ) then
o = o .. "passed since 1963 are [[Citation of United Kingdom legislation|cited]] by calendar year," .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Acts of Parliament Numbering and Citation Act 1962|page=10 & 11 Eliz. 2. c. 34, s. 1 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
if inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) == 42 and tonumber( inputSession ) == 4 then
o = o .. " while the convention used for earlier acts is to cite"
o = o .. " as opposed to the convention used for earlier acts of citing"
o = o .. " the [[Regnal years of English monarchs|regnal year(s)]] in which the relevant "
if inputType == "year" then
o = o .. "[[Legislative session|parliamentary session]]"
o = o .. "parliamentary session"
o = o .. " was held." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|author1=Law Commission|author2=Scottish Law Commission|title=Report on the Interpretation Act 1889 and certain other enactments relating to the construction and operation of Acts of Parliament and other instruments|page=(Cmnd. 7235; Law Com. No. 90; Scot Law Com. No. 53, 1978) para. 7A |no-pp=yes|url=}}; cf. {{citation|title=An Act for shortening the Language used in Acts of Parliament|page=13 & 14 Vict. c. 21, s. 3 (now rep.) |no-pp=yes|url=}} and the {{citation|title=Interpretation Act 1889|page=52 & 53 Vict. c. 63, s. 35(1) (now rep.) |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
o = o .. "passed before 1963 are [[Citation of United Kingdom legislation|cited]] by the [[Regnal years of English monarchs|regnal year(s)]] in which the relevant "
if inputType == "year" then
o = o .. "[[Legislative session|parliamentary session]]"
o = o .. "parliamentary session"
o = o .. " was held," .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|author1=Law Commission|author2=Scottish Law Commission|title=Report on the Interpretation Act 1889 and certain other enactments relating to the construction and operation of Acts of Parliament and other instruments|page=(Cmnd. 7235; Law Com. No. 90; Scot Law Com. No. 53, 1978) para. 7A |no-pp=yes|url=}}; cf. {{citation|title=An Act for shortening the Language used in Acts of Parliament|page=13 & 14 Vict. c. 21, s. 3 (now rep.) |no-pp=yes|url=}} and the {{citation|title=Interpretation Act 1889|page=52 & 53 Vict. c. 63, s. 35(1) (now rep.) |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " as opposed to the convention used for later acts of citing the calendar year." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Acts of Parliament Numbering and Citation Act 1962|page=10 & 11 Eliz. 2. c. 34, s. 1 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
o = o .. " Each "
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber <= 2011 then
o = o .. "measure"
o = o .. "act"
o = o .. " passed in a respective "
if ( inputType == "year" and inputNumber >= 1963 ) or ( inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) >= 43 ) or ( inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) == 42 and tonumber( inputSession ) == 5 ) then
o = o .. "year"
elseif inputType == "parliament" and tonumber( inputNumber ) == 42 and tonumber( inputSession ) == 4 then
o = o .. "session or year"
o = o .. "session"
o = o .. " is "
if inputState == "scotland" then
o = o .. "numbered consecutively with [[Arabic numerals]], following the prefix \"asp\"." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010|page=2010 asp 10, ss. 9 & 38 |no-pp=yes|url=}}; formerly the {{citation|title=Scotland Act 1998 (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) (Publication and Interpretation etc. of Acts of the Scottish Parliament) Order 1999|page=S.I. 1999/1379, art. 5(2) (rev. by art. 8 & s. 55(1) of the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010) |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
elseif inputState == "wales" then
o = o .. "numbered consecutively with [[Arabic numerals]], following the prefix \""
if inputNumber >= 2021 then o = o .. "asc\"" elseif inputNumber == 2020 then o = o .. "anaw\" or \"asc\" respectively" elseif inputNumber <= 2020 and inputNumber >= 2012 then o = o .. "anaw\"" else
o = o .. "nawm\"" end
o = o .. " (or, in Welsh, \""
if inputNumber >= 2021 then o = o .. "dsc" elseif inputNumber == 2020 then o = o .. "dccc\" or \"dsc" elseif inputNumber <= 2020 and inputNumber >= 2012 then o = o .. "dccc" else
o = o .. "mccc" end
o = o .. "\")."
