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Mingrelian grammar

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Mingrelian is a Kartvelian language that is mainly spoken in the Western Georgian regions Samegrelo and Abkhazia. In Abkhazia the number of Mingrelian speakers declined dramatically in the 1990s as a result of heavy ethnic cleansing of ethnic Georgians, the overwhelming majority of which were Mingrelians.

Mingrelian has two dialects: Zugdidi-Samurzakano (northwestern) and Senaki-Martvili (southeastern). The dialects are extremely close to each other.

Grammatical cases


Mingrelian has nine grammatical cases. For pluralization the suffix -ep is used, which is inserted between stem and case marker.

Case Singular Plural
Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
nominative -i -i/-e -i -i -ep-i -ep-e -eb-i -är
ergative -k -k -ma/m -d -ep-k -epe-k -eb-ma -är-d
dative -s -s -s -s -ep-s -epe-s -eb-s -är-s
genitive -iş -iş -is -iš -ep-iş -epe-ş -eb-is -are-š
lative -işa -işa n/a n/a -ep-işa -epe-şa n/a n/a
ablative -işe -işe n/a n/a -ep-işe -epe-şe n/a n/a
instrumental -it -ite -it -šw -ep-it -epe-te -eb-it -är-šw
adverbial -o(t) -ot -ad -d -ep-o(t) n/a -eb-ad -är-d
benefactive -işo(t) n/a -istvis -išd -ep-işo(t) n/a -eb-istvis -är-išd



Mingrelian shares a noun classification scheme with other Kartvelian languages and classifies objects as:

  • 'Intelligent' entities (question mi? "who?")
  • 'Non-intelligent' entities (question mu? "what?)

Noun classification scheme

Concrete Abstract
Animate Inanimate
Human and "human-like" beings (e.g. God, deities, angels) Animals Inanimate physical entities Abstract objects
Intelligent Non-Intelligent
mi? ("who?") mu? ("what?")

Noun declension


Declension of noun stem ǩoç ("man") in comparison to corresponding Laz ǩoç (id.), Georgian ḳac (id.) and Svan č'äš (husband) forms:

Case Singular Plural
Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
Nominative ǩoç-i ǩoç-i ḳac-i č'äš ǩoç-ep-i ǩoç-ep-e ḳac-eb-i č'äš-är
Ergative ǩoç-k ǩoç-i-k ḳac-ma č'äš-d ǩoç-ep-k ǩoç-epe-k ḳac-eb-ma č'äš-är-d
Dative ǩoç-s ǩoç-i-s ḳac-s č'äš-s ǩoç-ep-s ǩoç-epe-s ḳac-eb-s č'äš-är-s
Genitive ǩoç- ǩoç- ḳac-is č'äš- ǩoç-ep-iş ǩoç-epe-ş ḳac-eb-is č'äš-är-iš
Lative ǩoş-işa ǩoç-işa n/a n/a ǩoç-ep-işa ǩoç-epe-şa n/a n/a
Ablative ǩoç-işe ǩoç-işe n/a n/a ǩoç-ep-işe ǩoç-epe-şe n/a n/a
Instrumental ǩoç-it ǩoç-ite ḳac-it č'äš-šw ǩoç-ep-it ǩoç-epe-te ḳac-eb-it č'äš-är-šw
Adverbial ǩoç-o n/a ḳac-ad č'äš-d ǩoç-ep-o n/a ḳac-eb-ad č'äš-är-d
Benefactive ǩoç-išo n/a ḳac-istvis č'äš-išd ǩoç-ep-işo n/a ḳac-eb-istvis č'äš-är-išd



Adjectives in Mingrelian are declined like nouns.

Example of adjective declension


Declension of stem ǯveş ("old") in comparison to corresponding Laz (mǯveş), Georgian (ʒvel) and Svan (ǯwinel) forms:

