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Members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (H)

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The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Dutch: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, abbreviated: KNAW) is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

List of members (H)

Name Type Division Date of election Notes Ref.
Arie Jan Haagen Smit [1]
Pieter de Haan [2]
W. de Haan [3]
F. de Haan [4]
C.A.M. Haanen [5]
M. de Haan Hettema [6]
Johannes Haantjes [7]
Dirk ter Haar [8]
Barend ter Haar, Bzn [9]
Bernard ter Haar (1) [10]
Wander Johannes de Haas [11]
Harm Habing Member [12]
Gottfried von Haberler [13]
Joannes Josephus Habets [14]
Heinrich Hackmann [15]
Jacques S. Hadamard [16]
C.B. van Haeringen [17]
Roelof Arent Volkier baron van Haersolte [18]
Herman Haga [19]
Hendrik Laurens Hagedoorn [20]
Eduard Hageman [21]
Gunnar Hägg [22]
Gustav Per Engelbert Häggqvist [23]
Peter Hagoort Member [24]
Hidde Halbertsma, Justuszn [25]
Justus Hiddes Halbertsma [26]
George Ellery Hale [27]
Constant Johann Jakob van Hall [28]
Jacob van Hall [29]
Herman Christiaan van Hall [30]
Maurits Cornelis van Hall [31]
J. Hallenberg [32]
A.M. Halliday Foreign Member [33]
Arent van Halmael, jr. [34]
Dick van Halsema Member [35]
Hendrik Arent Hamaker [36]
H.J. Hamaker [37]
Hartog Jacob Hamburger [38]
A.G. van Hamel [39]
A.J. von Hamilton [40]
L.L. Hammerich [41]
J. von Hammer Purgstall [42]
Wouter Hanegraaff Member [43]
Baron Maximiliaan Louis van Hangest d'Yvoy van Mijdrecht [44]
G. Hanotaux [45]
Ronald Hanson Member [46]
Cornelis van Hardenbergh [47]
Annette Harder Member [48]
Anita Hardon Member [49]
Frank van Harmelen Member [50]
Ad. von Harnack [51]
A. van Harreveld [52]
Ph. van Harreveld, jr. [53]
R.G. Harrison [54]
Abraham van der Hart [55]
Joest 't Hart Member [56]
Paul 't Hart Member [57]
Pieter Harting [58]
D. Harting [59]
Arthur Hartkamp Member [60]
J.J. Hartman [61]
Piet Hartman Member [62]
M. Hartmann [63]
Joop Hartog Member [64]
L. de Hartog [65]
J.P. den Hartog [66]
Ph.H. Hartz [67]
Francis Haskell [68]
A.D. Hasler [69]
C. H. E. Haspels [70]
Gerard van Hasselt [71]
Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt [72]
J.K. Hasskarl [73]
Trevor Hastie Foreign Member [74]
Walter Haug [75]
René Just Haüy [76]
Henk ten Have Corresponding Member [77]
Robert Haveman Foreign Member [78]
E. Havinga [79]
E.H. Hazelhoff [80]
G.A.J. Hazeu [81]
C. Heath [82]
Albert Heck Member [83]
G.A.O.F.A. (Georges) ridder van Hecke [84]
W.A. Hecker [85]
F. van Heek [86]
Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren [87]
K.H. Heeroma [88]
Martin van Hees Member [89]
R.T. Hegnauer [90]
Paul van der Heijden Member [91]
Sef Heijnen Member [92]
Gert Jan van Heijst Member [93]
I.M. Heilbron [94]
W.K. Heisenberg [95]
Olivier Hekster Member [96]
Natali Helberger Member [97]
G.J. Held [98]
W.G. Hellinga [99]
Lotte Hellinga-Querido Corresponding Member [100]
C.J. Hellingwerff [101]
Frans van der Helm Member [102]
F.R. Helmert [103]
H.L.F. von Helmholtz [104]
Amina Helmi Member [105]
Coen Hemker Member [106]
W.L. van Helten [107]
P.T. Helvetius van den Bergh [108]
Paulus van Hemert [109]
A.C.C.G. van Hemert [110]
Gotthilf Hempel Foreign Member [111]
Petra Hendriks Member [112]
Wybrand Hendriks [113]
Wessel Albertus van Hengel (1779-1871) [114]
Martin Hengel [115]
Kees Hengeveld Member [116]
H.E. (Harold) Henkes [117]
F.G.J. Henle [118]
Johann Friedrich Hennert [119]
P. Hennipman [120]
J.F.J. Heremans [121]
Jodocus Heringa, Eliaszn. [122]
Adriaan Willem Hendrik van Herk [123]
J.A. Herklots [124]
Johann Gottfried Jakob Hermann [125]
C.F. Hermann [126]
J.J. Hermans [127]
Ch. Hermite [128]
Guillaume Jacques Herreyns [129]
C.J. Herrick [130]