o = o .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Government of Wales Act 2006|page=2006 c. 32, s. 115 |no-pp=yes|url=}}; {{citation|title=Interpretation Act 1978|page=1978 c. 30, ss. 19(1), 23B & 23C(1) |no-pp=yes|url=}}; {{citation|title=Legislation (Wales) Act 2019|page=2019 anaw 4, s. 22 |no-pp=yes|url=}}." )
elseif inputState == "northern ireland" then
if inputNumber >= 1943 then
o = o .. "given a chapter number (abbreviated \"c.\") denoted by [[Arabic numerals]]," .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954|page=1954 c. 33 (N.I.), ss. 1(a) & 47(1) |no-pp=yes|url=}}; {{citation|title=Interpretation Act 1978|page=1978 c. 30, ss. 19(1) & 24(1) |no-pp=yes|url=}}." ) .. " and citations are usually followed by the suffix \"(N.I.)\" so as to prevent confusion with acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom."
o = o .. "passed before 1943 are [[Citation of United Kingdom legislation|cited]] by the [[Regnal years of English monarchs|regnal year(s)]] in which the relevant [[Legislative session|parliamentary session]]"
o = o .. "given a chapter number (abbreviated \"c.\"), denoted by [[Arabic numerals]] in the case of [[Act of Parliament (UK)#Public general acts|public general acts]], lowercase [[Roman numerals]] in the case of [[Local and personal Acts of Parliament (United Kingdom)#Local acts|local acts]], or [[Italic type|italicised]] Arabic numerals in the case of [[Local and personal Acts of Parliament (United Kingdom)#Personal acts|personal acts]]. These run as separate series." .. frame:extensionTag( "ref", "{{citation|title=Erskine May|page=para. 30.75 |no-pp=yes|url=|access-date=9 September 2021|archive-url=|archive-date=9 September 2021}}." )
o = o .. "\n\n"
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber == 2020 then
o = o .. actsPublic .. " acts of the National Assembly for Wales and " .. actsLocal .. " acts of Senedd Cymru "
o = o .. actsPublic + actsLocal + actsPrivate
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber <= 2011 then
o = o .. " measure"
o = o .. " act"
if acts > 1 then o = o .. "s" end
if inputState == "scotland" then
o = o .. " of the Scottish Parliament "
elseif inputState == "wales" then
if inputNumber >= 2021 then
o = o .. " of Senedd Cymru "
o = o .. " of the National Assembly for Wales "
elseif inputState == "northern ireland" then
if inputNumber >= 1973 then
o = o .. " of the Northern Ireland Assembly "
o = o .. " of the Parliament of Northern Ireland "
o = o .. " of Parliament "
if inputNumber == tonumber ( "%Y", os.time() ) ) or currentSession == "y" then
if acts == 1 then
o = o .. "has"
o = o .. "have"
o = o .. " so far been"
if acts == 1 then
o = o .. "was"
o = o .. "were"
o = o .. " passed "
if inputType == "year" then
o = o .. "in " .. inputNumber
o = o .. "by the " .. p.ordinal( inputNumber ) .. " Parliament in its "
if inputSession == "only" then
o = o .. "only"
o = o .. p.ordinal( inputSession )
o = o .. " session"
local actsPublicString = ""
local actsLocalString = ""
local actsPrivateString = ""
if inputState == "scotland" or inputState == "wales" or ( inputState == "northern ireland" and inputNumber >= 2000) then
o = o .. "."
if actsPublic > 1 then actsPublicString = actsPublic .. " public general acts" else actsPublicString = actsPublic .. " public general act" end
if actsLocal > 1 then actsLocalString = actsLocal .. " local acts" else actsLocalString = actsLocal .. " local act" end
if actsPrivate > 1 then actsPrivateString = actsPrivate .. " personal acts" else actsPrivateString = actsPrivate .. " personal act" end
if actsPublic > 0 and actsLocal > 0 and actsPrivate > 0 then
o = o .. ": " .. actsPublicString .. ", " .. actsLocalString .. " and " .. actsPrivateString .. "."
elseif actsPublic > 0 and actsLocal > 0 and actsPrivate == 0 then
o = o .. ": " .. actsPublicString .. " and " .. actsLocalString .. "."