Case Singular Plural
Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
Nominative ǯveş-i mǯveş-i ʒvel-i ǯwinel ǯveş-ep-i mǯveş-ep-e ʒvel-eb-i ǯwinel-är
Ergative ǯveş-k mǯveş-i-k ʒvel-ma ǯwinel-d ǯveş-ep-k mǯveş-epe-k ʒvel-eb-ma ǯwinel-är-d
Dative ǯveş-s mǯveş-i-s ʒvel-s ǯwinel-s ǯveş-ep-s mǯveş-epe-s ʒvel-eb-s ǯwinel-är-s
Genitive ǯveş- mǯveş- ʒvel-is ǯwinl- ǯveş-ep-iş mǯveş-epe-ş ʒvel-eb-is ǯwinel-är-iš
Lative ǯveş-işa mǯveş-işa n/a n/a ǯveş-ep-işa mǯveş-epe-şa n/a n/a
Ablative ǯveş-işe mǯveş-işe n/a n/a ǯveş-ep-işe mǯveş-epe-şe n/a n/a
Instrumental ǯveş-it mǯveş-ite ʒvel-it ǯwinel-šw ǯveş-ep-it mǯveş-epe-te ʒvel-eb-it ǯwinel-är-šw
Adverbial ǯveş-o mǯveş-ot ʒvel-ad ǯwinel-d ǯveş-ep-o n/a ʒvel-eb-ad ǯwinel-är-d
Benefactive ǯveş-işo n/a ʒvel-istvis ǯwinel-išd ǯveş-ep-işo n/a ʒvel-eb-istvis ǯwinel-är-išd



The Mingrelian numerals are almost identical to Laz with minor phonetic differences. The number system is vigesimal like in Georgian.

Cardinal numbers


Most of the Mingrelian cardinal numbers are inherited from Proto-Kartvelian language, except arti (one) and eçi (twenty), which are considered as a Karto-Zan heritage, since there are no regular equivalents in Svan.

Cardinal numbers' table
Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
1 arti ar(t) erti ešxu
2 zhiri/zhƨri zhur/jur ori yori
3 sumi sum sami semi
4 otxi otxo otxi woštxw
5 xuti xut xuti woxušd
6 amşvi anşi ekvsi usgwa
7 şkviti şkvit švidi išgwid
8 bruo/ruo ovro rva ara
9 çxoro çxoro cxra čxara
10 viti vit ati yešd
11 vitaarti vitoar tertmeṭi ešdešxu
12 vitozhiri vitojur tormeṭi ešdori
13 vitosumi vitosum cameṭi ešdsemi
14 vitaantxi vitotxo totxmeṭi ešdoštx
15 vitoxuti vitoxut txutmeṭi ešdoxušd
20 eçi eçi oci yerwešd
21 eçdoarti eçdoar ocdaerti yerwešdiešxu
30 eçdoviti eçdovit ocdaati semešd
40 zhaarneçi jurneçi ormoci woštxuešd
50 zhaarneçidoviti jurneçdovit ormocdaati woxušdešd
60 sumoneçi sumeneçi samoci usgwašd
70 sumoneçdoviti sumeneçidovit samocdaati išgvidašd
80 otxoneçi otxoneçi otxmoci arašd
90 otxoneçdovit otxoneçidovit otxmocdaati chxarašd
100 oşi oşi asi ašir
101 oşarti oşi do ar aserti ašir i ešxu
102 oşzhiri oşi do jur asori ašir i yori
110 oşviti oşi do vit asati ašir i ešd
200 zhiroşi juroşi orasi yorašir
500 xutoşi xutoşi xutasi woxušdaršir
1000 antasi şilya/vitoşi atasi atas
1999 antas çxoroş


şilya çxoroş


atas cxraas


atas čxara ašir

chxarašd chxara

2000 zhiri antasi jurşilya ori atasi yori atas
10000 viti antasi vit şilya ati atasi ešd atas

Ordinal numbers


In Mingrelian the circumfix ma-...-a produces ordinal numbers, which is a Common-Kartvelian heritage, since it has regular phonetical equivalents in Svan and Georgian (me-...-e in both)