J.F.W. Herschel [131]
E. Hertzsprung [132]
H. van Herwerden [133]
D.C. Hesseling [134]
Gerrit J. Hesselink [135]
Lambert Hesselink Corresponding Member [136]
Jan van Hest Member [137]
J.A.C. van Heusde [138]
Philip Willem van Heusde [139]
Ed van den Heuvel Member [140]
Vincent van Heuven Member [141]
Gerardus Heymans [142]
C.J.F. Heymans [143]
Christian Gottlob Heyne [144]
A. Heynsius [145]
Arend Heyting [146]
A.A. Hijmans van den Bergh [147]
D. Hilbert [148]
R. Hildebrand [149]
Frits Hilgen Member [150]
Henk Hilhorst Corresponding Member [151]
G.W. Hill [152]
Henk Hillenaar Member [153]
Johannes Hinlopen [154]
T. Hirose Foreign Member [155]
Ernst Hirsch Ballin Member [156]
F.E.P. Hirzebruch [157]
J.J. Hisely [158]
Charles Howard Hodges [159]
Dorothy Mary Hodgkin Crowfoot [160]
Ph.J. Hoedemaeker [161]
Jan Hoeijmakers Member [162]
M. Hoek [163]
Paulus Peronius Cato Hoek [164]
Sytze Hoekstra, Bzn [165]
Wiel Hoekstra Member [166]
Jacob Hendrik Hoeufft [167]
J. van der Hoeve [168]
W.R. baron van Hoëvell [169]
G.W.W.C. van Hoëvell [170]
H. van der Hoeven [171]
Jan van der Hoeven [172]
Jo van der Hoeven [173]
Jacobus Hendrik van 't Hoff [174]
Bert Hofman Member [175]
Corinne Hofman Member [176]
Johann Joseph Hoffmann [177]
C.K. Hoffmann [178]
A.H. Hoffmann von Fallersleben [179]
A.W. von Hofmann [180]
Petrus Hofman Peerlkamp [181]
Remco van der Hofstad Member [182]
Petrus Hofstede (2) [183]
P. Hofstede de Groot [184]
Evert Willem Hofstee [185]
Wim Hofstee Member [186]
S. Hofstra [187]
Jan Hogendijk Member [188]
Gijsbert Karel van Hogendorp [189]
Wim Hol Member [190]
Frank den Hollander Member [191]
K.F. Holle [192]
F.D. Holleman [193]
Arnold Frederik Holleman [194]
Cornelis Hollenberg Corresponding Member [195]
A. Holmes [196]
A. Holst [197]
Gilles Holst [198]
A.C. Holtius [199]
M.W. Holtrop [200]
Johannes Willem Holtrop [201]
J.H. Holwerda [202]
A.E.J. Holwerda [203]
T.H. van den Honert [204]
P. Honig [205]
Henkjan Honing 2019 [206]
Jan van Hooff Member [207]
Daniël Hooft [208]
Gerard 't Hooft Member [209]
Godefridus Johannes Hoogewerff [210]
Sebastiaan Hoogewerff [211]
Andries Hoogerwerf Member [212]
Henry Hooghiemstra Member [213]
J.D. Hooker [214]
Adriaan van der Hoop [215]
Adrianus de Hoop Member [216]
J.G. de Hoop Scheffer [217]
Karel Joseph van Hoorebeeke [218]
C. Hooykaas [219]
Paul Hooykaas Member [220]
R. Hooykaas [221]
Mary Horowitz Foreign Member [222]
Thomas Horsfield [223]
C.J. van der Horst [224]
Piet van der Horst Member [225]
Jeff de Hosson Member [226]
Theo van den Hout Corresponding Member [227]
Hendrik Samuel Houthakker [228]
M.Th. Houtsma [229]
J.A. van Houtte [230]
L.C.P. van Hove [231]
Bedrich Hrozny [232]
H.G. Hubbeling [233]
H.M. Huber [234]
Lawrence Hubert Foreign Member [235]
Ambrosius Arnold Willem Hubrecht [236]
Wilhelm Huck Member [237]
C.W. Hufeland [238]
P. van Huffel [239]
F.W.N. Hugenholtz [240]
Nico Hugenholtz Member [241]
Gustav Hugo [242]
Ulrich Huguenin [243]
Jan Daniel Huichelbos van Liender [244]
T.H.J. Huisman [245]
J. Huizinga [246]
E. Huizinga [247]
J. Hulk [248]
J.G. Hulleman [249]
Suzanne Hulscher Member [250]
R.A. d' Hulst [251]
Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulst [252]
Jan Hulswit [253]
Karel Jozef Emmanuel van Hulthem [254]
Carel Gerard Hultman [255]
Jean Emile Humbert [256]
David Pierre Giottino Humbert de Superville [257]
Alexander von Humboldt [258]
B. Hunningher [259]
Immanuel Gottlieb Huschke [260]
Piet Hut Corresponding Member [261]
C. Hutton [262]
T.H. Huxley [263]
F.J.P. Hye-Schoutheer [264]
Robert Burchard Constantijn Huygens Member [265]


  1. ^ "Arie Jan Haagen Smit", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  2. ^ "Pieter de Haan", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
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