elseif actsPublic > 0 and actsLocal == 0 and actsPrivate > 0 then
o = o .. ": " .. actsPublicString .. " and " .. actsPrivateString .. "."
elseif actsPublic == 0 and actsLocal > 0 and actsPrivate > 0 then
o = o .. ": " .. actsLocalString .. " and " .. actsPrivateString .. "."
elseif actsPublic > 0 and actsLocal == 0 and actsPrivate == 0 then
if actsPublic == 1 then
o = o .. ": a public general act."
if actsPublic == 2 then o = o .. "; both " else o = o .. "; all " end
if inputNumber == tonumber( "%Y", os.time() ) ) or currentSession == "y" then o = o .. "are" else o = o .. "were" end
o = o .. " public general acts."
elseif actsPublic == 0 and actsLocal > 0 and actsPrivate == 0 then
if actsLocal == 1 then
o = o .. ": a local act."
if actsLocal == 2 then o = o .. "; both " else o = o .. "; all " end
if inputNumber == tonumber( "%Y", os.time() ) ) or currentSession == "y" then o = o .. "are" else o = o .. "were" end
o = o .. " local acts."
elseif actsPublic == 0 and actsLocal == 0 and actsPrivate > 0 then
if actsPrivate == 1 then
o = o .. ": a personal act."
if actsPrivate == 2 then o = o .. "; both " else o = o .. "; all " end
if inputNumber == tonumber ( "%Y", os.time() ) ) or currentSession == "y" then o = o .. "are" else o = o .. "were" end
o = o .. " personal acts."
o = o .. "\n\n[[File:Cib-gov-uk_(CoreUI_Icons_v1.0.0).svg|18x18px|link=]] indicates that a"
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber < 2012 then
o = o .. " measure"
o = o .. "n act"
o = o .." is available to view at [[]], and "
if inputState == "wales" then
o = o .. "[[File:Book (CoreUI Icons v1.0.0).svg|18x18px|link=]]"
o = o .. "[[File:Crowned_Portcullis.svg|18x18px|link=]]"
o = o .. " indicates the location of the original "
if inputState == "wales" and inputNumber < 2012 then
o = o .. "measure"
o = o .. "act"
o = o .. " in the "
if inputState == "wales" then
o = o .. "[[National Library of Wales]]."
o = o .. "[[Parliamentary Archives]]."
return o
function p.citation( frame )
local t = frame or ""
local o = "{{"
if t[ "work" ] == "JHC" then
o = o .. "citation|author=House of Commons|title=Journals of the House of Commons|volume="
if t.part then o = o .. "\'\'\'" .. t.vol .. " pt. " .. require("Module:Roman").main{ t.part } .. "\'\'\'" else o = o .. t.vol end
o = o .. "|page"
if mw.ustring.find(, "–" ) then o = o .. "s" end
o = o .. "="
if == "before 1" then o = o .. "before p. 1|no-pp=yes" else o = o .. end
o = o .. "}}"
elseif t[ "work" ] == "JHL" then
o = o .. "citation|author=House of Lords|title=Journals of the House of Lords|volume="
if t.part ~= "" then o = o .. "\'\'\'" .. t.vol .. " pt. " .. require("Module:Roman").main{ t.part } .. "\'\'\'" else o = o .. t.vol end
o = o .. "|page"
if mw.ustring.find(, "–" ) then o = o .. "s" end
o = o .. "="
if == "before 1" then o = o .. "before p. 1|no-pp=yes" else o = o .. end
o = o .. "}}"
elseif t[ "work" ] == "Hansard" then
o = o .. "citation|author=Parliament of the United Kingdom|title=Hansard|series=" .. t.series .. "|volume=" .. t.vol
o = o .. "|page=col"
if mw.ustring.find( t.col, "–" ) then o = o .. "s" end
o = o .. ". " .. t.col .. "|no-pp=yes}}"
elseif t[ "work" ] == "LG" then
o = o .. "London Gazette|issue=" .. t.issue
if t.supplement ~= "" then o = o .. "|supp=" .. t.supplement end
o = o .. "|page"
if mw.ustring.find(, "–" ) then o = o .. "s" end
o = o .. "=" ..
o = o .. "|date=" .. "*t", ).day .. " " .."%B %Y", ) .. "}}"
return o
return p