Ordinal numbers' derivation rule
Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
ma-NUMBER-a ma-NUMBER-a(ni) me-NUMBER-e me-NUMBER-e
Ordinal number's table
  Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
1st p̌irveli maartani ṗirveli manḳwi
2nd mazhira majura meore merme
3rd masuma masuma mesame meseme
4th maotxa/mantxa maotxa meotxe meuštxwe
5th maxuta maxuta mexute meuxušde
6th maamşva maanşa meekvse meusgwe
7th maşkvita maşkvita mešvide meyšgwide
8th maruo maovra merve meare
9th maçxora maçxora mecxre meyčxre
10th mavita mavita meate meyšde
11th mavitaarta mavitoarta metertmeṭe meyšdešxue
12th mavitozhira mavitojura metormeṭe meyšdore
20th maeça maeça meoce meyerwešde
21st eçdomaarta eçdomaarta ocdameerte
30th eçdomavita eçdomavita ocdameate mesemešde
100th maoşa maoşa mease meašire
101st oşmaarta oşmaarta asmeerte
102nd oşmazhira oşmazhura asmeore
110th oşmavita oşmavita asmeate
200th mazhiroşa majuroşa meorase meyorašire
500th maxutoşa maxutoşa mexutase meuxušdašire
1000th maantasa mavitoşa meatase meatase

Fractional numbers


The fractional numbers derivation rule in Mingrelian is akin to Old Georgian and Svan.

Fractional numbers' derivation rule
Mingrelian/Laz Georgian Svan
Old New
na-NUMBER-al/or na-NUMBER-al me-NUMBER-ed na-NUMBER-al/ul
Fractional numbers' table
  Mingrelian/Laz Georgian Svan
Old New
whole teli (m)

mteli (l)

mrteli mteli tel
half gverdi naxevari naxevari xənsga
1/3 nasumori nasamali mesamedi nasemal
1/4 naotxali (m–l)

naantxali (m)

naotxali meotxedi naoštxul
1/5 naxutali naxutali mexutedi naxušdal
1/6 naamşvali (m)

naanşali (l)

naekvsali meekvsedi nausgwul
1/7 naşkvitali našvidali mešvidedi nayšgwidal
1/8 naruali (m)

naovrali (l)

narvali mervedi naaral
1/9 naçxorali nacxrali mecxredi načxaral
1/10 navitali naatali meatedi naešdal
1/11 navitaartali (m)

navitoartali (l)

natertmeṭali metertmeṭedi naešdešxul
1/12 navitozhirali (m)

navitojurali (l)

natormeṭali metormeṭedi naešdoral
1/20 naeçali naocali meocedi nayerwešdal
1/100 naoşali naasali measedi naaširal
1/1000 naantasali (m)

navitoşali (l)

naatasali meatasedi naatasal



Personal pronouns

  Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
I ma ma me mi
You (sing.) si si šen si
That ena aya is ala
This ina ia es eǯa
We çki/çkƨ çki čven näy
You (pl.) tkva tkvan tkven sgäy
Those (t)inepi entepe isini eǯyär
These (t)enepi antepe eseni alyär

Possessive pronouns

Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
1st person singular çkimi/çkƨmi çkimi čemi mišgu
plural çkini/çkƨni çkini čveni gwišgwey
2nd person singular skani skani šeni isgu
plural tkvani tkvani tkveni isgwey
3rd person singular muşi muşi misi miča
plural inepiş mutepeşi mati mine



The Mingrelian verb has the categories of person, number, version, tense, mood, aspect, voice, and verbal focus.

Personality and number


In Mingrelian the verbs can be monovalent, bivalent or trivalent. This feature is also shared with other Kartvelian languages.

  • Monovalent verbs are represented only by subjective person and are always intransitive.
  • Bivalent verbs together with subject have also one object (direct or indirect). They are:
    • transitive in the case of direct object
    • intransitive if the object is indirect
  • Trivalent verbs have one subject and always both, direct and indirect objects and are ditransitive.

Table of verb personality

Unipersonal Bipersonal Tripersonal
intransitive transitive intransitive ditransitive
Subject + + + +
Direct Object + +
Indirect Object + +

The person may be singular or plural.

Subject and object markers in Mingrelian are roughly the same as in Laz.

Subject markers

  Singular Plural
S1 v- v-...-t
S2 ∅- ∅-...-t
S3 ∅-...-∅/-s/-u ∅-...-na/-es

Object markers

  Singular Plural
O1 m- m-...-na/-es/-t
O2 g- g-...-na/-es/-t
O3 ∅- ∅-...-na/-es

In pre-consonant position the markers v- and g- may change phonetically:

  • v- → b- (in Zugdidi-Samurzakano dialect)
  • g- → r- (in both dialects)



In Mingrelian there are four types of version marking like in other Kartvelian languages:

  • subjective – shows that the action is intended for oneself,
  • objective – action is intended for another person,
  • objective-passive – the action is intended for another person and at the same time indicating the passiveness of subject,
  • neutral – neutral with respect to intention.
Version markers
Version Mingrelian Laz Georgian Svan
Subjective -i- -i- -i- -i-
Objective -u- -u- -u- -o-
Objective-passive -a- -a- -e- -e-
Neutral -o-/-a -o- -a- -a-



In total there are 20 screeves in Mingrelian. They are grouped in four series.

Verb screeves (sample conjugation)
I series
Screeve Stem: ç̌ar- "to write" Translation
present ç̌aruns s/he writes
imperfect ç̌arundu s/he was writing
imperfective optative ç̌arundas s/he were writing
imperfective conditional ç̌arundu-ǩon if s/he were writing
future imperfect ç̌arundas


s/he will be writing
conditional of future imperfect in the past ç̌arundu-ǩon


if s/he were writing
future doç̌aruns s/he will write
future in the past doç̌arundu s/he would write
future optative doç̌arundas
II series
aorist ç̌aru s/he wrote
aorist optative ç̌aras should s/he write
aorist conditional ç̌aru-ǩon if s/he wrote
III series
inferential I uç̌aru(n) (it seems) s/he has written
inferential II uç̌arudu (it seems) s/he had written
inferential optative I uç̌arudas may s/he have written
inferential conditional II uç̌arudu-ǩon if s/he have written
IV series
inferential III noç̌arue(n) (it seems) s/he has written
inferential IV noç̌aruedu (it seems) s/he had written
inferential optative III noç̌aruedas may s/he have written
Inferential conditional IV noç̌aruedu-ǩon if s/he have written




Indicative statement claims that the proposition should be taken as an apparent fact.


There are two ways to express interrogative mood:

  • with interrogative words, e.g. mi? (who?), mu? (what?), so? (where?), muzhams? (when?), muç̌o? (how?) etc. This rule is shared with other Kartvelian languages.
  • by attaching an interrogative particle -o to the end of a verb. Cf. the interrogative particles in Laz -i, Old Georgian -a and Svan -ma/-mo/-mu.


Indicates a command or request. The aorist form is used when addressing 2nd person (singular/plural) and aorist optative in all other cases.


Expresses possibility, wish, desire. The subjunctive mood in Mingrelian is provided by optative screeves.


Indicates condition in contrary to a fact. It is produced by adding a verbal suffix -ǩo(ni) to the end of a verb.



In Mingrelian the verbs may have two aspects depending on the completeness of action (perfective aspect) or the lack of it (imperfective aspect). The perfective aspect is derived by adding a preverb to the verb.

In 2nd, 3rd, 4th series the verbs equally have both aspect forms, while in the 1st series the screeves are distributed between two aspects.

Aspect distribution in the 1st series
Imperfective Aspect
Screeve Stem: ç̌ar- "to write" Translation
present ç̌aruns s/he writes
imperfect ç̌arundu s/he was writing
imperfective optative ç̌arundas s/he were writing
imperfective conditional ç̌arundu-ǩon if s/he were writing
future imperfect ç̌arundas


s/he will be writing
conditional of future imperfect in the past ç̌arundu ǩon


if s/he were writing
Perfective Aspect
future doç̌aruns s/he will write
future in the past doç̌arundu s/he would write
future optative doç̌arundas


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  • Chikobava, Arn. (1938). Chan-Megrel-Georgian Comparative Dictionary (in Georgian). Tbilisi.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Fähnrich, H. & Sardzhveladze, Z. (2000). Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (in Georgian). Tbilisi.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Kajaia, O. (2001–2002). Megrelian-Georgian dictionary. 3 Vols. (in Georgian). Tbilisi.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Kartozia, G. (2005). The Laz language and its place in the system of Kartvelian languages (in Georgian). Tbilisi.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Klimov, G. (1964). Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (in Russian). Moscow.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Klimov, G. (1998a). Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Klimov, G. (1998b). Languages of the World: Caucasian languages (in Russian). Moscow: Academia.
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  • Qipshidze, I. (1914). The Grammar of Megrelian (Iver) Language with reader and dictionary. St. Petersburg.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link). (in Russian and Mingrelian)
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  • Topuria, V. & Kaldani, M. (2000). Svan Dictionary (in Georgian). Tbilisi.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)